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Author Topic: Logs from an IRC RTD  (Read 3618 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Rabid Swedish Person
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Logs from an IRC RTD
« on: September 30, 2008, 04:52:19 pm »

Warning, contains massive wall of text. This is the logs of an IRC RTD. Sometimes it gets kind of fuzzy but it's all good. I appereantly joined after the game had stopped for a break for some reason for an unknown amount of time. For those not wanting to read all of it, basically:

Shandrunn and Makrond managed to escape in an insane spikyheaded McPimperson in an transport ship breaking the speed limit the most in the last few years. This Pimperson might or might not be incurably insane and Makrond was wounded.

I and Nuk managed to escape from our respective cells and did battle for a brief while, during which I tripped twice and landed on me head, though this was directly after Nuk had tamed and unleashed a Tentacle Monster aboard the Alien Space Station. Two guards appeared and Nuk disposed of his by first managing to explode his weapon by accident and then tore him apart, while I disabled and stole my guard's weapon and accidently emptied the entire powercell in him, cooking him.

Later on after a brief stop at the armory in which I geared up and Nuk just followed me along through (he was on auto-follow from leaving), he did not take any weapons since he was wielding an severed spine... Nice. We get directions from an annoyed techie for the power core, we make our way there traumatizing an poor officer in the process, I unleash Nuk as an distraction and he proceeds to slaughter people. I managed to royally bullshit a passing guard squad and get one to lead me to the power core control center, and then I unleash the weapons I got in the armory, killing everyone and breaking almost everything and then royally fail to cause the core to detonate.

As I was preparing to leave more guards appear, not really being that easy to trick with me being covered in blood and all so I just open fire, managed to dodge or absorb incoming return fire and then Nuk appears, wounded but still batshit insane. He proceeds to kill some guards and then with my advice proceeds to break the controls for the power-core, causing it to overload. We both follow the emergency signs for the exit and meet an guard squad awaiting us that open fire. We both once again survive while Nuk leaps into combat killing and biting and maiming and oh my. I leap into an escape pod and close the door and manage to expertly deal with an save throw vs guilt (rolled a 5 ;D) for abandoning my trustworthy companion and then. Station goes kablooie. Nuk did survive tho on another pod.

And I got aspirin for my bumped head! :D

Session Start: Tue Sep 30 20:19:35 2008
Session Ident: #RTD
[20:19] * Now talking in #RTD
[20:19] * Topic is 'Alien Station'
[20:19] * Set by Prometheus on Tue Sep 30 19:39:55
[20:19] <Prometheus> Unfortunately all the other players are inactive.
[20:20] <Spelguru> Me vs an npc goblin mebbe?
[20:20] <Prometheus> Shandrunn is propably coming back later, though.
[20:20] <Prometheus> The setting is space, but I suppose.
[20:20] <Spelguru> Any prep time or starting gear before I'm set upon?
[20:20] * Nuk has joined #RTD
[20:21] <Prometheus> Adding more players is kind of tricky now, as originally players were supposed to start at the cell block of an alien space station.
[20:21] <Prometheus> Unfortunately nemppu is there currently and AFK and I dislike playing characters for their players
[20:21] <Nuk> make him knocked unconscious or something
[20:22] <Prometheus> Hmmh.
[20:22] <Prometheus> He passed out due to the vapor
[20:22] <Nuk> yea
[20:22] <Prometheus> He re-entered the cell block from the deck below by melting his way through the floor of a cell
[20:22] <Prometheus> Vaporizing roughly 60% of the cell's occupant
[20:22] <Prometheus> He took a whiff and fell unconscious.
[20:22] <Prometheus> Hmm
[20:23] <Prometheus> Do you guys want to start in separate cells?
[20:23] <Nuk> Spelgu?
[20:23] <Spelguru> Sorry, back
[20:24] <Spelguru> Sure, seperate cells.
[20:24] <Prometheus> Okay.
[20:24] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[20:24] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[20:24] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[20:24] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[20:24] <Prometheus> Oh snap
[20:24] <Nuk> what
[20:24] <Prometheus> Spelguru, you start in the same cell as a tentacle monster.
[20:24] <Prometheus> okay, no
[20:24] <Nuk> O_o
[20:24] <Spelguru> Groovy... wait what?
[20:25] <Prometheus> In the cell next to it.
[20:25] <Nuk> And me?
[20:25] <Prometheus> Your cellmates are grouchy, but at least they haven't tried to kill you.
[20:25] <Prometheus> Anyway
[20:25] <Prometheus> A while back the alarms went off.
[20:25] <Spelguru> What kind of limits are there on reality bending?
[20:25] <Prometheus> It's quite limited.
[20:26] <Prometheus> Conservation of mass is in effect
[20:26] <Prometheus> although you can do some rather interesting tricks.
[20:26] <Spelguru> Like meditating into the universe to be able to warp the structure of reality and summon horribly evil beings that start working as telemarketers!
[20:26] <Prometheus> No
[20:26] <Prometheus> Definitely not
[20:26] <Spelguru> Awww phooey. My company needed more marketers.
[20:26] <Nuk> Okay
[20:26] <Nuk> what do we do now
[20:27] <Spelguru> Anyways, do we start clothed, and what kind of cells are these?
[20:27] <nemppu2> someone can play my maniac character if they want
[20:27] <Nuk> No
[20:27] <nemppu2> i was in middle of rallying all the prisoners and arming them to take over the ship
[20:27] <Nuk> you play
[20:28] <nemppu2> i got a league match
[20:28] <Prometheus> Ah, okay
[20:28] <Prometheus> Nemppu, you got KO'd
[20:28] <Prometheus> Because of the vapor
[20:28] <Prometheus> From that prisoner you vaporized accidentally
[20:28] <nemppu2> whatr vapor
[20:28] <nemppu2> o
[20:28] <Prometheus> :D
[20:28] <nemppu2> so im unconcious
[20:28] <nemppu2> ?
[20:28] <Prometheus> yeah
[20:29] <Prometheus> So
[20:29] <nemppu2> anyway i freed the other prisoners before that happened?
[20:29] <Prometheus> No
[20:29] <nemppu2> k
[20:29] <Prometheus> You guys wake in cells
[20:29] <Prometheus> You aren't bound to the walls or anything
[20:29] <Prometheus> You're wearing prisoner jumpsuits
[20:29] <Spelguru> Are we talking laser fence? Metal doors? Energy shield wall?
[20:30] <Prometheus> Metal door.
[20:30] <Nuk> Who goes first?
[20:30] <Prometheus> Let's go by user list
[20:30] <Prometheus> So nuk first
[20:30] <Nuk> yay
[20:30] <Prometheus> but wait
[20:30] <Prometheus> There's been happenings
[20:30] <Nuk> :/
[20:30] <Prometheus> A while back the alarms went off
[20:30] <Spelguru> How about we reverse the turn list every turn, so first turn it's nuk, guru and turn 2 its guru, nuk
[20:30] <Prometheus> guards rushed in and got mauled by two humans
[20:30] <Nuk> but you get 2 turns in a row
[20:31] <Prometheus> At least that's what you gathered
[20:31] <Nuk> allowing you to do chain reaction without stuff happenin
[20:31] <Prometheus> It was difficult getting a clear picture
[20:31] <Spelguru> So do you nuk, turn 2 guru nuk, turn 3 nuk guru
[20:31] <Prometheus> There's also environment checks every turn
[20:31] <Prometheus> To see if you notice anything or if you run into anyone if you're moving
[20:31] <Nuk> Lets let Prometheus decide
[20:32] <Prometheus> It'll be easier if we do a static 1 2 1 2 pattern
[20:32] <Prometheus> Anyway
[20:32] <Prometheus> After the sounds of combat died you heard some noise from outside the cell block
[20:32] * Prometheus changes topic to 'Cell Block'
[20:32] * Prometheus changes topic to 'Brig'
[20:32] * Prometheus changes topic to 'Cell Block'
[20:33] <Spelguru> Nuk, make your move.
[20:33] <Prometheus> A while after that
[20:33] <Nuk> I would want to but Prometheus is saying epilogue or something
[20:33] <Prometheus> there was a small explosion from one of the cells across the corridor
[20:33] <Prometheus> prologue, actually
[20:33] <Nuk> stupid czech teacher
[20:33] <Prometheus> you heard someone coughing and a thud
[20:33] <Prometheus> Then silence.
[20:34] <Prometheus> You both get the idea that that section of wherever you are is in disarray.
[20:34] <Prometheus> Your memories are a bit fuzzy.
[20:34] <Prometheus> Action starts now
[20:34] <Nuk> I jump at the metal door with my leg stretched out, hoping to get through
[20:34] <Prometheus> Spelguru?
[20:35] <Spelguru> I carefully study the door and wall next to it to figure out the best spots to apply extreme pressure to force it open.
[20:35] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[20:35] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[20:35] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[20:35] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[20:36] <Prometheus> Nuk, you kick the metal door so hard it bends outwards. They're normally supposed to slide, so it's jammed now.
[20:36] <Spelguru> Hehehe
[20:36] <Nuk> Can I pass through ?
[20:36] <Nuk> :D
[20:36] <Prometheus> Spelguru, you figure out a good spot to bash the door
[20:36] <Prometheus> +1 on breaking attempts on that door
[20:36] <Nuk> Please say "Take your action" every time I am supposed to
[20:38] <Spelguru> Nuk... "Take your action"
[20:38] <Nuk> Okay
[20:38] <Nuk> that was probably stupid
[20:38] <Nuk> Anyway, to my action...
[20:38] <Nuk> I rush at the door trying to bash trough
[20:38] * Spelguru notes to self: 1. Find power cord. 2. Find Nuk. 3. Apply Cord on Nuk's Neck. 4. Apply pressure. 5. Profit.
[20:38] <Nuk> :(
[20:39] <Spelguru> Thankfully his character is blissfully unaware of my evil schemes.
[20:39] <Prometheus> Nuk, the door was already passable
[20:39] <Spelguru> Right, I apply brute force upon the weak spots on the door in an effort to open the door, not to jam it.
[20:39] <Spelguru> If the door is sent flying, that's acceptable too :P
[20:39] <Prometheus> You'd have to somehow force the door to slide upwards
[20:40] <Prometheus> It jammed for Nuk because a bent door can't really slide into the slot it's supposed to go to when closed, but it was open
[20:40] <Nuk> I don't care, I use brute force to get through.
[20:40] <Nuk> :P
[20:40] <Spelguru> What about kicking it off it's sliding thingies?
[20:40] <Prometheus> But you're already through, Nuk.
[20:40] <Prometheus> That would work, but the door wouldn't be there anymore, so technically it would be broken
[20:41] <Prometheus> Not that 'jammed' doesn't mean 'closed'. It just means not being able to close or open.
[20:41] <Prometheus> In any case, Nuk, action
[20:41] <Nuk> oh
[20:41] <Nuk> ok
[20:41] <Nuk> Do I see the tentacle monster?
[20:41] <Prometheus> tentacles curl around a nearby cell's barred window
[20:42] <Nuk> I try to tame the monster. I am badass.
[20:42] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[20:42] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[20:42] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[20:42] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[20:42] <Prometheus> Spelguru
[20:42] <Spelguru> Flying door ftw?
[20:43] <Nuk> I think the door will go straight into me
[20:43] <Prometheus> You focus on the pressure point, draw a deep breath then using every possible muscle in your body focused on that one movement kick the door. It is bent out of shape and detached from its railing, impacting the wall opposite.
[20:43] <Prometheus> It makes a deafening crash
[20:43] <Spelguru> Hopefully the crash agitates the monster :P
[20:43] <Prometheus> Fortunately Nuk wasn't nearby
[20:43] <Spelguru> Awwww...
[20:43] <Prometheus> It does
[20:43] <Prometheus> But it doesn't matter, since Nuk managed to avoid being raped.
[20:44] <Nuk> :P
[20:44] <Nuk> Did I tame the monster?
[20:44] <Prometheus> The creature within looks at you imploringly. It needs to get out. At least that's what you think.
[20:44] <Nuk> Hehehe.
[20:44] <Spelguru> Go ahead, let the tentacled monstrosity roam free.
[20:45] <Prometheus> The door panel has been removed.
[20:45] <Spelguru> Nuk, take your action
[20:45] <Nuk> I let the tentacled monstrosity roam free!
[20:45] <Prometheus> Note that all player actions take place roughly simultaneously
[20:45] <Prometheus> There's no door panel.
[20:45] <Nuk> hmm
[20:45] <Prometheus> But it must be openable from somewhere.
[20:45] <Nuk> Is it jailed?
[20:45] <Nuk> What is it behind
[20:45] <Prometheus> A metal door like the one you were behind
[20:46] <Nuk> I apply brute force to open it.
[20:46] <Prometheus> Spelguru?
[20:46] <Spelguru> I attempt to charge and intercept/tackle Nuk in an effort to both ground him and disrupt his action.
[20:46] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[20:46] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[20:46] <Spelguru> :(
[20:47] <Nuk> :)
[20:47] <Prometheus> You trip and hit your face on the grated floor.
[20:47] <Nuk> :)
[20:47] <Spelguru> Ow.
[20:47] <Prometheus> You tripped on a corpse.
[20:47] <Nuk> !
[20:47] <Spelguru> Loot loot loot!
[20:47] <Prometheus> It's one of your captors. Whose face has imploded.
[20:47] <Spelguru> Oh well, his action now. Want to see if he unleashes the beast.
[20:47] <Spelguru> Hopefully not.
[20:48] <Nuk> PLEASE GOD
[20:48] <Prometheus> They are lithe humanoids with clawed feet, otherwise humanlike faces except they have no nasal cartilage (meaning no nose, just nostrils right on the face) and bony ridges in the place of hair.
[20:48] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[20:48] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[20:48] <Nuk> damn
[20:48] <Prometheus> You kick the door, which dents.
[20:48] <Prometheus> +1 on next breaking attempt
[20:49] <Nuk> I bash the shit out of the door
[20:49] <Prometheus> Spelguru, what do you do?
[20:49] <Spelguru> Right, my action is to loot anything and everything is of use to me except generic clothes. I pay special attention to any weaponry and keys/keycards or such devices.
[20:49] <Spelguru> Afk 2-3 mins
[20:50] <Spelguru> back
[20:50] <Prometheus> The only thing immediately of value is the bloody-faced guard's padded armor
[20:50] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[20:50] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[20:51] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 spelguru
[20:51] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 spelguru --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[20:51] <Nuk> I got a 4
[20:51] <Prometheus> Nuk, you manage to bend the door enough for someone to crawl out.
[20:52] <Prometheus> The tentacle monster also has leverage now. It bends the door further and surges out. It flees toward the end of the cellblock.
[20:52] <Nuk> noooo
[20:53] <Prometheus> You hear surprised yells
[20:53] <Prometheus> And the tentacle monster roaring.
[20:53] <Prometheus> Action!
[20:53] <Spelguru> So I have a padded armor. Worn or in my hands?
[20:53] <Prometheus> you can wear it if you want
[20:53] <Spelguru> What kind of stats does it give?
[20:54] <Prometheus> +1 against blunt damage.
