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Author Topic: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium  (Read 1558 times)


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rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« on: October 09, 2008, 04:42:38 am »

rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium

some little things i want to change, after i played a real marathon on a fortress (last three weeks every day a few hours) ^^
i know some of the things are already suggested or even in a bloat somewhere ;) but i dont have the time to browse, because no real internet access, just play (A LOT) in the freetime *g*
most of the things are just little annoyings that i want to avoid with a little suggestion (some of them, just costs time at paused game, to find out without the change i suggest)
and i am sry this thread is a bit confusing, i just put everytime i got annoyed by something a new suggestion in a textfile at the end xD

bloodline noblity
--> already suggested by me
personaled dwarfs would be awesome in fortress mode ;p

female graphic tiles
--> already suggested by me and in Bloat368
i am not a fan of the tolkien bearded womans :p

in the kitchen menu there should be a third line to forbid/allow eating (if you dont have much plants for brewing for example, or if you just want to give them prepared meals)
--> already suggested by me
dont eat ma plump helmets and then get anoying because you cant drink stupid dwarfs!

champions/elite cant be assigned dogs or changed between guards/military
--> already suggested as bug report by me

dwarfs in prison should get a "imprisoned" task and not count as idle/no job
--> already suggested by me
yeah in prioson your damned to be lazy...

meeting area subcontrol, to specify more which dwarf will get there
--> already suggested by me

the pump to tile of a screw pump should be the tile from a wood/steel door, to make it easier without pausing in which direktion it pumps and this tile should integrate into walls, as it counts at one too

integrate channels into "vein mining" its sometimes very odd than a miner runs across the map to channel a tile in the far north and then in the south (or has to run around a huge moat because i decided to make it bigger)

overhaul the needs system, its sometimes very disturbing urist mcneeds runs across the map to do something... 4 tiles for the end he stops to retrun and drink. then again he comes here, to find out he want to eat now... and then again he return a second before he do his thing, he returns a third time to go to bed (woodcutters, miners, outpost tower masons, etc.), so if they do one of their needs, they should look all 3 and if one is below a certain level they do all 3 at once

overhaul digging system so they dont run all the time around a huge blockade to mine from their priority post, just make a pathfind to the tile they want to dig and run to the nearest

in room overview public rooms (like the dining hall) are counted as no owner, if its designated as meeting hall it should be public, same for chains and cages in the justice should get the owner "justice", it would be faster to find a tile that is not properly designated.
and furniture that is in another room should tell so and be at very the end of the list, like the chairs in the dining rooms, except it is a room too, but then it already says in the red font color there are two rooms overlapping ;)
with economics it would be nice if i see a bedroom is on rent or just assigned (like "(rent) no owner" or "(rent) urist mcsleepy"

split champions into their specific weapon kategories
wrestler -> elite wrestler -> champion
axedwarf -> axe lord -> axe master
sworddwarf -> swordmaster -> sword champion
markdwarf -> elite markdwarf -> markdwarf champion
maybe make all job names (also the civil) modable in a raw file (like you can make names for specific civilisations now)
also the possibility to give them different tilesets for each weapon and usage on the champion level (military, guard, royal guard)
its hard to see, if i have here a squad of markdwarves or some sword-guard running around, without pausing

make armorstands markable as training targets (like archery range, but without designate a room), so dwarf can train to the standard (above novice)
make armorstands useable as armorstockpile (can hold one helm, chest, leggings, 2 gloves)
make weaponracks useable as weaponstockpile (can hold up to 5 weapons)

make a barrack bedroom and an option dwarfs will not do ther sparring lessons there (i watched now many times my axedwarfs cluttered themself on the small way between the beds and splatter blood all other the beds and sleeping dwarfs)

sparring can only train up to professional skill, but are much less lethal

hunter will not just drop on floor inside, they will go for their bed, only sleep on floor outside

give squads a roaming option with "inside", "outside" or "both", so they patrol around randomly above or inside fortress (to find nasty thiefs, ambushs)

i dunno way my wardogs of a dead markdwarf are still asigned to him and now watch over the place there he died in an ambush. maybe its more a bug than a sugestion, but i just write all things down in a file ^^

