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Author Topic: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)  (Read 19720 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone's dumb in their own special way
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #75 on: March 03, 2008, 05:04:00 pm »

I'm going as fast as FPS and real life allows. No side fortresses except for one which I've only generated, no side gaming, nothing of the sort. Just DF. And I've been playing more than you might think, I've just forgotten to update.

Also, I saw One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest yesterday. The stage adaption, translated into Icelandic. Despite the translation and rather substandard facilities, it was an amazing performance and I do not regret the one and a half or somesuch hours I spent watching it.

Anyway, on with the updates! Did you know that Kolsvartur's squad is called "The Senses of Dye"? And he's a dyer!

--1st Limestone, 1056
-Well, my tenure as leader is already halfway over! As I've said before, days plural fly past faster than an elite bowgoblin fires arrows!

--5th Limestone, 1056
-I've got an idea. It's a brutal idea. It's a great idea. It's a gladiatorial pit. I have only the faintest idea of how they work, but I've ordered them made anyway.

--13th Limestone, 1056
-Finally some actual action. A goblin snatcher! Admittedly, as soon as he was spotted, he fled, without acquiring his quarry.

--14th Limestone, 1056
-Dodók Biteorbs, a metalsmith from a long line of metalsmiths, has begun acting strangely. His behavior reminds me of the child Nish's. That is, he's acting completely different. I wonder if he'll make another cheerful pine flute?

By the way, I heard someone play it. It transformed the well-known song "Gold" into something that can only be described as... Post-carp.

Anyway, he's claimed a magma forge, so he'll probably not make a pine flute. Maybe a copper flute, because that's the first item he claimed. A copper bar, that is, not a copper flute.

Also, another goblin snatcher was discovered. Discovered by Sarcesh Fountainwhite, who was certainly not going to let a goblin have her baby. The carnage was joined by Gearcounseled, one of our war dogs. Unfortunately, there was nevertheless a distinct lack of limbs flying around.

--15th Limestone, 1056
-Yet another goblin snatcher. Found him right next to a large amount of war dogs.

Also, our friend Dodók Biteorbs has acquisitioned both bronze and black bronze bars, plus some turtle bones.

--16th Limestone, 1056
-Some rough yellow spessartines. Whoever thought of storing some uncut gems surely was wise!

--17th Limestone, 1056
-My, I've been making a lot of entries lately. Anyway, the caravan from the mountainhomes has arrived, bringing some lovely lovely goods. I hope it's galena or billon, but I wasn't the leader back then, so I wouldn't know. They're probably bringing wood though.

Anyway, we also had a goblin ambush uncovered by our war dogs. One swordsgoblin leading a group of lashers. How pathetic. Oh well. Time to see what those levers do! Bwee!

All our soldiers have been told to defend the fortress, except for the rookies. We shall see how it'll go.

What's worse though, is that I am currently writing this as I run back to the safety of the fortress.

Finally, our most recent reports place Dodók at:
1 x Copper bars
1 x Bronze bars
1 x Black Bronze bars
1 x Turtle bones
1 x Rough yellow spessartines
1 x Obsidian
1 x Cave Spider Silk cloth

And he's still not satisfied!

Oh, and apparently, one of the levers operates the drawbridge in our defence system. I don't know which, though, and neither do I know what the other one does.

--18th Limestone, 1056
-The goblin ambush was obviously well planned, because if they had been undetected, they could've gotten us right before the caravan came, and then gotten the caravan too. As it is, I'm not too sure of the caravans fate. Mayhap it'll survive, mayhap it won't. I do hope it will, though.

--19th Limestone, 1056
-My fears got the best of me, I'm afraid. The caravan guards massacred the goblins.

However, we cannot lower the drawbridge without squashing the caravan. Unorthodox action must be taken! Or rather, it's quite orthodox to us dwarves, but still, it felt right to call it unorthodox.

Finally, Dodók Biteorbs has started his construction. In addition to what I have listed, he has acquisitioned a turtle shell, some logs and some red flash opals. This will be one of the more valuable artifacts we will have here, I'm sure of it.

