what does the traffic cost mean? the wiki doesnt really explain it very well
I can actually show you what it means since my simulator started supporting it
This is the
maze is a variation of double comb (a maze that misleads A* consistently) with clear path to target. : big picture of 6 mazes I captured:
unfortunately I don't generate links with traffic information yet...
Maze A is basic with normal traffic everywhere . The path you get is in maze B (drawn in Cyan). 15 node search path length 10 is pretty optimal. If you do Maze D with 1 restricted traffic zone you'll get the same Path as B but it went through 46 nodes to find it because you confused it with a restricted traffic zone.
Maze C has 2 spots of restricted traffic which effectively tells it - go around. You can get the same result by taking maze D and adding high traffic area along the path around - you'll see that in maze E. Maze F shows you the result of pathing through maze E. You'll notice that the visited nodes (indication of complexity) is lower than maze C due to the high traffic.
If you paint the short path and deadend red maze red (R traffic) you'll get a pretty good result of 46 node visit to go around. This would make the pathfinding algorithm "understand" that there is now way to go through deadends. . A* has tunnel vision and it generally won't give up until it goes through every node in the map - they can cause the game to slow down if it implements pure A*.
PS if you want to play with traffic use the " Find path A* traffic" button , you should click the traffic checkbox at bottom i also sugest changing the tool to line->rect empty->filled by clicking on them.