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Author Topic: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]  (Read 5808 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2009, 03:22:30 am »

It is indeed a statue-one I never finished, that was supposed to have green glass eyes and a giant spear with a metal tip. But then, "never finished" is there for a reason.
The pyramid is/was a rather grandiose seed storage. I got tired of looking at the little square building and decided to go "what the hell, why not."

Do you know any ways to get the attention of the local Human civ? I'm not averse to using Tweak if necessary.

The "archery pit" is actually a gladatorial arena; something I've built several times, but never actually gotten around to using.

As it is, I'll probably just construct a vast statue garden/meeting hall around a well, and see how well our new millstone works.

Do you object to me sticking a windmill on your obelisk?

Also, the giant chalk thing is the Eiffel Tower, more or less. Yes, I was very bored.

Anyway. Starting!


  • Bay Watcher
  • A Breakdancing Ogre
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2009, 06:14:47 am »

A windmill to the obelisk? Huh. Sure, go ahead. But note that it's solid stone, not hollow. You'd have to hollow out the center if you intend to actually use the windmill rather than have it there as decoration.

And the humans... Ah. That's it.

The entity file part on them only has the trade trigger. As our kobolds are thieves, we don't get any trade points, so the humans never show up, and because they don't have any of the other progress triggers.. yeah. Get a pop-trigger from some of the other entities and just place it on the humans. It SHOULD work then, and no regen should be necessary. Alternatively, it won't work at all and we will never see any humans without a regen.

Also, seed storage. I should have guessed that from the locked door and the barrel/bag combo inside. THE MORE YOU KNOW.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2009, 01:49:12 pm »

Can you fit me in?  I can take a turn any time from Sunday onward.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2009, 07:08:07 pm »

A windmill to the obelisk? Huh. Sure, go ahead. But note that it's solid stone, not hollow. You'd have to hollow out the center if you intend to actually use the windmill rather than have it there as decoration.

And the humans... Ah. That's it.

The entity file part on them only has the trade trigger. As our kobolds are thieves, we don't get any trade points, so the humans never show up, and because they don't have any of the other progress triggers.. yeah. Get a pop-trigger from some of the other entities and just place it on the humans. It SHOULD work then, and no regen should be necessary. Alternatively, it won't work at all and we will never see any humans without a regen.

Also, seed storage. I should have guessed that from the locked door and the barrel/bag combo inside. THE MORE YOU KNOW.

Just mod it in on your next turn-and remove the ITEM_THIEF tag from our 'bolds. Worth a try.

My cord has taken a turn for the shitty-the damned thing's finally gotten to the point where it won't charge my battery, so I haven't started yet.

Anomaly, I'm taking my turn next, and then Ieb'll take his. After that, if you're still interested, it's all yours.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A Breakdancing Ogre
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2009, 09:34:29 am »

I heard rumors on the Internets, that this succession game is about to continue.

I also heard rumors, also on the Internets, that it's up to me again to lead all to glory and fame.

Most unnerving.

That aside, still open to more players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2009, 12:35:36 am »

3rd Granite, 243
In lieu of making our own calendar, we have taken to using the Dwarven one. It is the commonly accepted standard of the other civilizations, and I see no reason why we should not-we've taken to digging stone and forging metal, after all.
My name is Dlostlaymer, and Flilishaldin, Carrier of the Words of Shorer, has chosen me to lead Chlilithaymis for a year. I am a Mason, one of the Workers-With-Stone, the caste that was born here at Chlilithaymis, and it is my duty to begin a most onerous task-that of reorganizing all the items that lie about.
It is a difficult one, but I offer much praise to the gods-Jreengus first-that I have Shorer's notes!

9th Granite
Recently, Gagombis has approached me. He is worried about the issues of "crime"-a most confusing concept Shorer detailed in brief-and wishes to lead a small squad of Hackers to deal with it-even though he is not yet quite sure what it is.
As such, I have appointed him "Sheriff." He promptly turned around and demanded a better room, and furniture for it.
Who am I to refuse? His request has been granted.

11th Granite
Jreengus Occurring! Of all the things to happen on my watch...Elves have attacked!
I have dispatched our budding military to deal with them. May luck hold with us.

