So, started up a fort in a desert. Everything is going fine, the kick-ass quad-multi-z-level waterfall/decontamination stairwell is under way, plenty of ore, fuel, all that good stuff. Until the first spring. Along comes a flock of vultures getting my dwarves all flustered (Workshops are topside at the moment). Still, not much of a problem. Aside from harassing the pet guinehen and slowing down my industry, no big deal. Working under the assumption that my dwarves can fend for themselves (having killed a few badgers already), I return to my pet project.
Soon the little red combat report attracts my attention. My Suturer, Logem Buenemzulban, became exhausted from running away from the feathered fiends and collapsed a little way from the main settlement. Now he has an angry bird ripping at his face and throat non-stop for the past season, and my ersatz militia (being drafted miners) can't reach the damn beast because it's flying. Of course, having used all supplies available in the construction of my waterfall, and the area being completely woodless, I can't muster any ranged weapons to save poor Logem. His head is slowly being torn apart by the vultures and I can't do a damn thing about it. Thankfully he was an antisocial jerk, so no one will miss him then he finally bleeds out. Unfortunately he's directly between the fortress and the quarry I'm using for stone, so my project's on hold until I get another caravan.
Anyone else care to share any stories where 'harmless' animals have managed to royally foul things up?