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Author Topic: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"  (Read 1566 times)


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Note: This is my first story fortress. I ask that you be patient with me, as I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I'm fairly new at DF, and am probably not playing it right - if there is a right. I set out on this story with no preconceived ideas. I wanted the randomness of DF to drive the story. So, it is with great joy that I share with you the story of Axefalls. I only hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoying writing it.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 1st Granite, 1051

I write this as the wagon moves along a pleasantly smooth plain, so I believe the writing may actually be  readable. We are nearly at the location provided to us by the King, so I feel that it's necessary for me to scribe this information now, as I feel I will be too busy later with the management of this outpost.

We embarked seventeen days ago on our journey. We're bringing enough food and supplies to allow us to reach our destination, as well as a quantity to ensure we have the time to start producing our own food and drink once we arrive and begin our task.

I insisted on bringing more plump helmet spawn than the hoardmaster suggested. I swear to Vetek, that  fool would have us taking a pot of belly fluff just as soon as give us a chance for survival. I was stern, and  he didn't seem that he wanted to argue on this particular day. Once again, Olinvabôk determination wins.  Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

At the same time, I procured three copper picks. I believe the three food-related professions I requested will  have plenty of time to mine any necessary areas while the helmets grow. Despite the weight, I also insisted on an anvil. I've heard too many a story of an outpost failing because of the lack of this critical item. I'm taking no chances. A good supply of meat, and a few extra seeds were also on my list. The smelly old hoardmaster begrudgingly gave me all I asked for - even the breeding pair of hunting dogs. He did raise an eyebrow at the near-dozen turtles I requested. I don't really know what it is about them, I just really like the little buggers.

Shortly after making sure the hoardmaster wasn't going to fall asleep or simply eat my manifest, I went to meet  my new companions for this adventure. The King saw fit to provide me with the following dwarves:

Amost Kosothatham, Baker. I liked this fellow the moment I saw him. He has a calm demeanor, though may just be a bit shy. I couldn't help but notice as I approached that he was actually reciting to himself a sort of greeting - practicing for his meeting with me. I smiled a bit behind my beard (where he couldn't see, of course) and  greeting him with a strong handshake. His return smile was not so well hidden. I think he'll make a fine chef, surely able to provide us with excellent meals.

Solon Tomênfikod, Brewer. This lass was a bit...different, I must say. Her hair was a bit unkempt, and her clothes were a bit rough. However, I feel that as a brewer, her appearance isn't that important. If she's got a  good head on her shoulders (and I believe she does), we'll do fine in the alcohol department. And [god name]  knows, we cannot succeed without that.

Bëmbul Odgúboddom, Butcher. Another stout lass, but one with a confidence problem perhaps. She shifted nervously from foot to foot as I greeted her, and never quite looked me straight in the eye. I guess butchering animals  all day might make you a bit put off by the living. Time will tell, I suppose. I did notice that she was a bit distracted by the mule, and didn't help with the loading of the wagon. I will have to keep an eye on this one to  ensure she does her fair share.

Sarvesh Gídthurkilrud, Ranger. Sarvesh greeted me cautiously, chewing the whole time on a quarry bush leaf. He appeared to me to be quite strong and capable. No doubt he is very familiar with the use of an axe, as was  mentioned in the personnel report I received a few days ago. He was wearing a dress made from an unusual leather that I wasn't familiar with. I'll have to remember to ask him about it if and when he ever says more than one  word at a time.

Thob Umlogem, Freemason. When I first noticed the listing for a freemason on my personnel list, I have to admit  I was severely disappointed. Every freemason I've known has been a snooty, stuck-up boob with more alcohol in  their system than anything else. Thob, however, appears to be different. When I mentioned (slightly tongue-in-cheek, I must admit) how impressed I was that a freemason would be joining us, she simply nodded and turned her head away. I swear to Vetek that I saw her blush! A freemason blushing! No one will ever believe me. I think she'll do just fine.

