I'm not talking about challenge or theme fortresses.
Since there's nothing in the DF Wiki about this thing, I decided to make a thread.
Discuss any unique types of architecture you base your fort around, whether it's the whole fort or just a certain room (meeting hall, barracks, etc).
Here are mine:
Alcove: Find or dig out a semicircle into a hillside. Build into the inside of the semicircle, wall off the two tips of the C shape, and make the middle part something cool (military tower, meeting hall)
Pit: Channel out a very large round cylinder straight down. Build workshops into the sides, and either have stairs going around the sides with a walkway against the wall, or have a column of stairs going up the center with walkways branching out. Optional: flood the pit so that the center stair column breeches the surface, and drawbridges connect it to the “mainland.”
Crater: Dig a “reverse pyramid” into the ground, and then either have a massive tower in the center or walls on the outside. Make it possible to flood the crater in case of siege.
Cavern: Dig out a big chamber and build into the ceiling, floor, sides, and inside of the space. Also: build a tower going up the center, flood a lake-shape above the whole cavern, and have the tower breach the ground and the lake, with drawbridges.
Chasm/valley: Make a long, twisting cut into the ground, and build into the sides, with walkways joining the two sides and towers up above. Alternatively, don’t leave it open to the world, and seal it in, but instead have the entrance built into the side of a mountain.
Cave: Make a bunch of big tunnels snaking all over the map, and a few cavernous spaces. Build into everything, with walkways and spiral staircases going to different levels. Give it an organic feel.
I'm starting a new fort since my pit fortress "failed" due to inefficiently long distances between workshops and stuff, and my severe case of impatience after the first year yielded no immigrants. Now, I'm looking for unique ideas.
Anyway, please post any unique ideas you have and feel free to critique or add on to the ones I posted.