[20:54] <Prometheus> Not that it helped its previous owner
[20:54] <Prometheus> It's also slightly bloodstained
[20:55] <Prometheus> Now, actions please
[20:55] <Spelguru> Right, I charge against Nuk (again) and use the padded armor as an improvised tackling tool to help shield me against any damage from collisions.
[20:55] <Prometheus> Nuk, action
[20:56] <Spelguru> You have to say that phrase he demanded or else his triggers won't summon him
[20:56] <Prometheus> take your action
[20:56] <Nuk> I kick Spelguru in the legs, hopefully breaking a bone or two
[20:56] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 spelguru
[20:56] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 spelguru --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[20:56] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 nuk
[20:56] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 nuk --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[20:56] * Prometheus facepalms
[20:57] <Prometheus> Nuk, you kick the wall and sprain your leg.
[20:57] <Spelguru> Smooth move, ADOM-Player :P
[20:57] <Prometheus> Spelguru, you trip on the other corpse and fall flat on your face.
[20:57] <Nuk> lol
[20:57] <Prometheus> Your face hurts.
[20:57] <Nuk> Twice in da face.
[20:57] <Prometheus> And you think your nose is bleeding
[20:57] <Spelguru> Who keeps strewing corpses in my path?
[20:57] <Prometheus> the previous players
[20:57] <Nuk> Blood for the corpse god!
[20:58] <Nuk> I try to break Somagu's legs
[20:58] <Spelguru> Right, my action is, enraged by this setbacks I grap the corpse by its torso armor/clothes and hurl it with all my might at Nuk.
[20:58] <Spelguru> "GURU RAGE! RAAAWR"
[20:58] <Prometheus> Note that the objective isn't "kill all the other players"
[20:59] <Prometheus> You have more pressing matters.
[20:59] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 environment roll
[20:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 environment roll --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[20:59] <Spelguru> Oh, but Nuk and I have an ancient vendetta?
[20:59] <Prometheus> Whatever
[20:59] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[20:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[20:59] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[20:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[20:59] <Nuk> :(
[20:59] <Nuk> HA
[20:59] <Prometheus> Rollbot disagrees
[20:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled disagrees --> error: malformed expression
[20:59] <Spelguru> Hehe
[21:01] <Spelguru> So when do we get fancy flavor text?
[21:02] <Prometheus> Nuk misses. Spelguru picks up the surprisingly light corpse, turns around, swings, misses, ends up spinning and falls on his back, hitting the back of his head on the floor. And the corpse falls on you.
[21:02] <Nuk> epic corpse fail
[21:03] <Nuk> I jump on top of Spelguru's legs
[21:03] <Nuk> In other words, I crush them.
[21:03] <Spelguru> Grrrr. Right, I rise to my feet quickly, pushing the corpse out of the way, and just try to calm down and gather focus.
[21:03] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 environment
[21:03] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 environment --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:04] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:04] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:04] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:04] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[21:04] <Nuk> shit
[21:05] <Spelguru> I hope yer legs snap!
[21:05] <Prometheus> Nuk slips on blood and topples down on top of Spelguru, who pushes you and the corpse away, gets up and is about to commence brutalizing you, when "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM"
[21:05] <Spelguru> I have violated the law and must surrender my stolen goods and pay the court a fine or serve my sentence?
[21:05] <Prometheus> Two aliens in heavy armour are pointing at you with weapons.
[21:06] <Nuk> ....
[21:06] <Nuk> Oooookay
[21:06] <Nuk> Hmmm
[21:07] <Nuk> Are they conservative?
[21:07] <Spelguru> I hit the deck (that is to say, jump and lie down on it) in such a manner that Nuk is between me and the guards.
[21:07] <Nuk> well
[21:07] <Spelguru> And I yell "Don't taze me bro" while doing it.
[21:07] <Nuk> I jump at one of the aliens and try to steal his weapon.
[21:07] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:07] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:07] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:07] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[21:07] <Prometheus> Oh man
[21:08] <Nuk> On attacking Spelguru I suck
[21:08] <Nuk> but attacking someone other? hell yes
[21:08] <Spelguru> I think the rolls are fixed :P
[21:09] <Prometheus> Spelguru, your yelling distracts the guards for long enough for Nuk to leap at the guard. You grip the weapon with such force in the wrong point that the power cell within pops halfway out just as the guard pulls the trigger. The mishandling results in a small explosion.
[21:09] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:09] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[21:09] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Guard 1
[21:09] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Guard 1 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:09] <Spelguru> Hehehe
[21:09] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 guard 2
[21:09] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 guard 2 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:09] <Nuk> Ohforf
[21:09] <Prometheus> Nuk gets singed by the burst of electricity, while the guards are protected by their armor
[21:09] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[21:09] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[21:09] <Prometheus> Nope, you don't tough it out
[21:09] <Prometheus> You yelp in pain
[21:10] <Nuk> :/
[21:10] <Spelguru> Since it was electricity he should collapse too
[21:10] <Nuk> Atleast I tried
[21:10] <Prometheus> You fall over.
[21:10] <Prometheus> Actions!
[21:10] <Spelguru> But anywho, since I'm on the floor I attempt to do a sort of rolling motion at the guard with a functioning gun in an effort to grab his legs.
[21:11] <Prometheus> Nuk, what do you do?
[21:11] <Prometheus> You're on the floor, -1 to any actions
[21:11] <Spelguru> I'ma test something
[21:11] <Spelguru> roll 1d6+1
[21:11] <Rollbot> Spelguru rolled 1d6+1 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{5}
[21:11] <Nuk> I let out a mighty roar
[21:11] <Prometheus> Yes, that works
[21:11] <Spelguru> neato
[21:11] <Nuk> and punch both guards into the faces
[21:11] <Prometheus> roll 1d6-1 Nuk
[21:11] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6-1 Nuk --> [ 1d6=4 ]{3}
[21:12] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:12] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[21:12] <Spelguru> Say goodbye to yer legs, guardy!
[21:12] <Prometheus> Nuk, you manage a scream of agony.
[21:12] <Prometheus> Spelguru, you do crazy ninja moves and reach the guard before he can react much
[21:12] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[21:12] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:13] <Spelguru> I should atleast get a partial hit due to the superior roll :P
[21:13] <Prometheus> He barely avoids having his kneecap explode from your chop
[21:13] <Prometheus> YEah
[21:13] <Prometheus> You dislocate the kneecap instead.
[21:13] <Spelguru> Ouch.
[21:13] <Nuk> I had no partial hit due to superior roll :(
[21:13] <Prometheus> He falls down in pain.
[21:13] <Prometheus> Superior roll is only when you get 6
[21:13] <Nuk> I had a 6?
[21:13] <Prometheus> Did you?
[21:14] <Prometheus> Hold on
[21:14] <Nuk> [21:09] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[21:14] <Prometheus> that's not a 6
[21:14] <Prometheus> that's a 2
[21:14] <Spelguru> I think he meant when he attempted to steal the weapon.
[21:14] <Prometheus> That resulted in an overshot
[21:14] <Spelguru> Basically, a 6 is overkill. Overkill is bad when dealing with explosive things
[21:14] <Prometheus> You succeeded, but you made the weapon's power source explode
[21:15] <Prometheus> hell, it normally wouldn't even explode
[21:15] <Prometheus> But the timing was just so bad
[21:15] <Nuk> oh
[21:15] <Nuk> no wait
[21:15] <Spelguru> Since it was midfire n all
[21:15] <Prometheus> Half-connected power source on a high-tech stunner rifle while being activated
[21:15] <Prometheus> anyway, let's continue
[21:15] <Nuk> [21:07] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:15] <Nuk> [21:07] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:15] <Nuk> [21:07] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[21:15] <Nuk> [21:07] <Prometheus> Oh man
[21:15] <Nuk> this is the roll
[21:15] <Nuk> ok continue
[21:15] <Spelguru> Take your action?
[21:16] <Prometheus> Take your actions
[21:16] <Prometheus> Environmental check autofails in combat
[21:16] <Prometheus> take actions
[21:16] <Spelguru> Is it some sort of foe-generating alarm?
[21:16] <Prometheus> Oh wait
[21:16] <Prometheus> The guards
[21:16] <Nuk> I kick the other guard in face
[21:16] <Spelguru> Also, what did guard1 do?
[21:16] <Nuk> fall to ground in pan
[21:16] <Nuk> pain
[21:16] <Prometheus> Well, the one guard left tries to fiddle with the power source
[21:17] <Spelguru> Guard2 is understandbly distracted :P
[21:17] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[21:17] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[21:17] <Prometheus> But doesn't manage to fix his gun
[21:17] <Prometheus> Spelguru, what are you doing?
[21:18] <Spelguru> Anywho, my action is that I forcefully (but not stomp) put my foot on Guard2's torso to pin him to the ground while I take his weapon. The functioning one.
[21:19] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:19] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[21:19] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:19] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[21:19] <Spelguru> What was his action?
[21:19] <Prometheus> Nuk attempts to kick the guard in the face
[21:19] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[21:19] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:19] <Prometheus> But he evades
[21:20] <Prometheus> Damn, I've forgotten to give these guys a defense bonus from the armor
[21:20] <Prometheus> Oh well
[21:20] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[21:20] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:20] <Prometheus> Oh, and the guard rolls away from your foot and you stumble.
[21:20] <Prometheus> you hit your head on the wall
[21:21] <Prometheus> Because of all your cranial trauma, you get -1 to concentration and mental actions
[21:21] <Nuk> Man, he is gonna be dumb for sure
[21:21] <Prometheus> Oo, Shandrunn is coming back
[21:22] <Nuk> I punch the dude in chest so hard I make him vomit or cough blood
[21:22] <Prometheus> Spelguru?
[21:22] <Spelguru> I give into Guru-Rage and just start beating and kicking the crap out of Guard2.
[21:22] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:22] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:22] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:22] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[21:22] <Spelguru> sigh...
[21:23] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[21:23] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[21:23] <Prometheus> The guard fails to dodge
[21:23] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[21:23] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[21:23] <Prometheus> Nevermind that last one
[21:23] <Nuk> He gets 2 dodge rolls?
[21:23] <Prometheus> You punch him in the chest and he falls over
[21:23] <Prometheus> I said never mind that
[21:24] <Prometheus> By the gurgling coming from his (her?) helmet, I'd say pretty badly damaged
[21:24] <Prometheus> Oh, and Spelguru manages to kick himself.
[21:24] <Prometheus> Pain
[21:24] <Spelguru> In the head of course?
[21:24] <Prometheus> Not head
[21:24] <Prometheus> No
[21:24] <Spelguru> Well that's a first...
[21:24] <Spelguru> I try to rip guard2's weapon from him
[21:25] <Nuk> I go all out
[21:25] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 guard2
[21:25] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 guard2 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[21:25] <Nuk> and bash the guard with my big body
[21:25] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:25] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[21:25] <Prometheus> You jump on top of the guard, but he isn't harmed
[21:25] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:25] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[21:25] * Shandrunn has joined #RTD
[21:26] <Shandrunn> Hai gaiz
[21:26] <Prometheus> you not only rip the gun from his hand, but also accidentally flip it to overdrive and shoot the guard.
[21:26] <Prometheus> Which causes an unpleasant cooking effect.
[21:26] <Spelguru> Thank goodness for some luck
[21:26] <Spelguru> Mmmmm, roasty toasty.
[21:26] <Prometheus> Plus drains the rest of the weapon's battery
[21:26] <Nuk> hi Shan
[21:26] <Prometheus> Hay
[21:26] <Nuk> Am I still on top of the guard?
[21:26] <Spelguru> How big is the weapon? Gun? Rifle?
[21:26] <Prometheus> Rifle.
[21:26] <Prometheus> Yes, Nuk
[21:26] <Prometheus> Except
[21:26] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Guard 1
[21:26] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Guard 1 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:27] <Prometheus> yeah, he's struggling
[21:27] <Nuk> :/
[21:27] <Nuk> I break his spine
[21:27] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:27] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[21:27] <Spelguru> my turn?
[21:27] <Spelguru> You forgot my move before you rolled him :P
[21:27] <Prometheus> You manage to break a few ribs.
[21:27] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:27] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:27] <Spelguru> But... I didn't specifify a move?
[21:27] <Prometheus> Wait, you didn't specify an action.
[21:27] <Prometheus> Yes
[21:27] <Spelguru> Can I keep that roll? :P
[21:27] <Prometheus> THANKS A FUCKING LOT >:(
[21:27] <Prometheus> No
[21:28] <Prometheus> Now, what do you do?
[21:28] <Spelguru> awww, anyways my move is that I hold the rifle by the barrel (or barrel equivalent) and attempt to bash Guard One's head in with the weapon, taking some but not alot of care to avoid hitting Nuk.
[21:28] <Prometheus> Right
[21:28] <Prometheus> Shandrunn, what do you do?
[21:29] <Prometheus> You're in the cockpit of what you *think* is a transport ship. You just fried the computer system
[21:29] <Shandrunn> I hit random buttons trying to start it.
[21:29] <Prometheus> Oh, and Makrond is wounded and unconscious on the hangar floor
[21:29] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:29] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:30] <Prometheus> You hit the guard in the head with the rifle. This plus the pain from his broken leg cause him to pass out
[21:30] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 shandrunn
[21:30] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 shandrunn --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:30] <Prometheus> You manage to turn something on
[21:30] <Shandrunn> Like what? Engines? Shields? CD player?
[21:30] <Nuk> I try to break his spine more!
[21:30] <Prometheus> something hums.
[21:31] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:31] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[21:31] <Spelguru> I start jogging in the direction the Tentacle Monster went. Surely there's bound to be corpses to loot there.
[21:31] <Prometheus> You grab the guard in rage, lift him above your head and rip him in half! Bone shards and gore splatter all over!
[21:31] <Nuk> FINALLY
[21:32] <Spelguru> And if I trip and fall on my head again I'm going to sit down and cry. Cry til another RTD player blows up the station.
[21:32] <Prometheus> Spelguru, you come to the cell block's control room. It also has an armory and a storage for what looks like to be confiscated stuff
[21:32] <Spelguru> *angelic fanfare*
[21:32] <Prometheus> Shandrunn, your action!
[21:33] <Shandrunn> I check if there's anything like a control stick or a wheel or pedals or something
[21:33] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[21:33] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[21:33] <Spelguru> Dude, you just learned the heck out of that ship :P
[21:34] <Shandrunn> I move it over next to Makrond so I can pick him up without going to far outside the ship.
[21:34] <Prometheus> After looking at the controls, you suddenly understand how to fly the damn thing. At least once you get it moving. You press a few buttons which you think turns on the engines. After a while the engine starts humming louder. You realize that the ship's jets are burning up the back wall of the hangar.
[21:34] <Spelguru> :D
Got Ninja?
Orkz Orkz Orkz Orkz, Orkz Orkz Orkz Orkz... WAAAAAGH!
NHP (Non human pact. Copy and paste if you are going to destroy all human-like creatures in spore.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Logs from an IRC RTD
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2008, 04:52:49 pm »

[21:35] <Prometheus> And since the engines are on, but the ship is still in contact with the floor the landing gear starts carving grooves into the hangar floor.
