OK. It isn't used in the reaction, but rather in the building. Will this work?
Edit: So, I went ahead and started to test it only some of the stuff isn't available at embark. Upon this reaction finishing, my game is now crashing. I think I messed up the product line but I'm not sure what it should be changed to. Below is the relevant info.
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:bauxite powder]
[NAME:make bauxite powder]
Note you don't need to create a new type of stone to make a powder, just use this for your reation, cutting out the middle material, Also noticed your missing something from your reaction :/
[NAME:make bauxite powder]
SO with this modified reaction theres no need to add [BAUXITE_POWER] as it will make powder from [BAUXITE] also fixed the [PRODUCT:...] you forgot the main type
[PRODUCT:(chance 1 - 100):(amount made):(main type):(subtype):(material catagory):(material)]
also your build item as a extra ':' after the 1. But I have no idea how get your buildmat to be that spacific, if the REACTION_CLASS works for the buildmat let me know