--23rd Limestone, 1056
-Erk. Another goblin ambush. This time, axegoblins led by what seems to be a wrestler. We'll see if they'll fare any better.

Oh. Apparently they all got killed, with the guards coming out of it with nary a scratch.

Later: Dodók Biteorbs has finished his construction: a copper throne! It's called Sterusbasen Bëmbulothsal, Drivespray the Mechanical Sewer. Apparently, it's got some intricate mechanisms to dispose of various bodily byproducts using only a little water. Perfect for the gladiatorial pit!

--24th Limestone, 1056
-Tonightiday is the tea-time of infinity. Total reality dysfunction apparent. Why won't you fly is it because it's not possibly no it's because it's a kite lookit it's a kite fly fly pretty kite like a plane an aeroplane wroom wroom wroom Immelman turn ratatatatatata hahaha...haha...haaaa..... BANANA!

OOC: See the thread in bug reports.

--1st Sandstone, 1056
-Strange... For some reason, we have the deconstructed remains of all the wagons and all the contents of them, but no records of any trading done at all. I ordered the tunnel-digging ceased, because the traders appear to have gone on their merry way.

What by the earth of Ironbronze just happened?

Also, our glassmaker friend Urvad Olindegël has decided to take the place of our town liaison and is constantly following our mayor around trying to get a meeting with him.

OOC: He's constantly trying to attend a meeting.

--3rd Sandstone, 1056
-Despite our mayor's excellent work, our exact knowledge of this fortress' wealth is a teensy bit vague. Rather than force her to spend more time in her office, I have decided to take the burden upon myself. I'll simply refurbish my bedroom as an office and take a commoner's bedroom for a while. Then I'll start keeping the records myself.

--6th Sandstone, 1056
-Today, Feb Alĺthrab has become a working member of the community. That is to say, has become the newest recruit of the military.

--9th Sandstone, 1056
-I've been trying to figure out the convoluted bookkeeping system here. It's quite efficient I'm sure, but only once you understand it.

Also, The Silvery Green Corridors are almost ready for weapon training in my opinion.

I have been playing a little, as you can see. I'll finish it tomorrow I should think.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #76 on: March 03, 2008, 05:06:00 pm »

Originally posted by Boksi:
<STRONG>--16th Limestone, 1056
-Some rough yellow spessartines. Whoever thought of storing some uncut gems surely was wise!</STRONG>

Thank you for the compliment.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #77 on: March 04, 2008, 04:49:00 pm »

--26th Sandstone, 1056
-The most exciting event around here has been the fact that a cat, Ast something-or-the-other, was bitten by a cave spider. The gladiatorial pit will soon be complete, though.

--8th Timber, 1056
-Well, the gladiatorial pit is pretty much finished. Only a few niggling details remain.

This peace and quiet allows me time to ponder questions that are, ultimately, more important.


--18th Timber, 1056
-Apparently, the merchants left two muskoxen behinds... One has, by now, gone stark raving mad while the other seems to be suffering from depression. Odd.

--28th Timber, 1056
-Only three months left. On one hand, I am relieved that someone else will be taking the responsibility upon them. On the other hand, I am sad that my power should come to an end... But I suppose that the system was indeed designed to prevent anyone from becoming too powerful. It makes sense, and I shall acquiesce.

--10th Moonstone, 1056
-The new residential section is being hewn out slowly enough. I've thought of some improvements to the next one, which I'll definitely implement.

OOC: Kolsvartur has an account of 6000 or something. Probably from all the record-keeping he's done.




  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone's dumb in their own special way
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #78 on: March 06, 2008, 05:44:00 pm »

--16th Moonstone, 1056
-While digging out another section of the new bedrooms, our miners struck a vein of native copper.

--10th Opal, 1056
-We've mined out a small platinum vein we discovered while mining out the new bedrooms. Otherwise, things proceed apace.

--11th Opal, 1056
-I located Rinmolsárek today. Apparently, it had been made into a gear assembly in the small wind-powered mill we have.

