This is what legends mode looks like (as shown in recent Steam news updates):
I dunno about you, but to me that looks rather repetitive. This is not at all a natural way to write historical information, and more importantly, it could be made easier to read. Maybe there is a better way to restructure this information that solves it better than I can think of right now, but here is a mockup of an idea I had to improve it:
Now it's immediately obvious which events happened in the same section of the year, and it reduces the pointless repetition! Basically, put the events from the same section of time in bullet points below the time, rather than repeatedly saying "in the late spring of 66" three times in a row.
I'm sure there could be bolder ways of restructuring this to reduce repetition even more (for example, ideally each year number should only be shown once, and each segment of the year nested beneath it), but that's a good start I think. There are only 3 in a row in this example, but I've seen legends entries for megabeasts where they kill lots of people in one attack for instance, and that would make for a LOT of repetition of "midautumn of 49", whereas this way you'll be able to immediately tell when that particular event was finished.
For those longer entries, you could also maybe do something like making each of these year sections "collapsible" with a dropdown arrow.
I did consider keeping the "Melbil" part on the first line as well so
that's not repeated, but as you can see, not every line has that consistently, so it wouldn't work in all cases. A shame though, would be even better for reducing repetition in cases where it does repeat.