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Do you think that this should be included in vanilla DF? (see below)

Yes, include as Req.
- 1 (10%)
Yes, include as Bloat.
- 2 (20%)
Yes, but other things are more important; they should be done first.
- 0 (0%)
- 2 (20%)
Don't care.
- 2 (20%)
Something simmilar should be done, but not this.
- 3 (30%)

Total Members Voted: 10

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Author Topic: Possible Dwarven Economy Fix  (Read 1182 times)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Possible Dwarven Economy Fix
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2010, 08:47:03 am »

Maybe something like this:
- All coins produced are initially owned by the fortress/player.
- Instead of being paid by the job, dwarves have a fixed amount of pay they get every season.  They take this from the fortress stockpiles.  If they don't get any they get unhappy and work slower.  Maybe the player can decide which jobs get priority in case of no money in the bank.
- For transactions between dwarves like rent and shopping the coins are transferred automatically to limit coin-moving tasks.  It can just get zapped from one dwarfs's room chest to another's.  Maybe they can be treated as one object like "Urist's coin hoard" that changes in value when coins are taken/removed from it.  Coins are only physically moved around for transferring wealth from the fortress to the dwarves, or the dwarves to the fortress (through the tax collector).
- With the economy active you can trade goods for money instead of just bartering.  Maybe elves wouldn't have coins, but humans and dwarves would.

I think this could be good because with seasonal pay you wouldn't have to worry about whether your mechanic is going broke because they don't have enough jobs, and grind out a bunch of mechanisms you don't need, or something like that.  Food-making jobs are easily automateable, but ones that use rare materials or uncommon tasks are harder.  If you have a mechanic that rarely gets work you'd only be hurting yourself, but it'd be your choice to determine how many you want to pay for; you'd just have to do the overall task of bringing in enough wealth through mining or trading.

I like the idea of having coins around because a big coin vault deep in the fortress, heavily trapped and guarded seems like something a dwarven fortress would have.  And you could have things like dwarven thieves raiding another's coin pile when there's not enough guards or fortress morale is bad.  Or more skilled kobolds coming later in the game that can make it past the entrance and down to the secondary defenses around the valuables.
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