in manager menue a "decrease priority" and "to the end" is missing (its now just doable with twice the effort, so pretty annoying :p)

in relationship menu mark deceased dwarfs/pets as such (purple font and "(deceased)" at the end like in justice menue)

i know the following two things are well known by now, but they get really really annoying if you see them over and over again ^^
phantom-injurned urist mccat's with vermin after their owner.. MAKE THE BUG AWAY!
and the disturbing message if a guard, mayor, is more experienced in a task and he is "now" a guard/mayor/whatsoever

show the priority number of buildings in construction in their "[q] building tasks" and make it possible to increase/lower prioity (maybe on top, on end would be enough), a fine menu for this would be nice too (subsection of rooms?)
with the menu it would be a really good overview for suspended constructions, if you have hundrets of walls ongoing its hard to find which one was suspended because a kobold thief runs along on the other end of the map there the mason just did something

the stocks menu need a "enter string" like in trading, to find fast all "black bronze" stuff and so on, maybe a all is needed then too, but can get a huge loadout with the stones and everything *coughs*

make a bath building and soap useable so dwarfs can get rid of bloodsplatters, maybe a unhappy thought if they cant clean themselves from blood and vomit depending on a new categorie for their personality in cleaning (elves have a high demand, humands medium, dwarfs low, and goblins nearly none)
animal caretaker will use the baths on animals too :p
so we get two flys at once: soap is usable and dwarfs get rid of the huge amounts of
splatter all over their bodies
yes i know they are dwarfs and dont mind mud... BUT BLOOD AND VOMIT... VOMIT!

make items restackable to certain amounts, like 10 bones, 25 bolts/arrows, 500 coins, so that they arent cluttered and have to be transported every single tile once they have been used.
or the bonething is: in refuse pile they bring every single body part, so if you have 2 goblin arms a head and a body you get 4 tiles filled with two single bones and a skull in the end, and on another tile are all 9 bones and the skull because the goblin corpse was in one tile as they hauled it...

make pipesections (wood and steel ones) able to use for axles (woodless maps)
in mechanics you can also build pipes (horizontal, vertical) and pipe gears. the pipes need as much pipe sections as there are tiles, the gear need one gear, but also need a pipe section for every direction it should make a flow (can be designated qith the [q]building tasks at the gear) a mechanic has to come and add the pipe section or make it away. pipe gears can also be "closed"
a pipe or pipe gear on the end of a screw pump will make the pump to directly pump the liqid into the pipe, and will also make enough presure to fill the pipe upwards if there is no exit on the same or lower z levels.
a pipe section can be walked (its on the floor or ceiling). each tile can hold 2/7 water (if pump stopped and the water will rush out somewhere) so a 10 length pipe will have 20 water, and can fill nearly a pond of 3 tiles.

make forges/masonarys able to build beds with stones/some bars and a random leather (copper raccoon leather bed)

guards will do health care for prisoners, its somehow the duty of a guard (if urist mcguilty get into justice system there is a change 1 out of 3 to survive, 1 get killed by the hammerer or the captain of the guard and 1 to die of thirst on the chain ^^)
royalty guards also for themselves and standing down military for other militarys, i think noone in the guard/military will let his wounded companions die of thirst
, just because he is "urist mclazychampionhasnttowork"

molten metal (silver and copper coins at least) attracts flies... seriously, wtf? metal-gnawing flies?

coins should be stockable in chests and bags, "coin bags" can be stocked into chests too (stockpile and bedroom chests), the chests act like bins for the stockpile, with economy starts, every dwarf will buy up to 3 bags he haul at his body (lower chest) to stock coins, so he dont have to run for every single coin to bring into his room (thats really annoying and stupid). only then the bag is full he will go to his room and put the coins into the chest... or spread them all over the floor :p
the tax collector come with 3 bags by default for his duty
every bag can hold 500 coins, smiths that mint coins will try to get a bag first and stuff the new coins into them (but its not needed if none is aviable)
every chest/bin can hold up to 10 bags

make nobles to not claim every single item they like, i mean ok they maybe like their scepters, but i think its a bit to much that urist mcbaron get a 6x6 room on every free floor tile their precious black bronze goblet just because they like black bronze...