15th Granite
The attack was a rout...for the Elves! Of their attackers, only three survived-Crossbowmen.
Their bodies are being borne back to camp. I will feast on their bones in satisfaction. The bloodied members of our military now command their squads.
Gagombis was disappointed to not join in the slaughter, but I informed him that the duty of the Sherriff is to protect the home front...not without a small amount of smugness, I must admit.
Due to their escape, I have ordered the construction of a small bridge across the water further north. They will not escape again. Too long, we have feared Elven, it is we who will do the slaughtering.

20th Granite
Looking to the future, I have ordered the construction of several large animal traps around our domain. Inoffensive and disgusting as Snailmen and Slugmen are, they are still a defense to be considered, and may be used as bait for the trapping of other creatures. Engravings record the visit of a cougar, and once a wolf pack, to our domicile, and I would be ready for the day they finally appear.

I have also begun to think on the construction of a waterwheel for the making of flour and dyes with Fifemave Ademaava.

26th Granite
On a brief stop in the Metalworking pits-how strange it feels to say that word-I have noted the pitiful size of the area. Despite Shorer's notes on it being the first place we ever dug stone, I've ordered it expanded.

6th Slate
Our Dungeon Master has arrived, and there is a mild panic to accommodate him. Shorer's notes, however, are once more invaluable, as I have recreated the room of our previous Dungeon Master.
The unfortunate peasant currently sleeping off his wounds has been evicted, likely much to his chagrin.
In the catacombs, deep in the earth, I've allowed another of the great rooms for the Dungeon Master. With him come migrants-a Woodworker, a Furnace Operator, five Peasants, two Trappers, two Animal Dissectors, a Wood Burner, a Planter, a Weaver, a Hunter-he will be disappointed to learn of the poor pickings here, and that I have assigned him to become a Fisher-and a pup.

16th Slate
Flilishaldin, our leader, lacks a tomb-much to my shock, as I can think of few more deserving. Despite her assurances, I have chosen one of the corner tombs for her and her lover Chlilis, and once our Engravers have grown in skill, I will have it engraved for her.

20th Felsite
I have explored much of Chlilithaymis, and seen quite a few of its wonders-its legendary dining room, one of them.
This understood, one can imagine my surprise at hearing that one of our Stonecrafters had decided to organize a party at one of the jails!
Upon speaking to her, I learned that she was ignorant of the great dining hall, and surprised of its existence.
I have begun to inform the kobolds of the great dining hall. Hopefully, they will start using it.
Also worth noting is our new Spearmaster, Plikipreerbis Fenefucuna!

1st Hematite
Summer has arrived, and things are going well! The larger of the two animal traps is well under construction, and I have ordered construction of a Kennels to train whatever we garner from it.
The trappers beg for work, and I have begun to order the placement and baiting of the various traps we have sitting around.

2nd Hematite
Babakaflulber Cithasiladatha has become another Spearmaster!

8th Hematite
Among Shorer’s notes were musings on the “machines” the mechanics have mumbled about in their moods-among them a “windmill” and “waterwheel.” Having had a look at our monolith, I have realized that it is far too small to contain a windmill. This was, for a while, a rather depressing thing to realize-but having gone outside to look at our great statue, I was struck by inspiration. Why not put a windmill on one of its arms?
I’ve ordered Krankus to build a gear assembly in preparation. I need more time to consider where exactly we’ll put the grindstones.
I’ve also added two more Kobolds to our military. Klogis and Fusulus seem to have the proper qualities for a soldier, and now wield spears.

14th Hematite
Jreengus Occurring! Goblin ambush-I am thankful to the gods that a farmer came across them quickly. He was, regretfully, struck down-but not before taking one of their number with him.
The ambush is dealt with. No casualties save our unfortunate farmer.

15th Hematite
Our wall of cage traps has captured a goblin. He has been remanded to the Animal Stockpiles, to await eventual execution/target practice in the arena.

16th Hematite
A caravan has arrived! Flilishaldin has gone to trade-or, at least, that’s what he told me. After three days of no-show, I ordered a Gem Cutter to take his place.
We’ve acquired more food, some more weapons, and a few choice items.
Oddly enough, I found some of our Artifacts in the trading pile-or rather, artifacts from our past. Why they’re not down in the Artifact Storage in the Catacombs, I cannot imagine.

23rd Hematite
ANOTHER Goblin ambush! This one claimed another peasant, before our soldier charged in and swiftly divested our foes of their lives. Folofolin, you will be missed.

