My latest fortress is on permafrost, with a few large predators. I started with a hunter, who kept two dogs with him. He was very good at what he did, and brought in deer, foxes, even a whole pack wolves. We had plenty of early meat and it went very well at first, as I dug for the river. Then he ran out of bolts, and proceeded to commit suicide by trying to wrestle with four wolves at once.
Maybe give crossbow hunters the option of cancelling work with a notice when they run out of ammo? I can understand fighting for his life if he's in mid-combat and suddenly realizes he has to use his crossbow as a club, but I watched painfully as he sauntered up and threw a punch (or whatever he was doing) at the nearest wolf, only to be promptly mobbed and torn apart. I don't mind unforgiving game mechanics, but that just seems stupid on his part.
Things went well from there, and in fact I eventually recovered his things, but my fortress now has a major problem with the undesignating trees. There shouldn't be any pathing issues -- as I'm on permafrost, the river ice never even thins, so I have paths galore, and I haven't crossed the river, locked doors, filled channels, or had any cave-ins that would threaten the consistancy of my fortress. While we have a few big predators, they leave well enough alone, and rarely harass. I only have occasional deer and raccoon problems, but it's not a big thing, especially near my fortress. Yet there's one particular tree that's near my entrace, and I could swear I've selected at least half a dozen times, and it never gets cut down. Next time I look at it, it's not designated. Often I'll look over an area I designated for cutting and only a third or so of the trees are actually still designated!
Naturally, this leads to a huge problem having enough wood for beds and charcoal. Often my metal works are completely shut down due to the wood supply cutting off without me noticing, and just when I think I have enough wood to go on for awhile with beds and such, I'll miss a cancellation notice and have a dearth of useful furniture, with no wood for more, when I go to equip rooms for a wave of immigrants.
One bug I've encountered on this permafrost map is that the "fade away" rivers north and south of the map thin and melt by season, even though the actual river is frozen solid year round.
Am I mistaken in that weapon racks seem to default to "allow none"? I had one sitting useless in my fortress for a long time before I went to remove it, only to realize I could edit its allow preferences. Lo and behold, everything was red. If this is the case, it seems more intuitive to me that it should allow all by default, and only be more restrictive if you set it to be.
Would it be possible to set similar allow preferences for stockpiles? I'd really like the ability to sort my light stone and dark stone into a different pile, next to specialized craft workshops, while I keep my boring rocks near the door mason. This would also be useful for storing food by the kitchens, and seeds by the farms.
Sorry if I seem kind of dry and downbeat -- this game is great, but it's 3AM here, so I'm pretty tired and just going down the list.