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Author Topic: Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)  (Read 1988 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)
« on: February 03, 2009, 07:35:03 am »

Yes, so it begins, a horrible tail that you shall never unremember!

Behold! Beasttower Industries presents a Beasttower Industries production:

Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)

Event's as documented by Kivish, Expidition Leader

Home Civilization: Cog Amal, "The Boot of Teaching", Dwarven

8th Hematite, 200 H.A., Early Summer

The Meeting. Location Cog Amal.

That's when it happened, we'd been approached for the job. We were told it was prime territory, Representatives interested in valuable assets waiting to be exploited in new regions discovered... we weren't told who it was for and what we were searching for but that didn't bother us much at the time... All we saw are the coins, the riches, maybe some glory.

I don't know who she was... assuming she is a she, I can't tell underneath the cloak.
Sound of the voice was Harsh, strange.

Our job was as follows:

1. Survey local terrain, visual will do.

2. Secure assets.

This didn't make much sense but I believe since most of us were from the Mining Association that this would be a crash and grab job. Survey a small peaceful area, see that it is only a mountain made of sand, leave in disappointment. Something like that, maybe you find something valuable. You take it with you and leave. Nothing risky.

Expedition Log, 18th Granite, 201 Early Spring


We've arrived at our destination, Tekkud says this place is cursed. I told him to calm down. Curses don't exist.

Outpost operations began, Ferurdim "Beasttower" formed. I didn't name it, our Client insisted on it. Something about approved Designation... what?

We've preformed a visual of the land, top is mostly conglomerate.. I can see something glinting in the distance.

20th Granite, 201, Early Spring

We've located a small bunker like formation. We've began digging to create our store house. I Informed our Client that it was best to set up some kind of camp first but she insisted we do this first "Rest is a second tier objective." she said.


2nd Slate, 201, Mid-Spring

Progress is going smoothly, but I can tell you something is... wrong with these lands.

 I don't know why our employer told us to start here. I don't even know what we are searching for! When I approach 'The Client' about this, she tells me to get back to work or I'll be shot for treason!

This is madness! She doesn't have that kind of authority! Does she? Well we were payed beforehand for the job, we did accept.

27th Felsite, 200, Late Spring

Something troubling was brought to my attention, it seems there is a heavy amount of damp mineral in the underground caverns. Spread out over what seems to be large regions...

Good thing, it means there's water, no one dies of dehydration today! Well, still need to build a well..

Bad thing, it means that large underground sections are completely flooded. Our Client, well, we call her the Overseer, won't like this. I'm not going to tell her until I can figure something out. Astis help me.

I've ordered Tekkud to get the rest of the team and start expanding the area, we'll need to dig out some rooms  for living arrangements. We should have left already, I don't understand what's going on...

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of that show you just saw!
BTI values all of it's employees. BTI, wave of the future.

(warning: being a BTI employee is the equivalent of dying by fire, slowly.)

Have a nice day!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2009, 05:16:05 pm »

[Main Menu music from Deus Ex Machina]

Episode 2: Solidifying one's place


Log of Expedition Leader Kivish:

28th Felsite, 201, Late Spring

We are ordered to develop a more efficient food storage.. I thought we weren't planning on staying here long.

'The Client', explained to us the confirmed value of the asset, 'The Client' also reminded us the contract we signed, and failure to comply will result in immediate termination??

What bollocks is this!? We surveyed the area, saw a glint of platinum, shouldn't the job be done now?

I have a bad feeling about this...

29th Felsite, 201, Late Spring

Progress on the food stores continues.

However, Tekkud informers me that our Overseer wants us to create adequate replenishment facilities. Whatever that means, I think she wants some farms set up. I don't see the harm, except farms take time. How long are we planning on staying! Damnit! Does she really think it's smart staying in a place like this?

Tekkud said that this set up is for most deep mining excavation teams. I don't like the sound of that.. I don't remember the contract stating there would be this much work.

I'm going to have to speak to our client about a pay raise!

1st Hematite, 201, Early Summer

Work on our food storage is complete, we've located traces of Hematite. Where there is Hematite, there is iron.

