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Author Topic: Pagemartyrs: Frozen Secrets  (Read 1243 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Pagemartyrs: Frozen Secrets
« on: November 26, 2008, 01:24:40 am »

Forward: A friend of mine (Jusal) created a frostbitten world, and suggested that I try to run a fortress in the same world, and see how far we get. After some indecision, I settled on a patch of frozen tundra with magma and an aquifer. It seemed like a good idea at the time ^_^.

The events as follows are basically as occurred, though with some liberties for story, or due to my misremembering.

The expedition was comprised of:
♀ Monom Orrunlibash, Overseer
♂ Melbil Lektadoddom, Scout
♀ Tirist Semorkel, Miner
♀ Bomrek Lilumudil, Craftsdwarf
♂ Ezum Lisatcog, Farmer
♂ Tosid Dishmabdeleth, Peasant
♂ Lolor Kasbenlolor, Peasant


The aged dwarf thumbed at the pile of papers laying on his desk, the notes had arrived late last night, but he was far too tired to look at them then, so its only now that he had a chance to look at them. He took a few moments to arrange them into some kind of chronological order, and began reading...

First Granite, 271

We've been wandering across these tundras for almost a week now, nothing but frost and sand-blasted rocks as far as the eyes can see. I looked at the maps earlier, theres a number of interesting features along the edges of the tundras, obviously we are heading to one of those, but the thing that gets me though, is that this tundra isn't that big, it wouldn't take much longer to simply go around it...why did the Overseer insist that we trudge though this wasteland?

At any rate, I can see our scout returning to camp (He's a stout dwarf, good at stealth. But a field-mouse would have trouble hiding on these blasted tundra), so we'll be moving as soon as he's finished reporting to the Overseer.

By Ivoryjade, this is all wrong! The Overseer has ordered us to set up camp and strike the earth, not but a few minutes travel from where I last penned this log! These blasted planes are to be our new home, 'Pagemartyrs'!

The old scholar adjusted his glasses and leaned back in his chair, "Pagemartyrs, now theres a name I haven't heard in a very long time...", the scholar smiled.

Comparing the logs to one another, as well as to the expedition's membership list, it became clear that these particular logs were written by the expedition's miner, Tirist Semorkel (odd, there seemed to be just the one).

Second Granite,  271

I spent most of the day prospecting the sand and scattered stones. I won't bother to recount the details of what I found, but the main points are that surface is almost entirely frozen sand, there is almost certainly an aquifer, and the there's evidence of volcanic activity in the area. The Overseer seemed mostly concerned about the possible aquifer, as it could cut us off from the true stone and ore in the area, She told me to get a good night's sleep, for I'll likely have much to do in the coming weeks.

Fifth Granite, 271

We've spent the last two days discussing various plans on how to get though the aquifer and have finally agreed that, given our limited resources, simplest is best. The plan is to carve through the sands and expose the aquifer to the frigid air, freezing it solid, at which point we can carve through it much as we would ordinary stone. This will take some time, but the lads have complained a lot less about the weather of late since, as this is now their home, they have taken it upon themselves to rearrange our supplies (including more wooden logs than I thought I'd ever see) into a number of make-shift windbreaks around camp, and I must confess the tundras have been considerably more tolerable as a result.

Thirteenth Granite, 271
Curse my foolishness! The frozen sands were so firm and resilient that I began to treat it as stone, but of cause, it is not stone, and soon crumbled and faltered under my mismanagement. As a result large sections of the tundra collapsed under my feet, ruining the brittle slopes and delaying the project indefinitely. Luckily, the only thing injured is my pride, but through a cloud of profanity the likes of which I've never heard before, the Overseer ordered the Aquifer project shelved while we carve some basic lodgings into the tundra sands. I'm not as all pleased at the prospect, but I'm sure the lads would be happier underground, and we can use the rooms later on for farming...

The scholar sighed, its not unusual for expeditions to encounter problems so early on, but he couldn't help but think this could of been avoided if they had brought a second miner, perhaps they would of noticed Tirist's miscalculation earlier.

The scholar placed Tirist's notes down, and picked up the Expeditions log book, penned by the Overseer herself.
26th of Granite, 271st year of our world.
The sand rooms are finished...far later than expected. Perhaps our miner was hurt more severely in the accident than she originally let on? Regardless, she's carved five rooms. I've declared the center-most room to be the food store, while one of the rooms to the west of the passage is to become the barracks (beds have already been made, and being moved to the barracks as I write this). The room just east of the food store will be used for farming just as soon as we've had a chance to double check our seed stocks.

