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Author Topic: Better stockpiles.  (Read 295 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Better stockpiles.
« on: June 09, 2024, 07:58:16 am »

I left this message into a diferante thread and i will let this here as well. Stockpiles and Advanced world gen. Thouse 2 should be easy and it would improve the experience soo much.

-Id Like to see more cleaner stockpiles: way are wheelbarrows and minecarts on furniture and altars on finished goods in the others tools, way do we even have an other tools option that include multiple things where we have a system of improving the quality of items making so that steepladers and buckets are inseperable from other things that are in there. Where is an example of how to rearrange objects:

Finished goods - type -> finished goods - crafts: Amulets, Bracelets, Crowns, Earrings, Figurines, Rings, Scepters, Toys
Finished goods - type: - Large gems -> gems: - large gems
Furniture - type -> finished goods - tools: bags, Barrels, buckets, bins, large pots, minecarts, steplader, whealbarrow, sand bags
Furniture - type -> furniture - room: beds, boxes, slabs, statues, tables, cabinets, thrones, Traction Bentch, display case, bookcase, instruments, coffins, altars(also rename from building meniu the naming "offering place" with altar)
Furniture - type -> furniture - army: Armor stand, Balista Arrow head, Balista part, Catapult part, Siedge ammo, weapon rack
Furniture - type -> furniture - construction : Door, Floodgate, GrateHatch cover, millstone, Quern, pipe section, Window,
Furniture - type -> finished goods - construction : mechanisms,
Finished goods - type -> finishid goods - construction: chains
Finished goods - type -> finished goods - utility: Backpack, Codices, Crutches, Flask, Goblets( its no a craftbut you could also put it there), Musical instruments, Quiver, splints, totems( again not a craft but you could also put it there, but dwarves will not take it)
Finished goods - type : Armor, footware, handware, headware, legware, tools ( what are even thouse We already have on the armor stackpile shose made of cloth witch are not armor in a mlitary sence ore other things what is even the point of having them)
Food - plants -> food - underground plants ( you know where i am gooing with this)
Foor - seeds -> food - underground seeds     
All bucherable corpses from refuse - corpses -> Food - bucharable animals ore in refuse - bucharable animals ( would probably need a thing for body part as well).

     -I would like that the detailed map generator would be bettare organized as well into multiple tabs. to have the geology, the civilizations, the magical part of the world like bioms into separated tabs. it is a pain to scrole throu all the staff that i dont see way are they put into the same place.
     -Military dwarves: i dont know way they cant have ounership of theyre equipment untill i update theyre uniforms. They could have ownership of theyre food in the past but not the armor. Way are my dwarves Hauling the equipment of my soldinrs from the barracks into an armor stockpile
     -Also military: I dont know when dwarves take theyre Equipment back to baracks and when they just let theyre equipment on the ground but there is but they should alwayse have a task to return cloathes to baracks. I would also like to see that you can store your civilian cloathing in the baracks if you put a cabinet in it so that you change From civilian to normal cloathing and vice versa if you have isiud normal cloathing for your military.  And another toggle for how dwarves where theyre uniforms, instead of just replace cloathing ore worn over we can add a replace where needed so that they replace just theyre shoose with metal boots if they can not where one over the other.
     -Dwarves that sleep in baracks will get unhappy thoughts because they dont sleep in proper bedrooms even thou i pretty much made there barracks with theyre separated rooms for everybody with armor stand weapon rack chest cabinet and all. Something like the the rent rooms system that the tavern hase but functinull i would sugest, so we could attach a bedroom ore a dormitory to the baracks where the dwarves could sleap in.
      -Better icon for the barrow then is activated ore not.
      -In build hotkey highlighter.
      -A way to access the dwarf information tab from his bedroom.

That would be my list of things to improve. The first tow should be preatty easy to implement as really the first of just a rearangement of the already existing system and the other could be done with something like a repurpused legends mode ore something that already exist.