I was flicking through the devlists, and found this:
Core19, TUTORIALS, (Future): Set up small tutorial files that you can load up. These would have text instructions and little activities for you to do so you can learn how to play more easily.
As I read it, I thought to myself "Toady doesn't need to do much of that beyond the final polishing. We can do most of it ourselves."
In essence, we can just embark in suitably easy locations, get fortresses up to the stage/situation where they can start on whatever we're teaching them, then write a tutorial from there on how to do it. Then, whenever Toady gets around to implementing the tutorial, he can just include our tutorial fortresses and use the text we write.
Suggested tutorials:
- Embarking (obviously, just needs the text and possibly a pre-generated, reasonably easy world with at least one spot that's easy to find)
- Starting up (find the site, embark, then write from there)
- Industries (just have a fortress ready to start on that industry, with plenty of the raw materials available):
- Ghills
- Fishing
- Meat (inc. tanning/bone industry?)
- Metal
- Beekeeping
- Soap
- Glass
- Ceramics
- Gems
- Textiles
- Healthcare (injure some people, save and start writing. Might need a few different saves so it doesn't get overwhelming)
- Military (Setting up squads, orders, etc.)
- Nobles (Keeping them happy, different types, possibly save just before you get the baron promotion offer)
- Trade (Save with a caravan about to arrive and plenty of goods available to trade, or earlier and cover what to use for trades)
- Caverns (Uses, dangers, management)
- Engineering (power, mechanisms, traps)
- Water & Magma manipulation
- Fortress design (A bit more difficult to do properly, could take in all manner of things)
- Keeping your dwarves happy
- Adventure mode start-up
- Movement (inc. fast travel)
- Combat
- Item management/acquisition
- Food, drink & sleep
- Weather, night time and the like
- Talking & Companions
- Quests
Obviously, there's a lot (including all of the ones I've missed). Anyone fancy doing one or two?