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Author Topic: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare  (Read 2017 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:23:36 am »

This has nothing to do with my other, non-abandoned RTD.

It is the year 2043. Despite the rather large amount of time for development, things have been going backwards for quite a while. As the world plunged into a new dark age riddled with local quarrels over civil rights, management, and authority, leagues of activists started campaigns against society's newest innovations. Left-wing environmentalists had their dreams fulfilled as government after government began to ban cars, ban the production line, and more-or-less turn the world into a hippy-elf paradise. Transportation between cities became impossible, and technological advancement became more-or-less nonexistent as countries dissolved into independent city-states. Humanity had plunged into a dark age, with one last stronghold of modern technology remaining:
The United States.
As American leaders became increasingly inept, the United State's superior military force began to dominate its spending, with new innovations in weaponry taking up most annual spending. The leaders had one goal: to rid the world of this utopian menace and restore progress to humanity. Unfortunately, nuclear weapons were employed at one point, leading to a cascade of former nuclear powers reviving their nuclear programs to defend themselves. The United States stood no chance as its lands were reduced to wastelands, with a handful of researchers still alive left to figure out what to do.
Then, the idea came.
The idea was, quite simply, to create a city in a far-off location, free from human conflict, where a stable and peaceful society would develop. The President of the United States agreed to allocate his last remaining national funding to the preservation of mankind, on one condition:

That he would rule the new city. Of course.

The president and his council of scientists secured permanent positions in the management department of the new city. Their job was to design and to manage the city, and to ensure equality for everyone.
The city was planned to support up to two million people, though only 500,000 were drawn from the remaining populace to enter the city. Entire families migrated into the massive, kilometer-tall pyramid out in the Antarctic wastes. The structure, built with carbon-nanotubes and roofed-over with bomb-proof mega-glass, was estimated to last indefinitely given meager amounts of maintenance. The original plan was to wait for the third world-war to end, and then open the massive steel gates to the antarctic, estimated to be a lush forest by the end of the war, due to climate change and feedback loops in the environment. The outside world would be devastated, if not destroyed, but the city itself would survive.

The city was called Haven City.

Fast forward four hundred decades...

It is the year 2443. The president and his council, still technically alive at this point due to immoral-yet-accepted cloning practices, still reign over the city. Almost three hundred years ago, the war was supposed to end, and the gates opened. Yet still, the president and his cohorts decided to leave things as they were. After all, you could never be too sure...
The government was used to suppress all information about the war from the public. After the previous generation died out, children were indoctrinated into an ideology completely apathetic to the happenings outside the city walls. The outside world was referred to as "the wastelands," and some went as far as to believe that there was nothing there. Eventually, to suppress crime forever, drugs were put into the water supply in order to render the mind unable to resist authority. These drugs consisted of deadly toxins that killed off part of the brain to reduce resistance. It was assumed that nobody was left who could incite a revolution after the first hundred years, so after that, money was eliminated, people were assigned jobs at the end of their education, and food was rationed by the government. Cooking was obsolete... 'food' took the form of a cube filled with all the essential dietary needs of the human body.
Overall, humanity now appears to be led by one council of eight... and the public is now mentally incapable of resisting rule. Great. Just great.

Enter you guys. Each one of you was born with a strange and inexplicable condition that rendered you immune to the toxin used. Even then, you all went ahead with the system, and saw everyone else's obedience as normal, and your rebelliousness as something unimportant.

Today is graduation day. Every 1st March, the last class of the year receives their assignment. They are essentially told what to do for the rest of their lives after they leave here. The seven of you stand in line to the front office, standing on the chrome-plated flooring, watching as the audience cheers from the elevated balconies made of stainless-steel. This was regarded as a great event, and the entire adult population was invited to oversee the graduation of the senior students.

As you walk up to the desk to receive your papers, you step up to the next walkway to enter the next line in order to be assigned a life-time task.

You take this time to read your identification papers to yourself.

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

Your ability is something you decide for itself. It's basically an action you can invoke that does something other than give you a bonus. For example, you might be born with the ability to discern lies. Try not to be too extravagant.

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« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 02:34:53 pm by _DivideByZero_ »
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 01:57:34 am »

Full Name: Hikari Shizume
Appearance: Male, 5 Ft 10 In, Silver Hair, Silver Eyes, 100 Lbs, Several Scars up, and down on both arms
Biography: Having never known his mother, and father Hikari grew up in a sort of foster family, and at a the young age of nine he realized that he was different from everyone else, becaeuse he could ignore the orders given to him. Ever since then he has spent many nights sneaking through the city breaking into offices, abandoned military outposts, and science centers, adn hacking their computers. Through this process he quickly learned about the toxins in the water, and that he is somehow immune to these toxins. One day when doing a daring hack into the main computer system for the army he was almost caught, but right as the guard walked into the room he managed to shut the computer he was using off, and the odd thing was that he just sort of freaked out, adn the power button suddenly mashed in, and it cut off. Not long after he learned that he could use the unique talent of telekinesis.
Skills: Stealth | Sniping | Hacking | Lockpicking
Abilities: Telekinesis
Armor: Plain White T-Shirt, Worn Black Pants, and a Black Hoodie with Fox Emblem, and Logo acroos the front, adn back
Weapon: (You don't have one yet)

« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 02:08:42 am by adwarf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 02:05:22 am »

Reserve please, writing up a sheet now.