[21:35] <Prometheus> Next turn!
[21:35] <Prometheus> Actions!
[21:36] <Nuk> I equip myself at the armory
[21:36] <Spelguru> I grab and start equipping a decent riot gear armor and some type of automatic weaponry.
[21:36] <Spelguru> You are not at the Armory.
[21:36] <Spelguru> You are in the cell block :P
[21:36] <Prometheus> Covered in gore and holding two pieces of an alien soldier
[21:37] <Prometheus> Oh, and I almost forgot
[21:37] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 fatigue
[21:37] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 fatigue --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:37] <Prometheus> You have to drop the halves and stagger a little, but you don't collapse after the exertion
[21:37] <Nuk> prometheus
[21:37] <Prometheus> Nuk, your action?
[21:37] <Nuk> I make armor out of the dead aliens
[21:37] <Nuk> FUCKING GORE
[21:37] <Shandrunn> =D
[21:38] <Prometheus> Okay, Shandrunn, your action?
[21:38] <Shandrunn> I pull up the landing gear.
[21:39] <Prometheus> I suppose Makrond can stay there, m'kay
[21:39] <Shandrunn> I'm not getting out of this thing unless I'm right next to him.
[21:39] <Shandrunn> Some dude could come and shoot me while I'm exposed.
[21:40] <Prometheus> You do realize that what you're doing is like keeping the throttle and brakes on, then suddenly releasing the brakes?
[21:40] <Shandrunn> Oh. Er. No. I didn't realise that.
[21:40] <Prometheus> You've got engines meant for travelling in space on. The only reason you aren't screaming through space is that you didn't pull up the landing gear
[21:41] <Shandrunn> Thought they were idling or something. Parking gear.
[21:41] <Spelguru> Instasmeared across the hangar doors?
[21:41] <Prometheus> Exactly.
[21:41] <Shandrunn> So I try to throttle back.
[21:41] <Prometheus> Right
[21:41] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:41] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[21:41] <Prometheus> You start mushing up the corpses, but fail to achieve anything
[21:41] <Prometheus> Except make you even more covered in blood.
[21:41] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:41] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[21:42] <Prometheus> You find heavy combat armour which fits surprisingly well considering the slightly different physiology.
[21:42] <Spelguru> Please say I find an fully automatic BFG9000
[21:42] <Prometheus> You only find stunners in the armory, but the confiscated weapons storage yields a machine gun.
[21:42] <Spelguru> Ammo?
[21:42] <Prometheus> A few boxes
[21:43] <Prometheus> They're clearly designed for someone larger than human in size, though.
[21:43] <Spelguru> Ah, but I'm an enraged stupefied ninjaguru. Weapon size matters not :P
[21:43] <Spelguru> Also, what kind of exits does the armory have?
[21:44] <Prometheus> An announcement can be heard: "Prison break on deck 5. All available containment teams report to deck 5 immediately. Thank you and have a nice day."
[21:44] <Prometheus> one. To a large corridor.
[21:44] <Spelguru> And the exit I came through I suppouse?
[21:44] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn
[21:44] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[21:45] <Prometheus> Shandrunn, you don't manage to control the thrust. The ship inches toward the hangar force field.
[21:45] <Prometheus> Yes, there's that Spel
[21:45] <Spelguru> Also, can things see that I am human easily beneath the armor?
[21:46] <Prometheus> Well, there's the fact that your feet and legs are quite different.
[21:46] <Prometheus> You're also heavier set, slower and move with a different gait than the aliens
[21:47] <Nuk> Can I haws action?
[21:47] <Spelguru> next turn now?
[21:47] <Prometheus> Hold on
[21:47] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Environment
[21:47] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Environment --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[21:47] <Prometheus> okay, action
[21:48] <Spelguru> I hang the machine gun on my back and grab a stun rifle while leaving for the big corridor.
[21:48] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Spelguru
[21:48] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Spelguru --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[21:48] <Spelguru> Oh this is gonna hurt
[21:48] <Nuk> I rip out the spine out of the soldier
[21:48] <Prometheus> You struggle with the equipment's weight and stumble to the doorway, but have to stop for a breather.
[21:48] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[21:48] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:48] <Prometheus> You, uh.
[21:48] <Spelguru> rip the spine out?
[21:49] <Prometheus> You rip out the unconscious soldier's spine.
[21:49] <Spelguru> Wasn't he already torn in half?
[21:49] <Prometheus> Which is why I assumed he went for the intact soldier
[21:49] <Prometheus> Plus there still were two corpses with spines intact
[21:49] <Spelguru> Oh he survived the cooking?
[21:49] <Prometheus> the one who you hit on the head, yes.
[21:49] <Prometheus> No wait, what?
[21:50] <Nuk> I will use the spine as a whip you see
[21:50] <Nuk> as a weapon!
[21:50] <Prometheus> Oh, him
[21:50] <Prometheus> I forgot compeltely.
[21:50] <Spelguru> The one I bashed the head was the one nuk tore apart
[21:50] <Prometheus> Now I remember, yes.
[21:50] <Prometheus> So, which corpse will you use?
[21:50] <Prometheus> The one with the broken neck, the one with the broken face or the one who was cooked alive?
[21:52] <Nuk> Doesn't make a bit of difference
[21:52] <Nuk> Who has better spine wins
[21:52] <Prometheus> You decide for the guy with broken face.
[21:52] <Prometheus> You obtain spine
[21:53] <Prometheus> Shandrunn, what do you do?
[21:53] <Shandrunn> I call on my intuition and general education to decide if the force field is gonna let me through.
[21:55] <Spelguru> I write my action for the next turn now: if there are enemy guards in the corridor, attempt to fake being one of them. If there are none, safely make my way down the corridor. afk 5-10 mins
[21:56] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn
[21:56] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[21:56] <Prometheus> Oops
[21:57] <Prometheus> Shandrunn, you have no idea whether the force field is impermeable or not.
[21:57] <Prometheus> You're getting panicky as you don't know.
[21:57] <Prometheus> Oh, and the ship lurches forward a bit.
[21:57] <Shandrunn> (wouldn't a 1 mean I'm convinced of the wrong answer?)
[21:58] <Prometheus> You're pretty sure that you're going to run into the force field like a brick wall
[21:58] <Prometheus> Environment rollllll!
[21:58] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 environ
[21:58] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 environ --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:59] <Prometheus> A few aliens burst into the hangar. Their faces betray a feeling of "WHAT. THE. FUCK."
[21:59] <Prometheus> What they see is a fighter with its pilot seat ejected and a transport with full engine thrust scarring the floor.
[22:00] <Prometheus> Oh, and a human with broken legs lying on the floor
[22:01] <Prometheus> Also, they were following someone.
[22:01] <Prometheus> Someone with a stylin' purple hat and spiky head.
[22:01] <Prometheus> Who's also sprinting toward the transport
[22:02] <Shandrunn> "Yo! Dude! Hit the force field!
[22:02] <Prometheus> Nuk, action!
[22:02] <Prometheus> take your action
[22:03] <Spelguru> Back :)
[22:03] <Prometheus> hay
[22:03] <Prometheus> Nuk, take your action
[22:04] <Prometheus> Fine, Nuk goes on autofollow
[22:04] <Prometheus> The corridor is mostly empty.
[22:04] <Prometheus> you can't help but notice a large hole molten through the floor to the deck below
[22:05] <Shandrunn> Haha oh wow
[22:05] <Spelguru> He's following me?
[22:05] <Prometheus> Yes
[22:05] <Prometheus> Covered in gore
[22:05] <Nuk> I am going to sleep
[22:05] <Prometheus> And wielding a spine
[22:05] <Nuk> prometheus
[22:05] <Nuk> I pwn
[22:05] <Nuk> good night now
[22:05] * Nuk has quit IRC (Quit)
[22:05] <Spelguru> Right, I push him down the hole in the floor.
[22:05] <Spelguru> :D
[22:05] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 spelguru
[22:05] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 spelguru --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[22:05] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[22:05] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[22:06] <Prometheus> He evades you.
[22:06] <Spelguru> Awww phooey.
[22:06] <Spelguru> Shan?
[22:06] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 spot
[22:06] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 spot --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[22:06] <Prometheus> You bicker with Nuk for a while.
[22:06] <Prometheus> Then you turn around and spot a few technicians staring at you over the hole.
[22:06] <Prometheus> One of them drops a clipboard.
[22:07] <Spelguru> What be Shan's action?
[22:07] <Prometheus> The lead one rubs his temples in irritation. "Not this fucking shit again."
[22:07] <Spelguru> hehe
[22:07] <Prometheus> This IS the second time they've had to deal with prisonbreaking humans today.
[22:08] <Spelguru> I figured that out
[22:08] <Prometheus> Shandrunn+
[22:08] <Prometheus> ?*
[22:09] <Shandrunn> I shout, yell and gesture at Spiky McPimpAlien to switch off the force field.
[22:11] <Prometheus> He stops, recognizes Makrond, picks him up and carries him to the transport. It's apparent that he doesn't hear your yelling over the roar of the engines.
[22:11] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:11] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[22:11] <Prometheus> yeah.
[22:11] <Prometheus> Oh, and the aliens at the door step aside to let Containment Officers through.
[22:11] <Prometheus> Stunner bolts fly through the air
[22:11] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:11] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[22:11] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:11] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:12] <Prometheus> Yeah, one grazes the already unconscious Makrond
[22:12] <Prometheus> New turn!
[22:12] <Prometheus> Environment roll!
[22:12] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 environment
[22:12] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 environment --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[22:12] <Prometheus> nevermind then
[22:13] <Spelguru> One question: can the hole in the floor be walked around?
[22:13] <Prometheus> Yes.
[22:14] <Spelguru> Right, I stalk menacingly towards the techies with the stunnergun pointed at them. "Which way to the power core? Fail to answer and I will stun you, switch guns and shoot you."
[22:16] <Prometheus> "Down the corridor, take a right, lift down to deck 9. Can't miss it. Now shoo, I have a hole to fix." And then he starts barking orders at the other techies who start laying down metal plates and welding them.
[22:16] <Prometheus> It's as if you don't exist any more. That's dedication.
[22:17] <Spelguru> Summon the Shan for action!
[22:18] <Shandrunn> Are Makrond and Huggy Bear in yet?
[22:18] <Prometheus> Shandrunn, spike-head boards the transport, plonks Makrond in a passenger seat unceremoniously. "Thanks for warming it up!" Then he shoves you.
[22:18] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:18] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[22:18] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:18] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[22:19] <Prometheus> Meh.
[22:19] <Prometheus> "Come on, move aside. You can't fly this piece of shit."
[22:19] <Shandrunn> I close the door and get in the copilot seat.
[22:19] <Spelguru> Shan, it's a bad idea to get between a McPimp and his pimp-mobile :P
[22:20] <Prometheus> "Righto, let's see....come to think of it, I can't fly this either. Oh well, time to learn!" And he starts mashing random buttons, with that really unnerving smile that you've had the unpleasant experience of seeing every single minute of your imprisonment.
[22:21] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:21] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[22:21] <Prometheus> Well look at that.
[22:21] <Prometheus> The landing gear withdraws.
[22:21] <Shandrunn> Ohshi-
[22:21] <Prometheus> Unfortunately the thrust is still on.
[22:21] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn constitution
[22:21] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn constitution --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:21] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 makrond constitution
[22:21] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 makrond constitution --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:21] <Spelguru> hehehe
[22:21] <Shandrunn> I bail the fuck out!
[22:21] <Prometheus> too late.
[22:21] <Prometheus> You get slammed into your seat.
[22:22] <Prometheus> Makrond groans in pain on the back seat.
[22:22] <Shandrunn> FUUUUUUUCKEEEEEEEEE---
[22:22] <Prometheus> Spike-Head McPimperson never once stops smiling.
[22:22] <Prometheus> The ship rockets out of the station.
[22:23] <Prometheus> Auto-tracking turrets fail to pick it up.
[22:23] <Spelguru> Lucky sob :P
[22:23] <Shandrunn> Does the transport have an airlock?
[22:24] <Prometheus> The traffic observer flicks a page on a periodical, ignorant of the greatest breach of speed limits in years.
[22:24] <Prometheus> yes, but not very large.
[22:25] <Shandrunn> Will the pimp fit in?
[22:25] <Shandrunn> Oh shit, wait, I'm a pacifist.
[22:25] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:25] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[22:25] <Prometheus> That and you're afraid of touching him
[22:25] <Prometheus> He's got sharp teeth.
[22:25] <Prometheus> And he's clearly batshit insane.
[22:25] <Shandrunn> Clearly.
[22:25] <Prometheus> Spelguru, your action!
[22:26] <Spelguru> Right, I try to get Nuk to go in front while moving to the elevator :D
[22:26] <Prometheus> You get to the elevator.
[22:26] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:26] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:26] <Prometheus> you get in, push a button.
[22:26] <Prometheus> Which you hope is the right floor
[22:27] <Prometheus> a containment squad spots you, but the doors close.
[22:27] <Spelguru> Doh, I wanted to leave Nuk on that floor :8
[22:27] <Spelguru> Or shoot him in the back :P
[22:27] <Prometheus> Two decks lower, the door opens. An officer stares at you in horror until the door closes and you continue your journey.
[22:27] <Spelguru> It's hard to be secret when you're not only slightly obviously the wrong race and have a rabid gore-covered guy in a prisoner jumpsuit following you.
[22:28] <Prometheus> He spends the next two weeks in therapy.
[22:28] <Spelguru> :D
[22:29] <Prometheus> You can propably imagine the awkward silence when the officer is about to step into the elevator
[22:29] <Spelguru> Hehe
[22:29] <Prometheus> broken only by the dripping of Nuk's spine-whip
[22:30] <Prometheus> Finally, the friendly voice from the elevator cuts into the annoying music and says "Deck 9"
[22:30] <Spelguru> I say "have a nice day" to the officer and get off, hopefully leaving Nuk in the elevator :P
[22:30] <Prometheus> Uh, the officer never got in
[22:31] <Prometheus> He stopped before getting in
[22:31] <Spelguru> Doesn't mean I can't leave Nuk behind, now does it? :P
[22:31] <Shandrunn> Ding-dong. Deck 9. Men's footwear, lingerie and power core.
[22:31] <Spelguru> next turn now?
[22:31] <Prometheus> Yes
[22:32] <Spelguru> Right, I start searching for the power-core. Hopefully leaving Nuk behind if he's still trailing me.
[22:32] <Prometheus> Shandrunn has successfully escaped with Makrond, but unfortunately he's stuck in a small spacecraft with Spike-Head
[22:32] <Spelguru> Seriously, I want a roll on that. :P
[22:32] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:32] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:32] <Prometheus> You fail to leave Nuk behind
[22:32] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:32] <Spelguru> Graaah!
[22:32] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[22:33] <Prometheus> You spot a helpful map of the generator facility.
[22:33] <Prometheus> And a sign which by your estimate declares the time passed since last accident.
[22:33] <Spelguru> How long since the last accident?
[22:33] <Prometheus> You don't know. You can't read alien.
[22:34] <Spelguru> Hmmmm
[22:35] <Spelguru> Right, I try to find the main control panel for the core.
