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Author Topic: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress  (Read 1784 times)

Ultimate Carl

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[Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« on: April 27, 2010, 11:16:20 pm »

Hello, and welcome to the thread! :D

This here is sort of a fun dual-purpose thread/story.  See, I'm going to try and tell a hopefully not-so-boring story with my fort...  But there's more to it than that.  See, I've played DF before, but this is my first serious attempt at actually getting a fort going and not just screwing around for about one year then giving up.  That's where the community aspect comes in: I'm probably going to make mistakes and need help.  I'll take suggestions on improvements, etc. or advice on things I might be doing wrong (and feel free to be blunt; I'm thick-skinned)!  I've got a lot of nicknames for Dwarves already (since in part this is also an attempt on my part to get my friends interested in the game), but I will take forum member names once I get more.

So, with that out of the way, here's the basic premise of the fort:
A spoiled prince is finally getting too old to keep living in the cushy castle doing nothing, so the kind sends him with an escort to go start his own fort... Mostly to get the brat out of his hair!  Most of the initial story will be told through the point of view of a woodcutter/soldier the king trusts enough to watch out for his son.  The embark site is actually in a Mirthful/Joyous Wilds area, selected story-wise because the King doesn't want his kid in danger even if he is an idiot, and also because I'm a wuss and want a relatively safe start for my early fortress.  That and pretty much every single Succession or Community game I see here is in the vilest of vile places.  Never hurts to get a little variety!  Every so often the king sends people to check up on the fortress and the dwarves, which is where forumites come in (even ones who have claimed a dwarf in the fort, I don't mind).  If you think I'm doing something wrong, want to give advice, or just have an idea for an awesome project, you can just tell me normally, or write it in the form of a letter from one of these inspectors!

Basic information on the fort:
- I'm playing (or at least starting with) 31.03.
- Once I get over 15 Dwarves I'm going to start using Dwarf Therapist.
- Custom worldgenned a Medium Island with larger than usual populations and more civs, higher amounts of both good and evil, higher elevation to avoid huge oceans taking up half the map, and 100 years later than normal.
- Other than the worldgen and DF I'm going completely vanilla and not save-scumming.
- Settled in a Hot, Good-aligned area.  Mix of Mirthful and Joyous Wilds.
- Area has a river, and is near (but not on) a mountain, moderately forested, no aquifers.
- Fort has access to Dwarves (some of them Dark Dwarves), Humans, Elves, and Goblins.

Now that we all understand what's going on, let's get to it!
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 12:31:48 pm by Ultimate Carl »

Ultimate Carl

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2010, 12:50:12 am »

Kiel's Journal, 24 Obsidian, 1150
I have no idea what to make of the news I heard today.  I received a letter from one of the King's messengers:
Quote from: King's Edict
By royal edict, by the end of the year you are to accompany the Prince on a mission to establish new lands in the name of the kingdom.  There will be a meeting in the main dining hall tomorrow to discuss the situation which you are strongly urged to attend.  Please do not be late.
The Prince hasn't lifted one of those sausage fingers in his entire life.  And the hell do they want me for anyway?  I'm too sober and tired to deal with this right now.

Kiel's Journal, 25 Obsidian, 1150
This is idiocy.  Counting the Prince there'll be only seven of us, and if anything I'd say he counts as a negative.  I also can't believe that farce of a meeting.  The King couldn't even think up some positive things to say about his own son in that speech!  It's obvious he's just trying to ship the stupid sod off and get rid of him.  I'd prolly do the same though.

What a surprise, though...  Got to speak with His Majesty in private afterwards.  Seems he still remembers that "incident" all those years ago and considers me trustworthy.  Wants me to personally watch his brat and make sure he makes it through this alright.  What a pain in the ass this is gonna be!

Kiel's Journal, 26 Obsidian, 1150
I got a chance to meet with all of the other poor saps who'll be coming with us.

