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Author Topic: Arlen Demonheart  (Read 1129 times)


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Arlen Demonheart
« on: January 21, 2012, 09:24:54 am »

Let me tell you the story of Arlen Demon Heart, the Glacial Heat of Yearlings. (sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language)

In the year 8, Arlen was born in a small human village. Living in dangerous times, Arlen soon became a Hunter, searching the wilds for dangerous creatures, to help freeing the humankind from this threat. After he made himself a name, a Fisher from his Homevillage joined him. He and his buddy became famous hunters and feared soldiers. But one night, after following the trails of an unknown creature, Arlen's life would change forever. In this night, unknown creatures of the night attacked him and his buddy. Arlen, more dead than alive, was able to escape, but his buddy was torn into little bloody peaces, a feast for those dark souls. Arlen sweared revenge. In this night Arlen lost his weapons, but he did not need them anymore. Arlen searched for a hideout, an old and forgotten dwarven outpost. Healing his wounds over the time, he turned himself into a killer machine, able to crush somebodys skull with a single kick. He learned using all his given abilitys and was able to tear off limbs with his teeth.

Arlen fought the creatures of the night, until he decided to visit the main capital one day. Still being famous from his younger years, Arlen went to the king and offered him his help. In these times, seven titans ruled the land, bringing death to hundreds and thousends of humans, elves and dwarfs. Arlen left the city and was not seen for a year. When he returned, he went to the king, bringing the heads of the seven titans with him.

Arlen was a hero from now on and he could life a live in wealth and joy if he wanted to. Instead, he wandered the land, leaving a bloody trace of hundreds of night creatures behind him. After many years, living now in a small human village, he heard rumours about the dwarven capital. Hundred of hard working, proud dwarfs were all dead. Killed by creatures never seen before, crueler and more evil than the seven dead titans together. Arlen decided to leave the village to and see it with his own eyes. When he came near the fort, he smelled the odor of dead and decay. Arlen wandered through the dark, empty halls, crying over all the dead dwarves who where murdered for pure lust for killing.

Arlen got angry like never before and started to search the responsibles for this massacre. He went deeper and deeper into the fort, until he found a deep mining shaft. Following the staircase down, he walked what seemed like hours, when he finally reached  a dark, giant gate built out of black stone. Inside, he met the horror himself. Walking and dead creatures attacked him, but he fought his way trough them. They were violent and evil, but they weren't strong enough to kill an entire fortress population. After hours in the dark, Arlen saw a light blue shimmer, coming from a fine, feather light sword lying in front of a small, open gate.

Arlen took the sword, feeling the power coming from it. Arlen was a master of sword fight, alltough he never bothered to carry anything like that with him. His weapon was his body, but he was a well trained sword fighter and he perfected his talent during the time he lived in the small village. Soon, he found the evil force that was rensposible for all the deads. Demons, demons of all kind, wandered the dark halls and paths in the deep. Arlen thought about all the dead dwarfs who were killed by the demons and he thought about his best buddy, who was killed by creatures similar to these. A demoniacal rage took part of him and he slaughtered his way down the path. After endless hours in the dark, which seemed like years passing, leaving endless dead demons behind him, he reached a giant cavern. Red and purple light illuminated the hall and Arlen knew, he reached hell.

Endless waves of demons were thrown back by him. He was no longer a human, his whole body was a weapon. After endless hours of fight, many demons were dead or fled and he was only attacked by single individuals who could not do him any harm. Arlen's body was covered with endless scars, but he did not pay any attention to it. Arlen started to wander the hell itself, searching for the ultimate source of evil, the source these endless demons were coming from.

One day, after a short nap, Arlen woke up in pain, and when he opened his eyes, he could the see the dirty grin of a demon standing over him. With a short kick, Arlen send the demon flying away, when he realised that he was surrounded by a whole legion of demons. He knew, his time was over. He was the best fighter ever walking on earth, but he would not ever be able to defeat this force. Arlen knew, he would die and he knew, all he had done would have been without success. Soon as he would have been dead, demons would proliferate and spread over the land, bringing death to all beings walking the earth. He was not able to find the source.. but suddenly, he had an idea. It could mean his death. But he was already as good as dead and he wondered, why he did not have this idea earlier.
He fought his way to one of the chasms, looking down into the light illuminated deeps. As soon as the demons seemed to realize, what he was planning, they attacked even more furioso, but as soon as Arlen Demonheart comes to a decission, nothing is able to stop him. Taking a last look back, he held his breath.
And he jumped into the deep chasm.
Arlen Demonheart was never seen again but also the demons and night creatures disapperead.
And the world passed into The Golden Age.

This, dear readers, was the story of Arlen Demonheart.

PS: The main story line, as telled in this story, were played by me. Here or there, I decorated the story a little bit to make it more vivid, but the main part happended as told. I rested Arlen in a village some time and hit a demon fort when playing fortress mode. Also the end, when Arlen jumps into the deep chasm, has happened in-game. Of course, demons and night creatures did not disappear, but after this epic adventure, I stopped playing the save and treated it like a well written, open-ended book, thinking up an ending myself. The name Arlen and some of the ideas like hand-to-hand combat were taken from the book "The Painted Man".
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 10:29:25 am by Logen910 »
This is a russian player. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is studded with blood, death and pain and encircled with bands of bad grammar mistakes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arlen Demonheart
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2012, 09:35:08 am »

Could you break it up into paragraphs? I cant read it.
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