25th Hematite
Perhaps due to the fighting outside, we have another Axe Lord! Thulufusridus shall be receiving the usual room with slightly better accommodations, as usual.

25th Malachite
Our Axe Lords and Spearmasters are progressing apace-in fact, we have so many, they have begun to outnumber their subordinates! While a humorous fact, it is but one of many. Recently, my own foolishness in regard to the placement of a windmill has caused it to fall entirely, causing the death of a kobold pup. While sobered, I intend to continue-though not in this foolish direction. I cannot discern the direction of the wind, I know that the water flows ever south; and it is a much simpler proposition to construct a waterwheel, in any case.

13th Galena
Now that the Smelting Pits have been expanded, I’ve ordered the construction of another Smelter, as our primary is busy with the work of burning coal into coke. We’ve got to have plenty of metal for the day an anvil finally arrives.

20th Galena
Our archers have been complaining of their inability to…arch, as it were, due to the lack of ammo.
I’ve deforbidden all the arrows in the pits.
There is now a furious charge to put all the arrows back into their stockpiles.

22nd Galena
I’ve ordered construction of an Ashery in the Smelting Pits. Glass calls for it.

11th Limestone
A caravan from Srugupeersnus has arrived. Hopefully they’ll have some useful things.

14th Limestone
Due to the overcrowding in the Well-Hall, I’ve ordered the construction of a second in the Catacombs.

I’ve also cancelled the orders to collect all of the ammunition in the Archery Pits. Nothing else was getting done!

16th Limestone
We’ve traded some clothes-all Elven-for another suit of chainmail, some gloves, and a pile of food-and a rope or two.
…On second thought, I think I’ll ask Flilishaldin to get some more leather, too. We’re out, after all.

20th Limestone
I’ve set plans for the expansion of the Military District, to be put into motion when the Miners need more work, or we need more stone, whichever happens first.

27th Limestone
Migrants! A Clothesmaker, a Soap Maker…and that seems to be it, oddly enough.

3rd Sandstone
Plusheeldis Utaaspo has become a legendary champion! In honor, he has been assigned an all-stone room with a well-crafted door and a finely-crafted bed, not to mention an armor stand and weapon rack!

10th Sandstone
Plikipreerbus Fenefecuna has become a legendary champion! Like Plusheeldis, she has been awarded better lodgings.

13th Sandstone
Gradajilmus, a Peasant, has been taken by a mood. Only time remains to see what comes of it.

17th Sandstone
This is a good month for Champions-Babakaflulber Cithasildatha has become yet another champion!
Standard rewards have been given.
Thufusridus too…merciful Jreengus. I eagerly await the day goblins or elves attempt to attack us.

19th Sandstone
The peasant-his rants make it more and more obvious he is possessed-has taken two turtle shells, horse leather, chestnut logs, elf bones, and rough yellow jaspers, before setting to. I wonder what he will create.

23rd Sandstone
After four days of labor, Gradajilmus has created “Etherelarina,” or “Lessenedbreath,” a Turtle Shell Piccolo. He stumbled from the Carver’s Workshop in a daze, put it away in the Artifact Storage, and staggered away to his room, exhausted. It seems he has not gained at all-but kept his life, for which I am grateful.

5th Timber
Stugukuchrulmus Spostnalusek has become YET ANOTHER Champion!

12th Timber
I think I’ve figured out the reason for the lack of organization in the stockpiles-lack of bins. When I ordered the construction of bins, every Kobold that could carry one immediately began to organize.
With this in mind, I’ve ordered the mass construction of bins.

19th Timber
Thlorsnis has become a Swordmaster.

24th Timber
Gagombis has become a champion!
And Chrofogothumin Stratabuznuk, too.
…This is a good year for champions-and a bad year for goblins.

2nd Moonstone
What is it with these last five months and Champions? It seems every time I turn around, I hear the call from my fellow ‘bolds. This time, it’s Slogotlayngis Irarane, a Swordmaster.
Someone else will need to assign them rooms.

4th Moonstone
With the reassignment of the Furniture Stockpile, the number of empty barrels has become worrisomely apparent. I’ve ordered the mass harvest of plants and fishing.

12th Moonstone
The traders have come-I’ve asked Flilishaldin to trade with them.

