The premise is quite simple, as of the next update we will have an Arena to allow for custom tailored combat. Using this new feature, players will play a regular game of dwarf fortress for a specified amount of in game time. When this time is up, they will post the resulting save game data. Their in game fortress statistics/population/wealth will then be tabulated into their final point total, which they will use to make and place as a formation: A team for battle in the fort wars.
Common Fortress start location >>> Players play for a set number of game years. >>> Resulting fortress is tabulated to allow players the ability to customize an army. >>>Armies battle to the death.
This thread is dedicated to discuss how such a game mode would work, what would make it fun, and balance issues.
My Pitch:
For a greater challenge, the starting location should be devoid of Dwarfish comforts. After 2 years of play from fortress creation, all Dwarfs, their armor and arms are instantly transferred over for use in arena mode.
All tamed animals are also available for use.
The total created wealth is divided by 100 and used as "Merc points" for buying mercinary Elfs, Humans and Goblins, extra points are needed to upgrade their skills + arms and armor.
Total Food stores are divided by 10 and used as "Beast points" for buying creatures.
Using a list of things to buy, players are then told their totals and inform the player running the game what they have purchased. The player may then form them up into any formation he pleases.
If the creature total is in conflict with the total number of creatures available to all players. Players will be forced to organize their forces into "waves" of 1/4 or less their opening army size.