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Author Topic: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.  (Read 1215 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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     At the dawn of time, Armok and the elder gods looked upon their first world. They had made five peoples, but the peoples were not happy. To make ammends and to create a better world, they fashioned five gifts. To the humans, they gave the agriculture of the sun, the power to grow their crops in the warm air and to harvest in the open sky. To goblins they gave the agriculture of the dark, to harvest fungus deep underground. To elves, they gave nature. The power to befriend the brook and the tree, to live in harmony with the beasts. To orcs, they gave strength. To lead great armies and to hunt ferociously. Finally, they gave to the dwarves the knowledge of iron and the power of steel. The ability to fashion firm armors and weapons, to defend their claims of land and to defend their rights of life. All was good for a short time, but the dwarves were soon hungry. They asked their gods if they might have a way to obtain food, to feed their starving children. The gods thought them greedy and struck them with an aversion to the sun. The dwarves fled underground and abandoned their old gods.

    In the deep recesses of the earth, miserable and hungry, a dwarf happened upon a goblin. He saw that the goblin was not lacking for food, and asked how it was so. When the goblin told of their great farms and their wealth of food, the young dwarf began to plead for their knowledge. The goblins agreed, in exchange for the knowledge of iron. Happy to oblige, the dwarves gave them the secret of iron, and took the secret of agriculture. They were happy for a time, but they wanted to seek the gains of the surface world. A wise human visited and told them that the fruits of the sun would give them the power of sight on the surface, that they could live there again. Overjoyed, they offered the secret of steel for the other side of the power of agriculture. But the proud humans dared not trade them. Secretly, the dwarves set to work. They dug great tunnels and chambers under the human farms, and collapsed the earth. They found the fruits of the sun, but they were crushed and bruised, and had not been gained fairly. From these fruits the dwarves did indeed gain the power of agriculture, but their curse of the sun did not fade. The humans demanded recompense, but the dwarves, bitter and heartbroken, gave them only iron in return. They did not deserve their full gratitude, for still must they live in their caves.

     For such a time, life went on. The dwarves began to accept their life and grew happy in the earth, enthralled by the work of the forge and the gleam of the gem, and their lifes slowly began to change. They began to live as long as the stone, and they slowly grew an ability to drink the water of the rivers and be not nauseated, but to find their thirst quenched. In time the dwarves grew to make their own metals, with the ancient craftmagics abounding in the fires of their forge. They mixed steel and silver, and the magics let it hold an edge for so long, and to cut so clean. They named it shimmersteel, metal of weapons. They mixed gold and steel, and the magics made blows bounce away like so many raindrops upon a mountain. They named it glowsteel, metal of armor. They fired clay and made goods from it, pottery and idols. They mixed bronze with the sunstone gem, and made sunbronze, that glows with its own light. They delved deeper than ever before into the mountains, and found liquid metal. Mythril, that turned into a gooey dough at the warmth of their hands. It was as beatiful as silver and much stronger than their new types of steel.

     In a mine held equally by the dwarves and goblins, they struck a strange pocket in the earth, with walls made of a metal never before seen. They named it adamantine, and found it to be a metal of several states. It turned the miners picks to shreds, and so they broke the rock around it away from the wall and carried it to the master craftsmen. A worker slowly pried away the rock around it, and found it to be like a string. A clothier took some and wove it into a cloth, more durable than the sun and mountains. A smith turned some into thin wafers, and found it good for the crafting of weapons, armor, ammo, and even furniture for the king. In a mix-up involving the smelting of adamantine and two extremely clumsy dwarves, a silversmith and a steel-shaper, the dwarves discovered silvithril. A deep blue hue and uncontested strength, this truly was the metal of the gods. But it was a curious metal, for it held none of their craftmagic. The king decreed an experiment, and with the succesful mixing of silvithril and their two most magical metals, shimmersteel and glowsteel, they founded oldfire. It changed color constantly, and burned with magical cold-fire. The dwarves had become mighty in their knowledge of the metals, and slowly turned corrupt. They subjugated both goblin and orc, human and elf under their powerful regime. None could stand to a dwarven warrior, not outfitted as such.