14th Moonstone
Another Champion-this time, Giklabin.
It’s remarkable how many are appearing…next time the Goblins come, I might almost pity them.

17th Moonstone
After spending five days waffling about, Flilishaldin has gone to trade, and we have acquired more swords, shovels, armor, leather, and various meats. Huzzah!

17th Opal
Kragraynkin Wareciyodia, a Swordmaster, has become another Champion.
At this rate, any Goblins that attack will be reduced to small, bloody chunks in no time.
I’ve also ordered the construction of a road out to the edge of our domain. Hopefully it will attract Humans.

25th Opal
Due to complaints of vermin, I’ve ordered our Trappers to begin catching them en masse, as the Elves say. The traders may like them.

28th Opal

Upon going down to the Animal Stockpiles, I discovered much to my surprise that we had captured a pair of Slugmen.
Perhaps my successor will figure out something to do with them.

22nd Obsidian
Krankus informed me today that we need more cages for our Cage Traps-I’ve acquiesced, and the Carpenters are mad at work.

Additionally, it seems many of our kin are pragmatic-most of the vermin have been eaten from their cages.

At last, Spring has arrived, and I surrender charge of Chlilithaymis to whoever will lead it next. Jreengis has smiled upon us; a bounty of food and champions have come to be ours.
May my successor be as lucky!

Save is here. Mind you get it quick; it'll be deleted in ten days.

2Shared was being too slow.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 12:45:27 am by Fist_Of_Armok »


  • Bay Watcher
  • A Breakdancing Ogre
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2009, 02:34:44 pm »


I got to Summer, updating a journal all the way, and then, I accidentally closed the tab. So, I now have no pics that I took before the start of Summer. So, I'll sum it up below. Everything after will have pics.

- On the start of Spring, a peasant got possessed and made a platemail from two pieces of turtle shell. It's now in good use.
- Decided to make a three smaller farms that produce brewable plants, right by the side of the rope reed farm.
- Moved all seeds to the seed tower from underground.
- Started the cloth industry. Loincloths for all!
- Started and finished a shooter tower near the entrance. It also covers the vicinity of the farms, somewhat. However, for some reason, the shooters threw away their bows and refuse to pick them up. wat. The shooter squads who are now acting stupid are Strayldis, and Kridlubus. In case they turn into wrestlers or something, you will know who to fix. I don't know what's wrong with them, because we have bows, and even with "hold with both hands, okay?" they still won't go and pick 'em up.
- The shooter tower also serves as a mill, powered by three windmills on top. I failed to get power transmitted downwards. If anyone knows how that is done, feel free to fix it so we can have a better mill area.
- I am trying to fill the lake by slowly letting the tunnels fill with water, before I'll open the floodgate keeping them there. I'm hoping there will be enough water to at least partly fill it.
- The Wise philosopher arrived with a bunch of peasants and other people. I made 3 more squads of 3 kobolds, armed them with swords and axes.
- Moved a lot of kobolds into squads.
- And on the start of Summer, HUMAN SIEGE. It wasn't pretty.
- Here's a pic of the shooter tower/milltower. It's a disguise! Being a wooden tower, I mean. Yeah.

Now, we return to journal-style.

11th of Malachite, 244.
The human siege, short and uneventful it was, also had an effect that I was not expecting. Really, I wasn't!

The siege kept the traders at bay, so we were unable to secure food. This is a problem, considering how there is no wildlife as far as I know it, besides the snail- and slugmen. And we all know that they taste absolutely horrid.

The populace needs reassurance. You, Bladafagrungis, the life of fine cuisine welcomes you! means you're the Cook now, brother. Make some biscuits.
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18th of Malachite, 244.
Gagombis has come forth, and told that he isn't happy.
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Well, he IS happy, but he's saying he could be happier with how things are. Like, having appropriate rooms for a man of his state.

I then delved into checking out the situation, and found out that while he does have a dining room and an office, they are in a room with loam floor and walls. Furthermore, the door was locked.
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I don't know why, and neither does he.

While I could easily relocate his room, I thought of an alternative. Construction has begun as of now.

8th of Galena, 244.
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There you go, Gagombis. Don't tell me that I never do anything for you.

11th of Limestone, 244.
Autumn has arrived, and so has the dreaded shout which echoed in the loam pathways.
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It's freaky when they do that. Scares the pups too. And why is it always me who has to tell that "it's alright, he/she just went a little insane"?

