I've been using a slightly modified version of Goran's mod (found... somewhere on these boards), as shown below:
[TITLE:GRNs w Gd + Evl]
This allows me to <f>ind practically every feature on the list and find several sites per map gen. But while the geography is great, the social side is lacking.
Two issues...
1) It originally had 0/0 for good/evil, and generated a rather bland world in that regard, so I simply copied/pasted the good/evil parameters from the vanilla "medium" worldgen. That helped, but while the vanilla version would sometimes produce large swaths of good or evil, this produces only tiny clusters. Further, I've yet to find a goblin citadel.
2) (and perhaps tied to that, in part?)... This often generates worlds without any elven civilizations. And while some may consider that a blessing, I'm still at the stage where I'd like to do some trading and then butchering and squabbling with them.
I've tried copying/pasting other parts of the vanilla in, but I get infinite rejected worlds, so that ain't happenin'. Any suggestions/alternatives are appreciated, thanks.