     It was a time before the workings of the dwarves were noted by both the elder gods, and their dark counterparts, the demons. As giant toads rended the heads from miners, and demons with flailing tentacles battled 6 or more civilians at once, the fallen angels took their charge. With burning fists and a look of desolation in their eye, they cut through the army easily. Not even oldfire could stop their fist from finding your heart. Many fled, but many more were lost in the tunnels. The might of the dwarves was shattered. They rebuilt far away, but they had not adamantine, and without it no silvithril, no oldfire. They tried mixing many metals, and found only one substitute. While nowhere near as strong as oldfire, with the use of copper they could make newfire. It had not the magical burn, but it still packed plenty of power. Armed thusly, the dwarves fended away the demons and migrated constantly to keep from attracting the attention of the main force of demons.

     The goblins were embraced by the demons, and the demons quickly became the object of worship for the goblins. When the gods enacted fiery wrath upon the demons, the goblins leapt in front of harm and shielded the foul monsters. The gods had no choice but to imprison the demons, and so cast them a new cage, made from adamantine. Caught thusly, the demons had no power, and the goblins became hysterical. It appeared to be that only one demon escaped the cage, and the goblins fell into a frenzy worshipping it. They soon lost their power to speak, and remembered how to make only the crudest of weapons. In time, a second demon was found, and their was a schism. While they were not hostile to each other, there were now two civilizations of goblin. They bred quickly and soon each was as powerful as the first, and twice as numerous. When a third demon and the final escapee were found, a third civilization arose. The goblins were of great number and dominated much of the realm.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2009, 11:32:39 am »

     The goblins cut down many a forest to fuel their forges, and slaid many a herd to keep their people fed. In time, the elves went berserk from their anger. In the absence of their balancing hand, nature went awry. A new breed of eagle, called the terror raptor, preyed in the shrubland, a ferocious animal that could slay a man in a single blow. Wolves became feral and grew larger, stronger. Orcs were no longer kept in check, and went wild in their hunts. They drove many species close to extinction, but the hunt became thin. Before they had excess, glut. Now they had starvation and misery. They and the elves lost their power of speech, and slowly became animalistic. Only humans and dwarves remained. The humans pleaded for help, and in a show of good faith the dwarves finally imparted them with steel, not the knowledge of but the item. Spears, swords, and armor for one thousand warriors. It had been a gargantuan undertaking, but the human army defended their provinces well, and trading between dwarves and humans was healthy. The gods had become angry at the state of their world. All were meant for harmony, not horror. Proud though they were of their dwarves, they were shocked at their audacity. They had driven all to madness. They were underdogs, and kept fighting til they were ahead. Truly the only way to punish them was to make them better than everyone else. Leave them with nothing to strive for. And so did the gods make them faster, and remove their alchoholism, and their sun-curse. Dwarven life was over. It was time to begin again. A new way of life.. A better way of life.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 11:43:27 am by sonerohi »
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 11:33:36 am »