By far the biggest issue on my mind, however, is the Aquifer project. Not only is the entire expedition pointless if we can't  get through the aquifer, but the unfinished project leaves several tons of tundra sand looming ominously close to the entry passage to our new lodgings... I'm tempted to order the others to take up picks (all two of them) and remove it, but then, Tirist made a pigs' breakfast of the project, I'd hate to think what kind of disaster would occur at the hands of a less experienced miners.

27th of Granite
I've ordered a series of Wooden supports and platforms be built to shore up the looming mass of frozen dirt that is the unfinished aquifer project. Not only should this remove the threat of it collapsing and killing the entire expedition (including myself), but it should also make it easier for Tirist to complete the project without killing herself. I've placed the task under the command of Bomrek, our craftsdwarf, and that it should take priority over her present tasks.

1st of Slate
The initial wooden supports have been completed, it will take many more such constructions before its safe to work on the aquifer project again, but with the immediate danger solved, I've ordered everyone back to their usual duties.

7th of Slate
I have no idea what was going though her head, but we were all awoken this morning by the shuddering sound of another collapse, that madwoman Tirist had resumed work on the Aquifer Project again! Against my direct orders!
She was discovered unconscious in the lowest exploratory shaft, in the aquifer waters. She proved himself phenomenally lucky once again, not only managing to regain consciousness before she drowned, but walking away once again with no apparent injuries.
I'm not sure if I should count myself blessed with such a durable Miner, or cursed with such a suicidal one!

The scholar paused, and glanced back at Tirist's notes again, as his yellowing fingers reached for the miner's journal, he hesitated, noticing for the first time a smudge of old blood...

Seventh Slate, 271
I feel renewed this morning, these walls might be naught but frigid sands, but it feels so much better to be beneath the ground once again. I've been thinking about those wooden scaffolds that were recently finished, I know that the Overseer wants to focus on the farms, and basic workshops, but those scaffolds make it so much easier to work on the remaining tundra sands that stand between the aquifer and the frozen air, If I work quickly, I can have the aquifer exposed before the morrow.

[the following text is stilted, wavering, and smudged in places]
...I think the Overseer is upset with me. Oh god...those eyes... I can't remember what she said to me, all i can remember is those eyes, cutting into my soul...I'm not sure, but I don't remember bleeding when...
[the entry ends abruptly]

The scholar pauses, it was the last entry...whatever happened to Tirist, she never penned another entry, the aged dwarf turned his gaze back to the Overseer's logs.

27th of Slate
I regret to record that our esteemed miner, Tirist Semorkel, has died in a mining accident. She had resumed work on the aquifer project using the incomplete wooden support scaffolds (much as she has done in the past). Unfortunately, this time the unsupported tundra sands were directly above her. It is believe that she was killed instantly. Neither her body, nor equipment have yet been recovered, though it will assuredly be revealed before the conclusion of the Aquifer project. I solemnly hope that I won't have to record the death of anyone else in the near future.

The scholar wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. The miner was indeed dead, but due to her own stupidity. She repeatedly resumed work before it was safe, and it finally cost her her life.

<Elvashi: Yes, i suck at managing miners.>

28th of slate
we've only just now had a chance to properly examine the results of Tirist's accident, the aquifer is all but exposed, though displaced water has frozen, partially blocking access to the aquifer, and is believed to have destroyed part of the ramps leading down. However, the aquifer itself seems to be exposed, and frozen in the night. Tirist's body is believe to be frozen in the aquifer itself. Even if we recover her body, her equipment and possessions are likely to be damaged beyond repair.

1st of Felsite, 271
I've ordered Tosid Dishmabdeleth to take the remaining pick, and resume work on the project. Ironically, Tirist's accident has removed all foreseeable danger from the project, and its quite likely that we'll strike stone before sundown, I've already started reviewing plans for the settlement-proper.

Ezum has just informed me that Tosid is dead, apparently the last bock of ice he was carving out had some kind on fault or flaw, causing it to break and fall on top of him. I can't help but think this is my fault, for allowing an inexperienced miner to work without assistance.

3rd of Felsite
Examining the aquifer project, it seems that we are virtually at the stone, Unwilling to risk more of my expeditions lives on this damnable "simple" project, I'm taking up pick myself, and have ordered the rest of the expedition to keep a safe distance...

6th of Felsite
I spent three days at the bottom of the mineshaft, the ice staircase I roughly caved was simply not up to the task and collapsed as I tried to descend (I never claimed to be a mason). The rest of my expedition was unable to help me as I had explicitly told them to keep their distance.
The good news is that we have indeed struck stone, which was also my salvation. I caved out the stone, and used it to build a new staircase out of the shaft, it was particularly slow, as I wanted to stay within the layout I had planned, which was difficult to do from memory alone. To my amazement, the rest of my expedition actually waited for me, I expected them to cut their losses and leave for home.