--25th Opal, 1056
-Well, we certainly have no shortage of ghost roaming this place apparently. Yet another dwarf has been possessed by a spirit, porbably intent on making a felsite thong or something. Anyway, the dwarf is named Zulban Borerock, a stonecrafter by trade.

--1st Obsidian, 1056
-The last month of my rule. It's flame shall soon be extinguished, but it will live on in the embers that nothing short of destruction of our home shall achieve.

Zulban has acquired some obsidian and pig tail cloth.

--5th Obsidian, 1056
-More pig tail cloth and some logs. And she still isn't satisfied. I'd complain if I didn't know of the immense value of these items.

--10th Obsidian, 1056
-Zulban has been going around collecting some bones from outside.

--11th Obsidian, 1056
-Zulban has, after grabbing some sterling silver bars and bandfire opals, started work on whatever it is.

I'm betting on an obsidian thong menacing with spikes of pig tail cloth and sterling silver, but Dumat thinks it's going to be an idol.

--14th Obsidian, 1056
-That copper vein is surprisingly rich. Odd, but quite possible. We've finally dug it out now though.

--15th Obsidian, 1056
-Zulban has finished her construction. It's neither an idol, nor a thong. Dang. It's an obsidian mug, Sirabromek, the Warm Lengths, and is encrusted with obsidian, decorated with pig tail and tower-cap, encircled with rings of pig tail, has an image of a giant bat in muskox bone, an image of a pine flute, probably Gloomypoems, in sterling silver, and an image of mountains in bandfire opal. Overall, it's worth about 50400 monies.

--24th Obsidian, 1056
-Four days left. Four. Oh well, it's been stressing.

--26th Obsidian, 1056
-You know, I don't think it's going to be too bad to stop ruling, really. I won't have to deal with any problems that pop up anymore, for one thing.

--28th Obsidian, 1056
-And so ends my reign. I think I'm going to have a good drink now.





  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #79 on: March 06, 2008, 07:48:00 pm »

So. This brings us to Hangatyr?


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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #80 on: March 08, 2008, 09:07:00 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #81 on: March 09, 2008, 12:09:00 am »

Edited the first post and the like.
As you journey to the center of the world, feel free to read the death announcements of those dwarves that suffer your neglect.

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the cosmos. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips, I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my veins. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk and free throw.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #82 on: March 11, 2008, 01:59:00 pm »

1st Granite
By the rules we live by it has now become my turn  to lead our home. I knew that I was intended for the post but I didn't think I had to take it now. It was supposed to be another four years until it was my turn.  I guess it doesn't matter though, I will work diligently for the glory of our home. I doubt I will get much work done theese first few days as I will have to through the Hoardmaster's records,  check up on work assignments, check up on what's currently being done in the fortress and get myself an office. My first day and I already have a todo list with several items.


2nd Granite
Today I've been going trough the hoardmaster's records, they're not perfectly accurate but they're good enough. I think Kolsvartur will have them in order soon. Tedious work going through the records, but if I'm going to run things then I should know what resources are at my disposal. I'll also have to see if there are any maps or blueprints over our fortress.

3rd Granite
We do not have any blueprints. Apparently my predecessors saw fit to not keep any other records than their journals.

4th Granite
Ol Mirrorpick has been around since the beginning so I'll guess she knows where all tunnels go. I have sent out word that she should draw a map for me. The elves seem to be overjoyed by that fact that we don't cut down trees. What the hell is wrong eith them?

5th Granite
We do not have any Ol Mirrorpicks. Nobody knows where she is.

6th Granite
Strange muffled voices have been heard from the top level of the apartments. I will investigate tomorow.

7th Granite
Ol Mirrorpicks has been released. Somebody had walled her in a dug out copper vein. Why would anyone do that? The dug out copper hadn't been removed so I'm guessing it was just a cruel prank as somebody eventually would decide get the the copper and then remove the wall. Now that she is free and I have an idea of what our home looks, like I can get some real work done.

8th Granite
I've met with mayor Dumat and decided that two other dwarfs should take the positions of manager and broker. One dwarf should not have too much power. Stinthäd will be our manager and Mosus the new brooker. Neither of them has any experience of this kind of work as both are mere peasants.