Nish Medtobkilrud, Smithy. A metalsmith will be a necessity for the creation of weapons and armor to fight the goblin filth, so I was excited to meet the lucky fellow that would be joining us. I'll reserve true judgment  until further on in our expedition, but my initial impressions are not necessarily good. Nish appears to be arrogant, pompous and a show-off. He insisted on loading as much of the wagon as possible, stopping not a few times to show off his muscles to Bëmbul. I don't think she was impressed, as she simply turned back to petting  the mule. I guess a strong work ethic may redeem him later on.

I suppose it's only fair that I make a note here regarding myself. This journal is supposed to be a detailed  account of this expedition, after all. My name is Kadôl Olinvabôk. I will be the foreman of this expedition. I  am trained in the design and construction of buildings and mechanical devices. My responsibilities will also  include the upkeep of records and the organization of the other members of our party. As for my profile, I am not entitled to indulge myself here. I'll let my actions define who I am.

Over these past two weeks, I've become good friends with a few of the party, namely Thob, Nish and Bëmbul. The others wouldn't necessarily be invited to my birthday drink, but I think we'll all get along just wonderfully. That is, if the goblins don't get us first. And I swear I saw a giant eagle just a few miles back. I hope Sarvesh's demeanor hides a brave warrior.

Amost has just told me that we've arrived at where he believe the map says we should be. I'll enter more in this journal when I have the time.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2008, 11:37:22 pm »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 2nd Granite, 1051

As soon as we arrived, I set to work. I gave Sarvesh instructions to break down the wagon into all of its individual parts. He did look at me a bit sideways, but I ensured him that we wouldn't be needing it anymore. I'm not sure the reality of what we had been charged with had sunk in until just then. I sent Solon, Bëmbul and Amost off to the area that I designated to be our new home. A flat clearing, perfect for my plans. I asked them to dig straight down, building a staircase that will be the main center point of the outpost. I instructed them to dig twenty-one flights. Not only does this serve as a good exercise for their skills in mining, but it will give us a first-hand look at what lies beneath us. As we approached this site, it was fairly obvious that the King is wise in his prospecting, as the site is absolutely littered with limestone boulders! Access to a flux material is almost assured! A brook runs through this area as well. I had hoped for a slightly larger body of water, but it will have to do.

I ordered the designation of stockpiles near the entrance for our supplies. That way, I can have a good idea of where we stand. I've asked Sarvesh to begin hunting the local wildlife as soon as the wagon is dismantled. No harm in starting early. I'll order the construction of a butchery and tanning workshop as soon as the miners pull up enough stone from the staircase shaft.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 11:38:04 pm »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 3rd Granite, 1051

Everything is looking excellent so far. Amost is turning out to be a very proficient miner. I'm impressed with his willingness to get the job done. He informed me just a bit ago that they had struck a gemstone while carving the sixth flight of stairs. He said it was clear tourmaline! This is an excellent find. Maybe luck will be on our side!

I hear Sarvesh off in the distance, screaming and charging after what appeared to be a mountain goat. It's nice to see he's not all quiet. I do see though that the wagon hasn't been dismantled. Hopefully he returns from his impromptu hunt soon.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 11:38:27 pm »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 7th Granite, 1051

Seems we've lucked out again. This site is blanketed in a layer of silt, just below ground level. This will be perfect for planting the plump helmets and digging large areas for storage quickly. I have grand plans for this output. It may even become a grand fortress some day!

Sarvesh is still gone on his hunt. I hope nothing has happened. Hopefully he and the goat can come to some sort of agreement soon, so we can keep progressing.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2008, 11:39:14 pm »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 8th Granite, 1051

I have new respect for the hardiness of mountain goats. I was looking over our stocks of drink when I was startled by the howl of a dwarf on a mission. Next thing I know, Sarvesh is heading towards the wagon, a goat sprinting just in front of him. They both streaked past the dig site, neither paying any mind to the half dozen dwarves gawking at their spectacle. The goat was bleeding from what looked to be a mortal axe wound to the belly, but had just not given up yet. I hope the thing dies soon, I want that wagon broken down. As he has the only axe, I'll also need to put Sarvesh on tree cutting duty soon. I fear he may be busy with this task, as there are few trees here and they are greatly spaced. I must remember to ask for wood to be imported with the caravan next year.

