Alright, time to take a mention of all the named dwarves we have:
Fath McNoble, myself, took care of organizing and bookkeeping duties after Stas' went mad. I've since delegated those duties to Seastar. Currently also hauling around a lot of stuff, to make use of my high attributes.
Ungulateman McWoody is our resident wood cutter, carpenter and wood burner. While not legendary, he is a high master wood cutter and wood burner, who was put out of commission due to a fight with a goblin. Minor wounds though, that should heal in a season or two.
Zieg our master stoneworker is a legendary mason and legendary engraver. He seems to always make the best engravings and has pretty much made every single item in the fortress, barring whatever the other three masons manage to make. However, he does seem to like to make engravings of his own masterwork pieces sometimes.
Urist McUrist has mostly suffered from a lack of coal. There's plenty of wood to burn, but it's not burnt fast enough. Hopefully, the rebel cultists will remedy that situation. She has forged many coins and is the only one permitted in the metalsmith forge. She has also forged about thirty pairs of steel gauntlets, thirty suits of steel plate armour and thirty steel war hammers, approximately. Not legendary either, unfortunately.
Seastar is basically a weaver who I gave a bunch of followers to. Hopefully, Seastar will become an excellent organizer and broker and perhaps even a glassworker in the future. She will lead the rebellion against the Queen someday!
Aisean is our legendary grower, who had a grudge against the now deceased Stas. She is also a legendary bone carver (mood), master herbalist and talented brewer. She is the reason our fortress did not starve after the first winter, as we got pretty close to losing a few people (damn champions eating us out of the house).
Stas was our bookkeeper and broker until he went insane, due to a mood. It was rather unfortunate, but there was nothing that could be done about it.
McKoboldsbane is an NPC who took out a kobold AFTER the kobold had stabbed him in the spine. He wasn't particularly strong, tough or anything. He deserves an honorable mention.
All mentions of mining basically go to Lumion, even if his name isn't specifically mentioned and most metalcrafting goes to Urist McUrist.
11th of Slate: More migrants have arrived. We have also nearly finished the chambers for Seastar so that she can begin working.
Useful professions: A Miner, a Hammerdwarf/Wrestler, a Jeweler (set to gem setting), an Engraver and two Craftsdwarves.
Drafted into marksdwarves: Six peasants, a woodworker, a weaver, a armorer, two rangers, a woodcutter and a siege operator.
Added to Aisean's Servants: Grower
Added to Rebel Cultists: Peasant
Set to hauling duty: Gem cutter, peasant
We are now 111 dwarves.
19th of Slate:
Seastar room is complete. Now it merely requires the gems to be immaculate. We are building an archery range next to the barracks. Everything is going according to plan, as our vaults are being filled up with copper coins. We have yet to find any gold or silver though.
In this image, we see the two barracks, filled with wounded dwarves. The meeting hall is that huge channeled out area in the top right corner. The two smaller channels lead to the vaults. The Dungeon master's quarter ( and the beds for the champion's kids, since they have to grow up to be nobles,
obviously) are located in the top, just above Seastar's budding chambers. As I was writing this, is appears that one of the recruits didn't get the memo that they had to practice crossbow shooting, not wrestling, and got mauled to death in sparring. Oh shame.