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Of course first of all there's me.  I've been a Woodcutter my whole life, and I'm handy to chop more than just wood with an axe if need be...
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...The Royal Pain himself.  He's not good for anything as far as I know...
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...Ju, one of the Miners.  He seems like a solid fellow, although he has a tendency to say the most unnerving things...
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...Nick, our other Miner.  At least we have two, and he seems just as reliable...
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...A Fisherdwarf everyone calls Auto.  Apparently she tinkers around with some gadgets in her spare time.  At least we wont go hungry...
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...Our Farmer and Brewer Io.  Her head was in the clouds when we talked, but I've been assured that she does her job well...
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...And finally Rae, a fine dwarf who knows the ways of both Masonry and Carpentry.  I've seen her work myself before and I could appreciate the quality.

Well at least we're a varied group.

Kiel's Journal, 28 Obsidian, 1150
We head out today.  I took a second check of all of our stock:
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The Prince also whined until we let him bring two of his dogs.  I fear they'll be more useful than he will.

Kiel's Journal, 1 Granite, 1151
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Well, we finally arrived.  The Prince has already named this pile of earth.  "Princehomage the Greatest Fortress".  That's...  No joke I could make would be funnier than the name itself already is.
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Idiocy aside, this seems to be a promising site.  The heat is a bit more than we're used to but we'll adjust.  Or at least I will; I have my doubts about that sweaty pig of a dwarf over there.  I was going to ask someone to take stock of our surroundings when out of nowhere Io handed me a map she'd drawn.  I may have to rethink my opinion on that one...
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The small valley between two hills here would make a perfect place to dig in.  Strategically, it would be simple to wall off and keep out any unwanted visitors.  We should be safe here, but there's no such thing as too safe.  No one is really taking a leadership position here.  The Prince is too busy sweating and having no idea what the hell he's doing to start ordering people around, and everyone else is just as damn lost as me.  I'm sure the brat will start barking orders eventually but for now I'm the only one with any kind of military experience and the second eldest so I'll step up.  I explain my plan to everyone and they agree that it seems pretty sound and we get to work.
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Looks like we're sleeping under the stars tonight, though.

Kiel's Journal, 2 Granite, 1151
Horrible night.  Ju snores like a damned elephant.

In better news, Auto found a nearby river.

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We'll need the irrigation to get Io's farm going, but according to Auto the place is crawling with turtles.  I haven't had turtle in years!  Getting the farm set up isn't going to be as grueling as I'd expected.  In fact I think once we go back to a steady diet of nothing but plump helmets, that'll be worse!

Kiel's Journal, 23 Slate, 1151
Now that we've been here a while it actually seems like we're making some progress.  The Prince is starting to realize that this is not the resort vacation he'd imagined.  Surprisingly, however, he isn't being a whiner and asking to go home yet.  Maybe he really was mined from the same rock as his father...

...Then again maybe not.  He simply "can't believe" that I'd "shove him in a closet".  The King made it clear he was to receive no special treatment purely by virtue of being the Prince, and I'm a practical dwarf.  To my surprise the rest of the party listens to me.  Ju and Nick in particular make sure to coordinate all of their mining efforts with any ideas I might have.  In the interests of time and efficiency, I told them that we could get by on relatively modest quarters for now.  I'm used to these sorts of conditions, and I haven't heard anyone besides The Prince and Rae complain.

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I just remind them that this isn't permanent.  At least Rae doesn't mind the temporary workshops we've set up outside for her.  Which reminds me, we finished the walls and thanks to some mining efforts, we're secure for now.  It's a bit haphazard and thrown-together, but it seems solid.
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Kiel's Journal, 8 Hematite, 1151
Apparently the King decided we could use some help, because three dwarves showed up outside the walls today offering help.  I don't know any of them but we'll take all the help they want to offer.  In fact, we'll probably take more help than they're willing to offer.  Good thing I had Nick mine out some extra space the other day.  We got the rooms furnished and they'll fit right in.
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Progress on the farm is coming along, and the Prince is insisting that we use his idea for an "amazing central staircase".  He thinks that my more efficient and simple designs are too ugly and wants something prettier in the fort.  I can't believe I'm doing this, but I guess I'll appease him for now.

Kiel's Journal, 9 Hematite, 1151
I spoke with the newcomers.  They seem like an interesting bunch.
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The first is Noah.  He's also a farmer, and apparently has been doing some cooking for fun on the side.  I think he'll get plenty of "practice" for his hobby here...
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...Next was Lu, who despite my suspicions is not related to Ju.  They appear to have some history, though.  Bizarre.  Anyhow he's another Fisherdwarf, which is great.  I think a part of me doesn't WANT the farm to be finished...
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...And finally Charlie.  She offered to help Rae out with the Masonry work so that she doesn't have to split her time.  Rae was a bit defensive and insisted that she could work double-duty just fine, but eventually caved.

