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Author Topic: -Orichalcum mod- v1  (Read 4457 times)


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-Orichalcum mod- v1
« on: January 31, 2009, 07:34:49 pm »

This is really my first public mod. I don't know what else to call It, since it includes a lot of things. I guess I should start listing off the changes, then.

The mod can be downloaded here:


I used Kobold Camp before modding in eveything else, so all of the elements of kobold camp are in there. This means some symbols have been changed. I've done my best to change them all back, but don't be suprised if I missed some. The Kobold Camp mod is not made by me, and if you wish to use it, It's at this link. --->

This mod also makes several minor changes to vanilla creatures and plants across the board, but they're mostly asthetic, barring the ability to train bears and giant eagles.

-New civs-

Friendly civs

Orcs- Orcs, in this mod, aren't evil. They're Proud warrior race guys that can't-and won't- eat meat. They're basically herbivores. They're insulted if you offer them animal products, and dangerous when angry. Being the same size as humans and with natural DAMBLOCK of 2, they're tougher than humans. Luckily, they only use iron. They always live in the desert.

Tuskarrs- Yeah, I stole the name from WoW, what of it?

The Tuskarr are a peaceful race living in the arctic. Note, they need either glaciers, tundra, or arctic ocean to even come into existence, so they might not show up. If they do, however, they'll expand to taiga as well as everything else, and they'll grudgingly move into mountains as well. They often claim caves as well. There's nothing special about them, and are basically an extra dwarven caravan.

But seriously, WALRUS PEOPLE. Koo koo k'choo.

Avians- Avians are a race of bird-people. They live in forest retreats, like the elves, but unlike the elves, they'll deforest the hell out of the forest, resulting in forest treats in shrublands. This often places them at odds with elves.

They only use polearms and bows (Sometimes light swords, explained later), and none of them use shields. they don't use plate armor, either. They're dangerous to push the patience of, because, well, they FLY. If you've ever encountered anything that flies, you know that fliers are dangerous enemies. Since avians also use bows, this makes them a deadly force to be feared. Thankfully, they perfer to just buy your stuff.

Hostile races

Gnolls- Gnolls live in the marshes, where they set up camps. Their language is unintelligible, and as a direct consequence, They're hostile. They make very little themselves, instead opting to go on raids to steal the resources of others. You'll be beset by them by the first or second year of your fortress.

Shadowkin- Shadowkin are xenophobic, excluding every other civilization until they become a threat. Once your fortress hits 110 dwarves, Shadowkin will start knocking at your gates. They're dangreous because instead of headlong and brave but stupid seiges, they'll send ambushes. They also have acess to iron, making them dangerous prdators. By then, they'll also start replacing kobolds as well, trying to steal your trade goods. They're human sized, and tend to be dangerous enemies.

-New metals-

Mythril- Mythril is an odd metal. It occurs in raw form in iron veins and magnetite clusters. However, It can't be processed directly into metal, and it counts as a regular stone. To process it, you need acess to silver-ore works, but bars are better. When the silver is heated with the mythril stone, It undergoes a chemical reaction that turns it into Mythril metal. The mythril stone is destroyed in the process.

The reaction doesn't always work. If you use silver bars, you have a 9/10 chance of getting your mythril bars. Sometimes impurites-which could be anywhere in the equation- taint the metal and cause it to simply boil away, destoying both the silver and the mythril rock in the process. This is inevitable and unpreventable, and a source of frustration for those who try to smelt it constantly. The odds get worse when you use raw silver ore, resulting in a 1/4 chance the mythril will be destroyed. The product is worth the hassle, though, as Mythril is stronger than steel, and suitable eqipment for your champions if you lack adamantine. However, It isn't magma safe, so keep it away from hot things.

Nytemetal & Blacksteel- Nytemetal occurs naturally in igneous rock in the form of Nighsilver. Nightsilver is an ore of silver that, 10% of the time, will produce a Nytemetal bar as well as a silver one. Nytemetal itself is like bismuth- too brittle to be used practically. However, Nytemetal has shock-absorbing properties. If one alloys it with steel, you get Blacksteel, an advanced and stronger form of steel. Blacksteel is as stong as mythril. A single bar of Nytemetal can transform 2 bars of steel into blacksteel.

Orichalcum- If one manages to get their hands on both Mythril and Adamantium, they can create an alloy known as orichalcum. The Adamantium is laid within the Mythril, and the resulting bar is stronger by adamantium. The process is impractical, though, partially because of the inherent difficulty and partially because of the unlikelihood of obtaining both adamantium and mythril.

In other words, It's the perfect dwarven metal.

-Other minerals-

Fluexite- An igneous stone able to be used as flux.

Brozite- An ore of copper that has small amounts of tin. Can be reliably used to create bronze, and is found where Copper and tin are normally found.


Dwarven tea bush- A cousin of the quarry bush. When boiled, The leaves make a fine tea. Unsuprisingly, said tea is alcoholic.

Crimson bush- Another cousin of the quarry bush. The leaves are dry, and when milled, make a fine spice. The bush is otherwise inedible.

Weavemoss- A common, quick-growing, durable moss. Used to make cheap clothing. Unsuprisingly considered a weed by humans.

Summermoss and Wintermoss- Soft mosses that can only grow in their respective seasons. More expensive than weavemoss.

