Really? My prediction for the next two years is a President who continues to overreach with his executive orders, focuses on foreign policy, makes really foolhardly unilateral concessions to other countries and tries for re-election claiming he saved us from a depression and ended two wars. I'd give Hillary Clinton a fair shot at being the next Democratic presidential canidate in 2012, running against hopefully (fingers seriously crossed) David Petraeus and Mitch Daniels as his running mate. As for Palin I expect she'll either be appointed somewhere in the executive (can you say White House Press Secretary?), but I doubt she'll win the primaries for a Presidential bid for at least a decade, maybe two. The next two years of the House I expect to be Republicans producing legislation that curtails spending even if it can't produce a budget surplus, while a coalition of Republican senators and Democratic colleagues in swing states or natural moderates pass the bills presented with a few tweaks to suit them. Then of course it arrives on Obama's desk and gets vetoed, sent back through the house and senate, and probably killed by the hard-line Democratic senators. So no, not expecting a lot of bipartisanship beyond what's politically expedient. Republicans will attempt to repeal or defund Obamacare, but it will be fought tooth and nail, and I expect if popular opposition to it remains at current levels or even rises as consequences start coming down the pipe, Obama will get hoisted by his own petard come 2012. Oh, the congressional investigations into corruption with the distribution of TARP funds and Fannie-Freddie oversight will sink numerous Democrats, at least in their primaries. Expect fresh, slightly more moderate blood if any Democrats win election over Republican seats in 2012. All in all, the country has taken a big step back to the center and while it may not get as much done as it did in the last two years, it will be doing the right thing. Of course all of this relies on the Republicans adopting the Tea Party movement's platform of shrinking Federal power. If they do the opposite we just might see that long awaited third party rise up and squash out one of the other two.
I'm sure everyone has been waiting on me to write something like this, if only to point, laugh, say I'm a fool and mock the very notion of Republicans being respectable human beings. But since Alan Grayson lost his seat by a double-digit margin, I don't think that sort of conduct wins the debate anymore.