10th Granite
Several of the workshops are cluttered, I have begun designating new stockpiles to solve this. I have also begun hauling up stone to the surface in order to build some walls.

11th Granite
A goblin ambush. Dodok the blacksmith ran across a few goblins with crossbows and Tirist the carpenter found a squad of hammers.

13th Granite
Another squad of hammers was found. Five dwarfs killed by crossbows so far...

14th Granite
Six dead dwarfs and an elven caravan chased away before the troops could show up.

15th Granite
Seven dead now and I have been wounded as well... Aparently the goblins had run out of bolts when the champions finally found them. Lesson learned. No outdoor constructions without armed support. I think I will stay indoor. It's safer there.

The following have died
   Dodek Nitigvab“k, Blacksmith
   `Moocow' Rakustrifot, Former Leader
   Logem Tosidorshar, Engraver
   Uzol Matulamost, Engineer
   Tirist Stelidamost, Carpenter
   ZuntŚr Av‚deral, Leatherworker
   ‹teb Nishbubnus, Stonecrafter

16th Granite
A squad of Lashers today. Yes! I should definitley stay inside and I think I will have to send out regular patrols to prevent theese ambushes. I have yet to apoint a new captain of the guards...

19th Granite
Mosus can do this... I'm not going to...

7th Slate
Hangatyr gave this book and told me run things while he rests. It seems as he hidden himsfelf under his bed. No attempt so far at getting him out has succeded. We tried promising a nice barrel of wine if he would just get out but he just screamed: "Watch out! There might be one hiding in there!" and locked the door.


14th Slate
Besmar Asrungak has been apointed captain of the guards.

20th Slate
Migrants 25 of 'em. Only notable arrival was a Philosopher by the name of ezus Sesiramid.

28th Slate
Found a bit of silver. The explolartory shafts I ordered are paying off immidiatly.

5th Felsite
RAW ADAMANTITE! PRAISE THE MINERS! I hear the shouts echoing through the halls. I must see this myself...

6th Felsite
I've seen adamantite for the first time and feels like a letdown. There were only two blocks of adamantite. I have ordered the miners to check the floor underneath. There can't just be two blocks of adamantite, that would be just too cruel a fate.

7th Felsite
Logem Ugilkum died today. Logem was injured in the ambushes earlier this spring and seemed to suffer from the same kind of paranoia as Hangatyr. They both believe there are goblins hiding in the boose barrels.

12th Felsite
I was right. There is more adamantite underneath. Now we just dig out the vein, not the acutal adamantite as we don't have enough skilled miners for that task.

15th Felsite
Hangatyr has died, hopefully this will be the end of this nonsense about goblins hiding in barrels. I can agree that i would indeed be scary with goblins hiding in the beer but no true dwarf would let that deteer him.

18th Felsite
Possesed woodcrafter.

Edit: Apologies for spelling...

[ March 12, 2008: Message edited by: Hangatyr ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #83 on: March 13, 2008, 02:33:00 pm »

7th Hematite
He got everything he needed wich means another artifact for the glory of our home.

11th Hematite
The goblins have ambushed one of the walls in construction. Troops are nearby should be able to deal with them swiftly.

14th Hematite
Two more ambushes, one on the wrong side of one the new walls. The goblins thought they could sneek past a war dogs. The other ambush has run into another band of wardogs. All is well.

15th Hematite
A human caravan has arrived and their guards has helped to clean up the last of the goblins.

17th Hematite
Dumat has been reelected as our mayor. More importantly, we have found more adamantite.

12th Malachite
Everything is calm. The humans are preapering to leave. No more ambushes and more walls are coming up.

15th Malachite
"The razors of flesh" has been sent to dispatch a few skelks.

16th Malachite
Unbelivably enough "The razors of flesh" actualy went to their post at once and defeated the skelks. For once nobody decided to take a drink or expel said drink.

18th Galena
Kolsvartur has been possesed.

23rd Galen
Five days later and Kolsvartur begins his construction. Other than that... nothing. Autumn will be here soon and with it the dwarven caravan and more goblin ambushes.

