^ I absolutely agree. It's just tedious to have to specifically get intermediate products in order to get finished products. Any finished product should implicitly create orders for the raw materials and intermediate labor necessary to create it. I should be able to order a steel drawbridge and, provided I have flux, trees, iron ore, and the appropriate workshops and furnaces, the game should work it out as follows:
Make a steel drawbridge. If not enough steel is available, make steel.
Make steel. If not enough pig iron is available, make pig iron. If not enough coke is available make coke.
Make pig iron. If not enough coke is available, make coke. If not enough flux is available, inform player. If not enough iron is available, make iron.
Make iron. Smelt hematite, limonite, or magnetite. If no ore is available, inform player.
Make coke. If not enough wood, coal, or lignite is available, cut wood.
Cut wood. If there are no trees, inform player.
Once we have a better trade system and colonies and such, all the player informing actions could be replaced by giving those caravans orders, and making trade goods to trade to them (with the player's permission and guidance as necessary). This way, no matter what, whatever the player asks for will be done. It may take a long time if the economy isn't very efficient and wealthy, but it will get done. You can order a steel drawbridge, and, even if you lack all of the necessary raw materials, your workers can make trade goods to build it. You would only need to make sure you designed the fortress efficiently, you wouldn't need to pay attention to frustratingly trivial details.