[22:35] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 evasion
[22:35] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 evasion --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[22:35] <Prometheus> You manage to avoid being spotted by passing technicians.
[22:36] <Prometheus> You're getting to a rather tightly-guarded area.
[22:36] <Spelguru> I try to convince Nuk to create a distraction, preferably by killing guards.
[22:36] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:36] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[22:36] <Prometheus> You succeed.
[22:37] <Prometheus> Nuk nods approvingly and charges at an unsuspecting techie
[22:37] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:37] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[22:37] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:37] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[22:37] <Prometheus> ...yeah.
[22:37] <Prometheus> And decapitates him with the spine.
[22:37] <Spelguru> Right, I move towards the main control panel, wherever it might be
[22:38] <Prometheus> You leave screams of horror and death behind.
[22:38] <Spelguru> Did I reach it?
[22:38] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:38] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:38] <Prometheus> No.
[22:38] <Spelguru> Let me guess, armed guards?
[22:38] <Prometheus> You spend time searching for it, though.
[22:38] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Encounter
[22:38] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Encounter --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:38] <Prometheus> Uh, yeah.
[22:39] <Prometheus> Running guards approach.
[22:39] <Spelguru> I yell at them "Quick, he's killing the techies! Help them!" and fake being injured.
[22:39] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:39] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[22:40] <Prometheus> All but one continue running. The last one stops to ask whether you need medical assistance.
[22:40] <Spelguru> Are the other ones out of earshot?
[22:40] <Prometheus> they're still within view.
[22:41] <Spelguru> Right, I respond "No, I'll visit medical later, I need to reach the main control. There's an escapee there!"
[22:41] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 bullshit detector
[22:41] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 bullshit detector --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:42] <Prometheus> "Let me help you!"
[22:42] <Spelguru> "Sure, let's hurry though! ... Lead the way, this is my first day :D"
[22:43] <Prometheus> "That's gotta suck."
[22:43] <Spelguru> Right, does he lead the way?
[22:43] <Prometheus> He radios in. "You guys go ahead, gonna check a report of a prisoner around the power core."
[22:43] <Prometheus> Then he heads in a direction.
[22:44] <Spelguru> I follow him and try to stealthily switch weapons, if he asks what I'm doing, I give him the stun rifle and tell him to dual wield :)
[22:46] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:46] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[22:46] <Shandrunn> oh boy
[22:46] <Spelguru> This isn't going to end well for one of us.
[22:46] <Prometheus> You make a bit of noise and he looks at you with a question mark above his head. He won't accept quests though.
[22:46] <Spelguru> Heh
[22:46] <Prometheus> "Uh. Why do you have a...?"
[22:47] <Spelguru> "I took it from an escaped prisoner I encountered earlier. I'm chasing his buddy here." If he looks the least doubtful, I put 10 rounds in him.
[22:48] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 bullshit detection
[22:48] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 bullshit detection --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:48] <Prometheus> He shrugs and continues.
[22:48] <Spelguru> Phew
[22:48] <Prometheus> Wow, you're really leading the poor bastard on.
[22:49] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[22:49] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:49] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:49] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[22:49] <Prometheus> Hm.
[22:49] <Spelguru> Awww, Nuk finally died?
[22:49] <Prometheus> No.
[22:49] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:49] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[22:50] <Prometheus> Hmmh.
[22:50] <Prometheus> He's in trouble, though.
[22:50] <Prometheus> You come to a large chamber.
[22:50] <Prometheus> In the middle is the power core. There are catwalks and shit all over the place.
[22:51] <Shandrunn> Dude, what kind of gross control center has shit all over the place?
[22:51] <Spelguru> It's not a control center, it's a power core :P
[22:51] <Prometheus> Your escort looks around warily, and starts heading to the control center
[22:51] <Prometheus> If it's a plasma converter :P
[22:51] <Prometheus> They can use waste to produce energy
[22:51] <Spelguru> I play along til we reach the control center :P
[22:52] <Prometheus> There are a few technicians and other workers milling about, pushing arbitrary buttons and looking at incomprehensible displays
[22:52] <Prometheus> One of them is holding a wrench and just wandering around.
[22:52] <Spelguru> So we're there now?
[22:53] <Prometheus> yep.
[22:53] <Prometheus> "I've heard reports of an escapee around here."
[22:53] <Spelguru> Right, I shoot the guard, atleast 10 rounds, and then if someone else is easily accessable to shoot at, I continue spraying towards him/her as well.
[22:54] <Spelguru> I should get a bonus from suprise :/
[22:54] <Prometheus> A lab-coated alien looks up and says "Here? I don't- Wait a minute, who's that wi-"
[22:54] <Prometheus> The rest is drowned out by gunfire
[22:54] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:54] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[22:54] <Prometheus> ..yeah
[22:54] <Spelguru> Oh my.
[22:54] <Prometheus> You pretty much perforate the entire control center crew.
[22:54] <Spelguru> Fun for everyone, family included.
[22:54] <Shandrunn> DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA
[22:54] <Prometheus> And most of the control panels.
[22:55] <Prometheus> Blood splatters all over the place.
[22:55] <Prometheus> Dakka indeed.
[22:55] <Prometheus> What now?
[22:55] <Prometheus> you just butchered a dozen innocent people.
[22:55] <Spelguru> Right, I attempt to use whatever remaining control panels to set the core to overload.
[22:56] <Prometheus> And unless I'm much're going to kill at least a few thousand more.
[22:56] <Prometheus> It's not my place to ask why.
[22:56] <Spelguru> Not instantly I hope. I want to stall the overload atleast 20 mins :P
[22:56] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:56] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[22:56] <Prometheus> You mess around with the control panels, but not much happens.
[22:57] <Spelguru> Right, I study the power core to see if I can spot some crucial part.
[22:57] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:57] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[22:57] <Prometheus> Well, it looks like to be connected with a lot of cables.
[22:57] <Prometheus> To the chamber walls
[22:58] <Spelguru> Right, I grab my stunrifle and completely unload it at the point of the core where all the cables connect to the core itself.
[22:58] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:58] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:58] * Spelguru hopes it doesn't instantly explode in his face.
[22:59] <Prometheus> Nothing happens. The bursts of energy dissipate and are absorbed by the power core
[22:59] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 environment
[22:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 environment --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[22:59] <Prometheus> An alarm goes off
[22:59] <Spelguru> Phooey. Ok I try to find one more or less living techie.
[22:59] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[22:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[23:00] <Prometheus> You find an armed squad of guards instead.
[23:00] <Prometheus> They look at you, covered in blood.
[23:00] <Prometheus> They silently set their weapons on overcharge.
[23:00] <Spelguru> I instantly open fire before they have a chance at talking/firing
[23:00] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:00] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[23:01] <Prometheus> Your burst goes wide.
[23:01] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:01] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[23:01] <Prometheus> They...uh.
[23:01] <Spelguru> Dodge into the bullets? Man they suck :P
[23:01] <Spelguru> afk 2 min, cat is doing something
[23:01] <Prometheus> Two of four miss completely, emptying their power cells
[23:01] <Prometheus> The last two take cover.
[23:03] <Spelguru> Right, back
[23:04] <Prometheus> action?
[23:04] <Spelguru> I let loose a roar as I attempt to completely devastate the two guys outside of cover.
[23:04] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:04] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:04] <Spelguru> with the machine gun
[23:04] <Prometheus> You, uh.
[23:04] <Spelguru> Mew loudly and open fire?
[23:04] <Prometheus> You rip one of the apart with a hail of bullets
[23:04] <Prometheus> Another gets a few hits and falls over, bleeding.
[23:05] <Prometheus> two of 'em fire
[23:05] <Prometheus> roll 2#1d6
[23:05] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 2#1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}, [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:06] <Spelguru> I get to roll for dodge, finally :P
[23:06] <Prometheus> roll 2#1d6
[23:06] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 2#1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}, [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:06] <Prometheus> Both miss.
[23:06] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 hidden movement
[23:06] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 hidden movement --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:06] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 hidden movement
[23:06] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 hidden movement --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[23:06] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 hidden movement
[23:06] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 hidden movement --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[23:06] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 hidden movement
[23:06] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 hidden movement --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[23:07] <Prometheus> Uhm.
[23:07] <Prometheus> Yeah, action
[23:07] <Spelguru> crap, one of the hidden movements outhid the hell outta me :P
[23:07] <Prometheus> action!
[23:07] <Spelguru> Right, I reload my weapon. It should be running low soon.
[23:08] * Spelguru idly wonders how many boxes of ammo a "few" was.
[23:08] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:08] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:08] <Prometheus> you still have a box of ammo
[23:08] <Prometheus> Enough for a few long bursts.
[23:08] <Prometheus> Not many.
[23:08] <Spelguru> eeexcellent. Guess all the hidden ones attempt to destroy me now?
[23:08] <Prometheus> The guards are about to fire.
[23:08] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:08] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[23:08] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:08] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[23:09] <Prometheus> they both get distracted by a sound, turn and...
[23:09] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:09] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:09] <Prometheus> Yeah, one of them gets stabbed through the helmet.
[23:09] <Prometheus> With a spine.
[23:09] <Spelguru> Nuk to the rescue!
[23:09] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:09] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[23:09] <Prometheus> Your maniac friend's here.
[23:09] <Prometheus> Action!
[23:10] <Spelguru> How many guards left capable to hinder me?
[23:10] <Spelguru> Just one?
[23:10] <Prometheus> uhm.
[23:10] <Spelguru> That I know off that is.
[23:10] <Prometheus> yeah, and he's distracted by Nuk
[23:10] <Spelguru> Right, I unload the entire machinegun at whatever non-plated components of the powercore I can see.
[23:10] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:10] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[23:11] <Prometheus> The barrel of the machine gun overheats and deforms.
[23:11] <Prometheus> congrats, your gun is useless now.
[23:11] <Spelguru> Noooo! Sasha! *mourns his fallen gun*
[23:11] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk!
[23:11] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk! --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:11] <Prometheus> A gurgle from behind you indicates that the last guard is dead or dying very fast.
[23:11] <Spelguru> Oh well, I throw it aside and take the stun rifle from that guard I was lying so much too earlier.
[23:12] <Prometheus> I can't help but feel sorry for all the aliens you've mindlessly butchered. Oh well.
[23:12] <Prometheus> The dice decide.
[23:12] <Spelguru> Hey, they imprisoned me on false charges! ... Why was I imprisoned again?
[23:12] <Prometheus> You can't remember
[23:13] <Prometheus> Nuk lurches over to the console.
[23:13] <Prometheus> you can see that he's badly hurt
[23:13] <Prometheus> He's got burn marks all over.
[23:13] <Prometheus> But he's still somehow keeping together.
[23:13] <Prometheus> And he's also gone even further into the depths of insanity.
[23:13] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:13] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[23:13] <Spelguru> I attempt to convince him to set the core to overload. "We gotta take them all out!"
[23:13] <Prometheus> He stumbles a bit.
[23:14] <Prometheus> "yesyeyesmake big badaboom haHAHAHAH"
[23:14] <Prometheus> "Kill 'em all. Eeheeheheh"
[23:14] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:14] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[23:14] <Prometheus> He rams his fist into the panel.
[23:14] <Spelguru> Awww man...
[23:14] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:14] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[23:14] <Prometheus> That ain't good.
[23:14] <Prometheus> The core makes a very loud noise.
[23:15] <Prometheus> Red warning lights go off everywhere
[23:15] <Spelguru> Ummmmm, I run the heck back to the elevator, yelling to Nuk to follow if he can.
[23:16] <Shandrunn> You know, I never figured if this prison ship was orbiting a planet or in deep space or whatever.
[23:16] <Prometheus> "Attention. Power core's heat exceeding recommended levels. Fluctiation increasing. Station will detonate in *chhrhk* minutes"
[23:16] <Prometheus> It's not a ship.
[23:16] <Prometheus> It's a space station.
[23:16] <Spelguru> Prison Space Station... probably deep space.
[23:17] <Spelguru> Did Nuk manage to tag along?
[23:17] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:17] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[23:17] <Shandrunn> I'm leaving now, bye.
[23:17] <Prometheus> He's stumbling along for a while.
[23:17] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:17] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:17] <Prometheus> And he doesn't die yet
[23:18] <Prometheus> bye Shan
[23:18] * Shandrunn has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox])
[23:18] <Spelguru> Have a nice day Shan.
[23:18] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:18] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:18] <Prometheus> Congrats
[23:18] <Prometheus> The elevator isn't broken down
[23:18] <Spelguru> Woo!
[23:18] <Prometheus> :3
[23:18] <Prometheus> Nuk falls over into the elevator, giggling madly.
[23:18] <Spelguru> Ummmm... Is there an index of the floors inside the elevator?
[23:19] <Prometheus> Nope.
[23:19] <Spelguru> Right, I go to the floor where we found that officer earlier. Hopefully he's still standing there, petrified :P
[23:19] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:19] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[23:19] <Prometheus> He's not there, btw
[23:19] <Spelguru> Awww phoey.
[23:20] <Prometheus> Instead you see a bunch of other people running by.
[23:20] <Prometheus> Oh, and these funny green lights have appeared on the floors.
[23:20] <Spelguru> I follow them!
[23:20] <Spelguru> Lead on trustworthy random green lights
[23:20] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:20] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:20] <Prometheus> Wow
[23:20] <Prometheus> You manage to find a bank of escape pods that haven't launched yet.
[23:21] <Prometheus> unfortunately for you, there's also guards.
[23:21] <Prometheus> "THERE HE IS! OPEN FIRE!"
[23:21] <Spelguru> I aim a rabid Nuk at them!
[23:21] <Prometheus> RTD
[23:21] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[23:21] <Spelguru> And... ummmm, dodge?
[23:21] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:21] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[23:21] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:21] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[23:21] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[23:21] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[23:21] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:21] <Prometheus> You get hit once
[23:21] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:21] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[23:21] <Prometheus> But it doesn't knock you down.
[23:21] <Spelguru> hah, a 3 hit my armour should handle
[23:21] <Prometheus> Got absoib'd by the armor
[23:22] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Nuk
[23:22] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Nuk --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[23:22] <Spelguru> Go Nuk!
[23:22] <Prometheus> Oh no.
[23:22] <Prometheus> Nuk barrels into the guards, laughing and whacking people with the spine.
[23:22] <Prometheus> they're thoroughly distracted.
[23:23] <Spelguru> I fire towards whatever guard isn't closest to Nuk and at the same time run towards the nearest empty unlaunched escape pod... guess I get penalty on firing
[23:23] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:23] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[23:23] <Prometheus> You manage to hit him and escape.
[23:23] <Prometheus> RANDOM EVENT
[23:23] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:23] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:24] <Prometheus> The station lurches due to an explosion somewhere
[23:24] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 balance
[23:24] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 balance --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:24] <Spelguru> That can only be good for me... right? *prays*
[23:24] <Prometheus> You manage to not fall on your arse
[23:24] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:24] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[23:24] <Prometheus> Nuk steadies himself by latching onto a guard
[23:24] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:24] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:24] <Prometheus> AND BITING IT IN THE NECK
[23:25] <Prometheus> WHAT HAVE I DONE
[23:25] <Spelguru> Nuk is my new favored companion :P
[23:25] <Spelguru> I yell at Nuk to get into an escape pod before closing the one I'm in and launching it.