They all seem like good workers.  I'll have to keep doing my part as well.

Also Nick and Ju drafted up some plans for the Prince's staircase and started on it.  I can't say it's the most practical I've seen, but I can appreciate the artistry in it.

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The farm is getting closer to completion, which is good because I'm not used to rationing my booze consumption!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 06:09:16 pm by Ultimate Carl »

Ultimate Carl

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2010, 12:50:51 am »

I've actually got a bit more than that, too, but it's getting really late now so I'll continue tomorrow!

Ultimate Carl

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2010, 08:23:41 pm »

Meant to update today after work, but I've got more homework and prep for exams than I thought. @.@;;  I haven't abandoned the thread, I just (probably, I may still if I have time) wont be posting tonight!

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2010, 10:28:17 pm »

I'll take an incoming engineer of some sort or other, nicknamed Urist the Red, and I'll do siege engineering and mechanics.
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I don't know how it works. It does.
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If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2010, 10:29:58 pm »

I'll take a psychopathic Axedwarf named Derek The Soulchopper.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.

Ultimate Carl

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2010, 01:17:28 am »

Kiel's Journal, 24 Timber, 1151
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Apparently word got around about our little upstart here since some merchants decided to pay us a visit today.  I was going to meet with them, but to my surprise the Prince demanded he be allowed to speak with them.  I had other things to worry about so I let him take care of it.

Wonder of wonders, when I came back with the last of today's wood, he'd actually done something right!  Apparently he managed to trade off some of our spare stone (Armok knows we have enough) and some of the local herbs Noah and Io have been picking while waiting on the farm.  In exchange we more than doubled our alcohol supply, got some fish for variety in our diets, and even scored a few extra seeds to prepare for the farm.  Maybe I judged him too harshly before?

Kiel's Journal, 25 Timber, 1151
Scratch what I said yesterday.  I can't stand that little twerp.

Ju's Journal, 25 Timber, 1151
Dunno what's got the Prince in such a good mood.  Ordered me and Nick to dig an office.  Spoke to Kiel, she seemed mad.  Doesn't care if we do though.

Prince started demanding we call him "Ultimate".

Wonder if nobles really do bleed blue?

Kiel's Journal, 28 Timber, 1151
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The farm is almost finished.  Since I'm the only one that bothers to think about safety I've had to oversee most of it.  I had Nick channel a small moat around the entrance for protection, but the moron wanted to dig out the connector to the farms already!  The drainage isn't even finished, he could have killed someone!  At least I managed to stop him before then.  Rae and Auto took some time out of their other duties for a side project: a drawbridge.  In a pinch there's a lever down in the farm that we can flip to pull the bridge back and keep unwanted guests out.  The Prince-...  Excuse me, Ultimate thinks I'm just being paranoid and Noah agrees, but they're all flatfoots.  They'll thank me when the Goblins realize there's a fresh target out here.

Ultimate's Journal, 29 Timber, 1151
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My own office!  How grand!  After my incredibly impressive display of mercantile moxie I've managed to convince that curmudgeonly Kiel that I can attend to all things trade here!  "Bookkeeper" my bum!  Now I can simply slack off and stay satisfied with accomplishing absolutely nothing all afternoon!  Truly I am a genius.

Ultimate Carl

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2010, 01:19:59 am »

And I actually STILL have more until I catch up with my save (I played more than I thought)..!  But, again it's getting late.

Once I get the story caught up with my save, I'll upload the map so it'll be easier for people to make suggestions.  Also, both of your Dwarf requests are noted.  Right before I saved I got a wave of some 20 (!) migrants.  I'm sure there's an engineer/mechanic in there somewhere and I also just started my military.  So, they're coming.  Thanks! :D

Ultimate Carl

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2010, 05:36:46 pm »

Kiel's Journal, 15 Moonstone, 1151
Today three more Dwarves were sent from the mountainhomes to assist us.  What's left of our farm preparations are out of my hands and we have more than enough wood now, so I had some time to meet with them.

