All right chaps.
Here is the deal.
Chapter one of SPACE PIRATES is now over.
But what's this? Chapter two: SPACE PIRATES ASCII BATTLE is about to launch, right where this one left off! Yes indeed, you can still battle the evil GOVERNMENT alongside the Prophesy Pirates! You can still affect the history of Cyclops!
Can't wait to find out more?
Here's what's coming:
Katsuun surveys his newly captured ship. Lewd thoughts of brothels cross his mind. The terrified crew cower before him, guarded by his two GOO MINIONS. One of the crew is slightly green. As he prepares to engage in silliness, he spots something out of the corner of his eye. Looks like a...
There is no time to run, no where to hide. The hulking frigate draws along side the brig, and he espies dozens of soldiers lining the deck, and several richly-clad men with superior equipment looking at him quizically.
Katsuun, naturally, runs the fudge away. Through the portal, back to the Prophesy Pirate's hollowed asteroid base. The crew and MINIONS follow suit, as dozens of soldiers swing across onto the brig. A voice is heard screaming; "After them, they have the portaportal!"
Katsuun runs towards the Morning Star (parked, as it is, into the side of a factory), looking back only briefly to see three red-shirted riflemen follow him through, with more on their way.
Shoruke, hearing the caffafel, comes up onto the deck. Curses, he thinks. More enemies.
Using his mind link with the value editor (sentient, FYI), he tells it to modify the output of every screen / broadcasting device possible to: Mysterious invaders attacking through portal by Morning Star, send help.
The crew's members prophesy displays flash up; "And the third will be all like, come back to the ship, random enemies- or something like that"