There is a problem, It seems I have been ignoring the fact this whole area is made up of Conglomerate.


We can't even find the soil needed for food production.
I explained our situation to the Client, she said we are being paid to figure it out ourselves. Why did I agree to take this job. I'm beginning to see why being apart of the Miner's Association at home is one of the most disliked jobs.

Tekkud came to me and outlined his plans for fertile soul within this "valuable" rock heep. He also says he heard howls outside that woke him up this morning, which is normal, we've been hearing the same thing since we got here. This place gives me a bad vibe.

Without the Wagon there's no way we can leave now, besides, I think it'd be the last thing we'd try to do.. Our Overseer keeps a watch on us, I don't want to challenge someone with a big shiny crossbow.

3rd Hematite, 201, Early Summer

Tekkud tells me while searching for wood one of our team members found usable soil.

He's already headed a team to start excavating the soft wall and get some sort of food production underway. However, the area is far away from our original dig site. Tekkud said it was the only usable place he could find. I guess it's better than nothing.

I've ordered my team to build an access tunnel from our main staging area to the farm just in case.

4th Hematite, 201, Early Summer

I've reported to our Client  about the we located a water source underground, the client has demanded that it be secured immediately.

I tried to explain to her that such procedures take time, she said procrastination was violating our contract and we would then be subject to immediate termination.

I swear, whoever she is, she freaks me out. She goes out for long hours. In lands like these! And hunts!

How she comes back alive each time is beyond me! Just this morning one of my team swear he saw a bone creature of some kind, walking around! What the hell man!
I'd try trekking it back to Cog Amal, but I don't think I'd get very far.

10th Hematite, 201, Early Summer

We've been here for months, but still our farm production has yet to begin. Without a reliable way to regenerate food stores, we're done for. I pray Tekkud succeeds.

12th Hematite, 201, Early Summer

Success! Tekkud and the team have completed construction of our farm!

Well, it's good to have one, we can begin farming of food stores for the trek back to Cog Amal. It'll be nice to finally relax and sit around not doing much.

13th Hematite, 201, Early Summer

Tekkud has given me plans to some sort of living development, I asked where he got them from and was told our Client had instructed him to give them to me and get to work.
This wasn't part of the deal. We were supposed to survey, bring back a sample, and leave. Get paid, done and done.

But now? It's more like a settlement or excavation of some kind. I think its the ore. Something in it, something someone wants to find.

But who is that someone? Or someones??

I took a look at the blueprints,

 It looks to be some form of compound. I asked Tekkud where she plans we build this. He said, "Right here."

By Armok! Is she mad? Has she seen the area? This place isn't right, the dead don't rest easy here. And, I'm pretty sure this place is a flood waiting to happen. But I'm not the one who's going to tell her.

I guess we go to work then, I'd hate to think about what would happen if we went on strike. It'd be like target practice for her...

[Ending theme: play The Matrix plug-in song.]

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode! This time with more excitement!

BTI values all of it's employees. BTI, wave of the future.

(warning: being a BTI employee is the equivalent of dying by fire, slowly.)

Have a nice day!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2009, 03:56:31 am »

[Play Opening Theme to GUNDAM 00]

Episode 2: Unrest



Expedition Leader's Log Loaded...

8th Malachite, 201, Mid-Summer

We've been able to complete the overall foundation of this Compound.

 I was fed up and finally confronted our Overseer of her new plans.
Contract or no Contract, she said something surprising "Patience."

The hell!?

However, something more disturbing, she said our cooperation in this may grant us a more invested position within the Corporation.
I don't even know what she is talking about, this is the last time I accept a job from some anonymous crazy person. Who does she work for?
Well, it won't matter, it's Mid-Summer. I prepared for the worse this time, made sure to tell the Mountainhomes to send a scout party to check on us if we took too long.

I know if we tried to leave she'd... well I don't want to think about what our Overseer would do. But I suspect a bolt between the jewels is more her style. I couldn't do that to Tekkud, I'd have to use him as a shield.

We call it the Compound, why? I've no idea. I can still hear the howls outside when I'm at the storage level.

17th Malachite, 201, Mid Summer

We are about to commence secure food operations management and production. Or, so says our Overseer.

