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Author Topic: Helmflare-{succesion}-  (Read 872 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« on: November 16, 2008, 11:17:47 pm »

This will be the first succesion game I will have created, so bear with me.

Using vanila version 40d.The embark region is 9x6, in order to include a cave in its entirety, and have descent amount of choppable wood due to no magma. Contains 3 biomes, tropical savana, tropical coniferous forrest, and badlands. Has a stream, cave and a massive aquifer.

I am getting close to the end of the first year right now, and has been quite interesting thanks to the Hippo's and elephants, and other things I want to keep a suprise for the other players.

For those that want to join in, claim a dwarf thats open at the start of your turn, which barring a catastrophe durring winter will be plenty to choose from due to 2 waves of migrants already. Or make a request for a dwarf.

This is what is currently available, the ones with *'s are pretty free for job changes if needed.
3 farmers-
3 wrestlers*(1 resting from having fun with a hippo)
1 elite wrestler
1 soapmaker*-
1cheese maker*-

To keep things interesting, use very few traps in general, especialy cage traps. 1 week time limit on your year, and 3 days to verify starting your turn.

I would put up smaller pictures but for some reason I can't seem to get any taken. Have tried print screen and its not working.

Here is just the fort itself and not all the wilderness around it at the end of year 1.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I will put up the writeup of 1st year events tomorrow afternoon, and if there is someone ready for the 2nd year, the save.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 01:34:12 am by Hawklaser »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helmflare-{succesion}-
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 11:48:59 pm »

You can export the whole map and then crop it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helmflare-{succesion}-
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2008, 12:02:53 am »

Yeah, but that would only work for the fort layout. Which doesn't help with taking one of the embark screen, status screen, or info about anything specific.

Actualy being able to get pictures of those would be more helpfull, if only my computer would let me do it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helmflare-{succesion}-
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2008, 12:29:02 am »

Might I just say that fort layouts would probably help enormously.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helmflare-{succesion}-
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2008, 12:39:52 am »

Yeah, I am sure they would be useful, but that would also end up with a fairly large picture, but it seems thats all I got to work with.

Will put up those kind of pictures if there gets to be intrest in this. Hopefully I can find a way to get other kinds of pictures as well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Helmflare-{succesion}-
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2008, 10:24:57 pm »

Argh  >:(, one bad keystroke and have to start the write-up all over. Was almost done as well.

Here goes for a 2nd time. I am gonna make it a bit simpler than I was at first.Later I might add more detail to it, but won't change the basic gist to it.

Kyterra's(a woodcutter) journal

DY 301- 1st of granite

After myself and a miner, carpenter, trader, farmer, clothier, and architect have gotten ourselfs completly lost out in the middle of nowhere, and to top things off our wagon broke down today. We barely have any supplies left, so we decide we best try and settle down here and hope we can survive till our existance is found by others. We decide to let the trader represent us to anyone that does find us, though I will be leading everything else for the time being. We were nervous settling here due to all the hippo's around, after all I have heard they can become quite violent.

9th of slate- Today I recieve news that our farmer has gotten some small fields set up and started planting. Hopefully in a short while we will no longer have to scurry about picking shrubs while worrying about making the hippo's mad. I also ran across a cave out in the wilderness today, ventured a short ways inside noticing that the walls were sweating. Shortly after noticing the state of the walls, I hear a loud roar from deeper within, and high tail it away from there hoping whatever I head was not chasing me. As soon as I get back to our encampment, I have our carpenter set about sealing the entrance of the cave for now.

23rd of slate- Today I got word from our carpenter that the cave has been sealed as ordered. Along with the news that our miner started clearing out a more proper area for us to live in for the time being. At this time I also have our carpenter start work on a wall to place between us and the Hippo's for safety.

23rd of felsite- Today I find the wall has been finished. It is only wood right now, but it should keep out those hippo's. After the carpenter has finished the wall he set about making beds for us.

1st of hematite- Summer has arrived, and boy is it hot. Though along with the heat comes news of our first plump helmet harvest, along with the planting of several other plants. In particular is the pig tails our clothier wanted. Our trader backed him in this decision as if a caravan did manage to find us, would need something to trade with them.

8th of hematite- Today we planed out a tunnel to be able to prepare to invade the cave at a later date. The reason for this is as after asking our miner about the sweating walls in the cave, she said that would likely be an aquifer, and our best bet to get past it would likely lie deeper in that very cave.

3rd of galena- The last few days have been rather plain, just a continuation of mining and choping wood. Though today was special. Some other lost souls managed to run across us to day. We gladly took them in and put them to work. Some had useful skills that we were at a lack for, others voluntered to start up a small military.

1st of Limestone- The calender says it is supposed to be fall, but it still feels like summer to me.  Today while out cutting down trees, I ran across a heard of elephants. If the hippo's and cave creatures were not bad enough... this just made things more on edge.

14th of Limestone- Our tunnel to invade the cave was completed, today we built and locked doors to keep us and its inhabitants seperate. Once we had weapons and traind dwarfs, we will move in.

15th of Limestone- Remarkably, a caravan managed to find us. They were just about to turn back from being lost themselfs, untill they saw the various stumps in the wilderness and decided to look a little harder.

24th of Limestone- Today our trader managed to trade a bunch of socks our clothier had made for 2 axes, a shield, a crosbow, some pewter bars, barrels, food, and booze. When the caravan leader asked what we wanted for next year, we told him wood, weapons, shields, booze, turtles, lobsters, picks, and lots of stone. We got a funny look from that last one, but at least we didnt have to explain to them.

14th Sandstone- Today we found a dead speardwarf out in the wilderness. Asked the caravan about him, and found out he was one of theirs who got lost. They asked us to lay him to rest as they could not transport him home to give him a burial there.

26th of Sandstone- Today there was a loud crash from our tunnel to the cave, no one wanted to go look, so I had to do it. When I got there, I found nothing but splinters. I then ordered people to rebuild the doors.

2nd of Timber- Today we were met with tragedy. A hippo claimed 4 dwarfs lifes, and almost claimed anothers arm. When a woodworker and miller went to put up the doors in our tunnel to the cave, tragedy struck, as somehow a hippo managed to sneak into the tunnel. They started screaming but the newly trained wrestlers were not quick enough to save them. The first 2 wrestlers on the scene were also killed by the hippo, and of our remaing two, one had her arm horribly crushed.

5th of timber- After the horrible day of the hippo, we get even more good news, the caravan we had earlier ran across some other poor lost dwarfs and directed them to our stronghold. This new wave of dwarfs brings our population up to 21.

1st of moonstone- The calender says it is now winter, but my senses still say its summer. The rest of fall has been rather laid back. There has not been anymore hippo attacks, and our everyone has been working hard to establish the best home we can, till we can get to some real stone.

DY 302- 1st of granite- During a most uneventfull winter we managed to dig out several storerooms for this coming year. Hopefully the caravan brings us the supplies we asked for, so that we can deal with what ever is in the cave, and get down into some real stone to live like proper dwarfs... I have had enough of living like the humans or elfs, near the surface on dirt or wood... I can't wait to have solid stone beneath me again. Though running this outpost is a bit taxing for me, it is time to pass the reigns on to someone else that is willing to give it ago.