[23:26] <Prometheus> "Where's daddy?"
[23:26] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 save against guilt trip
[23:26] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 save against guilt trip --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:26] <Prometheus> You don't feel bad at all.
[23:26] <Spelguru> Hehehe
[23:27] <Spelguru> These logs should be uploaded to the forums :P
[23:27] <Prometheus> You're in a pod full of tearful family members of station crew.
[23:27] <Prometheus> Oh, and
[23:27] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[23:27] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[23:27] <Prometheus> you're not sure, but you thought you saw tentacles in the neighbouring pod before you entered.
[23:28] <Prometheus> It must have been your imagination
[23:29] <Spelguru> I look at the tearful family members... think for a brief moment and say apologizingly "ummmm... It's my first day?" and then head for whatever this vessel has for an cockpit
[23:29] <Prometheus> The pods all launch. Then a massive explosion splits the station in two.
[23:29] <Prometheus> Yeah.
[23:29] <Spelguru> Ummmm, so game is over then?
[23:29] <Prometheus> Total kill count went up into several hundreds.
[23:29] <Prometheus> At least for now, I suppose
[23:29] <Spelguru> Stop!
[23:29] <Spelguru> Don't say another thing
[23:30] <Prometheus> It remains to be seen what happens once you get picked up.
[23:30] <Spelguru> You must make one crucial final roll. Did Nuk make it to another pod?
[23:30] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 DID NUK SURVIVE?!?!?
[23:30] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 DID NUK SURVIVE?!?!? --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:30] <Prometheus> yes.
[23:30] <Prometheus> He did.
[23:30] <Spelguru> Woo!
[23:30] <Prometheus> He's busy eating its occupants.
[23:30] <Spelguru> Though with a 4 I guess he'll get recaptured and weaponized/euthanized.
[23:31] <Spelguru> Assuming they can recapture him. He'll probably find another station to entertain :P
[23:31] <Prometheus> Cuh-razy game
[23:31] <Prometheus> And it started so sensibly with the original group
[23:32] <Spelguru> And then Guru got involved and property destruction ensued.
[23:32] <Prometheus> bloody hell
[23:32] <Spelguru> Was any player left on the station?
[23:32] <Prometheus> Uh.
[23:32] <Spelguru> shan and mak got out, me and nuk got out
[23:32] <Prometheus> nemppu. Unless he woke up and got to an escape pod
[23:33] <Prometheus> feeling weird due to hunger and tiredness
[23:33] <Spelguru> Ok, I'm just going to do one final thing before I start playing tower defense.
[23:33] * Prometheus is now known as Prom_sleep
[23:33] <Prom_sleep> ?
[23:33] <Spelguru> roll 1d6 Search for aspirin to remove -1 concentration check due to head bumps
[23:33] <Rollbot> Spelguru rolled 1d6 Search for aspirin to remove -1 concentration check due to head bumps --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:33] <Spelguru> Score!
[23:33] <Spelguru> Thanks for a good game :P
[23:33] <Prom_sleep> haha, yeh.
Got Ninja?
Orkz Orkz Orkz Orkz, Orkz Orkz Orkz Orkz... WAAAAAGH!
NHP (Non human pact. Copy and paste if you are going to destroy all human-like creatures in spore.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Logs from an IRC RTD
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2008, 11:40:52 pm »

Fun stuff.
I fully endorse the idea of mountain goats that hunt man.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Logs from an IRC RTD
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 08:17:47 am »

[2008-10-01 10:01:35] <Prometheus> You all awaken inside what seems to be a tavern common room.
[2008-10-01 10:01:51] <Prometheus> Every one of you has a hangover like an angry elephant.
[2008-10-01 10:02:40] <Alexor> I try and figure out which species I am, and commit suicide should I end up having pointy ears.
[2008-10-01 10:02:55] <Anticheese> I use my psychic powers to find out about the room
[2008-10-01 10:03:20] <Anticheese> Wait..I don't have psychic powers yet
[2008-10-01 10:03:41] <Alexor> There there...
[2008-10-01 10:03:43] <Anticheese> I attempt to channel the hangover into psychic powers
[2008-10-01 10:03:50] * Alexor pats Anti onthe back
[2008-10-01 10:04:09] <Prometheus> Anyone else have actions they'd like to take?
[2008-10-01 10:04:21] <notjotham> search for water
[2008-10-01 10:05:08] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:05:08] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 10:05:24] <Prometheus> You think that you might be some form of humanoid.
[2008-10-01 10:05:32] <Prometheus> But aren't sure as to the type.
[2008-10-01 10:05:37] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 10:05:37] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 10:05:38] <Alexor> Right...thats helpful.
[2008-10-01 10:05:43] <Anticheese> ..Nuts.
[2008-10-01 10:05:58] <Prometheus> You strain your mind, but only manage to get dizzy.
[2008-10-01 10:06:01] <Anticheese> Alexor: A 2 is pretty much standard fail.
[2008-10-01 10:06:01] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 notjotham
[2008-10-01 10:06:02] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 notjotham --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 10:06:32] <Prometheus> You manage to find a jug of water.
[2008-10-01 10:06:36] <Alexor> Great, the only one who managed to do something chose the boring task.
[2008-10-01 10:06:51] <Alexor> Is there any furniture around?
[2008-10-01 10:07:01] <Prometheus> A few cots where you were lying down.
[2008-10-01 10:07:08] * notjotham throws the water in Alexor's face as he seems out of sorts
[2008-10-01 10:07:12] <Prometheus> There's also vomit stains here and there.
[2008-10-01 10:07:46] <Prometheus> Alexor, Anticheese?
[2008-10-01 10:07:48] <Anticheese> I look for an exit to this room and, if I find one, open it
[2008-10-01 10:07:50] <Alexor> Ok, must be a dwarven room.
[2008-10-01 10:07:56] <Alexor> Lets see...
[2008-10-01 10:08:14] <Alexor> I'm not an elf I would be slaughtered by now,
[2008-10-01 10:08:56] <Alexor> attempt to find out Anti and  Notjot's species.
[2008-10-01 10:09:06] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:09:07] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:09:19] <Prometheus> They have huge beards.
[2008-10-01 10:09:49] <Prometheus> (Yes, I think I'll start this one with the players as dwarves. Usually they start as humans)
[2008-10-01 10:09:56] <Alexor> Ah, alright.
[2008-10-01 10:10:04] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 10:10:04] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 10:10:12] <Anticheese> Woo!
[2008-10-01 10:10:33] <Prometheus> You spot two doors. The other leads to a cellar. The other one leads to a hallway. Haulers march back and forth, carrying bins.
[2008-10-01 10:10:38] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 notjotham
[2008-10-01 10:10:39] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 notjotham --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:10:42] <Prometheus> Oh dear.
[2008-10-01 10:11:14] <Prometheus> You take a good grip and chuck the water into Alexor's direction.
[2008-10-01 10:11:15] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:11:15] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 10:11:29] <Prometheus> He barely manages to avoid the brunt of the impact, but is badly bruised.
[2008-10-01 10:11:35] <Anticheese> Using DF steampunk physics, he should have died.
[2008-10-01 10:11:39] <Alexor> Ow.
[2008-10-01 10:11:43] <notjotham> haha
[2008-10-01 10:11:58] <Prometheus> The spinning water hits Alexor in the right arm! It is battered!
[2008-10-01 10:12:41] <Alexor> Well that was annoying.
[2008-10-01 10:12:42] <Anticheese> Okay..I kick the cellar door down
[2008-10-01 10:12:46] <Alexor> Ok, I use mystic dwarven pathfinding abilities to create a mental map of the fort.
[2008-10-01 10:13:28] *** Shandrunn (chatzilla@ joined
[2008-10-01 10:13:41] <Prometheus> Notjot, action!
[2008-10-01 10:14:15] <Alexor> ...
[2008-10-01 10:14:20] <Prometheus> Shandrunn, you regain consciousness in a tavern common room. There is vomit here and there. Some of it might be yours. You can't remember, as you have a massive hangover and no memory of the previous night
[2008-10-01 10:14:31] *** RavingManiac ( joined
[2008-10-01 10:14:32] <Shandrunn> Am I human?
[2008-10-01 10:14:36] <Anticheese> Dwarf.
[2008-10-01 10:14:39] <RavingManiac> May I join?
[2008-10-01 10:14:51] <notjotham> sorry gotta deal with some drama, i am afk :( let RavingManiac swap
[2008-10-01 10:14:52] <Prometheus> Your vision is blurred, but you feel a great beard on your face. Dwarf.
[2008-10-01 10:14:58] <Prometheus> Okay
[2008-10-01 10:15:05] <Shandrunn> WTF, am I some kind of dwarf lightweight?
[2008-10-01 10:15:19] <Prometheus> RavingManiac, you are a dwarf. You just rolled a 6 after throwing water on Alexor's face. You bruised him badly
[2008-10-01 10:15:21] <Shandrunn> Prom, why do you keep giving me lame characters? :|
[2008-10-01 10:15:29] *** ThingyMaster ( joined
[2008-10-01 10:15:29] <Prometheus> lightweight?
[2008-10-01 10:15:33] <Alexor> It was probably some sort of superwine.
[2008-10-01 10:15:47] <Alexor> ...
[2008-10-01 10:15:49] <ThingyMaster> Hallo
[2008-10-01 10:15:50] <Prometheus> You're a dwarf. To have gotten this hung over you'd need to have gone through several barrels.
[2008-10-01 10:15:52] <Prometheus> Hey THingy
[2008-10-01 10:16:01] <Alexor> He rolled a 1 and a 4.
[2008-10-01 10:16:03] <Shandrunn> Okay, that sounds better.
[2008-10-01 10:16:09] <RavingManiac> So... what is the situation?
[2008-10-01 10:16:13] <Alexor> O_o
[2008-10-01 10:16:24] <Prometheus> You're all just waking up from a serious party in the tavern common room.
[2008-10-01 10:16:25] <Anticheese> Hehehe
[2008-10-01 10:16:30] <Prometheus> You....think that you're dwarves.
[2008-10-01 10:16:35] <ThingyMaster> I'd like to join, Be weary though. Spelling errors and noobing abound.
[2008-10-01 10:16:43] <RavingManiac> I loot the corpses
[2008-10-01 10:16:47] <RavingManiac> Oh, wait, a party
[2008-10-01 10:16:58] <Prometheus> Post actions with /me
[2008-10-01 10:17:03] <Prometheus> It's easier to keep track of them.
[2008-10-01 10:17:03] <Alexor> ...What did you think he said?
[2008-10-01 10:17:13] * Anticheese wants to know if its the next turn yet?
[2008-10-01 10:17:21] <Alexor> I'm still using my dwarven pathfinding abilities.
[2008-10-01 10:17:22] * RavingManiac looks around for something, like a weapon or armor
[2008-10-01 10:17:23] * Shandrunn cures his hangover with hair of the dog, i.e. more booze
[2008-10-01 10:17:37] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:17:37] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:17:51] * Anticheese grooms his beard into a dapper moustache
[2008-10-01 10:17:55] <Prometheus> You think you know which way to the garbage pits from here.
[2008-10-01 10:18:04] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 10:18:05] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:18:07] <Anticheese> Oh wait, kicking the door
[2008-10-01 10:18:09] <ThingyMaster> Haha
[2008-10-01 10:18:13] <Prometheus> Rerolling that, then
[2008-10-01 10:18:14] <Anticheese> I'll do my moustache next turn then
[2008-10-01 10:18:15] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:18:16] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:18:23] <Anticheese> (Forgot I was already doing that :S)
[2008-10-01 10:18:27] <Prometheus> You thump your foot on the door, making it creak.
[2008-10-01 10:18:49] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn
[2008-10-01 10:18:50] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 10:19:05] <Prometheus> You find an untouched mug of dwarven wine!
[2008-10-01 10:19:27] <Prometheus> You down it and your head starts feeling better.
[2008-10-01 10:19:35] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 RavingMania
[2008-10-01 10:19:36] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 RavingMania --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:19:44] *** GauHelldragon (barf@ joined
[2008-10-01 10:20:02] <Prometheus> You root around for a while and find someone's blunderbuss under a cot!
[2008-10-01 10:20:14] <Prometheus> Unfortunately, you also wake its owner, who is as massively hung over as you are.
[2008-10-01 10:20:14] <RavingManiac> Loaded
[2008-10-01 10:20:17] <RavingManiac> ?
[2008-10-01 10:20:23] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:20:23] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:20:36] * RavingManiac grabs the blunderbuss and bashes the owner with it
[2008-10-01 10:20:37] <Prometheus> He starts and bumps the blunderbuss, which fires!
[2008-10-01 10:20:48] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[2008-10-01 10:20:48] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:20:51] <RavingManiac> Oh, I see
[2008-10-01 10:21:04] <Prometheus> You manage to catch the shot! Counterstrike!
[2008-10-01 10:21:05] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:21:06] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 10:21:14] <Anticheese> This is ridiculous :P
[2008-10-01 10:21:15] <Alexor> How did he...
[2008-10-01 10:21:20] <Anticheese> Dwarven ninja.
[2008-10-01 10:21:23] <RavingManiac> I'm the ONE
[2008-10-01 10:21:25] <Shandrunn> Drunken master!
[2008-10-01 10:21:28] <Prometheus> The spinning lead shot hits the gundwarf in the head! It is broken!
[2008-10-01 10:21:34] <RavingManiac> No, hangover master
[2008-10-01 10:21:34] <Anticheese> Ohshi-
[2008-10-01 10:21:47] <Alexor> Ooh boy.
[2008-10-01 10:21:55] <Prometheus> The dwarf groans in pain and curls into a fetal position, holding his face.
[2008-10-01 10:22:15] * RavingManiac bashes the owner to death with the blunderbuss
[2008-10-01 10:22:19] <Anticheese> Nobody fucks RavingManiac
[2008-10-01 10:22:24] <Prometheus> Any other actions?
[2008-10-01 10:22:53] <Alexor> Well, I know where the garbage pits are now, I go there and look for interesting stuff.  Also, I wanna get out of here before I find out if we have a fortress guard.
[2008-10-01 10:22:55] * Shandrunn looks at his clothes and gear and tries to deduce if there's anything he should be doing.
[2008-10-01 10:23:34] <Anticheese> Next turn...I attempt to turn my beard into a *SUPREMELY DAPPER MOUSTACHE*
[2008-10-01 10:23:40] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 RavingManiac
[2008-10-01 10:23:40] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 RavingManiac --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:23:41] * RavingManiac reloads the blunderbuss and steps outside the tavern, gun at ready
[2008-10-01 10:24:05] <Prometheus> You fiddle with the blunderbuss and manage to finally reload it.
[2008-10-01 10:24:08] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:24:09] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 10:24:37] <Prometheus> Alexor, you're wearing blue.
[2008-10-01 10:24:47] <Alexor> ...
[2008-10-01 10:24:49] <Prometheus> no wait
[2008-10-01 10:24:51] <Prometheus> I meant Shandrunn
[2008-10-01 10:24:55] <Prometheus> Shandrunn is wearing blue :P
[2008-10-01 10:24:56] <Alexor> Ah.
