I'm currently attempting to create a custom civ for the Martians from HG Wells' War of the Worlds while sticking as close as possible to the original narrative (they'll likely need nerfing because of this!). I'm very new to modding, though, so I have a few questions on the subject:
1. I've got the Black Smoke set up as an undirected breath attack that causes extreme pain in the throat, then swelling, blistering and finally necrosis of the lungs. The Martian fighting machines would dispense it from canisters on their bodies. Is it possible to make this breath attack only usable while the canister is attached, so chopping it off will prevent it from spreading the smoke? If so, how?
2. The heat-ray puzzles me. I know [FIREBREATH]'s fireballs don't actually do anything, and I don't want it to breathe fire-- actually, they don't breathe at all. Can I make a trailing gas attack that uses a custom material template with FIXED_TEMP:60,000U, and get a similar effect to a beam of intense heat?
3. If I make the tripods out of steel, will that make them nearly impossible to kill? I don't want invincibility; in fact, they're apparently susceptible to destruction by cannons. On another note, if the tripods are basically walking armor, will blunt weapons do well against them, or must they also have squishy organic insides for that to work?
4. I want 'nerves' in the form of the electromagnetic connections that apparently keep the tripods' legs moving. Can motor nerves be renamed, so that a 'cable has been severed' and so on?
5. Can I make the tripods spawn the Martians out of its body if it's killed, so they appear to climb out?
6. Currently they have [ITEMCORPSE:BAR:NO_SUBTYPE:INORGANIC:STEEL], so they drop a steel bar upon death (scrap metal, I suppose). Can I make them drop more than one?