Recalling from a recent sickness, mind you, being sick can really screw with your head when sleeping for nearly half a day; also having played through at least half of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as well, simply put, my infected dreamworld really looked like the game world, except the architecture was more how I have my head mapped.
What did make it pretty cool was the all the other STALKERs in the world were essentially re-skins/palette-swaps of the same character/Me, and also depending on their faction and armor, also determined where they specialized in my body and mind; my soul was of course myself (to unify the whole dream/innerspace). Considering the different states of sickness and recovery stages, I had all kinds of missions and interface screws hitting me to the point of turning the entire dream sequence into a very cool expansion pack fangame mod.
Those damn bloodsuckers though, they're worse in packs, but so is my immune system; those guys were hardcore, and literally beat the crap out of them bare handed. The eggheads at the Chernobyl plant were doing all kinds of debugging of my brain so I can gain dominance and hack into the world and fix everything from the inside (although it would be sorta cheating).
But hey, it worked against Gigyas. He was an unpleasant visitor. Broken record as well. Smelled like a fossilized gym sock or a rancid steak.
Unfortunately, I woke up still unmotivated to move. It was a pretty bad sickness that swept through the house. I got better, but everyone else I caught it from are still recovering; albeit, in much better condition than previously. Then again, I'm just a fast healer, despite this being one of my longest recovery times as of recently.
Related to fangame expansion pack dream thing, I have seen movies and played other games that never existed in this reality. I'm talking about a proper sequel to Aliens, which was a badass rendition which had the Xenomorphs invading Earth, done right, unlike AvP Requiem. Let's just say, it didn't fare well for an entire city, and despite a competent military, it took until half of the troops were killed until they actually went for nuking them from orbit, "Just to be sure". Of course, hinting a sequel, a dumbass military researcher decides to snag an egg and freeze it so they can begin research on weaponizing something that took out what was left of Atlanta or somewhere like that, and some of the nearby towns (a better Resurrection, or AvP which the Predators intercept the science podship, and decide to go Predators with a new proving system). To be safer, the guy decides to hide from authorities and get it done in space. Unfortunately, the bastard leaves unharmed, and the apparent "Queen Egg" doesn't hatch before the credits (cryo-contained); but a zoom out from it implies it's a special queen egg due to it's unusual structure (where the scientist even states so within the first quarter of the movie (chekov's gun/cruel brick joke of sorts)).
Oh right, I forgot to mention, the Aliens in this one also got smarter the longer they lived to the point of applying the unused ending for Alien, and actually applied mimicking human voices and noise patterns to stealthily snag more hosts. They were even nastier in this version. No queen here; in fact, the very egg was what they were trying to protect and find a proper location to raise it. Somewhere the aliens can take advantage of the scenery and weather conditions that best suit them. Apparently Atlanta, or anywhere nearby would apply well enough. I guess it sorta played on some past nightmares I had when I first saw Alien/s and other such monster movies. All I can say, the writing and special effects were epically done, and was what Alien III should've been.
I think I can jump to different realities/dimensions when I dream (which would make daydreaming rather interesting). Quick! Call the Fringe Division!