Epic civ name: The Gears of Splattering. Perfect for a dwarf. My group name is pretty good too, the tufted hatchets. I gave all my melee fighters axes as a result of it. I would decorate the axes with feathers if I could.
Fortress name just sucks though. Dabbledsalve.
Some Civs which aren't mine:
The Regal Sombre Bodice. A dwarven civilization which I can only assume is devoted to acts of utter depravity.
The queen is named "Muthkat Ironsprinkled. I would guess that these dwarves put iron dust on their women to make them sparkly, much as some ancient human cultures did with gold.
The Palace is called "Shotfathers", named by her predecessor. The innuendos here are overwhelming.
On an unrelated note, I think these may be the patrons of my next fortress.
The Tactical Boats. Dwarves. At first I thought they used navy, but turns out the construct large ships over their entranceways, ready to smash elves with their own wood at a pull of a lever.
The Sly Ghoul is a goblin civ, presumably named after its demon leader. I guess he's unusually sly.
The Healing hell, I don't even know. They created a place called "The Bad Palace" and two called "The Bad Fortress". I can only assume that they are nomenclatively challenged. I do notice that they have many dwarven prisoners, however, so perhaps they meant it to be something akin to "the Naughty Corner"
The Grizzly dungeon, I notice, lacks bears. However, it does have something called "The Tower of Seducing". Presumably this is in the shape of the poenis of their demonic leader, Axstrog Seduceghosts. He must not have liked it, because they immediately built him the Unnameable Palace. He's the only surviving megabeast (out of two demons and a titan) So he must be fairly formidable.
The Nightmares of Dipping presumably keep their salsa bowls close to their hearts.
The Ivory Growths, an elf civilization, are presumably rather knobbly.
The Hot Jungles were an elven group who died almost immediately. Presumably they were eaten by a tiger while engaging in... heat.
There are no other dwarves or goblins, and no humans. I left out a few elf civs because elves generally have lame names.