It is the year of 105. No dwarf save I remembers our past. We may have become ageless, but we certainly aren't immune to death. The goblins and orcs seem to visit that upon us regularly. I'm th only dwarf who can still remember the magic metals. I don't intend to pass them on. I intend for my nephew to discover them. As king, I decreed him the head of an expedition. It's the spot of the war. The same damn site where the demons were caged. I know it's a bastard move. But we need it. I know he's the one who can lead them to the glory. The demons there'll be weak. They must be gettin tired of waitin. Thain't got any worshippers like those three tha' escaped. It'll be nice. Me nephew, he's a mechanic. His master told me he's 'proficient'. He likes gems. His master in that field told me his still a 'novice' when it comes to cuttin em, but he's 'skilled' at settin em. I talked to the master of the stoneman's guild. Got 'im two twins. Both female, both with equal skill. The master told me that if dwarfs had '10 points' that they'd have '5 in minin, 2 in mason, 2 in engravin', and 1 in architecture'. A nice range of skills. Good. Got 'im two farmers. They both are skilled growers. One of em's skilled at the shop, processin plants. The other'ns skilled with the oven, as a cook. They're both marksdwarves, they trained at my request. Dangerous times. Got him a furnace operator. Skilled with his weapons and armor. Not much else. Got 'im a woodswoman. Proficient with 'er choppin and carp'in. Got em outfitted with full armory compliments. The marksmen both grabbed a buckler, crossbow, some splintmail, and a bag full o' bolts. The metalsmith was the only other one who got stuff. He didn't get it from the armory. Made 'imself an armin sword, splintmail, platemail, mailskirt, tassets, armet, mailedgloves, even 'is own towershield. Fancies himself a dwar'en knight. We'll see. They'ms be headin into dangerous territory. Bought him two pet wolves. They may still be wild, but they've been trained not to see dwarves as fresh meat. They've got one damned of a spot. The grand surveyor told me he found signs of magma. Not sure if it's a pipe or pool. Says he tripped over a towercap root, and he heard flowin water, so they'ms got a river. Told me the south part of the site is cut off by a chasm, and there's a big hole in the center of the spot. He'ms got a river. Damn good spot to make a home.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 12:02:48 pm by sonerohi »
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2009, 03:27:13 pm »

As of this point you guys can claim anyone but the mechanic. It is mineses. All mods to the game were covered in the above sections. Except two plants, which will be revealed.

I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2009, 03:55:45 pm »

9th o' Hematite, early summer.

The miners be plowin through the dig designations. They carved straight into the cliff face left by the chasm, and dug a cavernous tunnel. It's wide enough for a wagon and two horsemen to all go through abreast, and widens out for the trade depot. There's enough room for the wagons to circle up around the depot all the way around. It narrows down to a single wagon space goin in to the main stairwell. Off to the side of the depot is a wagon wide passageway that accomodates all the workshops we could need. In the space between the workshop tunnel and the stairwell, they dug out a large meetin hall. 324 people could all stand together in there without crowdin. They were smart too. Dug it out as ramps so that that there's an open floor abo' us. Made a load o' statues they did, put em up on the second floor above the workshops. Rather nice look. Gotten a large stockpile area, got it dug out and the rock cleared. Bout when they started diggin a room and a reservoir for wells, a goblin raidin party showed up. They got patrols every-damn-where. The planters and the smith are gearin up. I may be friends and aquiantenances with the lot, but they never done told me their names under the orders o' me uncle. Til they decide to break orders, I gotta call em by their job. We got the shapin's o' our name. Plenty of copper aboundin here, plenty o' iron. Just need some tin. Found alo' o' lapiz lazuli digging out the storeroom. I'ma cut 'em and see if we got a trade good need furnishin'.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2009, 04:10:30 pm »

18th o' Hematite.

Forgot to mention it's year 106. Took me uncle a whole year to plan this trip. I heard fights are fun and bloody and everyone who lives has stories to tell. It's not really true. There were four axe goblins and eightteen wrestlers. Except me, we were all armed. Two crossbows, a sword, two picks, and an axe. We killed twelve o' their wrestlers and all o' the axemen. It was worrying there for a moment. We all rushed out to fight 'em, right on our entrance bridge. It was windy, and we're high above a pit to the center o' the earth. Scary. One o' the miners nearly thirsted to death, what with gettin 'erself stuck in the reservoir. We needed a tunnel for the water to flow through anyways, so gettin 'er out was convenient for us. Water flowin through the tunnels. Noone was wounded in the fight. Need to set up a farm soon. Else find some e'ble critters.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2009, 05:21:33 pm »

18th of Limestone, Early Autumn.

