If there was a monthly intelligence report presented to the leader of the LCS, what would you want to be contained?
I would want it presented as several categories of information, each with their own screen accessible by tabs, and if possible, presented to fit in one screen without scrolling.
Similar to the current end of month report
* Lists current total number of LCS membership
* Gives a breakdown of number of recruits by juice level
* Gives a breakdown of number of recruits by each function...guessing function by their highest skill total (5 combatants, 3 writers, 1 re-educator, etc.)
* Lists the previous months casualties
* Lists total number of recruits over the lifetime of the game
* Lists total number of casualities over the lifetime of the game
* Lists total skill gains as a raw total of all recruit skill increases.
* Similarly lists total juice gains
* Lists names of highest-skill members in each category
* Lists amount of change in popular opinion for each issue over the month
Site Actions:
* Lists total number of site actions per location
* Lists total number of rounds of ammunition fired
* Total number of locks picked out of how many attempted
* Total number of animals freed
* Total number of juries manipulated
* Total number of times red button pressed
* (Total number of all other similar site actions: items stolen, people seduced, invited to talk, etc.)
* Lists total number of LCS casualties
* Lists total number of casualties with a breakdown by political outlook (37 conservatives, 2 moderates, zero liberals)
* Lists total number of casualties with a breakdown by profession (22 police officers, 2 lawyers, etc.)
* Information should be available both month-to-date as well as game-to-date
monthly intelligence report
Might be nice to have the above available at anytime via a keypress, similar to the "L"iberal agenda screen. No need to have it only shown at the end of each month. Monthly totals could be listed as month-to-date.