Lanterndark is 50 years old exactly.
Over 100 artifacts, most of them weapons. Every dwarf in my fortress guard carries an artifact crossbow. Every dwarf save one miner and one woodcutter wears full blue plate (including blue flask). Ranger squad wears blue backpacks as well. Never got around to nethercap shields for everyone. Circus conquered, although I never bothered to build anything down there. Zoo full of trapavoids, one of which kills through its cage via boiling noxious secretions. Hexagonal steel keep, each level of which is huge-- one level contains 20 private hospital rooms, each 9 tiles large (plus walls); another, the dining room, and another, the dormitory. The keep is surrounded by 12 steel towers for workshops, related stockpiles, and barracks. Fully enclosable roof-bridges. Three roads extend to the map edges: one of iron blocks, one of marble blocks, and one of willow blocks. Built a clock-- all it does is run an accurate sundial. Militia commander is fighter 80 (per report of runesmith) and has over 200 notable kills-- legendary everything, of course, including legendary teacher. Only one crippled dwarf (the paraplegic woodcutter, but he's got such high military skills that he manages to bat away all ambushers' arrows), although there have been plenty of deaths. No regent for my civ, but my duchess is still alive, as is her heir-- I wanted to see if there was a possibility of the heir getting the position if the duchess died of old age, but that'd take another fifty years or so. Also wanted to provoke war with the elves, but in 50 years of trying, I have not been able to do so.
Shame the fps is so low. Had to make a new world to do some engineering research.