fuzz, or peach fuzz if its blond and or very thin making it hard to see.
Lots of people can barely grow anything more, including me. If i let my stache grow out it does NOT look stylish, just makes me look lazy
Same with about 4 of my friends though one managed to make a goatee. It varies greatly though, one guy i know has facial hair covering about 80% of his face, but if he shaves it all off and goes to white spot, he gets offered the kids menu!
Anyhow, horns. Horns would be good, but the whole animal products system could use a major boost. We discussed the problem awile back and this is what we came up with:
At the moment the way it works is the butcher cuts up the corpse and leaves us with a pile of meat, bones and one skin. If this skin is not cured it just rots away. Also all types of animal skin seem to be the same size. It seems that the fur on the pelt is stripped off and thrown away when the skin is tanned, which is a pity.
So how bout this:
1. It would make sense if the size of the skin mattered. An elephant skin could make many boots, not just a single pair. Considering the danger involved with killing even a single elephant, it makes sense that it would have a higher yield compared to say... killing 4 deer.
2. It would drive players insane if every type of skin had different properties. But we could divide them into categories based on how tough and protective they are. Squirrel leather would make good boots but you would want something like elephant or cow leather for making a set of armour.
3. Whenever an animal is slaughtered it leaves a skull. Any horns should be extracted from the skull of the animal by a bonecrafter at his workshop. If you just snapped them off it would damage the horn.
4. Now that we have a horn, what do we do with it? Someone suggested that ivory and possibly "rare" types of bone should count as a high quality material for bonecrafters to work with. It would be like making stuff out of crystal glass instead of green glass.
-You suggested furs, which is a great idea but in practice they would be a bit more complicated. If you preserved the skin and kept the fur intact it would not be usable for armour. That said fur cloaks and fur trimmed clothing would be awesome! Got any ideas to flesh it out?
The quality of the fur should matter. Bear and deer fur will keep you warm but more exotic furs command a higher price. Rare and exotic furs could be used to "trim" other clothing to increase value, sort of like how encrusting with gems work.