Even make destorying stone a criminal punishment liek jail time PLUS while in jail as long as stone is brought to a certain zone lawbreakers being punished would need to hammer away at it into dust then you could even introduce "Dust" into the game as a resource and fill barrels
with it to make like mortar or somthing and when you use it its mixed with water to recreate and original "rough-hewn [stone name]" wall or use the mortar for other things, you coul also make osmthing like traps, "dust traps" when their triggered the room or general area fills with dust making enemies not be able to see gettign shards of stone in their eyes, and lungs and throat suffocating some, causeing some to cough blood, and there are some more gorey deaths people wanted,
and they can be used on the offence as explosives liek if saltpeter is smashed into dust or another type stone it can make bombs to clear out large portions of cave on 1 or more z-levels, make mining fast but more dangerous too, and make explosive traps when made with powder of select rocks will blow up to deal damage to enemies that come too close amount of damage depending on the type of dust used.
you could make the stone dust mixture for traps in an alchemy workshop aswell as bombs and air filters to protect from the dust, and that could add some AOE (area of effect) damage to hurt groups. while providing alchemy shops with more uses.
you could also crush rock into pebbles. use them to filter saltwater, stagnant, and muddy water when it runs through pipes (see my other thread about pipes being useful)
offer any other ideas for dust or pebbles please