Beardmoss- One of the most expensive cloth products, barring GCS silk.

Browncap- A quick-growing and cheap crop grown specifiaclly to be eaten. Very bland-tasting.

Gloomcap- A black mushroom grown for its color. When milled, it can be used as a cheap dye.

Kingscap- A slow-growing, large mushroom. Golden in color, these mushrooms are expensive and delicious.

Bloodcap- A cousin of the kingscap. Blood red, these large mushrooms are normally poisonous, but when brewed they make a lavish wine.

Cave tuber- A cousin of the bloated tuber that grows only underground. It can be eaten or brewed into Dwarven vodka.

Wild cotton- Not made by me. Morlark made this. All credit to him.

Wild blueberries and Blackberries- For all purposes, identical to strawberries. For variety.

Windpeak grass- A bright green grass grown above ground for clothing. For variety.

Giant cactus- Basically, a Tree that hangs around deserts.


Wyverns- cousins of the dragon, these guys hang around benign mountain ranges. For all purposes, identical to giant eagles.

Eagles- the regular sized eagle. Hunts vermin, and trainable. Also hangs around mountains.

Hawks, Falcons, and Owls For all purposes, identical to Eagles. Mainly for flavor. Falcons are a common domestic animal, used for hunting. Hawks and Owls can be found in forests at day and night respectively.


Note that humans use everything.


Katana- A lighter sword, used by elves and avians.

Glaive- A two-handed polarm, used for slashing by size 7 civs.


Hatchet- An inexpensive axe used for chopping wood. Ineffective in battle, but preferable to nothing at all. For flavor, mostly.

Hand axe- a one-handed axe with a higher crit rate than a conventional battle axe. It's also lighter. Not made by dwarves, but usable.

Scythe- A large two-handed Battle scythe. Used only by shadowkin and humans. too big for dwarves.


Greatclub- A two-handed mace.


Lance- A lance. Has a higher Crit rate. Only used by humans or shadowkin.

Guisarme- A heavier, two-handed spear with a high crit rate.

Partisan- A spear with two flanges on the sides. Higher damage.

Throwing weapons

Javelin- A spear made for throwing. Uses the throwing skill, even in melee combat. more intended for adventure mode than anything else, since there no way to get dwarves to throw weapons in fortress mode.

Shuriken- a lightweight throwing weapon. Deals lots of damage for its size.


The megabeast expansion of this mod consists soley of the golem series. All of them are like bronze collosi in their immunities unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Magma Golem- A hulking magma monstrosity. It's made out of magma, and grappling with it is a bad idea. The best way to deal with it is to perforate it with ballistas or crossbows, since meleeing with it is just asking for trouble. Hardens into a masterwork obsidian statue when defeated.

Ruin Golem- A large golem made of ancient stone, possibly part of some long-dead civilization. I's vary big and has High DAMBLOCK, so fighting it up-close is suicidal. However, It's really slow, allowing you plenty of time to plink away at it with catapults and ballistae. When dead, It leaves a masterwork marble statue.

Glass Golem- A construction made of crystal glass. It's the in-between of all the golems, having nothing really special about it, besides its lower DAMBLOCK. It deals slash damage (We're talking about glass shards for fingers, my friends), and when defeated, leaves a masterwork crystal glass statue.

Ice golem- A golem made out of ice. It's not as tough as the other golems, being much smaller, but when defeated, it melts. This can be a problem occasionally, such as if it washes your dwarves into a moat or off a cliff, but it's mainly a kick in the face becuase you get nothing for your efforts besides engraved memories.

War Golem- The daddy of all golems. It's huge and has 100 DAMBLOCK, and It's made of steel- basically, it's nigh indestructible. However, Unlike every other golem, The war golem can be tuckered out (Whatever it runs on, it's not infinite) and it can be caught on fire and killed that way. (Beneath the steel? Wood.) Defeating it conventionally isn't an option- either send waves upon waves of disposable war dogs (Or falcons) at it, or conceive some device to set it on fire (A single chained fire imp might do). If you manage to beat it, You'll be able to use its armor as bars.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 09:20:05 pm by Vincent »


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Re: -Vincent's mod- v1
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2009, 08:10:37 pm »

Looks cool, I like the gnolls -- kind of like a swamp-dwelling counterpart to kobolds.  Did you mean "orichalcum" instead of "orichalium" by any chance?  Sorry if that was deliberate.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -Vincent's mod- v1
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2009, 08:13:18 pm »

Yeah, I was unsure how to spell it. >.>

If you want, you can just leap into the raws and edit the name.


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Re: -Vincent's mod- v1
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2009, 09:15:50 pm »

Hang on . . . hmmm.  I guess this mod could be given any sort of magical sounding name.  Whatever sounds best to you, I suppose.  It looks cool.
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: -Orichalcum Mod- v1
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2009, 09:19:39 pm »

I shall change it to orichalcum mod, then.

I mean, It includes a lot more thaen that, but It's magical-sounding.


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Re: -Vincent's mod- v1
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2009, 09:21:09 pm »

...I think that's a pretty generic name.


Looks likes it's a nice mod, though. =D
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Re: -Vincent's mod- v1
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2009, 09:25:08 pm »

...I think that's a pretty generic name.
So are a lot of mods' names.  Some can be tricky.
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember