FactionsEach player represents a leader of a different faction.There are a number of possible Factions at play (depending on player count). These include Great Houses and Guilds, and other smaller groupings.
These some of the possibilities. Some of the players are ALSO secretly a member of House Dagoth, working to destroy civilised society as we know it. Each faction is based in a specific location. Many public factions have publically known locations, and some have publicly known leaders.
AgentsA player starts with three agents they can deploy each night. To deploy them, you specify a city and an action. Any undeployed agents will remain at your base, guarding.
Agents have a description by which they can be recognised (by Watch) or targeted (by Assassinate). They are members of a fantasy race, which are usually (though not necessarily) randomly assigned. The races are Argonian, Khajiit, Redguard, Nord, Breton, Imperial, Orc, Bosmer (Wood elf), Altmer (High elf), Dunmer (Dark elf natives of Morrowind). About half the agents will typically be Dunmer, with the rest an even mix. Agents are male or female (equal odds).
Agents have their own base (which may be your own, but isn't always). If they are deployed in a location other than their base, they will travel there (see Travel below).
ActionsEvery agent can perform the following actions:
- Watch (a location): report on the description of agents that arrive, leave, or pass through the location, and via what means (road, or quick-travel: silt strider, boat or guild guide). Note: Leaders automatically get a nightly report on everyone who travelled via quick-travel routes through their base.
- Guard (a leader/an agent): prevent assassins and ambushers from killing one person (that you name). You can guard yourself, and you can guard your own agents.
- Assassinate (a leader or agent, at a location): kill the leader residing at this location, or an agent acting in this location. You need a name before you can assassinate a leader. You just need a description (e.g. the female argonian) to target an agent. If the target is guarded, each guard kills 1 assassin, but if any assassins are alive afterwards, the guards and the leader are slain. If there are multiple agents matching the same description, a random one is picked. Assassinating an agent prevents their action. Assassins targeting one another both die if evenly matched.
- Spy (a location), learn the name of any leader residing at the location, or if that is already known, their faction. If no one is there, or they are otherwise hidden, you will get a report that no one was found. If you already know the name and faction of the leader you will learn their first Faction Ability (and then second, third etc. on subsequent spying attempts). More spies sent on the same trip are equivelant to multiple spying attempts (e.g. 2 spies will learn the leader name and faction in one turn).
- Ambush (a road connection between two locations): kill one agent who travels via this connection. Guards protect agents from ambushers in the same way as they protect against assassins. Silt Strider and Boat routes cannot be ambushed.
- Recruit (at location): recruit 2d2-2 new agents from the location. Factions usually have a limit of 5 agents.
- Relocate (location): Move an agent to a new base.
TravelAgents travel via the shortest road route to their locations. The roads can be dangerous and fast travel means an agent cannot usually be ambushed. You can opt to take fast travel, in which case they will go the most direct route via Mage's guild guide, boat or silt strider (see map). 'Direct' means the fewest connections and fewest changes of transport-type. The downside, is that watchers get more information this way as to where your agents came from.
CompromisedThe game has various states Leaders and agents can be under. Compromised is one such state. While all your agents are dead, you are Compromised. If you are Compromised your leader may act as an agent until more agents are recruited. You can also relocate yourself to an empty location this way.
If a Leader is Compromised and also successfully Spied, the Spy can learn their secret allegiances and secret faction abilities (if everything else about the Leader is already known).
Faction AbilitiesEach faction has at least one Faction Ability. These abilities interacts with the Action and Agent and Location system in different ways, changing the rules as they apply to them. For example, one Faction may be immune to Ambushes, or another may start with more Agents; one faction might get more information from Watching, or another may gain access to an action unique to their faction. These abilities can be learned by multiple Spy attempts.
Faction Abilities are thematic to the factions in question in relatively predictable ways. i.e. if someone played the leader of the Morag Tong (the native assassin's guild), they would expect to have at least one ability related to the Assassinate action. Some faction abilities are only unlocked under certain conditions.
Secret AllegiancesThe House Dagoth is a secret allegiance. Leaders can have any number of secret allegiances beyond their main faction. Each allegiance gives its own faction ability, but these are secret and won't ordinarily be learned by spying. Everyone knows the House Dagoth faction ability:
The Sleeper Awakes (location)[leader]: Designate a location. A new Dunmer agent will instantly be recruited and will attempt to assassinate the leader at that location. (You can send more agents to assist if you wish.) If at the end of the night you are not at your agent cap, you will retain the new recruit.
A [leader] action is a rare once per night ability that can be used without deploying an agent, and cannot be detected. If you have multiple [leader] actions, you can only perform one per night. If your leader is Compromised then every action becomes a [leader] action.
Win ConditionsMost players win when there are no more House Dagoth players.
House Dagoth wins when at least half the living leaders are House Dagoth at the start of a day phase.
Other secret allegiances
may give additional wincons, but not necessarily.
ReportsAt the end of each night, each Leader who survives gets the following reports:
A report on the description of everyone who travelled to and from their city via quick-travel routes: which route was taken, where to and from. E.g.
A female Argonian arrived on the boat from Ebonheart and left on the road to Fort Moonmoth. If the agent stayed, then they will get a report of the form:
A male Imperial arrived here in Suran by Silt Strider from Vivec and then later left via the same means.A report (similar to above but including road routes) from any Watchers.
A report on the outcome of any assassinations, spying, ambushing, etc. If an agent was killed or otherwise went missing in action, you'll instead learn "[Agent name] has gone missing".