The trapper took over a craftshop, and vanished into the tunnels below. Well, he must know what he's doing, right? Luck is with us as well, for I received word that the traders have made it through the wilds and are heading towards us. Good, while the food is enough, it never hurts to have reserves. Better stuffed than starved, as my uncle always used to say. Before he starved to death. Bloody dwarves.

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Oh for the love of Jreengus.

Since the enemy is heavily composed of crossbowers, I have given the order for everyone to stay indoors. Especially the farmers. The military is ordered to their stations below the staircase the enemy is obviously headed at. And then, a goblin popped it's ugly head down from the staircase, and a crossbow was aimed and fired several times. I would be worried, had not a few military people been around the stairs when it happened. It didn't take long for it to be dragged down and killed, and from the looks of it, he was just a scout for the mainforce. Obviously, they sent him to find out if there is no one here to oppose to their looting and raiding. Without the scout returning, they will surely attack.

17th of Limestone, 244.
The attack was met head on, and the goblins were sent fleeing. But not without it's price.

Prigikishrinkis bravely charged the enemy unarmed, and while I am not fond of sacrifice, it bought our soldiers the time to spread out and attack the enemy. But against arrow and bolt, even the most skilled of soldier can be humbled.

Blayngis was shot by a goblin, and the bolt lodged in his right arm. We are going to have to remove that. The bolt, that is. Not the arm, Jreengus bless. Thlorsnis also was shot in his upper body, but his wound is not as severe. Against Feferi Mubaba, even bolts must strive to get through!

Their injuries are light, they should be up and at it again in a few months.

For now, let us trade!

25th of Limestone, 244.
Curious. As soon as the goblins gear was ordered to be brought indoors, the shooters marched out, grabbed the crossbows out of their cold dead hands, and in unison said, "Finally!"

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I guess we need to get some more bolts then. What's wrong with your bows, seriously!?

The traders this time brought us a whole load of meat and fish. About 400 hundred pieces of meat to be exact, and 100 of fish. And the trapper who went insane? Well, his insanity has reached new heights, what with the racket and gibbering that he makes in that workshop. I guess he found what the voices told him.

25th of Limestone, 244.
Fogobringus finally stopped being crazy, and went back to work. But only after he made this thing.
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I guess he really was out of ideas after all those decorations, since he named it after himself. I guess some soldier will find this useful. I hope. He also now claims that he is really super skilled at bone carving. I'll just take his word for it, and let him have grubby hands on those bones.

The farmers are at it again. This time they are talking about how much better the farms would work if they had some po... potash. I don't know what it is. Ash in a pot? But whatever, they want it, we have the people able to make it, but only one shop for both of the materials. I guess we can build another pair then, and like, double our production of... pot ash.

They also talked about how nice it'd be if they didn't have to walk all the way inside the fort for it. Fine, you manipulative jerks, I'll tell the masons that you want a hut or something made. Lousy farmers, manipulating and... Why not make another windmill on top of it, huh!? You'd like that wouldn't you?!

23rd of Timber, 244.
Well, that sure took long.
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I don't know what's going on, but suddenly everyone is really super busy. I have no idea where they are going, why, or if the siege just left our production slightly ahead the haulers, who now are running from one place to another just to catch up.

Anyway. While the farmers are now happy because they have their potash storage, they are not happy about the fact that we only have 20 pieces of it.
Turns out that just one of our main farms uses like, 25 bars of potash per season. Or something along those lines. A lot more than what we have now, that is for sure.

I guess I will just make sure that we get that potash made, and leave it to the next person in charge to utilize it.

10th Moonstone, 244.
Winter begins with new life, Playlmus the peasant gave birth to two cheery little pups. I got a good feeling about this season.

Soon after, a goblin snatcher was caught in cage trap. Another one, eh. Oh well, strip him naked and toss him in a pit somewhere.

The merchants are here once again. I guess for once, I get a nice break. Nothing too horrible happening. Yep yep. This is the life. Throw those bins to the depot, trade for stuff! Do your things! I'm so losing my leadership touch!

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And it shows! Luckily no one else but those two are down there- I mean, it's a terrible shame but- oh look the miner just killed one of the wrestlers. And the trader is running ahead the other goblins! Erm, you soldiers there, quick, go and KILL THEM ALL!