27th Galena
Curlrope the spurn of fragments, a guppy bone mace, has been created. Yet another marvelous creation resides in our home.

10th Sabdstone
Two batches of migrants, one before the caravan and one after. This puts the current population at 126.

4th Obsidian
The current dullness was broken by a message that a smith named Feb had bled to death at the magma forges. There are no clues to what has happened at this point.

30th Obsidian
My time as ruler is over. A quite interesting experience at least. I will just end it here with a few notes for my successor. There is nice new wall, covering the entire south edge. All entrances through it are guarded by chained war dogs. There  also a bit adamantite freed but would advice against digging any of it as Ol Mirrorpicks is the only skilled miner availible. I've tried to construct a vertical version of the crossed axe and pick in front of the entrance, but I only managed to get halfway, everything sofar is made of obsidian blocks. There is whole lot of stone on the surface availble for construction. What else? There's a bunch of pointless tunnels and a forbidden bucket around as well. I think thats it... good luck...


It was fun to poke around someone else's creation.
Save at the DF filedepot

[ March 13, 2008: Message edited by: Hangatyr ]

[ March 13, 2008: Message edited by: Hangatyr ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #84 on: March 13, 2008, 06:53:00 pm »

I will get to it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Gods of Blood.
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #85 on: March 14, 2008, 12:16:00 am »

The tundra clan is running very low on rulers in line. Do a favor to your Dwarves and sign up, its fun and easy!

Any injuries caused by Hidden Fun Stuff/Goblins/Magma are not liable to UristCo.

[ March 14, 2008: Message edited by: Torak ]

As you journey to the center of the world, feel free to read the death announcements of those dwarves that suffer your neglect.

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the cosmos. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips, I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my veins. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk and free throw.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #86 on: March 15, 2008, 06:53:00 pm »

Diary of "Rimmy" Rimtarostar:

1st Granite: Ah, I have arisen to power, and not too soon. Te previous ruler was a good one, but I am sure to trump him in so many ways. First order of business, though, is to find out where everything in this fortress is. . .

3rd Granite: After scouting the trailing passageways, and examining the system of storage and production, I have found that this fortress is lacking in both departments. Surely some old rulers would have seen the need for larger storage spaces? And to maybe streamline the production processes? I guess not.

4th Granite: I began work on the metal smithing operation today. Bars of metal cluttered all the shops, and I found loose coins in ever workshop down in that boiling hellhole. Personally, the idea that this fortress is so rich we don't have to even keep track of our coins is appealing, but as a leader I know it is important to be neat and clean.

10th Granite: I have switched over some useless woodcutters in exchange for a few more metalsmithes. Hopefully all this extra metal ore will be put to good use.

16th Granite: Ambush! a squad of speargoblins appeared at the southern gate! Hopefully the multiple legendary wrestlers can take care of that.

17th Granite: As the havoc calmed, I could see that our military training has been put to good use. Excellent work was done by all the wrestlers, and I have assigned certain squads to full- time duty on the southern and main gates.

20th Granite: An elven caravan appeared at our southern border, and we traded away some useless junk for their useless junk.

25th Granite: Another ambush, this time an axegoblin squad. They were distracted by a cow at first, but were soon marching towards our gates, and quickly taken care of by the lead spearsquad.

26th Granite: While our lead sqaud was distracted, another speargoblin squad was sneaking through are unfinished northerly defenses, and killed a young child in the process of removing a wall. I sent our other squad to deal with them, and the squad did as expected.

1st Slate: So far, it appears that my attempts to organize the stockpiles have been nil, but I have been producing bins nonstop, so this should sort itself out. I feel that this first month was an appreciated challenge, and cannot wait for the following weeks ahead of me!

OOC: The game runs at about 10 fps for me, so this will take a bit longer to get going.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Tundra Clan: Succession (New rulers in need!)
« Reply #87 on: April 18, 2008, 07:32:00 pm »

I would like to sign up for this if i can I'm a nub so do i need to post any info about a dwarf or anything?
et me population higher at the city of the dwarfs
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