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The first I spoke to was named Geneva, a somewhat bossy Craftsdwarf...
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...William Douglas, or just Doug as we've taken to calling him, is very gifted with animals.  Maybe he can train some of these dogs...
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...And finally Aves, a Jeweller.  We've dug up a number of gems already, so maybe he can help us prepare something worth trading back to the merchants next year.

Thankfully we had rooms prepared for them already this time.

Io's Journal, 25 Moonstone, 1151
The farm preparations were FINALLY completed today!  Ju took his sweet TIME digging out the last bit of earth holding the water back, but it's DONE!  We even finished flooding the WHOLE farm already!

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That Auto is one SMART Dwarf!  The pump system she set up works GREAT!

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I wasn't REALLY listening to all of the details, but I MOSTLY understand it!  BASICALLY, two pumps powered by a windmill on the lake pump any excess water OUT of the farm and dumps it back IN the same lake!  AWESOME!

Kiel's Journal, 2 Obsidian, 1151
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Well, the farms are finally finished, and Io and Noah have started planting already.  I wasn't sure I'd say it, but I'm actually missing the taste of plump helmets!  A constant supply of booze is comforting as well.

Kiel's Journal, 28 Obsidian, 1151
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Nick and Ju were digging down to try and set up an industrial center and some better housing when they discovered a network of caverns, about three Dwarves tall and sprawling outwards farther than any of us could see.  For now this will mess up Prince Ultimate's (I can't believe I'm actually used to calling him that now) grand staircase, but he'll just have to live with it until we can fix it later.  The cavern was only breached in one place, so I've ordered it to be sealed off.  The last thing I need is for the King to have me executed because some Antmen ran his boy through.

Other than that, nothing of note.  Life continues.

Kiel's Journal, 6 Slate, 1152
Twenty-four.  Twenty-four Dwarves have arrived at our tiny fort today, expecting to live here!  We don't even have jobs for that many Dwarves, let alone homes!  I've barely gotten to speak with or even meet most of them, though two did want to speak with me personally...
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...Moriah, a Doctor, observed that we had no hospital yet.  That's unsurprising, but she's right.  I've been too focused on defending us to think about it.  We'll try to get one dug out as soon as possible, and Moriah has already stepped up as our Chief Medical Dwarf.  Fine by me...
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...And then a fellow who calls himself Urist the Red strolled right up and insulted our defenses!  I pretended not to be offended (and that the walls were someone else's idea) and heard him out.  He's drafted up several plans for traps and insists that we set up some catapults as soon as possible.  Is he daft?  We have more important things to worry about and my walls are just fine, dammit!  Before I could question him further he'd wandered off, doing calculations out loud.

I suppose he's not all wrong, though.  It's probably about time we begin a small military, or at least start training some of these Dwarves for combat.  Several of them we received had no previous trades whatsoever, and we lack employment options to begin with.  As I am still the only Dwarf here with any sort of formal combat training, I'll take over as Commander.  I've been informed we received another woodcutter in this batch somewhere so the fort will not go without wood.  I managed to convince four of the newcomers to join up by telling them that it would give them something to do, would earn them prestige... And they would likely be the first to receive beds.  One more seemed absolutely thrilled at the prospect before I'd even mentioned these benefits and took absolutely no convincing.

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I initially assigned a balanced set of weaponry for all, but the particularly overeager recruit made a horrible face when I handed him a training sword and insisted that he would use nothing but an axe.  When I gave him the desired training weapon he immediately ran off, hacking at the air madly.  We aren't even beginning practice for a few days!  I yelled after asking for his name, and received only a shouted reply of, "THE SOULCHOPPER!" back.  One of the remaining recruits explained to me, "Yeah...  That's Derek."  The others all seemed to be familiar with him.  Well, at least this wont be boring.

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We really need to finish the new rooms.

Ultimate Carl

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2010, 06:06:09 pm »

Aaaaaand here's the map.  Didn't include the bottom two levels because they're not actually dug yet, but I've got designations for plenty of housing already.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 06:09:44 pm by Ultimate Carl »

Ultimate Carl

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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2010, 06:08:01 pm »

D'oh.  How do you delete a message? :/


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Re: [Story/Community/Help] Princehomage, the Greatest Fortress
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2010, 06:17:54 pm »


I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.