[2008-10-01 10:24:57] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:24:58] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 10:25:08] <Prometheus> You find your way to the garbage chutes.
[2008-10-01 10:25:17] <Prometheus> intense heat rises from the depths.
[2008-10-01 10:25:28] <Alexor> Oh.
[2008-10-01 10:25:29] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 10:25:30] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 10:25:34] <Anticheese> :(
[2008-10-01 10:25:39] <ThingyMaster> Rotten Moustache ahoy.
[2008-10-01 10:25:46] <Anticheese> Tough luck, old bean
[2008-10-01 10:25:46] <Alexor> Bwahaha.
[2008-10-01 10:25:47] <Prometheus> You mess around with your beard some more, but it refuses to form into a dapper moustache
[2008-10-01 10:25:58] <RavingManiac> Is everyone together in the same place, or scattered everywhere?
[2008-10-01 10:26:01] <Prometheus> Environmental check! roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:26:03] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:26:04] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:26:12] <Prometheus> You hear faint tramping of metal boots.
[2008-10-01 10:26:32] <Anticheese> Next turn?
[2008-10-01 10:26:35] <Prometheus> Yes
[2008-10-01 10:26:39] <Alexor> I decide to figure out who I am, exactly.
[2008-10-01 10:26:40] <Prometheus> Post your actions!
[2008-10-01 10:26:43] <Prometheus> Gau, you can join in, too.
[2008-10-01 10:26:48] <ThingyMaster> Could I?
[2008-10-01 10:26:51] <Prometheus> Sure
[2008-10-01 10:26:56] <ThingyMaster> Awesome
[2008-10-01 10:26:57] <Anticheese> I turn Alexor into a Rhesus Macaque. You know, with my steam powered raygun.
[2008-10-01 10:27:12] <Prometheus> You don't have a steam-powered raygun.
[2008-10-01 10:27:13] <Alexor> I'm not even in the same roomas you.
[2008-10-01 10:27:17] <GauHelldragon> 6:O
[2008-10-01 10:27:18] <Prometheus> And that
[2008-10-01 10:27:20] <GauHelldragon> i don't know how to play
[2008-10-01 10:27:20] <Alexor> *room as
[2008-10-01 10:27:26] <Prometheus> Just post whatever you do.
[2008-10-01 10:27:29] <Prometheus> A single action.
[2008-10-01 10:27:39] <GauHelldragon> but who am i and where am i
[2008-10-01 10:27:44] <Prometheus> You're apparently a dwarf.
[2008-10-01 10:27:47] <Prometheus> Massively hung over.
[2008-10-01 10:27:51] * RavingManiac aims the blunderbuss in the general direction of the sound. If anyone shows up, he immediately fires.
[2008-10-01 10:27:54] <Prometheus> In a tavern or dining hall or something
[2008-10-01 10:28:03] <ThingyMaster> Haha
[2008-10-01 10:28:08] <Anticheese> Okay then...
[2008-10-01 10:28:10] <GauHelldragon> i think i'll just watch then
[2008-10-01 10:28:17] <ThingyMaster> What'
[2008-10-01 10:28:21] <ThingyMaster> What's the turn order?
[2008-10-01 10:28:30] <Anticheese> I attempt to merge my Dwarven spirit with that of the fortress! (In plainspeak: Become the Fortress Mode player)
[2008-10-01 10:28:32] <Prometheus> Mostly alphabetic
[2008-10-01 10:28:38] <ThingyMaster> Ahh.
[2008-10-01 10:28:44] <RavingManiac> Um... oops
[2008-10-01 10:28:45] <Prometheus> It changes a bit here and there
[2008-10-01 10:28:48] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:28:49] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 10:28:56] <Alexor> Aww.
[2008-10-01 10:29:06] <Prometheus> Your uniform is too covered in vomit and wine stains that you can't figure out the original colour.
[2008-10-01 10:29:10] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 10:29:11] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 10:29:16] <Anticheese> Woo! Success
[2008-10-01 10:29:24] <Alexor> Well, at least I didn't fall into the magma chute.
[2008-10-01 10:29:35] <Anticheese> Very true.
[2008-10-01 10:29:41] <Prometheus> You gain control of workshop orders.
[2008-10-01 10:29:56] <Prometheus> You can order items to be made, but that's it.
[2008-10-01 10:29:59] <Shandrunn> I decide I'm a craftsdwarf and enter a strange mood.
[2008-10-01 10:30:06] * ThingyMaster waits for his turn.
[2008-10-01 10:30:15] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 RavingManiac
[2008-10-01 10:30:16] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 RavingManiac --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[2008-10-01 10:30:17] <Anticheese> ThingyMaster: Feel free to step in any time you want
[2008-10-01 10:30:23] <RavingManiac> Oh dear
[2008-10-01 10:30:26] <ThingyMaster> Ok then.
[2008-10-01 10:30:32] <Prometheus> You prepare to fire without cover.
[2008-10-01 10:30:38] <Alexor> Uh oh.
[2008-10-01 10:30:41] <Prometheus> Suddenly, at the end of the corridor Fortress Guardsdwarves appear.
[2008-10-01 10:30:45] <Prometheus> "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM
[2008-10-01 10:30:52] <Prometheus> You fire.
[2008-10-01 10:30:53] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:30:53] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 10:30:54] <GauHelldragon> can i be a fortress guard
[2008-10-01 10:30:56] * ThingyMaster looks at himself and his surroundings trying to figure out what they hell is going on.
[2008-10-01 10:30:58] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 dodge
[2008-10-01 10:30:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 dodge --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:31:06] <RavingManiac> NINJA
[2008-10-01 10:31:22] <Prometheus> An axedwarf deflects the bullet which ricochets back down the corridor toward RavingManiac
[2008-10-01 10:31:24] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:31:24] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 10:31:29] <Prometheus> But you manage to evade it.
[2008-10-01 10:31:36] <Alexor> I walk down the hall and look into the first room I find.
[2008-10-01 10:31:42] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster
[2008-10-01 10:31:43] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 10:32:05] <Prometheus> After a moment of observation, your hazyness clears and you remember having a huge party in the dining room.
[2008-10-01 10:32:12] * RavingManiac runs for cover to reload
[2008-10-01 10:32:20] <Prometheus> haziness*
[2008-10-01 10:32:33] <Prometheus> Wait until I say New Turn before posting actions
[2008-10-01 10:32:38] <Prometheus> It's confusing enough.
[2008-10-01 10:32:40] <RavingManiac> 'kay
[2008-10-01 10:32:45] <Alexor> Ah, ok, sorry.
[2008-10-01 10:32:46] <GauHelldragon> nevermind you guys have enough players~@~!
[2008-10-01 10:33:14] <Prometheus> Okay, new turn.
[2008-10-01 10:33:16] <Prometheus> Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:33:22] <Alexor> I walk down the hall and look into the first room I find.
[2008-10-01 10:33:33] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:33:34] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 10:33:39] * RavingManiac runs for cover, reloads blunderbuss
[2008-10-01 10:33:53] <Anticheese> I order the construction of a steam powered MacGuffin ray. (It can do anything a raygun can do!)
[2008-10-01 10:33:58] <Prometheus> You end up in a workshop
[2008-10-01 10:33:59] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:33:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:34:21] <Prometheus> You recognize it as your own smithy!
[2008-10-01 10:34:37] <Prometheus> It's a magma forge, apparently.
[2008-10-01 10:34:39] <Alexor> I'm a smith?  Awesome.
[2008-10-01 10:34:48] <Alexor> Ooh, Magma Smith.
[2008-10-01 10:34:53] <Alexor> Even better.
[2008-10-01 10:34:57] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 10:34:58] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:35:01] <Prometheus> ...
[2008-10-01 10:35:13] <Alexor> Well.
[2008-10-01 10:35:19] <Prometheus> Your work order is slightly garbled, but gets instantly processed.
[2008-10-01 10:35:32] * ThingyMaster try's to find the cloths stockpile to get himself a proper suit.
[2008-10-01 10:35:48] <Prometheus> Somewhere, a handheld death ray is plopped into a weapon stockpile
[2008-10-01 10:35:57] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 RavingManiac
[2008-10-01 10:35:58] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 RavingManiac --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[2008-10-01 10:36:07] <RavingManiac> Awww...
[2008-10-01 10:36:10] <Alexor> Ouch.
[2008-10-01 10:36:22] <Alexor> Been nice knowin ya, buddy.
[2008-10-01 10:36:23] <Prometheus> You stumble and fall, dropping your blunderbuss. It's slightly bent.
[2008-10-01 10:36:39] <Prometheus> You're prone, dropped your weapon which gets -1 to rolls
[2008-10-01 10:36:52] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster
[2008-10-01 10:36:52] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:37:08] <RavingManiac> What if I use it to bash people?
[2008-10-01 10:37:14] <Prometheus> You wander the halls for a while and end up in an armor stockpile.
[2008-10-01 10:37:31] <ThingyMaster> Hmmm not as good, but It'll work.
[2008-10-01 10:37:35] <Prometheus> Since the blunderbuss's mass hasn't changed significantly, it gets no penalties in melee
[2008-10-01 10:37:49] <RavingManiac> New turn?
[2008-10-01 10:37:53] <Shandrunn> I'm feeling forgotten :<
[2008-10-01 10:38:14] <Prometheus> Shandrunn, have you posted an action?
[2008-10-01 10:38:24] <ThingyMaster> We need to make the turn order more... orderly.
[2008-10-01 10:38:28] <Prometheus> Exactly
[2008-10-01 10:38:29] <ThingyMaster> It's pretty chaotic here.
[2008-10-01 10:38:48] <RavingManiac> Alphabetical order works fine
[2008-10-01 10:38:50] <Shandrunn> Well, I posted it 10 minutes ago and it hasn't been resolved yet.
[2008-10-01 10:39:17] <Shandrunn> I decide I'm a craftsdwarf and enter a strange mood.
[2008-10-01 10:39:30] <Prometheus> Oh, that
[2008-10-01 10:39:42] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 shandrunn
[2008-10-01 10:39:42] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 shandrunn --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 10:39:53] <Prometheus> You suddenly get struck with inspiration.
[2008-10-01 10:40:05] <Prometheus> You run off instinctively toward stockpiles!
[2008-10-01 10:40:11] <Prometheus> You find everything you need
[2008-10-01 10:40:22] <Prometheus> Shanrdunn has begun a mysterious construction!
[2008-10-01 10:41:07] <Prometheus> You spend one turn building it.
[2008-10-01 10:41:10] <Alexor> How much do you bet he produces a sucky artifact?
[2008-10-01 10:41:11] <Prometheus> New turn!
[2008-10-01 10:41:12] <Prometheus> Alexor!
[2008-10-01 10:41:40] * RavingManiac runs for the weapons stockpile
[2008-10-01 10:41:41] <Alexor> I check the magma forge for any orders, then attempt to complete them.
[2008-10-01 10:41:50] <Prometheus> RM, stop posting out of order.
[2008-10-01 10:41:51] <Prometheus> Please.
[2008-10-01 10:41:56] <Anticheese> Hold that thought, Alexor :P
[2008-10-01 10:42:08] <Prometheus> Anticheese, your action!
[2008-10-01 10:42:35] <RavingManiac> Sorry, I thought that we could post in any order, just that the actions were carried out in order.
[2008-10-01 10:42:49] <Prometheus> They are carried out pretty much simultaneously.
[2008-10-01 10:42:59] <RavingManiac> I see
[2008-10-01 10:43:06] <Anticheese> Hm....I order a Clockwork Hangover-Reverse-O-Matic to be made in a magma forge.
[2008-10-01 10:43:21] <Prometheus> Shandrunn and Thingymaster?
[2008-10-01 10:43:27] <Anticheese> (It's useful and you know it.)
[2008-10-01 10:43:43] * ThingyMaster searches the armor stockpile for a nice set of armor, with special attention to bone armor.
[2008-10-01 10:43:54] <Prometheus> Hold on, resolving...
[2008-10-01 10:44:01] * Shandrunn keeps working on his Mysterious Construction ™
[2008-10-01 10:44:06] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 10:44:06] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:44:29] <Prometheus> You slip your concentration for a moment and forget to specify the materials used for the CHROM
[2008-10-01 10:44:41] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:44:41] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:44:46] <Alexor> Yaaay.
[2008-10-01 10:44:47] <ThingyMaster> Oh snap
[2008-10-01 10:44:48] <Prometheus> Alexor gets a bar of adamantite
[2008-10-01 10:44:55] <Prometheus> And starts making a CHROM.
[2008-10-01 10:44:59] <Anticheese> Haw.
[2008-10-01 10:45:07] <Alexor> I'm totally keeping this thing.
[2008-10-01 10:45:13] <Anticheese> Dick :P
[2008-10-01 10:45:13] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 RavingManiac
[2008-10-01 10:45:14] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 RavingManiac --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:45:38] <Alexor> Uh oh.
[2008-10-01 10:45:39] <Prometheus> You zoom to the weapons stockpile, escaping your pursuers
[2008-10-01 10:45:46] <Alexor> I'm scared now.
[2008-10-01 10:45:55] <Prometheus> Once you get there, however, you trip on an axe and fall into a weapons bin.
[2008-10-01 10:45:56] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:45:56] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:46:03] <Prometheus> You get some nasty cuts, but nothing life threatening
[2008-10-01 10:46:30] <Prometheus> You also tip over the bin, scattering axes and hammers all over.
[2008-10-01 10:46:46] <Anticheese> True dwarven weapons. I approve.
[2008-10-01 10:46:53] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster
[2008-10-01 10:46:54] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 10:46:57] <ThingyMaster> Damn
[2008-10-01 10:47:18] <Prometheus> Thingy, you don't find anything you like.
[2008-10-01 10:47:37] <Prometheus> They're all either too heavy, too light or the wrong material or model or etc. etc.
[2008-10-01 10:47:49] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Environment check
[2008-10-01 10:47:50] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Environment check --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[2008-10-01 10:48:04] <Prometheus> A vile force of darkness appears!
[2008-10-01 10:48:17] <Alexor> Oh snap.
[2008-10-01 10:48:31] <Prometheus> You can tell because of a crude broadcast system crackling to life and screaming such
[2008-10-01 10:48:36] <Alexor> How long til I complete the CHROM?
[2008-10-01 10:48:48] <RavingManiac> Nobody breached the pits, at lest
[2008-10-01 10:48:54] <Prometheus> It's finished next turn. Which starts now.
[2008-10-01 10:48:55] <RavingManiac> *least
[2008-10-01 10:48:58] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:48:59] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 10:49:13] <Prometheus> This is an adamantite CHROM. It is of average quality."
[2008-10-01 10:49:23] <Alexor> well, could be worse.
[2008-10-01 10:49:26] <Anticheese> >=(
[2008-10-01 10:49:31] <Anticheese> True.
[2008-10-01 10:49:37] <Alexor> The nobles might complain a little,
[2008-10-01 10:50:15] <RavingManiac> To hell with the nobles
[2008-10-01 10:50:18] <Alexor> I use the CHROM on myself, then try to asses the current state of the fortress.
