I just wonder if it is possible to add in.
As an random event (maybe triggered if the Conservatives own the Presidency), the United States may declare War, as indicated in an Newspaper Article on the subject.
(Technically, according to the US Consitution, for war to be declared, Congress will have to approve such a declaration, but in this day and age, the President, as commander in chief, can easily deploy troops wherever he wants without needing such a declaration. In any event, the whole idea of 'War' is inaccurate, as it usually involves fighting on many different fronts...)
Wars start off very popular amongst the whole nation, and then naturally decline in popularity if the wars end up being too much of a quamire. Of course, the LCS can assist in this natural decline by conducting Protests...
However, the true reason for War is that since the US society is geared to fight this new enemy, whatever it is, society's views on the issues will start to change in order to help counter this new threat. This leads to the true reasons War is bad: War subtly shift the people's views on certain issues to C+.
Some of these 'Wars' are indeed a bit of a stretch. I kinda assume Free Speech will already be looked down upon during an War, so that is also affected during an War. There can be only be more than one War at a time!
*War on Terrorism (i.e., invading the Middle East): Privacy, Death Penalty, Police Behavior
*War on Communism (i.e, waging a cold war against a resurging China and other leftist nations): Corporate Regulation, Nuclear Power, Worker Benefits
*War on the Anti-Christ (i.e, waging a cold war against the European Union and leftists seeking to undermine religion): Abortion, Homosexual Tolerance, Flag Burning
*War on Tyranny (i.e, this desire to spread uniquely 'American Values' all across the globe [since, if Americans thought of it, it must be correct], by force if necessary...pits all Americans against Non-Americans): Gun Control, Taxes, Pollution
I cannot think of any War that could in any way 'Animal Research'. Sorry. The War on Secularism is inspired by me reading Chrisitan properganda declaring the European Union the "Beast" that will lead to the rise of the "Anti-Christ. The War on Tyranny is a bit of a stretch, but it is traced to a Liberal advocating for an American Empire to help make the world more democratic...I can see such a belief be (further) perveted.
News articles will peridoically appear stating if America is winning or losing said war. If it is winning, support for the war goes up...if it is losing, support for the war will go down.
A war will only terminate when either the President or Congress offically declares the war 'over'.