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Author Topic: The most inspirational dwarf awards  (Read 16307 times)


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Re: The most inspirational dwarf awards
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2009, 12:25:22 pm »

This is not a story about some great unknown dwarf. This is about the greatest war dog that has ever lived.
The year is 1207. The fort, DeadCat. The fort started off as a small town that was walled off from the rest of the world. 7 people and 4 dogs settled here. A few years in, the dogs became unruly. Breeding like rabbits. Almost 100 dogs now ran the streets, all of the local wildlife was destroyed, except 1 zombie carp. The people have gotten sick of the packs of dogs running free, so they start to train them for war in case the nearby orcs ever decide to attack. After the dogs where trained they where caged. 4 cages, 25 war dogs in each. The dwarfs have moved their town in to the local mountain. One entrance, 2 levers, 2 flood gates, 100 pissed off war dogs. If anything tried to attack their new home they would be trapped in a room with many rabid dogs. The people thought they where safe from anything. A few peaceful years pass, the people feel so safe they have only one military dwarf. A master sword dwarf.
It is now summer of the year 1210 and the city's peaceful manner is about to be destroyed. It started when a lonely hunter is attacked by a group of orcs. Her screams are heard at the fort. The dwarfs have grown weak and preside to void their dinner from a dark place. They have no defenses prepared.  Except one room. The orcs enter The hallway that leads to the heart of the fort. The orcs enter a room with 4 cages full of dogs....They laugh....Bad idea! The local mason runs to a lever and pulls it. The floodgates close around most of the orcs. 11 are trapped in the room with the dogs, 2 outside. The mason then pulls the second lever and all hell breaks out. Out of the cages dozens of war dogs pour out and start to attack the orcs. At first the orcs kill many dogs.
Then one orc falls due to him losing his head from a dog. Then one after another falls to the waves of dogs. Then finally one orc remains. 30 dogs still alive. The orc puts his back against the flood gate and starts to swing his hammer. The war dogs explode from the power of his swing. Body parts fly all over. Many dogs are injured from flying dog chunks, much like a shotgun blast. 2 dogs remain. One dog attacks head one while the other moves to the orc's right side.
The 1st dogs falls from a hammer hit that took off 3 of it's legs and an eye. The dog on the right knows it's going to die. In a last ditch attack it takes off the orcs arm, making him drop his hammer. The orc swings it's other arm and knocks the dog unconscious. The orc passes out. Then the sword dwarf pulls the lever and takes the head of the passed out orc. The dog wakes up with a broken leg....I should say no leg on its front right side. It looks around the small room in awe. Blood, guts, bones, and other random gore cover every tile in the room. The dog limps away from the battlefield alive. The last 2 orcs on the outside leave. The dwarfs celebrate and name the dog....Bub the arm eater. They build a room made out of platinum and bones. The bone are from the hammer orc, made in to a statue that sits in front bub's coffin, so bub can take his kill with him when he dies and goes to Valhalla.
Gods bless Bub, The arm eater. The greatest war dog to ever live.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 12:28:29 pm by MoonLightBird »


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Re: The most inspirational dwarf awards
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2009, 10:20:23 am »

Was he really named Bub???
Logged if nothing really matters...
The Legend of Tholtig Cryptbrain: 8000 dead elves and a cyclops

Tired of going decades without goblin sieges? Try The Fortress Defense Mod


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Re: The most inspirational dwarf awards
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2009, 05:00:33 pm »

Thats what they named him. I gave him armeater title.


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Re: The most inspirational dwarf awards
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2009, 05:09:21 pm »

Well, I see nobody has mentioned this little dwarf, if any dwarf deserves a reward, its this guy right here.
My armor is made of a combination of calluses, scar tissue, dried blood and vomit.
You know the old saying. Elves are only good for two things. Dying and porn.


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Re: The most inspirational dwarf awards
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2009, 05:02:44 pm »

Itebbekar, and the wolves. (why to never start in Tundra)

day 1: I should of known better than to trust elves to know where good ore was. Those laughing beardless tree huggers sent us where they knew we couldn't touch their precious trees. I ordered us to stop the wagon after the snow started falling. We can see for miles, nothing but frozen tundra and snow. We have no choice, dig here or die. I'm going to go see what I can do to help our miner clear a room.

I swear I'll get back at those elves.

day 85: There is no place to grow anything around here. We found a few measly yards of sand, and then nothing but rock. At least we arrived in "Spring" though I use the term loosely as the snow falls almost constantly here. I've ordered the wood cutter on permanent snow removal on the main gate. Its not like he will find work here. At least we thought to bring a lot of beer. Food is going to be a problem though. The farm is barely scraping by for just us. Glad we brought a pair of horses and dogs. They will be needed when things get scarce. Especially that new puppy. One positive note, we found fresh water in all this rock. At least we won't die of lack of drink, even if its not beer.

By Armok I'll get those elves.

day 111: we lost Olon to elk today. He was hunting one of the herds of musk ox when an elk ambushed him. I swear when they brought him in it was a message from the elk. I don't know what they are trying to say, or how they know to say it, but something about it fills me with dread. With him gone I'll have to make on of the new arrivals, more suckers those elves sent here to freeze, into hunters to remove the elk. We foolishly brought axes and spears expecting something forested from the elves.

day 112: ordered five peasants to get off their lazy butts in the unfinished dining hall to train some of the dogs and go hunt. We can't have slackers in our fortress. The beer has run out too.

