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Author Topic: Deal with a demon: a video game idea  (Read 1689 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deal with a demon: a video game idea
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2009, 05:50:21 pm »

Ever played Eversion? It does the "progressively worse" concept very well, by subtly altering the game world in a predictable manner that compounds to the point of radically altering what options are available. If, as you progress, there are numerous "change points", invisible to the player, that, at each one, if the player has taken on enough powers, increments the world state one step away from reality, and you have the player phase into a diffrent realm, then give an entirely diffrent final level(roughly half of the game in size) for each possible level(Level design for it would be easyish: Start with the plain level, and modify it for the first alternate version, change that to get the third, and so on...)

Additionally, a metroid zero mission style network of secret paths that are more evident in the later stages of the game when you have taken the "correct" route, and take massive skill and/or knowledge of gameplay mechanics to access... Bonus: You discover the "portal" that allows your "buddy" to be there, and as you approach, the level difficulty increments as if you had made deals, but actually making a deal would block later parts, forcing you to navigate the most difficult setting with no help, plus your "buddy" turns against you and utterly refuses to help in the end(becoming the final secret boss?) if you manage to survive. In this secret level, have two routes, one hidden and nearly impossible, and one regular one. At the end of the regular one, the boss is impossible. At the end of the secret one, you gain powers from yourself, superior to any others in the game. Make them look like "good" powers, but after the battle, the player is corrupted and takes the place of the previous evil(Bonus: Have the name of the winning player become the name, after a minor alteration function, of the next demon for any new games started). Once again, leave a nearly impossible to spot alternative where you can avoid the fight. When accesed, have the screen white-fade to your character, in a psychiatrist's office, being declared cured, but leave a physical mark on the player that shows that the battle was fought in reality, not just imaginarily. Bonus: Make a sequel where you play as this victor character, with the name of the last player on your PC to win the first game through the "self-cure" ending, otherwise a lame placeholder. The character's conflict would have left a mental mark, where the character develops unnatural abilities. Have a similar secret within a secret within a secret ending that passes along the name to a third and final game. Have the second game never fully reveal that it is actually a sequel, but have the third tie them together. Have a final bonus area for players who kept their names from the first game. Reccomend a part of it as revisiting the first game's setting, as a visitor, not a patient. Where the player's old cell was, one of the walls rips loose if you enter, revealing a portal to another "secret" world. Final exit clip: Show security footage, player character passes through undamaged padded wall. Cut to final credits. Submit name to online "ultimate player" list.

How about that tangent?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deal with a demon: a video game idea
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2009, 06:34:47 pm »

It's a really good tangent, I have to say. The first half sounds like a twilight zone episode in video game form. I Just need the "Ne ne ne ne ne" music to play to complete the feeling completely.

Though, yes, I have played, beaten, and gotten the secret ending for Eversion, and it was QUITE the game. In fact, I would probably have to say my idea is sort of inspired from the way Eversion handled things. But what I'm thinking about is that where Eversion has sort of a lovecraftian corruption/pollution of the entire world going on, DwaD (Deal with a Demon, for short) would have the the corruption of the world being being a matter of perception at first, then a perversion with spirituality, then building itself becoming malevolent and out to get you, then hell breaks loose (or something like that) and unlike in Eversion, you can't switch between them wily-nily, and it's entirely out of your control. What I'm trying to get at here is part of the one-upsmanship I was talking about earlier, where the corruption of your surroundings is out of your control, and is meant to make you feel helpless/claustrophobic/trapped/frightened/etcetera all the while egging you on to kick more ass than ever.

Although, you made some mention of the story being stretched over sequals, and while this is just another personal bias of mine, I'm not a big fan of developers that do that, and so I'm an opponent of it as well. My reasoning is that I don't really want to play 2-3 games to get the story, and what could go wrong is that development might change unexpectedly and weird continuity things start to happen (Like with Devil May Cry or Metal Gear Solid) OR if the first game doesn't sell well, and we don't get enough money to continue the series, then that leaves the niche fans that liked the first game forever trapped with whatever cliffhanger the first game presented and they'd never get to know what happens next, which I feel is very unfair. So I feel that a story in a game should be self-contained, and not reliant on knowing the plot of other games to make sense. Do you know what I mean?

Also, having little scoreboards online isn't a bad idea. People that might decide to speedrun it, challenge run it, or something along those lines would have a nice place to show off those achievements. Such bragging rights rewards would be very pleasing to the hardcore crowd.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deal with a demon: a video game idea
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2009, 07:48:27 pm »

Naturally, top rated runs would need a record option, or else people could cheat by simply sending a false score.

Preferably one of the score lists would be a "community favourite" where you send in the recording data and people vote for their fav. Probably limited to one vote/day, once per week for any single run.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deal with a demon: a video game idea
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2009, 08:15:50 pm »

Maybe people could play the game during a special recording mode where you need to be hooked up to the internet and logged in to the official website for it to count. If you speedrun, and get a good enough time to say get in the top 10 best runs, then you're playtime is recorded for everyone to see. If it isn't good enough, then you're recorded video is deleted, but you get to keep your time anyway for posterity. Top runs that are eventually knocked out of the 10 have their video deleted, but the original time is kept intact so it can still be viewed in the top 100 or something.

This would prevent cheaters AND prevent HUGE amounts of server space being dedicated hosting the speedrun videos. Does that sound good?

Granted, there would also be moderators checking the videos, to make sure nothing like noclip or other cheats activated by external devices like game sharks would count, though I suppose for that purpose, videos knocked off the top 10 wouldn't get their video deleted right away, they'd be put on hiatus until the 'better' video is deemed cheat-free by a moderator, and THEN deleted.

The only thing I don't like about this system is that it would require human maintenance for who knows how long, and if the website goes down, then it would be like that part of the game becoming unusable.

Granted, you could just forego all the hassle and expense and just rely on hardcore players with card capture devices to record their speed runs/challenge runs and place them on a video hosting sites for personal glory, like every other game.

An in-game timer/score keeper in the game wouldn't hurt though, just for keeping track of personal records, and such.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Photoshop is for elves who cannot use MSPaint.
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Re: Deal with a demon: a video game idea
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2009, 08:41:59 pm »

Yes, and the ability to save the current run to disk(Might have to enable run logging in a menu file, or initiate it on a per-game basis) so that you can upload it at the end would make many players very happy. Just did an epic wallflip landing in the middle of superenemies and then killing them all in one roundhouse kick that, though unable to rival Chuck Norris's, comes close to the limits of non-Norris possibility? Good thing it automatically recorded your run!

The ability to take a total run recording file and view it with an in-game recording viewer, and then select a clip to export in a recording segment format would be neat. You wouldn't have to record every frame, just action diffrences and enough data to be able to recreate the scene. If done right, it means that quality is irelevant during play, and that recording files are kept to a lower size than pure video.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deal with a demon: a video game idea
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2009, 08:57:44 pm »

I suppose if your console is already connected to your computer, then you might as well be able to record to disk.

So I agree with you very much Qwerty.
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