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Author Topic: Island Of RPing 4.0  (Read 2135 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Asiatic Asian
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2010, 12:07:25 am »

A severely wounded GDI soldier bangs on Pens Cabins Walls.
"Jesus christ! Let me in! Let me in! They slaughtered my whole squad, now they're become one of them! You gotta let me in befor-"
A scream is heard, then silence.

Cole quickly hits the alien organism with a crowbar before it could do anything to the man. Also, he came up from the stairs.
"I don't mind people going onto my buildings roof. Except when the enemy force starts shelling the island."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2010, 01:08:36 am »


"... Ok... Well im way too far down to help anyway... almost to the bottom now... Also it would take way too long to climb all the way back up to the top... Also the other exit is too far away to think about heading to then coming back this way... Pen thought to himself as to not alert anything that may be still out there...
After a minute and a few second, with a soft *thunk* pen hit the floor of the very long tube
Pen looked up, he never grew accustomed to the sight that befell him, a small circle of bright white light.
He quickly turned away so his eyes wouldnt become used to the light, and walked four steps forwars, sidestepped to the right two times, then stepped backwards eight times.
Pen then slowly put his right arm out and flicked a proper light switch, which immediatly lit the area he was in, and after every two seconds another light flickered a bit of a way into the distance...

"Pshh..." pen laugh/sighed to himself at the idea of digging these tunnels, infact he actually had found an abandoned underground base which he STILL hadn't fully explored yet.
All he really had done was renovate the place. Repair a machine here, put in some lighting here, put another layer of metal coating here and there and over there, also he mapped the place and stored it firmly in his head.
Some things he found were truely disturbing and others where much to complex to understand.
He stepped back into the main corridor and went down a total of five rooms, he then opened the door, closed the door, opened the door again and then stepped in and pulled a lever...

A soft metal *Sssshllunk*was heard a total of seventeen times back the way he had came, he had just sealed the entrance with him and whatever else was down here...



"Hah... thanks i guess... what the hell is that anyway?" John replied to the building owner as he paced back in forth looking out at sea to the enemy ships.
"yeah, sorry 'bout that... I figured that i was too far up to come back down and decided to investigate when the lightning struck the roof..."
John fiddled with his pocket for a second then pulled out a cigg and a lighter, lit it up and placed it in his mouth.

"So, who are they anyway?..." he asked while watching the battle take place.


Meanwhile elsewhere on the roof of the coles building.


"Ooo-Eshi-ka... Ooo-Eshi-ka!" The freaky alien octopus spoke in a ghostly voice at the humanoid now up on the roof top, milli-seconds before being hit with a crowbar, which now had a soft orange glow around where it hit the Alien octopus, aswell as some weird purple fluid...
The alien octopus flew off the roof and down the side of the building down and splatted onto the ground leaving a massive purple splodge right outside the bar, which also emmitted the strange orange glow...

After a few seconds, some of the purple fluid on the ground infront of the floor pulled itself together and reformed back into the octopus, with no change in size, but a hole left in the ground where it hit...
The purple fluid left on the bar floor and crowbar stayed stagnant and did nothing except produce that eerie orange glow...
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 02:23:28 am by silhouette »
# PowerGoal49, SCREAM BALL, (Future): Trolls take the captives and see if they can throw them all the way over the chasm to each other.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2010, 01:34:32 am »

"Archangel, I suggest you stay out of the north shore for now. Seriously, don't come, unless your feeling like ripping cruisers apart. If you do, I'll just call off everything right now."

Archangel switches frequency to talk to his men. "Turn South guys."

The APC's driver replies "Yes sir!"

The Arathinians are now in the Central area.
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
My full sig


  • Bay Watcher
  • Asiatic Asian
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2010, 10:33:59 am »

Cole replies to John
"I don't know. Just ask Phantom or something, because I'm just a bartender."
Cole goes back inside.

Among the disturbing things in the underground base, a decomposing body hanged by a rope, several dead US Rangers all against a wall, and a mutilated corpse.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2010, 03:25:25 am »


"Pshh..." pen sighed/whistled as he looked upon the corpses of the dead US rangers.
He slowly checked for traps in the room, finding two and managing to disable one and accidently set off the other which chopped corpse hanging by a rope in half.
Maggots crawled out of the bodie onto the floor, pen didnt bother to kill them, although he did wonder how a fly had gotten into here...