I think she wants us to develop an effective irrigation system...

This is madness, my team has been working non stop for months. All we have to show for it is all these gems and medi-core ores.

Too bad none of it is ours, its "Assets". As our Overseer puts it. But what are they going to use it for? I have a feeling if we go deeper, under the compound, we'll find something we won't like.

We really haven't gone any deeper than our initial visual of platinum, Besides the compound. It's rare to find it so exposed on top soil. Usually mined out by now. But we all know why, this place is cursed. These mountains are cursed. It's best to stay the hell away and never approach. But that's not what we were payed to do. Damnit.



28th Malachite, 201 Late Summer

Our subterranean farming operations are under way. Which is good. I could use some plump helmet right about now.. Udib is to over watch the operation and make sure it succeeds. Eventually, I may have to work out a irrigation system for indoor farming closer to the compound.
God knows how much water sits beneath our feet. I can tell you one thing though... The evil surrounding this place is starting to sir.

God help us...

I've also noticed a sudden influx in the local Mountain Gnome population... and by influx, I mean 0 gnomes to over 10.

What the hell? Gnomes? Out here? Can you eat them? I'll investigate l[S-S-SYSTEErrmM Er4OR RE..0BO..]

[SYSTEM REPORT: Found corruption in several major parts of the foremans logs. Fast forwarding to most recent entries.]

12th Limestone, 201, Early Autumn

One of my team sent word, there here! Praise Astis! Now I...


What the hell!?

12 Limestone, 201, Early Autumn

That is not the Liason I notified in the Miners Association... who are these people? Where is the person I notified?

These peoples clothing are strange.

15th Limestone, 201, Early Autumn

I had one of my team spy on their meeting.

He was caught and quickly removed from the area. What is this? These people were uniformed.

I had a feeling if we tried to make a run for it, they'd take us out. All of us, somethings going on. Does the Queen know of this? What these people are up to?

24th Limestone, 201, Early Autumn

The "Merchants" are still here. That person I saw left..

I heard commotion near the Depot, think it was a Kobold, maybe he came for some shopping but those security forces dealt with the problem.. swiftly.

He died doin' what 'e loved! Aaarrg!

Jeez, I've ordered my team to stay away from the Depot, this place feels like a prison. Always, feels like I'm being watched.

1st Sandstone, 201, Mid-Autumn

The convoy is still here, looks like they are keeping guard over the Depot... Strange, something else, Tekkud gave me some more blueprints.

Today marks the fortifications of the top entrance level for the Compound.

I guess I should start considering my future within the corporation... I have a feeling me and my team were never meant to leave here. Why did I except this job?

Our overseer placed a guard dog on Udib this morning.. He kept eying top soil - thats what we call outisde, since most of us never see it anymore. I think he was about to make a break for it, ignoring the zombie monkeys that have regular patrols in the area. She saw this and set one of her pets to tail him. He doesn't spend time eyeing top soil anymore. I'm relieved since he is the one in charge of our food production.

9th Timber, 201, Late Autumn

One of my team spotted...

Migrants? No... I think it's more of their employees. The security force that arrived here has left. I peeked around the corner and saw them dealing with our Client, who we now call the Overseer. I overheard them speaking about new investments and heavy interest of corporate assets in this sector.

What the elf is going on and who the hell speaks like that!? I wish I was back home.

I mean, what happens to us? The contract we signed was only for a couple months, but we've been here longer. I have plans to get my ass out of here, maybe Tekkud can come with me. But screw everyone else! This cursed outpost can burn for all I care! In time... In time..

16th Timber, 201, Late Autumn

It happened, Martial law has been declared and full corporate control is in effect.

None authorized personnell shot on site. Holy crap! When are they going to decide that WE are no longer authorized? Damnit, I can't find our contracts anymore. I must have misplaced them, damnit! WHERE! DAMNIT! I NEED SOME ANSWERS! Tekkud agrees, he's been acting a bit strange lately.. Stranger than me.

My orders are to catalog progress but I don't have time for that. The Overseer hasn't been checking up on my progress, I don't think she cares right now. But how long will that last? What will my punishment be?

As I write this I-

Guard coming, finish entry later.

16th Moonstone, 201, Early Winter

Despite a series of horrible unfortunate circumstances that have befallen me and my team, mostly due to me signing a contract without getting the details.

We have finished the creation of the water harnessing node. As our Overseer puts it. This will save lives if nothing else.

Tekkud handed me some form of ledger today, I examined it closely, one part was of interest. It catalogued all nearby civilizations that we have made contact with or know of.

Kobolds.. strange. I didn't know they built empires..

20th Moonstone, 201, Early Winter

I was approached by The Overseer today, I thought it was the last thing I'd see.

Turns out the Overseer is approved of my management of the Mining teams. She offered me a foreman position in the "Mineral Acquisitions Unit". What the elven piss? She handed me a contract, told me it is in my best interest to accept my new position. For the good of Beasttower Industries. This is madness-wait... Beasttower Industries... hmm. I'll have to investigate this. I may have heard something back in Cog Amal. Tekkud would know more.

Ofcourse,  I accepted, I could see her hand itching ever closer to that crossbow of hers the longer I took to decide.

Armok give me strength.

22th Moonstone Early Winter

It seemed when I accepted my new position I changed the terms of my whole teams original contract. Since all the members of my original team are now efficient miners, this made sense to keep us all together. Looks like I saved their lives, I'm sure if I declined they would have been after me...

26th Moonstone Early Winter

We've removed most of the trees in the area, since there wasn't many to begin with that leaves us with... 4.

Wood supplies are low, we've suspended our forging activities.

I know this place is going to turn into a hell hole, I'm just waiting for something to pull the trigger.

We are further along in our fortifications on the top tier.

I was given blue prints for some kind of outer watch platforms on the wall. So far, it's been the kobold raids that has been our biggest problem. The watch dogs take care of them.

19th Obsidian, 201, Late Winter

Nothing of interest to report. The mood grows darker each day, like we're all just waiting for something to go horribly wrong.


« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 04:14:29 am by BTIRepresentative »
BTI values all of it's employees. BTI, wave of the future.

(warning: being a BTI employee is the equivalent of dying by fire, slowly.)

Have a nice day!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2009, 04:33:32 am »

Nice story, but i think i can make it better with the three letters: png
Jpg's are just too blurry.

Duke 2.0

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2009, 04:36:33 am »

 Photobucket is also known for pulling that crap.

 The best way around it is a larger font.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2009, 04:37:48 am »

Nice story, but i think i can make it better with the three letters: png
Jpg's are just too blurry.

BTI Apologizes for any inconvenience. We'll request engineers to upgrade Log Reader Hardware A.S.A.P.

BTI values all of it's employees. BTI, wave of the future.

(warning: being a BTI employee is the equivalent of dying by fire, slowly.)

Have a nice day!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beasttower Industries- Fall of the Compound(Outpost 04561)
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2009, 08:45:43 pm »

Final Episode: Storyteller gets bored

(As much as I hate to kill 'quality', I can't say I find it much fun to continue detailing this failed outpost. As I worked far ahead and would prefer to not shift through hundreds of cataloged images I have to edit *shudder*  BTI does not like wasting resources on solved matters more than they need to. Active routine updated ventures are a better course of action. However, you may view the untampered remnant log files. Enjoy, or Cringe in disgust. Either way, the story must end!!)

16th Granite, 202, Early Spring

I overheard one of the employees speak, said elves are coming. What the hell?

 This will be amusing.   

21st Granite, 202, Early Spring

I expected as much would happen, it seems as soon as our guests had arrived they were welcomed in with open arms. Only to be sealed in by order of our Overseer. I must admit, it is a humurous site. I suspect the tactic is to starve them to death and retrieve their items once they are nothing but corpses.

There will be no escape Elves. Not for you.

26th Granite, 202, Early Spring

Something has been bothering me...

Something strange, people here aren't going insane. No one has any complaints... ever. I think they put something in the water to supress workers. I know it!

21st Slate, 202, Mid-Spring

More employees have arrived. The Compound is starting to expand. I can still hear the elves behind the wall..

"Hello? Anyone out there? Can you please let us out? We can't seem to find the door... Hello?"

Their cries for help go unanswered. Can't help but snicker at them. We can use the wood from their bodies I guess.

28th Slate, Late Spring

An employee handed me new orders from the Overseer. All I can say is our next project is to clear the tunnels of most of our stone debri. We are to commence the largest stone stock pile possible, and then fortify that position. Well, we needed something to do I guess..

9th Felsite, 202, Late Spring

I read a report recently, apparently one of the low level workers developed some kind of artifact. Using one of our valuable pieces of wood no doubt. It's just a freaking cup! With a picture of a cup on it! By Armok!

But, apparently, around here that qualifies you for promotion... The report said the cup is placed at around 15600 in value. I don't care, it's just a cup! We could have used the wood for beds. God knows we need them. Anyway, her name was Meng, our new Wood Utility Foreman.

Great, I can see all our future supplies (as soon as those elves starve to death behind that wall) of wood being wasted on wooden toy logs!

11th Felsite,

Someone reported loud muffled noises emenaiting from the Trade Depot check point. Sounds like some of our elven buddies have finally snapped. My only regret is that the wall that holds them in was not made of wood.

16th Felsite

The Incident as reported by Securituy Officer Ilral Tabarlolor. (Now acting Sector Chief)

God damnit, HQ is not going to like the news of this. Cerol was one of their most prized assets. How could she be so careless!?

I finished my report of what happened.

As follows:


Overseer Cerol Rablibash, former Sector Chief, had conducted seize intervention proceedure protocols on a passing Elven caravan. Caravan members arrived at Depot checkpoint where they were held captive and placed in restraint.

Days later, after it was believed the operation was a success a worker heard a violent scream behind the containment field. The Overseer went to investigate, suspecting all subjects had died. She ordered a field section be torn down for an inspection of the area.

Eye witness accounts state The Overseer was then ambushed out of the shadows by a giant stark raving mad Elf. Upon further inspection of the area, it is believed the elf murdered his kin and animals. We think he went mad with hunger and decided elf meat is as good as anything else.

We don't know what happened, Cerol is an experienced Field agent. I interrogated the man who saw her last (the worker ordered by the Overseer herself) He stated that when he was deactivating the section that she seemed drowsy and was laying down on the ground. He didn't think he should stop the command in fear of retribution.

Once the fighting started The Overseer managed to wound the crazed elf multiple times before suffering a fatal blow, we believe the elf struck her in the chest and the vibrations from the strike somehow exploded her heart, killing her instantly. Unable to verify. But whole body was intact.

Besides her personal hunting dog, no other casualties reported.

End Report.

God damnit..


There going to blame someone for this, and it's not going to be me!


Soldier, I want you to bring me someone responsible, someone, recent, new. With rank. I want them to blame. Agent Cerol was experienced, she'd never sleep on the job. I'm sure she must have been poisoned. I've heard reports that the MAU Foreman has been acting suspicious recently. I've seen him around here more than a few times.

You detain him, and you make him pay for this. Understood?

Yes, sir!

Good, you are dismissed. 


What? I said you are dismissed.

The body, sir.

Dispose of it.

Yes, sir! *salutes and leaves*

Atleast this came with a promotion.

5th Hematite, 202, Early Summer

She died! And they just left her corpse out in the sun, oh god!

28th Hematite, 202, Mid-Summer

Strange, there are alot of pups being born... Are they trying to make an army of warbeasts or something? I tried asking a working but all he gave me was a blank stare and then I dismissed him as it was starting to freak me out.

9th Malachite, 202, Mid-Summer

Sector Chief here, we have been getting reports of an unusual sort. The Camels are starting raids on our hunting parties. I've stepped up training protocols to rectify this situation. Lost another unexperienced FAU member. Still haven't been able to locate the body, we think the camels are targeting us as a food source.

Sector Chief out.

17th Malachite, 202, Mid-Summer

Sector Chief here.

We located the mangled body, skull crushed in, Camel attack we believe. Strange though, it was found right next to the mountain, Camels don't usually make attacks so close to the rock.

I ordered his body to be disposed of and his equipment returned.

Something else, HQ sent word, no more workers this season.  Risk factors are to be reduced before additional Dwarven resources granted. I have upgraded some safety protocols, this should improve the life span of the workers.

Sector Chief out.

15th Limestone, 202, Early Autumn

Sector Chief here, arrival of unauthorized merchant party from Cog Amal. Execute seize intervention proceedures.

Yes, sir!

5th Sandstone, 202, Mid-Autumn

Sector Chief here, reports in, BTI Employee 011 Designation Mosus Ledirtir has claimed hold over MAU Productions Unit. He has requested various materials that we currently are out of stock.

Upon informing 011 he shouted at security personell and barricaded the door to the PU. I've ordered a containment field around the PU until Employee 011 is neutralized.

9th Timber, Late Autumn

Captives have started to break, resource acquisition estimated in a couple of months.

15th Timber, 202, Late Autumn

Sector Chief here, we have reports of hysterical screaming coming from behind the containtment field in the Productions and Ore Refinement zone. We believe 011 has snapped.

I have ordered a small team to neutralize him, permanently.

21st Timber, 202, Late Autumn

Chief, we have neutralized the threat.

Roger that Team Leader, Good work.

You are dismissed.

Yes, sir!

Sector Chief report, we have neutralized former BTI employee 011 Designation Mosus Ledirtir. This would be our first employee death due to unexplained inoperability. I will investigate further and provide a detailed report on what I find.

27th Timber, 202, Late Autumn

Sector Chief Ilral Tabarlolor summons a meeting in his office with SP Team Leader about recent FAU fatalities.   

Goden, You need to explain to me...


Tell me why we have already lost TWO FAU team members and one FAU Assist HK.

Sir, Giant Eagle, Sir.


It's surpassed our out defenses, thats when the asset engaged the targeted and was decimated. the HK unit was also destroyed. It's offspring are still at the site. We currently do not have a visual on the Eagle but assume it might approach the main compound.

Damnit, you fix this *cough* DO IT!

Yes, sir!

I need to fix this before HQ hears about my short comings.

16th Moonstone

Operations as they Occured on 16th Moonstone, 202, Early Winter *play GITS: SAC raid music now*

Mission was a Marginal success, unacceptable. Transfering assets into FAU Specialists division.

4th Obsidian, 202, Late Winter

Flood in the lower sectors.

18th Granite, 203, Early Spring

They came.

*Low Rumbles of epic perportions*

*300 music plays*

 *Alarms sounded*

Hold the line damn you!

Notify the chief! We're under attack! Secure the compound damnit!



Yes, sir! *HIT*


23rd Granite, 203, Early Spring

Calling all personell, resecure the compound, Execute recovery protocols. I want answers as to why this happened. Who they were working for! Our losses were unacceptable, there will be heavy reprecussions for failure!

That is all! Return to work.

25th Granite, 203, Early Spring

*Play ambush music*


Witness superior modifcations that only BTI can offer.


NOOOOOO! UNIT 01!!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd Slate, New SP Team Leader Urdim ushrirvabok has a meeting with Sector Chief. Who is still in recovery.

Explain yourself TL.


5th Hematite, 203, Early Summer

Sector Chief here, I've developed plans for a new WBU, Operation K-9 DeathMechs is entering phase 1.  The Company has yet to issue more dwarven resources, they still don't feel this place is a secure investment yet.

This will change all of that.

Sector Chief out.

11th Hematite, 203

Sector under Alert! Defcon Orange!

Giant Scorpion spotted in vicinty, casualties: 1.

Damnit, another specialist of the FAU. DAMNIT!

Activating search and desearch protocols! Activate everyone! This thing needs to die! Secure the zone!

12th, Hematite, 203

Ambush! Where the hell did they come from!?

No one dies today, no one! BTI demands perfection!

Acceptable. Flawless Victory!

24th Hematite, 203, Early Summer

Despite high speed mobilization, forces were unable to randevou with the Scorpion threat.

Team Leader was regenerating at the time of second scout incursion.

Unacceptable Team Leader, next you finish your mission, no matter what. Or we will find a replacement for you.