As a side note, Solon just notified me that they hit marble after digging through seven layers of limestone. Seven! I fear my desire to have flux material for steel making may have been taken a bit too literally. Oh well, I guess I don't have to worry about running out.

I'm ordering the construction of the butchery and tanning workshop today.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2008, 11:39:47 pm »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 12th Granite, 1051

I detailed my plans for the layout of the first layer of the [the word "fortress" is crossed out hastily] outpost. It's ambitious, but I think our group can handle it. I've designated a grid design fed by four large hallways. Off of these hallways will be farms and storerooms. Each of these large rooms will have a central staircase going down to the next level. This is where I plan to have the workshops built. It's a lot of mining, but the end result will be spectacular. Besides, our miners are having no problem digging through this silt. I know the workshops will take longer, but I do think this initial effort will be worth it, so I dismissed the raised eyebrows when I showed the plans to the miners.

Also, the hollering has died down, so it seems Sarvesh finally got that pesky goat. I will do my best to direct him to the still-in-one-piece wagon when he returns.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2008, 11:41:00 pm »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 15th Granite, 1051

[This entry is scribbled hastily, and is barely legible]

I knew I saw an eagle as we approached this site! It swooped near the outpost just a few minutes ago! So far, it has left us be, but I doubt that will last. I hope Sarvesh returns soon.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 26th Granite, 1051

No sign of the eagle for several days now.

The farming has started! We're on our way to being fed properly for all our effort. The excavation of the storage level is proceeding well.

I have noticed that Amost and Bëmbul have been spending their dining time together. I can see the way they look at each other, and it's only a matter of time before they admit to one another that there is a spark there. I'm happy for them. May their love burn as hot as a forge.

Yes, a forge...I need to get moving on that steel production. Hopefully we find some iron ore soon. I ask Vetek daily to not subject me to the horrible irony of being bathed in this much flux and having no ore in sight.

(That's it for tonight, I'm so tired - been writing for 2 hours straight. There's much more to come, if you wish, though.)
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2008, 09:22:33 am »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 9th Slate, 1051

The storage level is over half finished. I continue to be amazed at my brethren's desire and passion for their work. Morale is very high. I've ordered the stockpiles moved indoors. Hopefully that will draw less attention from that damnable eagle.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 11th Slate, 1051

More distressing news. Sarvesh notified me earlier today that he found the corpse of a batman nearby. Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 11th Slate, 1051

I've realized that in my haste to begin this project, I've neglected some of the basic necessities of comfort. Several of my party have fallen asleep where they worked. I shall immediately work on the necessary steps to construct be [entry ends abruptly with a rough trailing of ink down the page]

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 11th Slate, 1051

Yes, I fell asleep while writing the previous entry. I was in the middle of berating myself for forgetting to build proper bedrooms and beds for our party. This will be top priority after the completion of the storage level.

I have a sketch for my plan. The bedrooms will be grand - fitting for dwarves of our skill. When some of the more important projects are completed, I'll order decorations to complement the quality of these rooms. Living here will be wonderful!

P.S. Silt is actually quite the comfortable place to sleep. Who would have guessed?

P.P.S. That damned wagon still sits. I'm going to have to break it down myself soon, if Sarvesh doesn't get up the gumption to do it. His dedication is the only one I question at the moment. I wonder if he's really out there hunting, or if he's napping under a highwood with the dogs?
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2008, 09:23:35 am »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 2nd Felsite, 1051

Sarvesh reported seeing another batman corpse, as well as the dead body of a cave swallowman. Still no sign of our eagle friend, but it might be responsible for the corpses we're seeing.

