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Author Topic: Letz get lootin'!  (Read 2198 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Letz get lootin'!
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2008, 03:34:24 pm »

Ironic is the fact that I told my self that same exact thing. If people keep viewing the crap I post, then obviously it means they damn well like it! I'll take a look at that there thread of yours, as soon as I get an update out. Gonna try to spice things up.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hey, if you can dream it, you can do it!
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Re: Letz get lootin'!
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2008, 04:40:00 pm »

Granite 1st 1280
The slightly less cold climate of the plainlands, now almost empty of snow, stretched on for miles as before Orgims, hundreds of Goblins walked with their life stalk, mounts, and wagons. Newly aquired workers had come to either join up, or perhaps work the mild spring away for some meals, and perhaps a bit of gold looting on the side as well.

His mount, now slightly less slobbering and agressive as it was on the day they fought those Humans, strided alongside dozens of Goblins mounted on slightly small beakdogs. Slightly tattered, though that was rather the point, Orgims thought, were carried on either side of his calvalry, and beside them more troops marched, now ready whelps who had been finally molded into warriors after six months of training.

Vazshek rode on a horse beside his mount, the Wargh needing to be watched with care so it would not decide to take a bite out of the Humans own mount. Goblins sat ready to take down the human with crossbows should he make a run for it. "Vazzy, wut is it ya think wez be marching fer den?"

"How should I know. Your barbarians, I suppose its for war." Orgims thought for a moment. "I 'pose it is fer war. But why?" The Human paused before replying in his rather sarcastic manner. "A goblin asking why but for war? Well...are you planning on attacking the Dwarves?" Orgims shook his head, looking ahead as a slightly amuseing brawl played out, broken up by some of the Militia. "Nah! da Short Folk ain't worth the trouble of stomping dare forts if'n we can't get inside with out loseing sum good gobz! Even the loot they be keepin' inside dare hide holes, are to hard to get to, when dare are sum other goblinz to smash, or some humies to stomp!"

Vazshek sighed. "But thats not how its suppose to be! Up north, goblins always target dwarf fort-" Orgims turned and glared. "Only 'cause dey stupid! Rushing up in hordes trying smash dem forty things with bad weapons, only to get stomped back, hard...'ere we fight smart, or we die!" Orgims turned again looking forward at the setting sun. "Dare ain't no time for lost force 'n da like. Not if'n we lose to many good raida's."

Gloomily, Vazshek brooded once again, lazily leaning on the pommel of his sadle. "Boss!" A goblin to Orgims' side pointed at the oncoming riders, who were raiseing up a cloud of dust. Orgims and two other goblins rushed out to meet them under a flag of truce. Once the dust settled, Orgims nodded at the messanger and his companions. "Ripkinz! How are ya been doin' ya old dog you!"

The messanger returned a grim smile as he gripped the Warcheifs forearm in warrior salute. "Fair 'n all dat Orgimz. Boss Nazgue haz a message from farther north though. There are pointy earz going your way, lookz like dare trying to link up with dose Tree Folk farther south wes'. Nazgue said he owes you wun fer dat las' winter when ya stomped those kobolds who started ta act up 'n the like. Wez gotz ta go, but be careful Orgimz. I know you and yer boyz gotz it handled, but there be summin' strange goin' on up north, and we can't get anybody up dare ta check it out 'n stuff."

Orgims said good bye to them, watching them storm off back north, where they were headin'. "Alright boyz! You heard da gob'! Time to do some Tree lovva stompin'!"

Northern Lands, Obsidian 4th 1279
Arulean ducked his head as the crossbow bolt flew over head. Nocking a arrow, he fired, taking down the human filth that had fired the arrow. "For the New Forest!" Cheers rose up from the shadows and trees as more arrows sniped and snapped short the lives of the tired Human Warriors, who had been skirmishing with the Elven Folk who ambushed them from up in the huge trees and the dark shadows, with spears and bows.

Arulean fired again, taking down armoured night with a bodkin arrow, at fairly close range as the knight tried to run him down. The elven leader left for a new position, so he could snipe away at the humans again.

After more vollys of arrows, dozens of Elven soldiers rushed out with spears, dragging Humans down from their mounts, and spearing those armed with swords and axes between the ribs. The Humans routed, running scattered in differant directions, some getting taken down by arrow fire that still weaved out of the elven positions in the trees. The rest would be picked off by Elven troops further around the forest.
Arulean opened the clothe entrance way into the tent, which like all of their tents, was made with out animal parts, and only materials foraged from the giveing land. Eldest one, we have put the knife in the Filthy Humans that were lured within the forest. The rest are being rounded up for the camps." The much older Elven person, though for the Tree Folk, age* rarely showed, unless in extreme cases, turned from the map he had been studying on a table made of rock, that had been dragged into the tent for studious purposes. "Ah! Arulean! Come here, come, come. "

The younger Elf came forward to stand by the Elders side. Following the older Elfs directions he studied the map for what the Eldest one had been talking about earlier that day. "This is the place where our brothers dwell?" The Eldest one nodded. "Yes, and the only way blocking out way to victory over the filthy humans, and then the dwarves, are the vile hordes of Greenskin who dwell within the southern lands. We cant get close enough, because the damnable goblins there are just to well equiped and trained to fall for our guile. I am at a loss as to what we are to do."

