let me just post the leftover pics that i still have. (and reiterate major points of my play that i still remember, lol)
- the whole spring was spent almost entirely for cleaning. i enlisted EVERYONE into the smoothing/engraving squad to somewhat speed up the process. on the side, i installed (lots of) pumps and a pair of bridge to block waterflow for 2 of the rivers. i also walled off the waterfall in preparation of drying the main river area. (i lost the pic for the lines of pumps i installed, sorry. they were powered by several windmills).
(massive) production of pearlash (and clear glass blocks) was also started on the small scale. had to divert most of dorf power into cleaning.
elves came with a pair of giant tigers (and some) in this season. we bought those. i don't really remember what i traded away, lol.
cleaning was mostly done by carving tracks over muds and then smoothing it. Dorf will not clean muds by normal means.sadly, a few tiles already have a grown saplings in it (can't be smoothed/carved) so i left them alone. you should be able to place floor tile over those.
- cleaning finished in early summer. my focus was shifted into waste management. so i made a fully automated garbage disposal.
the vent is in z 35, and the bridge is several layers below.
our webby friend, Galka, was also creeping closer and closer to the fort. and as you know, we "invited" him in. this spearheaded the movement of revolutionizing our drips
no more tattered clothes.
the overall works, however, only finished in winter. it was a huge project. and if you're wondering why all our dorf has at least dabbling skills in stonecutting, weaving, and clothesmaking, it's because like the spring cleaning we've done, clothing industry also involved the whole fortress. children included.
- during autumn, caravan from mountain home couldn't come because of the trees.
I did not solve this problem yet. somebody should clear out some trees and possibly pave a road later.
feeling annoyed, i freed up some worker from clothing industry (because most of our dorf are fully clothed by now) and begin to plan to create an impromptu obsidian farm. sadly the progress was slow. mainly because the waterflow is bad with only a single pump (would've preferred heavy aquifer). the fact that a new (un)friendly beast roams the cavern replacing Galka aslo didn't help. for now, the project is halted by the end of my play. (blue print is done, though. you can just activate it and proceed as needed).
- as mentioned in the previous sneak-peek progress. winter was spent for digging the previously dried up river. then flooding it back up. we now have (an unfurnished) tavern directly below the river. with a pair of luxurious bedrooms above it.
minor works :
- restructured general work orders.
- restructured farm and created a small room for beekeeping.
- started breeding Giant Tigers, we have some cubs now.
- ordered some instruments that are actually being used in performance. (but not yet placed in the proper area).
- expanded magma forge area, complete with nearby stockpile for metal ores.
- restructured some stockpiles (and kinda failed at it somewhat, lol, sorry). was trying to separate masterpieces from common junks.
my save file :
https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=16723a one-time order for the currently needed instruments, 10 of each. (need to import with dfhack) :
-- "downstairs" in the obsidian farm is not for access. but for water to trickle down. access is from the locked steel door.
-- when you've finished mining for obsidian. just channel 1 tile anywhere within the chamber. magma flow will flood the chamber by itself without interruption. it should cover the whole chamber pretty fast. (manually) pump water into it to recast the obsidian.