Oruba: I never expected to see the Walstanian rebels in this area. I bet you guys came here to help the fools that preceded you. Well, it's not gonna happen.
*Canopus flies in*
Canopus: I don't feel right leaving you guys. I will stay with you. Whoever wants to end up as a dead carcass can challenge me!!
Amazon Milena shoots Canopus for 1 damage
Amazon Audrey shoots Canopus and misses.
Soldier Collins hits Canopus for 9 damage, Canopus retaliates and misses.
Akigagak shoots soldier Maverick for 16 damage
Rashilul Throws a stone at Maverick for 4 damage
Myroc throws a stone at Collins and misses
Robin shoots Collins and misses
Aqizzar throws a stone at Collins for 2 damage
Oruba casts Fireburn on Canopus for 9 damage
Canopus stabs Maverick for 41 damage
Minela shoots Myroc and misses
Maverick swings at Canopus and misses, Canopus retaliates and misses
Hrist swings at Maverick and misses, Maverick retaliates and hits for 20 damage
Deadbeer hits Maverick and kills him
Dakk throws a stone at amazon Grace and misses
Grace stabs at Dakk and misses
Soldier Tim slashes at Dakk for 19 damage, Dakk retaliates and hits for 23 damage
Lolor hits Tim for 19 damage, Tim retaliates and misses
Spartan picks up a life card. HP max goes up by three
Spartan throws a stone at Collins and hits for four damage
Kachua heals Hrist for 15 points
Audrey shoots Lolor for 19 damage
Collins hits Deadbeer for 24 damage, Deadbeer retaliates and misses
Akigagak shoots Grace for 16 damage
Rashilul hits Grace for 33 damage
Aqizzar hits Grace for 16 damage, Grace retaliates for 21 damage
Oruba casts Fireburn on DeadBeer for 19 damage
Vice hits Tim for 11 damage and kills him
Minela hits Deadbeer for 15 damage
Hrist uses a cure on Deadbeer and heals 50 damage
Deadbeer hits Grace for one damage and kills her
Dakk hits Collins for 25 damage, Collins retaliates for 25 damage
Lolor uses a cure on Dakk and heals 44 damage
Spartan slashes at Collins and misses, Collins retaliates for 22 damage
Kachua heals Aqizzar for 15 points
Audrey shoots Lolor for 19 damage
Collins slashes at Lolor and misses, Lolor retaliates and misses
Akigagak shoots Collins and misses
Myroc hits Collins for 20 damage, Collins retaliates and misses
Robin shoots Collins for 16 damage
Aqizzar throws a stone at Collins and kills him
Canopus stabs Oruba for 28 damage
Oruba casts Fireburn of Lolor for 20 damage
Kachua heals Lolor for 15 damage
Minela shoots Lolor for 17 damage
Rashilul uses a cure on Lolor. It heals 50 damage
Dakk hits Minela for 24 damage, Minela retaliates and misses
Lolor hits Minela for 21 damage, Minela retaliates and misses
Spartan hits Minela for 21 damage and kills her
Audrey shoots Deadbeer for 18 damage
Akigagak shoots Audrey for 18 damage
Myroc picked up a strength card. Strength +2
Robin shoots Oruba for 1 damage
Canopus hits Oruba for 28 damage
Vice hits Oruba for 24 damage, Oruba retaliates for 14 damage
Vice levels up
Oruba casts Fireburn on Vice for 10 damage
Hrist shoots Audrey for 21 damage
Deadbeer hits Audrey for 19 damage, Audrey retaliates for 7 damage
Kachua heals Canopus for 15 points
Rashilul throws a stone at Oruba for 3 damage
Dakk throws a stone at Oruba and misses
Lolor throws a stone at Oruba and misses
Aqizzar hits Audrey for 10 damage and kills her
Akigagak shoots at Oruba and misses
Robin shoots at Oruba and misses
Canopus stabs at Oruba and misses
Deadbeer throws a stone at Oruba for 1 damage and kills him
Deadbeer levels up
Oruba: I can't die... here...
Canopus join party
Kinda dull, but I'm tired. Maybe more next time.