[2008-10-01 10:50:24] <Prometheus> Actions! Anticheese?
[2008-10-01 10:50:31] <Alexor> ...*assess
[2008-10-01 10:50:39] <Anticheese> I attempt to run to the weapons stockpile where my raygun is!
[2008-10-01 10:50:46] <Prometheus> Raving?
[2008-10-01 10:50:55] * RavingManiac searches for the raygun
[2008-10-01 10:51:03] <Anticheese> Diiiiick :P
[2008-10-01 10:51:06] <Prometheus> Thingy?
[2008-10-01 10:51:07] <RavingManiac> :D
[2008-10-01 10:51:32] * ThingyMaster abondons his search for bone armor and goes back to searching for the cloths stockpile.
[2008-10-01 10:51:41] <Prometheus> roll time!
[2008-10-01 10:51:41] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled time! --> error: malformed expression
[2008-10-01 10:51:44] <Prometheus> :D
[2008-10-01 10:51:46] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 10:51:47] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 10:51:52] <RavingManiac> XD
[2008-10-01 10:51:55] <ThingyMaster> I am in Steampunk, I WILL DRESS AS SUCH.
[2008-10-01 10:52:02] <Alexor> Aww.
[2008-10-01 10:52:18] <Prometheus> You fiddle around with the controls, but you can't seem to find the correct slot for an ignition key.
[2008-10-01 10:52:24] <Alexor> Ergh.
[2008-10-01 10:52:33] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 10:52:34] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:52:36] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 RavingManiac
[2008-10-01 10:52:36] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 RavingManiac --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 10:52:41] <RavingManiac> Woot
[2008-10-01 10:52:42] <Anticheese> ...Nuts.
[2008-10-01 10:52:54] <RavingManiac> I'll give it back, I promise!
[2008-10-01 10:53:01] <Anticheese> You better.
[2008-10-01 10:53:15] <Anticheese> Remember, this thing does *EVERYTHING* a raygun can conceivably do.
[2008-10-01 10:53:19] <Prometheus> Anticheese, you arrive just in time to see RavingManiac plow through several crates, trying to find the raygun
[2008-10-01 10:53:35] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 to avoid more lacerations
[2008-10-01 10:53:35] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 to avoid more lacerations --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[2008-10-01 10:53:44] <ThingyMaster> Hahah
[2008-10-01 10:53:47] <Prometheus> you trip on a pike and impale your leg on it.
[2008-10-01 10:53:47] <Alexor> PAIN TIME
[2008-10-01 10:53:50] <Anticheese> My...Spleen
[2008-10-01 10:54:00] <ThingyMaster> You have a spleen in your leg?
[2008-10-01 10:54:01] <Prometheus> You fall over.
[2008-10-01 10:54:04] <Shandrunn> Can you roll for the result of my MystCon?
[2008-10-01 10:54:09] <Prometheus> That was for Thingy
[2008-10-01 10:54:09] <Anticheese> Of course. Where do you keep yours?
[2008-10-01 10:54:13] <Anticheese> Oh
[2008-10-01 10:54:13] <Prometheus> yes
[2008-10-01 10:54:15] <Prometheus> Shandrunn
[2008-10-01 10:54:16] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 10:54:16] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:54:32] <Prometheus> It is an artifact amulet.
[2008-10-01 10:54:43] <ThingyMaster> Oh, crap. So I just fell in the stockpile?
[2008-10-01 10:54:44] <Prometheus> Encircled with bands of turtle shell and menacing with spikes of rope reed cloth.


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Re: Logs from an IRC RTD
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 08:19:08 am »

[2008-10-01 10:54:52] <Prometheus> Yeah.
[2008-10-01 10:54:56] <Prometheus> And got a pike in your leag.
[2008-10-01 10:54:57] <Alexor> Haw haw.
[2008-10-01 10:54:58] <Prometheus> leg*
[2008-10-01 10:55:00] <Prometheus> Or a spear at least
[2008-10-01 10:55:21] <RavingManiac> Or a salmon
[2008-10-01 10:55:43] <Prometheus> AGH
[2008-10-01 10:55:44] <Prometheus> Nevermind
[2008-10-01 10:55:46] <Prometheus> Mixed people
[2008-10-01 10:55:52] <Prometheus> ThingyMaster wasn't rolled for yet
[2008-10-01 10:55:57] <ThingyMaster> Yeah, I was confused.
[2008-10-01 10:56:01] <ThingyMaster> =P
[2008-10-01 10:56:04] <Prometheus> It was Raving, who was berserking in the stockpile who got hurt.
[2008-10-01 10:56:09] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster
[2008-10-01 10:56:10] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 10:56:23] <RavingManiac> Aww
[2008-10-01 10:56:37] <Prometheus> Thingy, you find an engineer's uniform and apron.
[2008-10-01 10:56:56] <ThingyMaster> Wait, I'm not at the cloths stockpile yet.
[2008-10-01 10:56:59] <ThingyMaster> I was looking for one.
[2008-10-01 10:56:59] <RavingManiac> Um... right, I've got something urgent to attend to
[2008-10-01 10:57:15] <Anticheese> It's cool. I got plans for your character anyway
[2008-10-01 10:57:16] <Prometheus> Ah
[2008-10-01 10:57:21] <Prometheus> Well you find a dressing room
[2008-10-01 10:57:27] <Prometheus> With uniforms on hangers.
[2008-10-01 10:57:27] <RavingManiac> Either somebody takes over for me, or I pull out the pike and stab myself repeatedly with it.
[2008-10-01 10:57:30] <Prometheus> Various colours.
[2008-10-01 10:57:56] <RavingManiac> Goodbye
[2008-10-01 10:57:56] <Anticheese> Don't worry. I'll kill him for you
[2008-10-01 10:58:04] <Prometheus> okay
[2008-10-01 10:58:05] *** RavingManiac quit (Quit )
[2008-10-01 10:58:23] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Environment check
[2008-10-01 10:58:23] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Environment check --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 10:58:35] <Prometheus> there are distant sounds, but you can't make it out.
[2008-10-01 10:59:07] <Prometheus> New turn!
[2008-10-01 10:59:09] <Prometheus> Alexor!
[2008-10-01 10:59:12] <Alexor> I note that drunkeness is the perpetual state of a dwarf anyways, and attempt to assess the current state of the fortress anyway.  If I fail, I go to find more alcohol.
[2008-10-01 10:59:38] <Prometheus> Anticheese!
[2008-10-01 11:00:09] <Anticheese> I notice that RavingManiac has frozen, so I grab the raygun and zap him..Turning him into a Rhesus Macaque
[2008-10-01 11:00:22] <Prometheus> Shandrunn!
[2008-10-01 11:00:40] <Shandrunn> I walk around the fortress showing off my new bling
[2008-10-01 11:00:43] <Alexor> Hey look, order.  How strange. 
[2008-10-01 11:00:44] <Prometheus> ThingyMaster!
[2008-10-01 11:00:55] <Shandrunn> Hahaha
[2008-10-01 11:00:57] * ThingyMaster searches for some dapper purple clothing.
[2008-10-01 11:01:00] <ThingyMaster> >=D
[2008-10-01 11:01:03] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 11:01:03] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 11:01:18] <Alexor> Eh.
[2008-10-01 11:01:19] *** Manicmonkey ( joined
[2008-10-01 11:01:29] <Shandrunn> Gonna become an administrator, Thingy?
[2008-10-01 11:01:34] <Manicmonkey> so is this rtd a pnp rpg?
[2008-10-01 11:01:47] <Manicmonkey> wellirc pnp rpg
[2008-10-01 11:01:50] <Prometheus> You think there might be a siege going on. At least that's what the glowing red lights suggest.
[2008-10-01 11:01:57] <Anticheese> Sorta. You state an action, then roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 11:02:01] <Anticheese> Success is indicated by your roll
[2008-10-01 11:02:04] <Prometheus> I do the rolling.
[2008-10-01 11:02:17] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 11:02:18] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 11:02:40] <Prometheus> You flash a wicked grin, turn the raygun on RavingManiac and zap him. He turns into a bleeding Rhesus Macaque
[2008-10-01 11:02:51] <Prometheus> It attempts to steal the pike!
[2008-10-01 11:02:52] <Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 11:02:52] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 11:02:56] <Anticheese> Bwahaha
[2008-10-01 11:02:58] <Prometheus> And succeeds
[2008-10-01 11:03:01] <Alexor> Lawl.
[2008-10-01 11:03:03] <Prometheus> It rushes off down the corridor
[2008-10-01 11:03:08] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn!
[2008-10-01 11:03:08] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn! --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 11:03:45] <Prometheus> You parade around the fort, showin off your amulet. The few dwarves not busy carrying siege ammo and gunpowder bins stop to admire you.
[2008-10-01 11:04:00] <Prometheus> You're now a Legendary Craftsdwarf, as well
[2008-10-01 11:04:06] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster!
[2008-10-01 11:04:07] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster! --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:04:13] <ThingyMaster> Dammit.
[2008-10-01 11:04:24] <Prometheus> You can't find any purple clothes. You think that it's all held in the Nobles' Quarter.
[2008-10-01 11:04:38] <Prometheus> roll 1d6 Environment
[2008-10-01 11:04:38] <Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Environment --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 11:04:49] <@nemppu2> what
[2008-10-01 11:04:51] <@nemppu2> the
[2008-10-01 11:04:51] <@nemppu2> hell
[2008-10-01 11:04:52] <Prometheus> You can hear cannons going off in the distance.
[2008-10-01 11:04:54] <@nemppu2> 11 users?
[2008-10-01 11:04:54] <@nemppu2> :D
[2008-10-01 11:04:57] <Prometheus> :D
[2008-10-01 11:04:58] *** nemppu2 sets channel #RTD mode +oo Prometheus Rollbot
[2008-10-01 11:05:00] <@Prometheus> Pass the OP, will ya
[2008-10-01 11:05:01] <@Prometheus> Thanks
[2008-10-01 11:05:18] <@Prometheus> nemppu, it is unclear whether you survived the space station exploding.
[2008-10-01 11:05:35] <@nemppu2> you should roll a 1d6 about it
[2008-10-01 11:05:37] <@Prometheus> Here are the logs from about the time we left off. This is a separate game now.
[2008-10-01 11:05:46] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 11:05:46] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 11:05:51] <@Prometheus> You did make it to an escape pod.
[2008-10-01 11:05:52] <@nemppu2> yay i survived! ^.^
[2008-10-01 11:05:59] <Anticheese> Ahem..
[2008-10-01 11:06:21] <@Prometheus> Right
[2008-10-01 11:06:25] <@Prometheus> New turn!
[2008-10-01 11:06:27] <@Prometheus> Alexor!
[2008-10-01 11:06:29] <Alexor> Ok, first, do I have any sort of combat skills, by any chance?
[2008-10-01 11:06:36] <@Prometheus> No.
[2008-10-01 11:06:40] <@nemppu2> so what sort of story are you playing here? does it have any of the same characters / is it at all linked to the last adventure?
[2008-10-01 11:06:49] <Shandrunn> It's steampunk DF
[2008-10-01 11:06:51] <Anticheese> Steampunk DF. Now ssh
[2008-10-01 11:06:53] <Alexor> Ok, I check the forge for more orders.
[2008-10-01 11:06:55] <@Prometheus> Anticheese!
[2008-10-01 11:07:08] <Anticheese> I attempt to further merge with the fortress!
[2008-10-01 11:07:14] <@Prometheus> Shandrunn!
[2008-10-01 11:07:23] <Shandrunn> Eating time!
[2008-10-01 11:07:30] <@Prometheus> ThingyMaster!
[2008-10-01 11:07:41] <@nemppu2> (ok sorry for interrutping, and also guys: i really think we should start playing AD&D or GURPS or something together, i feel that would be much more fun. prometheus if you want to start an irc gurps game im -SO- in)
[2008-10-01 11:07:51] <ThingyMaster> I search for nobel quarters to get some proper clothing.
[2008-10-01 11:07:54] <@Prometheus> (I don't know how to play either of them)
[2008-10-01 11:08:04] <@Prometheus> Rolls begin!
[2008-10-01 11:08:04] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled begin! --> error: malformed expression
[2008-10-01 11:08:11] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 11:08:12] <Alexor> Bwahaha.
[2008-10-01 11:08:12] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[2008-10-01 11:08:17] <ThingyMaster> Hahaha
[2008-10-01 11:08:23] <Alexor> What no argh.
[2008-10-01 11:08:41] <Shandrunn> (I've made a channel called #OtherRPG to discuss it)
[2008-10-01 11:08:45] <@nemppu2> (both can be torrented. gurps is general universal roleplaying system, very handy, takes a bit of reading to learn it at first but when you understand the idea it's really handy and you can play any sort of campaigns with it and its great and awesome, want a torrent link right away?)
[2008-10-01 11:08:47] <@Prometheus> As you lean closer to the speaking tube, listening for orders, you lose your balance and tip toward the lava!
[2008-10-01 11:08:50] <Anticheese> Shandrunn: #SquidRPG
[2008-10-01 11:08:51] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 save!
[2008-10-01 11:08:52] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 save! --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 11:08:52] <Alexor> Well, at least I chose something that's hard to crew up.
[2008-10-01 11:08:57] <Alexor> Wait,
[2008-10-01 11:09:00] <Alexor> Oh, ok.
[2008-10-01 11:09:00] <@Prometheus> You manage to avoid falling into the magma!
[2008-10-01 11:09:05] <@nemppu2> (come to #squidRPG if youre interested in a GURPS game)
[2008-10-01 11:09:13] *** GauHelldragon (barf@ left ()
[2008-10-01 11:09:18] <Alexor> Can I still check the orders?
[2008-10-01 11:09:32] <@Prometheus> And accidentally twist a wheel! You see the pressure gauge spiking.
[2008-10-01 11:09:44] <Alexor> I guess not.
[2008-10-01 11:09:48] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 11:09:49] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:09:54] <Anticheese> ARSE.
[2008-10-01 11:09:59] <@Prometheus> You fail to absorb more of the administrative functions.
[2008-10-01 11:10:11] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn
[2008-10-01 11:10:12] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 11:10:13] <Anticheese> Do I at least get some news on what is going on?
[2008-10-01 11:10:41] <@Prometheus> Shandrunn rushes to a dining hall.
[2008-10-01 11:10:52] <@Prometheus> You feel significantly happier.
[2008-10-01 11:11:09] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster
[2008-10-01 11:11:10] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 11:11:34] <@Prometheus> You manage to get yourself into the Countess Consort's quarters.
[2008-10-01 11:11:42] <Alexor> Oh boy.
[2008-10-01 11:11:47] <Shandrunn> Oh yeah!
[2008-10-01 11:11:48] <ThingyMaster> Haha
[2008-10-01 11:12:00] <Alexor> Nothing good can come of this.
[2008-10-01 11:12:03] <@Prometheus> It's empty, as the Count and his wife are propably holed up in a panic room
[2008-10-01 11:12:25] <ThingyMaster> Anticheese knows how much Man-whores intrest me.
