Has anyone fiddled with text mode under linux? I'm having some difficulties coercing DF into producing proper output. I'm all but certain that it is an issue with the character encoding. If I'm not mistaken, DF uses CP437. I can't seem to discover the correct way to set this up.
First, a little context:
I'm running archlinux, and have a 32-bit chroot set up specifically for DF (since DF doesn't play nicely with x86_64).
Currently, I'm logged into my machine remotely via SSH.
Obviously the problem is that my locale is set up to be UTF-8, but every attempt I have made to switch to CP437 finds me without the ability to use the keyboard. Has anyone had experience with this/figured out some clever way of doing things? I've messed with DFTerm, but basically once I'm connected to the dfterm server I'm met with the same issues.
EDIT: I have discovered the solution! It seems the problem was not with locales, but with libncurses and Archlinux. I found the solution in this thread, for 40d18:
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=50084.msg1050876#msg1050876tl;dr - To solve this, make a symlink called libncurses.so.5 that points to libncursesw.so (in /usr/lib)
EDIT: I now have an issue where many characters (menu items, pieces of terrain) are printed the same color as the background.
EDIT: The issue I encountered with characters printing the same color as the background was related to the terminal client I was using to SSH into my home machine. Now that graphics are looking as they should, I'm having unacceptable issues with keyboard input being ignored/crashing the game and have essentially given up on DF in text mode for the time being. I'll keep my eyes/ears open and post any further information I discover here and possibly on the DF subreddit. Thanks for everyone who helped out.