Death is too good for elves.

day 126: Still no beer. All of our farm production goes straight into food. If it were not for the hunters we would have starved long ago, but I fear that still might happen. The new couple, Sazir the hunter, and our woodcutter Lokum, have told me that the herds have been getting smaller and smaller. Winter is approaching, and we have 37 dwarves to feed on a thin crop of plump helmets and well water. It seems the new dining hall will go unused, unless we make it our tomb.

day 157: It happened. What we all feared from the beginning. There is nothing left to hunt. Every day the hunters go out into that frozen wasteland, and come back without finding a single track. Winter is coming. The caravan we were expecting from the mountain homes never came. I've ordered all the horses, except two foals, butchered. I would rather do it now then when everyone will be rushing the butcher for the want of food. I wish we had more dogs.

day 202: Winter here is harsher than even I expected it to be. Sent the hunters out again. Sazir didn't return so Lokum went looking for her. He found her dead, with a wolf unconscious at her side. He killed the foul creature, but his rage over the death of his wife was his undoing. He never saw the rest of the wolf pack, no not wolf pack, wolf army. I sounded the alarm and ordered the citizens underground. We cannot stand against this many wolves. I hope the other hunters heard the call.

day 203: Fikod, Medtob, and Tirist never came back. I sent out our only guard, Lorbam, to see if he could spot them. He wasn't more than 10 steps out the front gate before the wolves ambushed him. We locked the doors. They didn't even kill him. Just mangled him so that he crys to us. It got to the others to leave him out there.

day 205: Lorbam died last night. One of the wolves finally put him out of his freezing misery while he was passed out from the pain. I hate these beast as much as the elves, but there is a greater threat now. Everyone in the fortress knows our chances now. The empty barrels in the food storage were discovered. Blast but I thought it would hold out longer than this. That is not what I fear most though. Listast, only daughter of Sazir and Lokum, has been crying looking for her mothers hunting dog Itebbekar. The dog never returned home, but wasn't at the body of Sazir. I fear the child will go insane with grief and push everyone else over the edge.

Day 206, night: something terrible is going on outside. We all hear it. I've ordered our last line of defense, the two legendary miners Zulgar and Adil to grab their best picks in case of an attack on the gates by the wolves. I wouldn't put it past these demons in fur.

Day 206, afternoon: There is something at the door. We hear whining and something pawing at the crack. I get the miners and the last untrained dog and position them at the gate. We are going to go out fighting these wolves rather than quietly starve.

Day 206: late-afternoon: we opened the door, and in limped Itebbekar. His left eye was gone and most of his head was a mass of bites, fur, and blood. His right paw also seemed to have been mangled. Outside though was a sight that raised our spirits. Ten dead wolves lay scattered, some wolves scattered in more than one place, outside. We are saved not just from wolves, but from starvation and the cold. Itebbekar has been made "Honorary captain of the guard".

day 1016: Fortress life is good. It is so cold that goblins never trouble us, and the occasional kobold keeps our large force of wardogs happy and well fed. We got large pumps finally constructed to solve our farming trouble two springs back, and immigrants have been absolutely pouring into the fortress. Sadly the great elk and musk ox herds have never returned, I fear we may have over hunted them that first year. Possibly what caused the hungry wolves to come to our gates. Speaking of which, Itebbekar is still with us. He only stays in side these days. His head and paw have healed slowly, but in enough time he will be as active as a puppy again. Occasionally we hear the wolves howling in the mountains, but never to loudly. Itebbekar might come back for the rest.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 05:07:18 pm by UndergroundTree »


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Re: The most inspirational dwarf awards
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2009, 08:13:16 pm »

Among my first wave of migrants came a Dwarven family, the Mebzuthnorams, 'Oarrelieved' - a mother, father, and two children.  I make a habit of nicknaming all of my dwarves, so we'll call the kids 'Pesky' and 'Brat,' their father 'Eggplant,' and their mother... their mother, Kubuk.

This family met disaster within the same week they moved in, before I could even get around to nicknaming Kubuk, wife and mother.  During her first trip outside to gather plants, she was viciously and savagely torn asunder by a wolf, which she named Likotagsal with her dying breath.  Her husband was not appeased by her nomination for "Worst Herbalist Ever," and keeps himself occupied to forget the memory of his wife either planting seeds or doing masonry.

The children, though both had watched her body decay before their eyes, remained ecstatic.  They came to this fortress and saw opportunity, and neither would let the paltry loss of their mother stand in their way!  The years went by, and the boys spent much time in the fields with their father... but they also studied the people, their needs, their ways... And then, they grew up.

The mayor of Dolekkib, 'Cometnets' was 'Dig Dug,' the very first miner to set foot on this hill - and it seemed that, since the beginning, this is the way it had always been.  He had been re-elected every single term.  But Brat and Pesky had a plan to make this metropolis theirs...

Through cunning, wit, and a brilliantly played smear campaign, Brat overthrew Dig Dug as the mayor of 'Cometnets.'  And in the next term, the people elected Pesky... and in the next, Brat again... and their plan became apparent.  These two brothers would work together, passing over leadership to one another, through guile and manipulation, making it seem as if the people had a choice in their leader... but term after term, either Brat or Pesky would be in charge from here on out.

So here's to you, Brat and Pesky Mebzuthnoram.  The land of Cometnet may have taken your mother, but the two of you have taken Cometnet in spite of it all, ever driven by her death, never pausing for an instant for taking control of your claim.  Kubuk's wolf-smitten soul smiles upon you.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 09:23:13 pm by KenboCalrissian »
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils
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