snailmans are in creature_other and creature_standard in unmodded version ;)

make mountain goats a domestic creature for the unmodded version (yes i know i could simply do it myself, but thus should be a overall setting :p), goats are the first domestic in humanity, and i think dwarf would prefer them over horses normaly :> (in other fantasy games also as mount ^^)
there should also be more war trainable animals (like bears?) and splitted into hunting and war trainable in the raws (so you can make dogs as hunter and war dogs, a war grizzly but no hunting version, but a hunting leopard but no war one)
also split the "adpot owner" and "verminhunter" into to things, and make other animals (like foxes, hawks) vermin hunters

make a enter string into uildings material requirmt so you find the material you want faster, like "obsidian" or "glass" if you build a large tower ;)

make a floor tile "warm" if the lower level is magma, or magma on it (walls do it by now), maybe dwarfs get happy thoughts from walking on warm floor tiles (like with mist)

make all weapons aviable in the military screen and shorten it with a select like the armour/shield version, so the armour shield selection can be expanded to mor letters
the shield selection should get 2 new categories: twohanded and dual wield. with two handed they will select a two handed weapon of their categorie if aviable (like long sword as dwarf with sword weapon), or fight with two weapons (with a hit/parry penality)
 at once

you should also see what he actually has equiped here, so you dont have to look through every single dwarf and can directly change this weapon here
additonal weapons from the number are worn at the lower body (like on the hips)
modded races with more hands (like nagas) take the weapon on all right hands and the "shield"side on all left hands (so as dual wielder 4 axes ^^)
"Urist McHammerlord W:Hammer  #2 A:Plate A:Shield RH:-Copper War Hammer-          LH:*Steel Shield*"
" Shorast McSoldier W:Sword   #1 A:Chain A:Dual   RH:-Bismuth Bronze Short Sword- LH: +Obsidian Short Sword+"

make all weapons aviable with every rock version, (alunite spear, gabbro axe), normal rocks count like wooden weapons (50% effective) except the obsidian ones
also put it into raw files so you cant make a whip out of rock but with leather
there should also be leather shields

children may, or may not, whatever they want to and depending on their personality, haul stuff to earn some money or just help the adults (without economy)

children may also buy toys and play with them, and so get a few skills (maximum to novice) with them (i.e. some smithing skills with a mini-forge)

make "priority zones" a zone with priority enabled would be done first in every task (hauling/dump stuff to clear zone, mine it, build the buildings there, do the building tasks inside, etc.). this would give more control, there to mine and build, without deselect everything else.

make the hammer and other beating sentences less lethal, they should be injurned and taken to bed, but not get killed every time!

clothier can make bandages, and with the health/animal care Urist McCare will use them to bind bleeding/bad wounds. health care will get a profession skill and a high health care will be a "Doctor". also trainable in adventure mode. bandages are in the cloth stockpiles
soldiers may take bandages with them and bind wounds after fightings of their squad. guards will need to get treated from civil health care dwarfs.

if a dwarf has a cage/chain in his room, he may chain his owned pets there (except working animals and pets that would search their own owner)

i have 100 units of fat in stocks, but the kitchen always cancel the render fat task with "job item lost or destroyed" ... yes always! a few hundret times now in the last 5 years and i never got any tallow

things created in the raws cant be produced (maybe it can be but i only looked into manager screen and there it isnt!) in fortress mode (tower shield) but used through the entity table with generated units (steel tower shield as dwarf in adventure mode)

to the dwarves/soldiers stay indoors/can go outdoors, a "children stay indoors" would be useful

PS: i will edit this post if something is already suggested, with link and maybe bloatnumber too
so if you have a link/number post it ^^

EDIT 1: inserted links of known suggestions i made
EDIT 2: deleted the "get new thread" suggestion, i am to lazy to write them now xD
EDIT 3: deleted the narrow elf thingie :> was my own stupidy ^^
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 04:43:46 am by Rhenaya »
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."