More importantly, and relievingly, the Aquifer project is complete; we have access to the stone beneath (though it is through but a single, small, staircase. It will need to be extended later on), and can begin carving out a suitable living.

Tirist's corpse is yet to be recovered, presumably it remains in the frozen ice-walls of the aquifer stairwell, and will have to remain there until we are ready to expand the passage. I plan to have those particular walls smoothed and engraved, that it may at least provide some small recognition to the dead till then.

12th of Hematite, 271
Things have been mostly uneventful, save that we have discovered exactly which of the aquifer walls holds Tirist's remains (the east wall). Progress on the settlement proper is slow, but steady, I'm working on it alone, as theres little else to be done for the moment. Though I can't help but shake the feeling I will regret it later... I've ordered the construction of a makeshift masons' shop in the end of one of the corridors, hopefully we'll be able to create some meager crafts for when the trade caravan arrives

28th of Hematite
Finally some good news, in this most auspicious month, I have struck its namesake! While our young settlement is not yet ready to begin proper industry, it bodes well for our future.

There was a knock on the door, and the Old dwarf Creaked to his feet, "Just a moment, these old bones aren't what they used to be". When he got to the door, whoever knocked was gone, but a package was waiting on the step. "Damned youngens, no patients..."

the scholar settled back to his desk, and opened the package, it was more logs from Pagemartyrs, in particular pages from the logs of Melbil Lektadoddom, the expedition's scout.

28th Hematite, 271
Since the expedition settled on these grounds, the Overseer has had me spending my time hunting the wildlife for food. It worked well enough in the beginning, but I ran out of bolts over a season ago. Still though, i'm tasked with you have any idea ho hard it is to sneak up on muskoxen and Elks, and wrestle them to death? Bare in mind that I not at all trained in wrestling...
And do i get any thanks? No, of cause not. Just complaints that it takes me so damned long to bring back a kill...

<Elvashi: I just checked his status on the field, and found him chasing a muskox. He has no wounds, but he's listed as "Tired". Yeah, I'll bet...>

13th Malachite
That last Elk bit my hand rather hard. Nothing serious, but extremely painful. Fortunately, the craft shop has recently been completed, so i'm going to ask Bomrek to turn some of those muskox bones into bolts the next time I see her.

In other news, the roof of the new workrooms wasn't strong enough and cracked, water from the aquifer quickly began flooding down, fortunately, there was plenty of stone laying about from the recent excavations, and the Overseer was about to seal the rooms off before the water spread very far. This does, however, seal off the hematite deposits, which were in the walls of those rooms. Oh well, Deler giveth, and Deler taketh away.

18th Malachite
I simply refuse to go hunting again until I have those bolts, fortunately we have plenty of food, so no one has really noticed. But there will be hell to pay if they realise I haven't been hunting, If I don't find Bomrek soon, I might just have to make them myself.

28th Malachite
Working in the crafts shop, I realised the place had be barely touch, quite odd considering the amount of work thats still to be done, surely Bomrek would be flat out. It was at this point that it occurred to me that I hadn't seen her since the accident in the North-east excavation. Seems these halls have claimed another life...

The old scholar sighed, if true, then it was terrible news, no-one deserves to die like that, slowly drowned in chilled waters over god knows how many hours <Elvashi: *cough* 3 days :/ >.
the scholar turned his attention back to the Overseer's logs

4th of Galena
I've designated further areas to be dug out in the halls, though I've forbade and further excavations upwards. A skilled miner could manage to safely excavate that close to the aquifer, but I've learnt the hard way that I'm no such miner. I've turned my pick over to Lolor, and designated further areas to be excavated, I also told him to be careful of Delar's sake, and to immediately abandon any work if he notices anything unusual at all, and contact me at once. Hopefully that, combined with the straightforwardness of the planned excavations, should put an end to the deaths... For my part, I've set up a makeshift office in one of the new excavated rooms, and turn my attention to the much neglected clerical duties of the settlement.

16 of Galena
Apparently Melbil has spent almost the entire past week doing nothing but crafting crossbow bolts out of bone, I would complain to him about wasting valuable resources, but frankly he scares me. Anyone that spent over a season wrestling Muskoxen to death is worthy of fear and respect.
When the time is right, he'll be the first I ask to join Pagemartyrs' defense force, I look forward to having a sparing partner again.

2nd of Sandstone, 271
Blast! The dwarven caravan has arrived, and with all thats happened we haven't really had much chance to prepare for them, even the depot itself had to be erected in a hurry (Praise Deler, It did not fall on our heads!) I hate to of had to do it, but Tosid had some valuable Giant Cave silk clothing, which has now just bought us some food, and drink, as well as an Iron Anvil, and a Iron mace. All things that will help us in the long run, as much as it shames us to steal from our own dead.