[2008-10-01 11:12:30] <Anticheese> Heh
[2008-10-01 11:12:35] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Environment check
[2008-10-01 11:12:35] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Environment check --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[2008-10-01 11:12:43] <Alexor> Ohshi-
[2008-10-01 11:12:45] <@Prometheus> A bronze colossus appears!
[2008-10-01 11:12:49] <@Prometheus> It's outside, though.
[2008-10-01 11:13:05] <ThingyMaster> Sweet, Siege vs Bronze Colossus!
[2008-10-01 11:13:15] <@Prometheus> New actions!
[2008-10-01 11:13:16] <@Prometheus> Alexor!
[2008-10-01 11:13:50] <Alexor> Ok, I figure the forge is about to explode.  I breifly consider trying to fix it, but then change my mind and attempt to run away in slow motion, which should protect me from the blast.
[2008-10-01 11:14:40] <@Prometheus> Anticheese!
[2008-10-01 11:14:42] <Anticheese> I find out what the hell is going on by rushing into the dining hall and asking just that.
[2008-10-01 11:14:51] <@Prometheus> Shandrunn!
[2008-10-01 11:15:24] <Shandrunn> I chat with the people in the dining hall, slacker that I am.
[2008-10-01 11:15:51] <@Prometheus> Thingy!
[2008-10-01 11:15:53] * ThingyMaster ignores the sounds of impending doom to find a proper Man-whore outfit. Looking for one that has garters (sp?).
[2008-10-01 11:16:03] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 11:16:04] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 11:16:19] <Alexor> YES!!!
[2008-10-01 11:16:47] <@Prometheus> You look at the forge, sweat building up. You drop any attempts at salvaging the forge, grab your adamantite CHROM and run out of the smithy in slow motion.
[2008-10-01 11:16:56] <@Prometheus> The explosion has pretty CGI effects.
[2008-10-01 11:16:58] <@Prometheus> But you avoid them.
[2008-10-01 11:17:12] <Alexor> Hurrah!
[2008-10-01 11:17:16] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 11:17:17] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:17:22] <Anticheese> DIIIICE
[2008-10-01 11:17:35] <@Prometheus> You stumble into the dining hall and utter "Whushpin?!"
[2008-10-01 11:17:36] <ThingyMaster> Anticheese: Was that done in Shatners voice?
[2008-10-01 11:17:41] <Anticheese> Yes.
[2008-10-01 11:18:01] <@Prometheus> A few dwarves turn to look at you quizzically.
[2008-10-01 11:18:05] <Anticheese> Also, KAAAAAAHN!
[2008-10-01 11:18:08] <@Prometheus> Then they return to their cat biscuits.
[2008-10-01 11:18:14] <@Prometheus> Khan*
[2008-10-01 11:18:25] <Anticheese> I knew a guy called Khan.
[2008-10-01 11:18:29] <Anticheese> True story.
[2008-10-01 11:18:39] <ThingyMaster> I bet he hated that movie.
[2008-10-01 11:19:10] <Anticheese> We were in primary school. That kind of shit never makes it there unless your parents family members are fucking neckbeards
[2008-10-01 11:19:11] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn
[2008-10-01 11:19:11] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:19:44] <@Prometheus> You attempt to start a conversation, but the dwarves are munching hurriedly and have no time to listen to you, bling or not.
[2008-10-01 11:20:04] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster


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Re: Logs from an IRC RTD
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2008, 08:19:57 am »

[2008-10-01 11:20:04] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[2008-10-01 11:20:13] * ThingyMaster screams furiously.
[2008-10-01 11:20:15] <Alexor> Oh boy.
[2008-10-01 11:20:19] <ThingyMaster> The dice hate me.
[2008-10-01 11:20:22] <Alexor> Now yer screwed.
[2008-10-01 11:20:23] <@Prometheus> You..uh..
[2008-10-01 11:20:45] <@Prometheus> You decide to undress before searching the wardrobe.
[2008-10-01 11:20:54] <ThingyMaster> Sounds perfectly logical.
[2008-10-01 11:21:05] <@Prometheus> As you're examining a dress, a door opens behind you.
[2008-10-01 11:21:06] * Anticheese plays bass guitar in the background
[2008-10-01 11:21:10] <Alexor> countress walks in in 3...2...
[2008-10-01 11:21:13] <@Prometheus> The secret corridor to the panic room lies beyond.
[2008-10-01 11:21:19] <@Prometheus> And one very surprised Countess Consort.
[2008-10-01 11:21:21] <@Prometheus> And the Count.
[2008-10-01 11:21:27] <@Prometheus> They stare at you for a moment.
[2008-10-01 11:21:40] <@Prometheus> then "THIEF! PROTECT THE HOARD FROM THE SKULKING FILTH!"
[2008-10-01 11:21:44] <Anticheese> HAH!
[2008-10-01 11:21:50] <Alexor> BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
[2008-10-01 11:21:52] <ThingyMaster> Hahah
[2008-10-01 11:22:03] <@Prometheus> Royal guards burst in, axes ready.
[2008-10-01 11:22:08] <Anticheese> Oh man, that was fucking great
[2008-10-01 11:22:43] <Alexor> Thingy's lust for power has cost him DEARLY.
[2008-10-01 11:22:55] <Alexor> Or at least his lust for purple.
[2008-10-01 11:23:06] <@Prometheus> And satin
[2008-10-01 11:23:10] <Alexor> Actually, it kinda looks like it was just his lust.
[2008-10-01 11:23:15] <Anticheese> And leather. Bow chicka bow wow
[2008-10-01 11:23:19] <Alexor> Period.
[2008-10-01 11:23:21] <@Prometheus> New turn!
[2008-10-01 11:23:24] <ThingyMaster> It's always my undoing.
[2008-10-01 11:23:26] <@Prometheus> Alexor!
[2008-10-01 11:24:00] <Alexor> I look for a new, more interesting and less blown up room to screw around in.
[2008-10-01 11:24:37] <@Prometheus> Anticheese!
[2008-10-01 11:24:39] <Anticheese> I re-enact the song "Slipping" from Part 3 of Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog. Complete with music, singing and death ray.
[2008-10-01 11:24:50] <@Prometheus> Shandrunn!
[2008-10-01 11:25:17] <Shandrunn> Um... I go to the fortifications to look outside and see how the siege is going.
[2008-10-01 11:25:54] <@Prometheus> ThingyMaster!
[2008-10-01 11:26:06] * ThingyMaster quickly streaks out the room screaming "Harmagoma-flamagmon".
[2008-10-01 11:26:45] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 11:26:45] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:26:50] <Alexor> Aww.
[2008-10-01 11:26:51] <ThingyMaster> I hope the WTF factor will allow me to escape.
[2008-10-01 11:27:07] <@Prometheus> You try to find a workshop, but only wander through uninteresting stockpiles.
[2008-10-01 11:27:14] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 11:27:14] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:27:23] <Anticheese> WHY AM I GETTING SO MANY TWOS!?
[2008-10-01 11:27:30] <Anticheese> (Can I have a reroll? pwease?)
[2008-10-01 11:27:32] <@Prometheus> You attempt to break into a song, but you feel silly.
[2008-10-01 11:27:38] <Anticheese> Aww.
[2008-10-01 11:27:40] <@Prometheus> Besides, the dwarves are not paying attention.
[2008-10-01 11:27:43] <Alexor> Whew, I figured I'd end up in the middle of the bronze collosus/goblin fight.
[2008-10-01 11:27:44] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn
[2008-10-01 11:27:44] <ThingyMaster> Two is the loneliest number next to the number one.
[2008-10-01 11:27:45] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 11:28:43] <@Prometheus> You rush to the fortifications! You are stunned by the scene of a gigantic mechanical monster stomping goblins!
[2008-10-01 11:28:47] <Alexor> Go Shad.
[2008-10-01 11:28:53] <@Prometheus> You panic and lose your footing!
[2008-10-01 11:28:54] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 11:28:55] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 11:29:15] <@Prometheus> But you manage to avoid falling. Unfortunately you end up right next to a cannon
[2008-10-01 11:29:22] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 to avoid going deaf
[2008-10-01 11:29:23] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 to avoid going deaf --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 11:29:35] <@Prometheus> You clamp your hands on your ears, but it doesn't help much
[2008-10-01 11:29:50] <@Prometheus> All you can hear is a painfully loud ringing, but it starts to quiet down.
[2008-10-01 11:29:59] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster
[2008-10-01 11:30:00] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:30:15] <@Prometheus> You attempt to streak past the guards, but they have enough of a presence of mind to stand in your way.
[2008-10-01 11:30:21] <@Prometheus> They attempt to seize you.
[2008-10-01 11:30:21] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6
[2008-10-01 11:30:21] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[2008-10-01 11:30:33] <ThingyMaster> The dice are out to get me.
[2008-10-01 11:30:50] <Alexor> No, that's just me.
[2008-10-01 11:30:52] <@Prometheus> But the one who grabs you loses his balance and topples, crashing to the floor.
[2008-10-01 11:30:52] <Alexor> Muhaha.
[2008-10-01 11:31:03] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 opportunity!
[2008-10-01 11:31:03] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 opportunity! --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[2008-10-01 11:31:11] <ThingyMaster> Oh that was him rolling?
[2008-10-01 11:31:16] <ThingyMaster> I thought it was me trying to evade.
[2008-10-01 11:31:18] <ThingyMaster> Cool.
[2008-10-01 11:31:25] <@Prometheus> You seize this opportunity to leap over the fallen guard, rushing down the corridor, clutching the dress you nicked
[2008-10-01 11:31:33] <ThingyMaster> Bwahaha
[2008-10-01 11:31:56] <Alexor> Remember that you are naked,
[2008-10-01 11:32:17] <Alexor> And that the fortress is filled with drunken short people.
[2008-10-01 11:32:27] * Alexor winks at Thingy.
[2008-10-01 11:32:29] <ThingyMaster> If it's an old fortress, Everyone is naked.
[2008-10-01 11:32:35] <ThingyMaster> Covered in water/mud/vomit.
[2008-10-01 11:33:13] <Anticheese> Prometheus: #Artifice is now open. We are discussing rules
[2008-10-01 11:33:54] *** Leissi ( joined
[2008-10-01 11:33:55] <ThingyMaster> Also mention that I'm naked.
[2008-10-01 11:34:00] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 environment
[2008-10-01 11:34:01] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 environment --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[2008-10-01 11:34:32] <@Prometheus> A lucky cannon shot hits the bronze mechanoid colossus in the chest, rupturing the main boiler.
[2008-10-01 11:34:47] <@Prometheus> It detonates, scattering huge fragments of bronze all over the landscape!
[2008-10-01 11:34:55] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrun dodge!
[2008-10-01 11:34:56] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrun dodge! --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:35:00] * Anticheese winces
[2008-10-01 11:35:05] <@Prometheus> A fragment impacts the wall right under you!
[2008-10-01 11:35:15] <@Prometheus> The entire section of wall threatens to fall apart
[2008-10-01 11:36:41] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 save
[2008-10-01 11:36:41] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 save --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:36:44] <@Prometheus> ouch
[2008-10-01 11:36:50] <Shandrunn> >_>
[2008-10-01 11:36:58] <@Prometheus> you fall along with several large stone blocks off the battlement.
[2008-10-01 11:37:01] <Alexor> Is the seige still here?
[2008-10-01 11:37:03] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 damage resist
[2008-10-01 11:37:03] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 damage resist --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
[2008-10-01 11:37:16] <@Prometheus> You break a few ribs, but aren't in mortal danger.
[2008-10-01 11:37:22] <@Prometheus> You are in great pain, though.
[2008-10-01 11:37:55] <@Prometheus> The siege is mostly scattered after being stomped by a steam mecha which exploded on top of 'em
[2008-10-01 11:38:03] <Alexor> Makes sense.
[2008-10-01 11:38:10] <@Prometheus> New turn!
[2008-10-01 11:38:11] <@Prometheus> Alexor
[2008-10-01 11:38:13] <Alexor> I continue my search for an interesting room.
[2008-10-01 11:38:18] <@Prometheus> Anti!
[2008-10-01 11:38:30] <Anticheese> I re-attempt my performance!
[2008-10-01 11:38:44] <@Prometheus> You'll get a -1 for unoriginality.
[2008-10-01 11:38:47] <ThingyMaster> Anticheese is such a fanboy.
[2008-10-01 11:38:56] <Anticheese> Bollocks.
[2008-10-01 11:38:56] <@Prometheus> Shandrunn!
[2008-10-01 11:38:57] <Shandrunn> I loot the battlefield! SHOOOOEEEEES!
[2008-10-01 11:38:58] <Anticheese> Alright
[2008-10-01 11:39:03] <@Prometheus> ThingyMaster!
[2008-10-01 11:39:18] <Anticheese> HAH
[2008-10-01 11:40:04] * ThingyMaster puts on the dress and trys to blend in so to not be spoted by guards.
[2008-10-01 11:40:23] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Alexor
[2008-10-01 11:40:23] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Alexor --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[2008-10-01 11:40:28] <Alexor> Aww.
[2008-10-01 11:40:42] <@Prometheus> You wander aimlessly through the industrial sector
[2008-10-01 11:40:46] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Anticheese
[2008-10-01 11:40:46] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Anticheese --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 11:41:02] <@Prometheus> You begin singing waveringly.
[2008-10-01 11:41:03] <ThingyMaster> Don't forget the -1
[2008-10-01 11:41:15] <@Prometheus> The dwarves are starting to get up and leave.
[2008-10-01 11:41:15] <Anticheese> And then shoot up the dining hall.
[2008-10-01 11:41:31] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 Shandrunn
[2008-10-01 11:41:32] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 Shandrunn --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 11:41:42] <@Prometheus> You get up and spot something outside the courtyard.
[2008-10-01 11:41:49] <@Prometheus> Your eyes light up.
[2008-10-01 11:42:07] <@Prometheus> You sprint outside to a goblin crushed under a falling block.
[2008-10-01 11:42:21] <@Prometheus> You wiggle its shoes off and run back toward a stockpile, happily.
[2008-10-01 11:42:39] <@Prometheus> Leaving its intact weapon and metal boots
[2008-10-01 11:43:17] <Shandrunn> Never say I don't give an accurate portrayal of DF =D
[2008-10-01 11:45:11] <Alexor> ...
[2008-10-01 11:45:18] <Anticheese> NEXT TURN
[2008-10-01 11:45:21] <@Prometheus> I might have to leave soon
[2008-10-01 11:45:26] <@Prometheus> School in 30
[2008-10-01 11:45:27] <ThingyMaster> I haven't done my action =/
[2008-10-01 11:45:27] <Anticheese> Aw
[2008-10-01 11:45:38] <Alexor> What the F happened to Thingy's turn?
[2008-10-01 11:45:41] <@Prometheus> roll 1d6 ThingyMaster
[2008-10-01 11:45:42] <@Rollbot> Prometheus rolled 1d6 ThingyMaster --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[2008-10-01 11:45:50] <@Prometheus> You wear the purple dress.
[2008-10-01 11:46:07] <@Prometheus> The passing guards look at you strangely, but ignore you.
[2008-10-01 11:46:21] <@Prometheus> Let's break here