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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 03:34:23 pm »

Forumdwarves cancel read post: hit by wall of text.

(I actually read it, mind you.)
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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 03:37:57 pm »

Forumdwarves cancel read post: hit by wall of text.

(I actually read it, mind you.)

Currection: Forumdwarves cancel read post: Hit by Ladder of Text.

Walls of text involve large amounts of text without spaces

Ladders of Text involve large amounts of text with spaces


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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 04:19:47 pm »

Lots and lots of good suggestions. :) Nice that many of them are so specific, offering solutions along with the problem.
"Ask not what your fortress can do for you - ask what you can do for your fortress."
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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 05:36:37 pm »

As far as elves marked as "narrow" and goblins are not, but when you play fort mode they get reported as elf clothes "large" and goblin clothes "narrow" is because they are NOW in comparison to dwarves (as opposed to in general). Elven clothing appears as large do to them being a bigger size number than the dwarves. Goblin clothing appears as narrow because they are the same size as dwarves, but dwarves are wide. Elves and Humans are the same size, but elven clothing would be read as Narrow in Adventure mode if you were playing a Human just as human clothing would appear as Wide for an Elvin player. For either of these two races goblin and Dwarven clothing would be read as small. ;)


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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 03:10:29 am »

As far as elves marked as "narrow" and goblins are not, but when you play fort mode they get reported as elf clothes "large" and goblin clothes "narrow" is because they are NOW in comparison to dwarves (as opposed to in general). Elven clothing appears as large do to them being a bigger size number than the dwarves. Goblin clothing appears as narrow because they are the same size as dwarves, but dwarves are wide. Elves and Humans are the same size, but elven clothing would be read as Narrow in Adventure mode if you were playing a Human just as human clothing would appear as Wide for an Elvin player. For either of these two races goblin and Dwarven clothing would be read as small. ;)

ok this could be a explaination.. i am not very into in adventure mode ^^ but i remember as i tried a elf in AM some guard lost grip of "stout" gaunlets :>
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."


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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2008, 05:25:47 pm »

if a dwarf has a cage/chain in his room, he may chain his owned pets there (except working animals and pets that would search their own owner)

This makes a great deal of sense, and would be nifty for managing all those darn cats, even if it would be difficult to chain a cat in real life.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2008, 06:13:13 am »

if a dwarf has a cage/chain in his room, he may chain his owned pets there (except working animals and pets that would search their own owner)

This makes a great deal of sense, and would be nifty for managing all those darn cats, even if it would be difficult to chain a cat in real life.

if you read the brakets, you would see i actually excluded cats because of their behaviour :D
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."

Terry von Feledae

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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2008, 04:01:11 pm »

It's hard to chain a cat, but not impossible. There are those funny cat-leashes after all.

Of course, when I tried to use one on my cat it eventually got free and ran away. :/


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2008, 01:24:20 pm »

so many thing and not much answers, is it all that bad? :(
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."


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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2008, 02:02:10 pm »

No, perfectly decent suggestions in there. But people have long forgotten the first when reading the last ones.. if they reach the end. So you're generally better off giving just one or two in the relevant thread if you want responses; it's easier to quote and reply to, too. (I picked up a few in the Flexible workshop definition thread, if you noticed.)
Dwarf Fortress cured my savescumming.


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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2008, 02:45:07 pm »

should i make 20 threads? :D
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."


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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2008, 10:37:04 pm »

Well, if you request that I nitpick, I certainly will:

I don't think that making all rocks 'weaponable' would be at all feasible. I mean, have you ever tried to make a sword out of sandstone? That stuff 'll crumble out of your hands. Perhaps a few new types of rock weapons would be realistic, though: clubs come to mind.
A sane man must be reasonable, but a reasonable man need not be sane.


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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2008, 11:10:13 pm »

But I've made cat leather shields, so yeah, the need for a use of cat leather for shields is already met.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 12:23:14 am by Foa »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: rhenayas fortress suggestion compendium
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2010, 06:17:15 pm »

its awesome how many of that suggestions are now in the new version :D

just need a few more ^^ and maybe need to update that thread :X
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."