I've reread my earlier entries and realized I delved into common speech. I must maintain the appearance befitting of my lineage. We've done much and little since my last entry. We have a massive group dining hall dug out and smoothed, with a room behind it for nobility. They are seperated by doors and have three magnificent windows, made from gems I cut. Inside the nobility rooms there is a ramp on either side which lead up to a balcony room, which we seven founders have claimed. The nobles have engraving on the walls, but our whole dining suite is engraved. We have four more of my windows overlooking the commoner hall. Across the space there are three windows set into the wall of the grand staircase, that passerby can also look in. Another raiding party has arrived, and I fear they may dissuade the caravan from visiting. We have wells set up, so drink is no problem. My fear is in food, for we have no soil to farm in. It will be... interesting to see if we might acrue enough wood that our carpenter could make a bucket for each of us. In doing so we would have means to use the well for water, and slowly flood a room, bucket by bucket. But, this is all work that must be done after the siege is dealt with. Ah, I forgot to mention. We have made quarters for ourselves. Apparently, the others believe one of the planters to be the leader, and are dissatisfied by my giving orders. As such, I put my only supporter, the smith, into the quarters besides mine. If inter-clan fighting ensues I intend to be safe. I went so far as to install several crafty traps around my door, so that unwelcome intruders will be crushed under a hanging boulder.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2009, 09:55:59 pm »

Neat, I really like the backstory, but would you mind providing a picture or two?
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2009, 10:34:29 pm »

I'm planning on providing a map upload every year, and putting dates in the poi's. I know it's hard to bear but I won't have access to my imaging tools for a bit here.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2009, 04:37:55 pm »

9th of Moonstone, Early Winter.

Ingenuity and determination must not be underestimated. We have a system set up now that lets us fill a chamber exactly the size of a large farmplot to the brim with water, and then pull a lever, opening a door, which lets it flow into another farm chamber. From there, it goes to another, and then to a fourth. We may have yet to fill the first, but this should work in theory, even if it's rather tiresome. Also not to be underestimated are the orcs now approaching us. I plan to retract one of our bridges and strand them outside. Mayhaps the marks-farmers will have some time to take shots at them, once they've planted all the seed we have.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2009, 04:47:30 pm »

*This entry is engraved upon the wall, underneath one of the bridges of the settlement*

I just want to die! Can't it be done? Can't some beast swoop down upon my miserable soul and end this?! All are gone but myself and two! Only now do they see fit to tell me the names of those slain! My friend the blacksmith is dead! One of the planters, dead! Our woodcutter, dead! One of the miners, dead! In the combat, an orc shoved me off the bridge. That alone saved my life! The other two? They went off to sleep! What misery I can see.. Sitting here on my ledge there are goblins on the horizon, so shortly after the orcs turned tail. I fear our home to be lost, even now.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2009, 04:56:36 pm »

*There is crude writing and vulgar, gorey drawings on the wall here*

Weeeheeee. I've done it and now I'm so sad and mad and glad and whee! The mechanic is dead, oh yes. Shouted up to us that this was his battle, he did. Fought down a whole goblin siege, he did. Lost both his eyes and a leg. I think I might've snapped. He died from his wounds. I broke my bed to splinters. I told the planter I was the new leader. Made him stand on the bridge with his crossbow, gaurd duty y'see? Then, boom! Broke the bridge I did. Whooooosh, splat. I'm so hungry though. I'm going to bite one of the wolves. They look delicious.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bronzecastles... To seek a new way of life. With immense backstory.
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2009, 05:03:48 pm »

I feel like I wasted the backstory now. My miner, the sole survivor (the bridge thing with the planter was actually an accident. I'd given the order to pull the bridge so that the goblins would be kept out. Noone got around to it til then >.<) flew into a berserk rage and punched a wolf in the face. He died pretty quickly.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.