I'm bored and tired, but someone is sleeping in my bed...
Pre-logish thingy...yeah.
Once in a land unlike our own there lived men, these men faught, these men died, then a star from heaven fell and they faught no more, for once the land was beautiful, but the star braught sickness and warped death into a cruel mockery of life, the men stood united ageinst the star, but it was too powerful, and it destroyed any who touched it, and so fearing the star the men used science to try to destroyed the star, but the star was unmarred, and the science had hurt the land, and it fell sickened like the men, and the men saw the pain they had given the world and cried, and god saw the men's tears and made the angels and their home in the heavens to go to the land and fight the star, and with this was war born and given form and it ravanged the land and the men and the angels, but the star stood unchanged, and the creatures of the forests and of the sea came forth to walk on land to fight the star and the men and the angels and all hope was gone, then the eldest most powerful and beautiful of the angels seeing that the star would kill the land did strike the star with all his life and shatter them both into the fragments, and the fragments did fly out across the land and where they took ground there did life take hold and war ageinst the slaves of the extingished star...
I use commas excessively, when I'm tired, and also elipses...
More later definetlymaybeprobably*shug*...