Sector Chief out.

28th Malachite, 203, Mid-Summer

I have heard reports, our SPTL was conducting strange activity this morning. Was seen top soil scavaging remains for something, and commanered a work station. I haven't been able to recieve any more intel.

14th Limestone, 203, Early Autumn

Supply caravan is here.

24th Limestone, 203, Early Autumn

Supply caravan left, no trade initiated. Routine supply drop.

15th Sandstone, 203, Mid-Autumn

HQ finally sent us some new resources. I've sent them to the DRM.

Preperations to enter phase 2 are almost complete.

16th Timber, 203, Late Autumn

Sector Chief here, everything is moving... slowly. We have fortified the compound to prevent any further breaches. We estimate begining of phase 2 within 6 months. Unacceptable.

19th Timber, 203, Late Autumn

I have had reports, a PUS designation Goden Koncog has finished creating something, unauthorized. He is lucky he is such an asset or he would have faced summary executions like the others.

We don't know precisely what he made, but he told us it was a prototype for something called "Gundam". I don't know what that is, but I want one.

6th Moonstone, 203, Early Winter

Sector Chief here, I'm back at optimal efficiency.

17th Moonstone, 203, Early Winter

After years of complications, I've been briefed the Irrigation system has been completed. This is a first step to a larger more complex system. But it's needed. We can begin the next phase of the FAU.

17th Opal, Mid-Winter

Sir, we've secured the area. Suffered some losses.

Unacceptale Team Leader. You have 6 months to improve our defensives, failure to comply will result in immediate termination.

Yes, sir!

18th Granite, 204, Early Spring

Detained elven spies.

22nd Granite, 204, Early Spring

Zombie Mountain Goats have began an incursion on the Compound. Team Leader has mobilized defenses to neutralize the threat.

14th Slate, Mid Spring

Subjects detained, mission waittilltheysnapanddie underway.

21st Felsite, 204, Late Spring

Sector Chief here, I've recieved a bonus from HQ. With additional dwarven resources granted. We are commencing phase 2 of the project. Expansion and Exploration. Team Leader tells me our defenses are still only at 60% effectiveness. I told him that our defences should be at 80% by now and I will accept no more failures. He is currently overseeing the improvements personally.

This project will succeede. BTI demands it.

4th Hematite, 204, Early Summer

Commander, report.

We've lost another Specialist sir. Leopard. We believe the elves planted it in retaliation of their 'mysterious' losses.

I trust you can fix this, Commander.


Yes, sir! I'll make sure target is neutralized, personally.

Mission was a success. No further casualties. Mission success rate 80%. Mission Rating: B+.

Unacceptable, recommend torture to motivate forces to achieve higher success rating. End report.

18th Hematite, 204, Early Summer.

So, Chief...

E..excuse me Chairman.. I didn'-

Yes, you know the heavy amount of interest BTI has in this operation here, this outpost, if you can call it that.

I Agree Chairman.. I.. I know it-

Yes, feed me your excuses another time, I see you have sustained injuries.

Ye-yes Chairman, I was injured on the way here, a goblin struck my convoy and I-

Save your excuses Chief, I'm having you replaced. I will find someone more... effecient.


*bolt shot*

Guards, escort the body out of my new office.

Yes, M'am!

19th Hematite, 204, Early Summer

Congratulations Commander.


Your new promotion.

Yes, M'am!

You are dismissed.


20 Hematite, 204, Early Summer


Yes, Chief?

Bad news, we've discovered this whole zone is flooded, we have no room to expand.

*bolt shot*

*bolt shot suicide*

The end.

(Eventually I developed containment fields in which I'd starve trespassers when they entered my Depots. Just for fun. Here is what things looked like, and some things of interest.

(Yes, well as you can no doubt see, BTI was disappointed in the loss of this asset and have reimbursed all families involved with a pittance, to be payed in full upon penalty of forced labor.

BTI, wave of the future.)

Oh, this is what I did with Kivish:

BTI values all of it's employees. BTI, wave of the future.

(warning: being a BTI employee is the equivalent of dying by fire, slowly.)

Have a nice day!