Pen picked up the weapons beside the bodies carefully, checking the clips and making sure the guns worked by taking them apart and inspecting them.
Finding that four of the six had problems with them, he simply dropped them on the floor, leaving them there beside the bodies, and after sorting through the nine clips, he found that 3 were empty, and 2 were for the guns that had problems with.
With this he was now equiped with a pistol with 1 clip of ammo and a machine gun with 3 clips, he then inspected the mutalated body...

Something very sharp and claw like seem to have mutilated the body, the other us rangers seemed to also have claw marks but to a lesser degree, and the hanged soldier seemed to have killed himself...
Looking more closely around the room he saw shells and splotches of blood leading out of room and down the corridor, and a few long bone like structures which looked like it belonged to a claw which did the dammage, although vastly decomposed by now...

"Heh... either a) that thing is now dead or b), i have an infestation problem..." he thought to himself as to not alert anything that may be in the vacinity.
Not bothering to go to the fork in the road where the remains of the bones were till he scouted out the rooms before and the passage way back.

He did so, and he managed to loot quite a powerful flashlight, although low batteries, an extra pistol clip, a fairly long knife which looked like a bastard breed between a sword and a butterfly knife, and last but not least, a pack of smokes and a lighter...
Pen lit one up and started smoking...


"Ooshika... ... ... Ooishika... ... Zanthuso...." spoke the purple alien octopus who was now the size of a cat, the glow also much larger...
It saw phantom and started dragging itself towards him...


"Pshhh, yeah right, just a simple bar owner... more like the 5th wealthiest person in the solar system..." John went over to the side of the building, sitting on the edge with his feet dangling off the side.
He managed to spot the alien, or his glow really, off to one side, and the splatter of where it landed before...[/i]
"holy... freaking tough thing..." john whistled as he turned his attention back to the battleships bombing the harbour....
"Meh..." john muttered at the thought of one of the ships shelling the building where he was on... so far they hadnt managed to reach here, and even then he could just use THAT to get down saftly...

# PowerGoal49, SCREAM BALL, (Future): Trolls take the captives and see if they can throw them all the way over the chasm to each other.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Asiatic Asian
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2010, 03:44:15 am »

Battle chatter is heard through Phantoms personal radio, while a steel box randomly lands on top of the alien.
"Oi! That's the bloody invincible fleet!"
"Invincible? Yeah right."
"They took out most of the Royal Navy and PLA Navy..."

"Rookies, we're just supposed to pepper them with bombs while the battleships do the fighting."

"Guys, Flagship Fenrir is firing SAMs at us... Shit Carrier Odin is launching fighters!"

"Hello guys, 29th Fighter Squadron closing in."
"*Static* I'm hit! Fighters get these guys off of me!"
"This is a losing battle..."

A humanoid creature, (Think a Saurian plus a Turian from Mass Effect) comes from out of the shadows and brings a pistol to Pens head.
"Exploring eh?
If you aren't tell me why you're here. I don't wish to hurt you, so don't attack me either."



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2010, 05:25:20 am »

ooc: never played mass effect... google imaging now...
# PowerGoal49, SCREAM BALL, (Future): Trolls take the captives and see if they can throw them all the way over the chasm to each other.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2010, 02:56:57 am »

"Relax."said pen as he turned around, a bit jumpy from being caught off guard.
"Sorta exploring... Sorta protecting myself from something.." he said as he pushed the pistol slowly away from his head and walks a few steps forward.

"Was better that you caught me like this as if i caught you ild most likely have jumped and shot your straight off the bat... due to that limb over there and those corpses in there."..
# PowerGoal49, SCREAM BALL, (Future): Trolls take the captives and see if they can throw them all the way over the chasm to each other.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Asiatic Asian
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Re: Island Of RPing 4.0
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2010, 03:02:12 pm »

"That was because of the former residents... They didn't take kindly to visitors. And that hanging guy became suicidal when he got trapped in here..."

Meanwhile, on the central island...

A hidden group of the Terrorist wearing combat suits aim Stingers and laser rifles towards Archangel and his soldiers APC.

"Hold your fire, we'll only bring out their wrath..."
"Yeah, bloody gatling BFGs and oth crap."
"That's why we stolen cloaking devices from NOD."

"Hey look, a UN aid plane. Looks like it's gonna drop of cargo to the North Shore."
Soon, the plane goes up in an explosion. Fortunately the pilots were able to land close to the North Shore trenches, they are quickly retrieved by a team of Mercs helping defend the island.

A GDI drop ship flies around the central area of the island and begins to drop troops onto a cruiser. Phantom sees the drop ship.
If they are able to kill off the better armored and better trained force in there, they are all getting a medal."

Another flare pops up from the Quarantine Zone. The same place, a very large hill with sounds of gunfire erupting from it.
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