So, basically, I've been trying to build a agriculture downsize group of crops -- really really fast and easy to grow, but worth nigh to nothing; so that my dwarves can make create the self sustaining agriculture, only requiring a bit of an emphasis on efficient hauling.
What I've put in. . .
[NAME:Yum-Yuck Moss][NAME_PLURAL:Yum-Yucks]
[DRINK:Yum-Yuck Brew:4:3:6]
[PREFSTRING:Odd Flavors]
[name:Ivy moss][Name_plural:Ivys]
[MILL:Ivy Dye:1:0:1]
[Prefstring:Vibrant Color]
[cluster size:10]
Are basically, these are supposed to be superfast growing plants, to be grown underground, for MASS production of food, thread, booze and dye.
Unfortunately, every time I create a new fort, even in a new gen; I get only the standard plants available for planting. ANYWHERE.
I've dumped my data folder, I've regenned at least seven times with various other slight variations of this, but no dice.
Edit: I realize that I probably have missed something exceedingly simple. . .
Oh, and I'm using d40 -- orcs mod, and ranting rodent's tileset I believe.
Urist mcMinimodder canceled modding: Unable to reach non-economic building material. . .