"It is the winter months my Elder, so if we left now with a warparty, we could evade the Goblins in the forrests that island the great plains to the south. And then join our brothers and easily repel all enemys who block out path back to the north!"

The Elder nodded grimly. "Then go, young one, with my blessing. Take who and what you will, and go with the blessing of the Gods." Arulean left the tent, mounted his horse, and went off to muster his forces.

End of Part Six


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hey, if you can dream it, you can do it!
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Re: Letz get lootin'!
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2008, 10:33:21 pm »

Granite 18th 1280

Siege of Battlemarch
The fourteen armoured men stumbled out into the yard, past the iron gate. One of the men let out a strangled grunt, as he stumbled to the ground, spining around in the process, falling behind his comrades. Dropping to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his back, the man looked up at the harsh face of the Elven commander, who had a spear prepared in one hand. The weapon came down into the mans face, ending his life.

The remaining men stood their ground, a stone wall behind them blocking escape. Dozens of elven archers had arrows nocked, ready to skewer the humans in fire. Most of them had feral grins on their faces, while a fewer amount had grim set expressions as they waited for the order to fire.


Some of the human soldiers had turned around. The wall shook again.


The resounding boom rang out again.


The wall had a large crack in it, some of the stones nearly removeing themselves from their place in the wall. The commander squinted for a moment, realization dawning in his eyes. Before he could give the order to fall back a hugely loud sound cut him off.


The wall tore itself apart, tumbleing inside atop a few of the humans. The troll, grey skinned, and wielding a the trunk of a tree, came lumber, rather fast for a troll, out into the yard, smashing aside the men, screams tearing out of thier mouths as the huge beast, easily three times their height stumbled forward. The Elven troops, equally shocked, only managed to get a few arrows out before the beast met them, those arrows bounceing off from poor fire, or sticking inside the beast, none to deep, only serveing to anger it.

The trunk swung out, tearing through the Elves with ease, easily misplaceing the gate, and chargeing further inside the city. As the dust settled, the commander knelt, using his curved sword to try and support himself, when the Greenskin charged forward, battering his face with the axe, and following the attack up by smashing the crude club wielded in the other hand down again and again. More Greenskins charged with him, in leather armour with bits of chain thrown in, attacking enemys with crude weapons, bashing elves who were barely getting up, swarming over the wounded, or climbed up the battlements, throwing elven troops down into the horde.

The gold and white banner of the Elven kingdom was torn aside, and a ragged blood red banner with a snarling wolf replaced it. "WAAARGH!" The goblins charged further inside the city,  pushing aside all who could offer to fight, and further bashing soldiers they had already killed in bloodlust.

The city soon fell.
Warchief Nazgue grinned at his old friend, who he had known since they were whelplings in the Warhearth they had both split from, something that naturally occured every few years or so, goblins out of whelphood would go off on their own to start their own tribe by instinct, so the greenskin battleradius would expand with the addition of more Warhearths. Ironicly, when there was no one else to fight, they would target other Warhearths to expel some bloodlust, and do a little counter looting. This didn't happen much in times of war against other races though, and Nazgue and Orgims both had rarely clashed, and only on real matters, not petty diffrences. They both seemed to have forgotten the last time just that had happened.

"Good ta see ya Orgimz ya pesty Wargh thorn!" Orgims grinned back. "Aye! Good ta see ya as well. Don' ya thin' da air jus' smellz perfect, wit' all dat blood in in itz?" Orgimz and the larger Nazgue laughed, both their booming voices ringing out in the tattered and crumbleing hall, still slightly burning planks of wood falling on dead human elven bodys. "To bad wez were late fer da fight! I betz you and yer boyz stomped 'em gud!"

Nazgue grinned further. "Did cha handle dose long eared blokes 'n dare pointy sticks?" Orgims nodded, his smile dieing slightly. "We los' 'em when they changed direction and cut ground through a bloody forest. Damn pointy earz." Nazgue grunted. "To bad. Could 'ave used sum more 'eads fer me pointy stick!"

Orgims nodded. The 'pointy stick' was a old goblin custom, where they would collect the heads of their own, 'special' kills, and wear the poles on their back, heads looming over their enemys as they screeched their war crys. Orgims wasn't quite so fond of the smell rotting heads emitted, so he had discarded such an idea. Though he found sticking heads on pikes outside his camp just as good.

"Where are da humies dat jus' couldn' put up'a figh' den?" Nazgue snorted. "Wez pushed dose humies and their women folk out o' da city. Good riddance. They can haz it back once wez done lootin'!" Orgims smiled once again. "Normally I wouldn't mind a little lootin' myself...but I'd rather not challange your boyz fer a new choppa any wayz. Me and me boyz are heading north, to get to stompin' sum o' dose pointy ears from where they come from. Nuttin' like putting the smashin' to dose humies up there aswell."

Nazgue nodded. "Aye! Care if'n we join ya? I hear there be sum good lootin' up dare!" Orgims smirked again. "You an' yer boyz can tag along. I hope you can keep up though!" Nazgue boomed out laughter again. "I hope YOU can keep up wit' me 'n mah boyz ya wargh thorne!"

End of Part Seven


I'll make an update about the north and the elves next. Don't get worked up if you don't see what you want every update. I bring something nice to the table most of the time every day, or maybe something extra every two.
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