The old Scholar stretched, The Overseer's words were wearing him, so he turned his attention back to the Scout's log.

19th Sandstone
The overseer has had me crafting animal traps in quantity, and seems intent on having me use them. I couldn't even begin to guess why, perhaps she thought things would be too easy for me now, as I haven't have bolts again (a quiver of which was traded to the dwarven traders, again I go unthanked...). Oh well, at least the vermin won't be attacking the food stores when they are all in cages...

2nd Timber
I was wandering across the tundra, seeking dragonflies and similar insignificant insects it place in small wooden cages for no discernible reason, when I spotted some figures on the horizon and went in for a closer look. Seems a bunch of dwarves got exceedingly sober and decided that this blasted tundra would be a good place to live. Aren't they in for a nasty shock...

Far as I can tell, there seems to be a Thresher, a Dyer, a Weaver, an Animal Dissector, a Gem Cutter, and a Carpenter. Oh, and three others of no apparent skill or worth. Its likely that the thresher will be assigned to help on the farms (as they are notoriously under-staffed), While the Animal Dissector will likely be told to do butchery and Tanning (as she is already used to cutting up defenceless creatures for her own benefit).
The weaver and dyer, they represent half a textiles industry in their person, if our paltry farms can manage to grow a decent quantity of pigstail, they could be quite useful.
The gem cutter will likely be disappointed, this site was picked for its sand and magma, doesn't take a genius to realise she'll  end up cutting glass for the rest of her days. Once the magma has been tapped, that is.

<Elvashi: they would be the following:
♀ Kumil Gusilsazir, Thresher
♂ Kol Febathab, Dyer
♂ Sakzul Dostoblogem, Peasant
♀ Thikut Ingishiklist, Weaver
♀ Kol Morushat, Peasent
♀ Mafol Olingidthur, Animal Dissector
♀ Kivish Edoserush, Gem Cutter
♀ Urist Kadoledem, Peasant
♀ Eshtan Ittasustuth, Carpenter

1st Obsidian
The Overseer wishes to form a small militia-guard, to protect our budding fortress from, yada-yada, you know the drill, and suggests that herself and I, as the only military-trained dwarfs here, form the core of this militia. Actually seems quite reasonable.
I was aware that the Overseer had a military background, but its only now that I know the details, she was trained in the use of axes Light armor, and earned some minor commendations for repeatedly fighting off small - but vicious - raiding parties on her home-city. Combined with my knowledge of Marksmanship, as well as the wrestling skills I picked up during the *ahem* ammo shortage, we have the skills to train a basic fighting force.

5th Obsidian
We've chosen a particularly stone-headed dwarf from the migrants to join, Urist Kadoledem, mostly due to her professed fondness for Maces.

10 Obsidian
Urist's Training is going extremely well, So far we've started her with basic unarmed combat which she is learning at such an alarming rate that myself and the Overseer have taken to regular sparing, just to stay ahead of her! Definitely a well chosen recruit, and almost certain to serve Pagemartyrs well in future.

The Old scholar looked up from the pages, every successful fortress requires a functioning military, for better or for worse, and its rare to get such promising recruits early in a military's life. While three dwarves is hardly an army, the fact that it was comprised of a veteran axedwarf, a scout known for wrestling oxen to death, and dwarven fighting prodigy with a fondness for maces is more than any fledgling fortress could hope for.

Another thump from the door, not unlike the sound of a box full of papers being dropped on his doorstep. The Scholar sighed and went to collect them.

More logs from Pagemartyrs, including some from Lolor Kashbenlolor, the some somewhat successful replacement miner...


Obsidian, 10. 271st Wondrous Year of Dwarven Glory.
The Overseer carved a large swatch of cavern in the living stone for us to live in, but this point my own carvings almost match her own, and more and more of the settlement is moving into the halls, which the overseer has now taken to smoothing, when she isn't attending her other duties.
Already has the food store been move into one of the unused workshop areas, and tables set up in the adjoining room, (though I yearn to carve out a proper Dwarven feasthall, 'tis only a matter of time), much of the industry has been moved into the rough halls, and new workshops established as well.
once the magma has been tapped, this will truly be a great fortress!


...and thats the end of year one.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Pagemartyrs: Frozen Secrets
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 04:02:39 am »

Looks awesome so far, love the storytelling.

Waiting for the next, keep it up!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pagemartyrs: Frozen Secrets
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2008, 05:34:13 am »

Good going! About time you posted it here.