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Author Topic: Starting 3D Models  (Read 17222 times)

Toady One

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Starting 3D Models
« on: March 22, 2002, 02:41:00 pm »

Now I'm starting 3D models.  Since I'm building them bit by bit from the random creature body definitions, they will probably look a little clunky/blocky at first.  When I make the stock creature editor later, I'll have a model/texture maker so that stock creatures look as they should.  Then the Roguelike fans that complain about not having ASCII critters can draw things up themselves  :p  First I need to get stick figures running around, which requires adding yet more variables to creature bodies (more precise body part locations, and what kind of posture the creature typically holds, etc.).  I'm actually more worried about displaying liquids, depending on how far I take it for the next release.

Although I was a few hours late last time, this will probably be the version where I truely overshoot that insane series of deadlines I posted a while ago.  3D Models out by March 27th!  You'd better believe it.  At least until March 25th or so when I start bitching.  I might get the models themselves done in time, but I also have liquid display and a number of cosmetic changes slated for this version.

If I generate any nice screen shots along the way, I'll post them.

Actually, the clean-up release will probably take longer than this one.  There's a lot of cleaning to do.

Incidentally, I just found out that my morning calculus section that I'm teaching next quarter starts at 11:00, which is fantastic news on the I-get-to-sleep-in-occasionally front.  Late nights mean more programming.

[ March 22, 2002: Message edited by: Toady One ]

The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


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Re: Starting 3D Models
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2002, 04:28:00 pm »

You sir,are MAD!Stark...raving,completely MAD!

If your idea of "assisted suicide" is someone propping your eyelids open with toothpics while you type until your fingers bleed,well...I don't know what to say.

I will run out for more toothpics(you live nearby IIRC so if you hear somebody screaming "Toady one!I have the toothpics!" somewhere outside your window,then be a good man and toss out a diet coke and a vial of 70/30 insulin before you call the authorities.

So are you going to be releasing the model editor you created?

quot;I am in a very peculiar business...I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know"-James Randi

Toady One

  • The Great
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Re: Starting 3D Models
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2002, 05:02:00 pm »

Hey, all my friends split for Spring break and the professor that was supposed to give me some reading is ignoring me.  My computer is all I have :(

Who needs toothpicks when you have loud music!  Blag Jesus screaming "F*ck the world!  I will deny you!" keeps the everyday programmer motivated and fast-paced.  I've also been playing the Repo Man soundtrack, the DKs, and more Iggy, of course.  It works well.  I didn't play any GG while I was doing corpse processing, which is probably a good thing, since that kind of synergy might cause psychosis...

You're in Tacoma or some such place, right?  I used to live in Seattle, but I'm down at Stanford now.  At least weather in Washington is kinda predictable.  I don't know what I'm going to get from day to day...  torrential downpours, blistering sun, heavy wind, or just a nice breeze.

Yeah, I don't plan on having any private editors at all.  I might even make the game open-source some day, but only when I'm feeling more masochistic (I can only take so many snide comments from arrogant programming uberjocks per day).  Releasing the editors makes development slightly slower, since the interface must be made presentable.  However, most of the editors will also be used by players during the game in some form or another (for instance, a restricted creature editor could be used for the wizard player to create his or her own race of servant creatures, etc.), so I have to make good interfaces anyway.

That doesn't mean the model editor is coming very soon.  I'm writing it whenever I make the stock creature editor (that is slated 14 releases away right now, but the plan is always in flux).

In the meantime, I'll have to field blistering critiques from real artists such as yourself.  The first round of models might be...  well, yeah.  I'll do what I can.  It's more important to get the system running first.  At least slightly more important...  really bad 3D models can be lethal.

The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starting 3D Models
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2002, 12:47:00 am »

"Real artists such as myself"??

Yeah right.With a pencil,a pen...hell even a paintbrush I am alright.DOing 2d pixel stuff...I have gotten a lot better.Maybe I will play around with some of your interface pics just to see what comes of it...if anything decent I will send you something just in case but the stuff you got already is pretty functional and easy to understand(i.e. I can tell what each pic symbolises without undo head scratching).
But I have never done a full on 3D model yet...the learning curve is so steep on even the simplest prog's I have tried that I never get very far into an attempt.The landscape stuff in prog's like Bryce and whatnot is a little easier(but not much) and I have done a couple cool pics with that stuff.The reason I was interested in yours is 'cuz I remember reading something you posted about writing your own modeler because the others(blender etc.) were too complicated or something.

Yeah music is good.I haven't listened to much of anything though in the last few years.I think a combination of fronting my own band for 3 years and then witnessing the latest incursion of boy and girl "bands",Limp Bizkit/Korn clones etc. has left me sort of numb or indifferent.
Occasionally I will dig out some Misfits or Ministry or whatever but mostly I just read,play games, and work on the programming and/or graphics stuff(without musical accompaniment).

quot;I am in a very peculiar business...I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know"-James Randi