Another squad of goblins emerges from ambush from the other side of the river, axemen and wrestlers. While the soldiers are still heading into the site, a peasant charges a goblin maceman, but the difference in skill was too great. It didn't take long for the goblin to stop stepping aside the clumsy attacks and knock the peasant to the ground, but luckily for him, a miner and another peasant attack the goblin from the side, taking him down, punching and jabbing with their fists and a shovel. The maceman is struck down, and they set upon a wrestler, coming in aside the tower foundations.
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It is then when the soldiers finally emerge and confront the goblins. Limbs are cloven, guts spilled, and so on. However, two peasants lost their life during the skirmish. Krilgis, and Fodogibis. They charged the enemy as well, but with nothing but their fists, and their opponent armed with an axe, they were struck down.

Another peasant tackled the crossbower of the enemy group, saving the miner who fought the goblins few moments earlier, granted how he got shot in the arm by the goblin. Had it been given a chance to fire again, it might have hit fatally.

21st of Moonstone, 244.
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They say tragedy is the life of art. I guess that Shidiblalmin agreed on it, given how he left the dining hall and hid himself deep into the caverns. I haven't seen him since, so I assume all is going well. Now, we have a lot of corpses to carry.

27th of Moonstone, 244.
The insanity has passed once again. Shidiblalmin arrived to the dining hall, and the memorial service, and proudly displayed what he had created.

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Impeccable timing.

3rd of Opal, 244.
We just rolled onto the middle of Winter. The merchants brought a load of meat once again, and we bought all that they had. Because hey, better stuffed than starving, you know. You should, I said it once already. I just saw someone carry the peasant who tackled the crossbower down, down to the barracks to rest. It took them THIS long? There are some severe logistics issues here. That, or the whole "OH JREENGUS SAVE US, GOBLINS" thing shocked everyone out of their rational behavior.

26th of Opal, 244.
I have noticed another problem, the mechanics are telling that we are out of cages. Cages that are full, either it's a goblin, or a snailman, or a slugman. And despite our trainers asking very nicely, the creatures are showing no signs of submitting, as in stopping with their aggravated attacks. As such, there is but one thing to do. Release them in the barracks, and let the military have some life targets for change.

8th of Opal, 244.
The mechanics have now a lot more empty cages. We gave their residents an offer they could not refuse.
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It was not pretty.

27th of Obsidian, 244.
The end is nigh. Today started with a woodcutter giving birth to twins.  Everything is in order, I told the people cutting trees outside to cease their activities and return to normal duties. The person following my rule probably has other ideas for them.

Dungeon Master, out.

Well, that's it for my year. I think that's pretty much all that I did. No wait, I did make a workshop room for the dyer, since we are looking into dyeing.

And I did give those farmers that windmill. Why? BECAUSE I COULD.
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Besides that, let's see. We got a load of food, prepared and untouched, some booze, a windmill powered milling industry that would do some upgrading, some extra buildings, and a whole lot of corpses.

Kobold count is 135. I think about 5, or was it 6, kobolds died during my horrible reign of terror and so on. 2 military, the rest were mostly peasants and so on.

I still don't know why those shooters refused to use their bows.
Might be something raw-related. Maybe it's because I grabbed a fresh copy of Dwarf Fortress and just threw the kobold mod there.

And I just realized, I totally forgot about expansion mining on the military areas. Oh god, I forgot to give those new guys rooms! Well uhh. C'est la vie, right? Oh well I sent the miners to work as my last order as the ruler.

But yeah.

Here's the save:
« Last Edit: December 18, 2009, 02:40:49 pm by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
    • View Profile
Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2009, 03:47:10 pm »

Whoops. Human invaders? That's unfortunate.

The Kobold Camp main game is still in the first post in its RAR, IIRC.

You didn't do too badly, IMO, but I tend to write up my posts in Word beforehand to avoid such things.

And now, I will see how things are going.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #38 on: January 26, 2010, 05:03:38 pm »

I wonder if this has been dropped, been waiting for a new post since the turns changed. i hope this will continue.
This is Dwarf Fortress! If we can chuck magma at innocent wildlife, we can do ANYTHING!

It was at this point that I realised that dwarves are actually the essence of chaos. What else can make perpetual motion machines, recursive statues with more building materials than the average tower and has such a short attention span that a damn fine chair can off-set the death of their entire family.
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