I've set Thob to making blocks from the excess stone we're accumulating. Their compact nature will allow us to optimize storage of the stone. And it helps her to feel important, as most of the work being done now is in the silt.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 9th Felsite, 1051

Despite my best efforts, the excavation of the storage level seems to be taking longer than expected. I will do my best to not become frustrated, but it appears I will have to accelerate my plans for the workshops. Our alcohol supply is dwindling.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 22nd Felsite, 1051

I finally gave up on Sarvesh ever doing his blasted job, and tore the wagon down myself. He's starting to get on my nerves, but as long as he's wielding that axe and filling our food and wood stockpiles I think I'll give him a wide berth.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2008, 09:24:42 am »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 1st Hematite, 1051

Summer is already here! I'm astonished with how quickly the time passes when one is so busy! Too busy, it seems, as I've completely neglected starting the crafting of trade goods for the autumn caravan. This failure must be rectified soon. The newly begun workshop level will have to be used sooner than anticipated.

We check the skies almost daily for any sign of the eagle. No sign of it so far. No sign of Sarvesh lately either. Where has that blasted dwarf gone to now?

We've found a very small vein of malachite in the workshop level. Not enough to be of any real value, but it's a start. It at least means we can smelt something. I'm starting to worry about the complete lack of iron ores being found so far. I simply don't have time to dig exploratory shafts at this point.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 6th Hematite, 1051

I thought I would take this opportunity before bedding down (still without a bed...I really need to get those workshops finished) to update His Majesty on the status of his subjects. Amost is really coming into his own as a miner. He has complained to me about the lack of beds or any other seating, but I assured him that it was coming. He'll understand when he stands in awe of my final accomplishments. His relationship with Bëmbul continues unabated now. I just hope they are mining when they are down in the [again, the word "fortress" is hastily scratched out] dig site, and not "other" things.

Solon is doing well. She's a hard worker, and I am pleased to have her with us. Again, more complaints about the lack of furniture. I just wish they could understand my priorities.

Bëmbul seems to be as happy as can be. I think her romance with Amost is keeping her spirits high, despite the lack of basic comforts. She could exert herself a bit more in her duties, instead of flashing her pretty eyes towards Amost at every opportunity.

Sarvesh - oh, where to begin? I knew this one would be trouble. He complains constantly. No chairs, no beds, terrible vermin. I'm sorry, but if your job is to hunt vermin, how can you complain about them not being terribly agreeable with you slaughtering them? He needs to straighten up and get back to work. He even complained about flies! FLIES! I'm still angry about the wagon. If he doesn't improve, I'll ask Nish to forge another pick and I'll put him to work in the mine.

Thob complains as much as the others. She seems to have difficulty in following orders too. Fumbles about constantly. I think she has a problem with consistently getting discouraged. Each stone block has to be just perfect before it exits the shop. This is going to slow progress.

Nish needs work. I feel that I have failed in this task, but it will be remedied shortly once the craftdwarf's workshop is completed. I'm going to assign him to carving our trade goods for the autumn caravan. He's been taking advantage of the lack of work and drinking too much. I will demand the creation of as many crafts as he can create - and I'll have to watch him to make sure he works and doesn't smother himself in booze all day.

As for myself, I've taken up carpentry. The feel of the wood while I broke down the wagon was enticing. While I doubt it'll ever replace the smooth beauty that is stone, it will suffice to keep me busy during my free time. I'll work first on the beds, since Sarvesh is apparently useless.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2008, 09:26:11 am »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 11th Hematite, 1051

The malachite vein is larger than originally thought. It's not much, but hopefully it improves morale a bit for the mining team. I think they tire of seeing limestone. I have to admit that I do as well. I'd trade a pound of my beard for some magnetite!

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 14th Hematite, 1051

I've shown the mining team my plans for the bedroom complex, to be situated on the third level. Solon didn't seem happy about digging out another stretch of limestone. I didn't expect this from her. Will probably have to keep an eye on her now as well. I'm not sure I can finish my plan with this group, but they will have to do. They will do. They MUST do.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 15th Hematite, 1051

Vetek must be laughing her beard off. Bëmbul brought the news of her "success" in striking a new stone type. Calcite. Wonderful. With any luck, the rest of the kingdom will need about a million bars of flux. At least she hit some gray chalcedony shortly afterwards.

A rhesus macaque snuck into the outpost [the word "output" is inked more heavily than other words in this entry] today and ran off with a piece of leather. Our luck just keeps turning worse. Of course, Sarvesh is nowhere to be found, and carries the only weapon we have.