Full Name: Justarr Kutaryn
Appearance: Male, 6', lean, lightly muscled, thin. Pale skin, steel gray eyes, short spiky black hair, light black mustache.
Biography: Justarr is a curious man; He likes to know things. He dislikes restraints on knowledge and freedom to learn. He was brought up to be mindless, but because of his Aspergers syndrome, he never really took to the idea. He has always been noted as somewhat of a black sheep; Early on in life he was awkward, and difficult to deal with. Later in life, he is smooth, still socially awkward, smart, and rebellious.
Skills: Physisist|Intelligent|Mechanical|Hacking
Abilities: Photographic Memory
Armor: Justarr generally wears a set of dark pants, with a white button-up shirt. He has shoes to match his pants, and often wears a red tie to go along with it, because he likes how it looks. He says it makes him look 'professional', even though he normally walks around with the shirt untucked.
Weapon: Blank

Is this good?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 02:22:06 am by Talarion »
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 02:10:03 am »

Full Name: Peter Hooke
Appearance: Male, 5'10", lanky build with very light skin, messy brown hair, and dark brown eyes.
Biography: Normal life for what was considered normal. Disguised his rebellious nature as a joke, and was thus "always joking around," running on people's roofs and building harmless mini-cannons out of pencils. Well, mostly harmless, and everyone knows that one time with the history teacher was an accident.
Skills: Free-running | Sociability | Liar | Tinkerer
Abilities: Reflex - Has reflexes faster than the average bear, including social reflexes.
Armor: Jeans and a bright yellow T-Shirt.
Weapon: NA
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 02:19:21 am by TherosPherae »
Quote from: Aqizzar
Being vengeance and the night could only be improved by being the ballpunching vengeful night.
Quote from: Cthulhu
Gotham's mysteriously high mental illness rate isn't so mysterious when you find out Batman thinks subduing a guy means spiking his head into the pavement like a football.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 05:22:21 am »

Full Name: Irving Westley
Appearance: Male, 5' 8'', normal complexion, white but a bit darker than normal skin, dark green eyes, medium-long black hair.
Biography: Optional you said :P Im not very good making this things
Skills: Calm|Fast thinker|Inventive|Curious
Abilities: Jury rigging (up to 11)
Armor: Brown cloth jacket with lots of small pockets, jeans, boots.
Weapon: Screwdriver? xD
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 10:21:50 am by NightS »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2011, 06:08:51 am »

Full Name: Adam Wright
Appearance: Short dark brown hair, green eyes, 6'1, flexible.
Biography: Too lazy, lol
Skills: Hacking | Parkour | Thief | Lockpicking
Abilities: Can climb walls where normal human couldnt even dare to try
Armor: Jeans, black t-shirt and black hoodie, military boots
Weapon: (I don't have one yet)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 06:39:41 am by EmoBiatch »
I'm flying faster than the speed of SANDWICH !

Every monday's first words : Hurrfriggin' horseshit....


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 07:41:06 am »

Full Name: Mr Hatz (Bob)
Appearance: he has a unique hat and green eyes and is alive
Biography: Mr Hatz aka bob mcnobody is nobody, not that you would know, as far as you know
Skills: Watching | Standing around | Blending in | Infinate Patience
Abilities: Could hang around anywhere for any amount of time without being spotted (even restricted zones)
Armor: TopHat, generic otherstuff
Weapon: (Very blunt toothpick hidden in hat)
New words are made by general useage
Mutie? My eldrtich fluffykins? He is a graceful and proud creature! That may or may not be the essence of every nightmare since the beginning of time and will cause you to go mad by being near it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 09:30:38 am »

Lol City of Ember much?

Full Name: Jordan Freeman
Appearance: Male, 6'4, Medium size, white, green eyes, strait hair, Bad-*** beard
Biography: Born in the glass dome, forced to follow whatever he was told.
Skills: Physics|Electronics
Abilities: Tinkering with electronics
Armor: Lab-coat, Pocket protector
Weapon: Pens
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 02:32:41 pm by HighEndNoob »
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Lurkmaster
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 10:16:21 am »

Sam davidson
appearance: average height, short brown hair, blue eyes
bio:  Sam is mostly a normal person, except he has a way of finding his way into places he shouldn't be to find new things to build with
Skills: Stealth l building l identification l
Ability:  Can build almost anything out of normal household objects.  But thanks to his skills of stealth and identification, he can often find a way to get objects that are not so normal.
Armor: He wears a T-shirt and jeans, nothing strange
Weapon: None yet, but he'll probably build one soon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Methodless Madness
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2011, 05:57:30 pm »

Full Name: Lucas Neravim
Appearance: Male, slightly tanned, 5"7', scruffy, short brown hair, blue eyes.
Biography: Ka-Optional! *poof*
Skills: Apathy | Sarcasm | Computers | Science
Abilities: Subscribes To The MacGuyver School Of Science
Armor: White T-shirt, Black Trousers, Black Trainers
Weapon: ???
Quote from: TGWeaver
I sure drew a lot of Quorum porn


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Utopian Nightmare
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2011, 03:23:35 am »