I've also given up on the storage of all the flux we find, and have started constructing the blasted buildings out of the stuff. If only other fortress managers could see this!
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2008, 09:26:43 am »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 5th Malachite, 1051

As if by some omen, the month of Malachite arrives upon the discovery of another vein of the ore. The irony of this place is starting to irritate me. Booze is running low, but the food stocks are holding steady. I'll order up some brewing and give Solon some refreshing work in her actual profession for a change.

On a better note, the bedroom complex is nearly finished. Once the rooms are carved and the beds in place, I'll concentrate on the construction of doors and the smoothing of the stone. Soon, they will be pleasant places to sleep - no more [the words "dirt naps" are crossed out] silt beds for us!

I'm also ordering the construction of an office for myself near the stockpiles. I spend so much time counting and attempting to organize things, only to be interrupted when Nish drops a barrel or Amost serenades his love at the top of his lungs. I will laugh in the face of fates and build the damned place out of limestone, walling in an area of the silt. I want limestone floors, a limestone desk, limestone statues. To be surrounded in the thing I despise the most, how fitting, don't you think?

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 22nd Malachite, 1051

Limestone, limestone, everywhere! It's everywhere I look! It's everywhere I stand! I'm starting to regret the decision to thumb my nose at the gods and build my office out of the horrible stone. I will persist though, I'm stronger than the others.

The bedrooms are carved, and are being smoothed by Thob. I've issued orders for her to also build a table to serve as my desk, as well as doors to start closing up some of the rooms in the fortress.

Things are progressing far too slowly. I might have to take measures.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2008, 09:27:42 am »

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 9th Galena, 1051

Sarvesh showed up for a while today. That lazy twit is getting on my last nerve. And there's already forty tons of limestone on it already. He did get to work on clearing some of the trees around the fortress site, so at least he's not completely useless.

I've had the last of the workshops moved inside the fortress. We'll be much less concerned about the eagle showing up and snatching one of us. The only one who will need to go outside regularly will be Sarvesh. And frankly, I don't care much if he does get eaten. More limestone for me!

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 19th Galena, 1051

More calcite found today. Maybe I'll construct buildings out of it instead. I can hear the stories now, "Have you heard about the great fortress of flu-" [the journal entry ends here in a large blob of ink]

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 5th Limestone [the word "Limestone" here is written boldly, as if with great effort], 1051

[the writing here appears different than previous entries, as if written by a different hand]

Limestone office finished. Limestone bedrooms nearly so. Sarvesh told to return to carpentry duties, as I have more pressing matters to deal with.

[this entry is followed by an elaborate doodle of a tall tower, seemingly made of stone]

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 12th Limestone, 1051

Sarvesh ran to tell me that the dwarven caravan has finally arrived. I hope they don't want any limestone. Will deal with the caravan as quickly as possible, as food and drink stores are suffering. The labor needs to be kept alive and in good spirits for maximum efficiency.

Eagle spotted for the first time in months. Doesn't seem to be interested in limestone, so is leaving us alone.

Journal of Kadôl Olinvabôk, Foreman, Libashumid Outpost Expedition, 19th Limestone, 1051

Dogs gave birth to puppies today, two of them. Amazed that it wasn't Amost and Bëmbul who sprouted some limestone-colored offspring first.

(That's all I have written so far. Will try to get more done in the next few days, if folks want to know what happens next.)
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2008, 10:29:15 am »

That poor mayor is going to go insane, I just know it. Reminds me of a fortress I once built which had so much flux that I built towers and bridges out of it. All made of dolomite!
When dwarves want to commit suicide, then by Armok, they _will_ commit suicide, even if they have to spend the rest of their lives working at it!


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Re: The Story of the Dwarven Fortress of Libashumid, "Axefalls"
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2008, 11:08:14 am »

Kadôl's fate is undecided. I literally left off the story when I saved and closed the game. The caravan hadn't even finished unpacking yet. I'm letting DF completely drive the story. I do have thoughts on his fate, but it depends entirely on which direction things go. The discovery of ore somewhere will obviously be a factor, should it happen.
Goblin pricking does not sound like it could pay well enough.