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Author Topic: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race  (Read 15307 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #195 on: April 25, 2022, 05:48:25 pm »

Quote from: Attack 1
Jorg 'Bass Line' Jorgenson
Deployment Zone: BitMines
Chip Folder,
- Stunbolt [1]
- Stunbolt [1]
- Stunbolt [1]
- Recovery 10 [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- BlueFiend.mon [4]
- DramaticSpotlight [ 0 ]
- InvokeSoundtrack [ 0 ]

See the Battle Report in the core thread.

Quote from: Attack 2
Deployment Zone: [REDACTED] Penninsula
Chip Folder,
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- DramaticSpotlight [ 0 ]
- InvokeSoundtrack [ 0 ]

Executing a long ranged insecure transfer jump, the first Sonata-ian forces materialize over the deceptively peaceful waves of the [REDACTED] Penninsula. Consisting mainly of Mobile Assault Stages at this point along with the normal crew-loads of Plain Jane.exe programs, the first assault wave goes in to establish a beachhead and a secure base for mustering further forces. Opposistion is encountered even before the first stage reaches the beach, as sharks with cyborg head lasers contribute anti-air fire from the waves below, robot seagulls drop explosive eggs on the Stages or swoop down while spinning into a stage destroying drill. One entire swath of Mobile Assault Stages are swallowed whole by a great white whale wearing an eyepatch before they can travel beyond their spawn point to the shallow waters, even.

Of course, the Stagehand forces don't just sit there and let themselves be picked off. Plain Jane.exe soldiers fire their arm mounted Mega-Pulsers at the robotic avians as they use their rapid fire functionality to emulate proper AA capacities, and the Assault Stages fire their missiles down at the sharks below, if to somewhat mixed effect. The Fisher-Jane.exe programs are more successful against the sharks with their rocket harpoon strikes, but their slow rate of fire and inability to fire through the floor of the Assault Stages without destroying their own rides limits the extent of the success. Aria's missile battlechips, on the other hand, have no such issues and due vastly more damage, allowing entire schools of the sharks to be scattered or destroyed per shot, and the sheer number of missile battle chips she carries allows their use to effectively screen the entire force, gathered as it is. For despite this resistance to the landing forces, under the advanced guidance of the Colette.ISQ Idoloids the invasion force reaches the beach as a mutually reinforcing air-convoy. Of invasion.

Strangely, the high resistance levels shown upon the Stagehand's initial entrance to this zone resistance falls away as the forces reach the beach. Soon after making landfall, the Janes are exploring the picturesque beach houses seen upon the shoreline and finding them apparently long abandoned. So too does the rest of the Peninsula seem as Stagehand forces spread across the sandy surface.

Despite her puzzlement at this fact, Aria's forces soon finish up making initial base facilities upon said sandy surface, allowing for consistent reinforcement and resupply efforts to be maintained. However, the data-crunchers set up in the bases (taking the form of expansive rings of standing stone, through which the virtual starlight is filtered through in search of datum of value) reveal the forces have barely scratched the surface of this zone...

Looking again upon the sea and the fierce resistance shown there, Aria has a thought. Where did all the seabirds go? The numbers they showed over the ocean were not small, but there's none here. No nests were found. And if they aren't here... they must be somewhere else. Somewhere like... underwater. Especially given the old rumors of under-water mad science bases.

(Before additional territory can be taken in this zone, some way of functioning under water must be found.)

+1 Control in the [REDACTED] Peninsula for the Stagehands.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #196 on: April 29, 2022, 02:11:11 pm »

Regular Designs:
Viri Design: Air Raid Siren.Exe
Another source of inspiration taken from the creatures of the Sea of Recycling. The Air Raid Siren is a cybernetic mermaid-type viri, its body fully metallic except for a bare midsection, and its face is an LCD screen with a pair of simple colored circles for eyes and a speaker upon the mouth-plate. Taking inspiration from the Dutchman it swims through the air or water with the help of two pairs of small jet turbines. In combat, they fight with two specific weapons.

The first is wave-like trios of Musical projectiles they can fire from their frontal speakers, which are unaffected by gravity, simply travelling straight forward until a collision. Of note, this weapon can be fired from multiple speakers at once, allowing for large clusters of attacks that are more difficult to avoid.

The second is a Music pulse attack, made by tweaking the Sakura's healing pulse to simply have a basic damage effect, and something manually triggered rather than automatic. Generated from a series of speakers on their torso, this attack deals low damage in a radius around them. The damage of this weapon is barely enough to be worth noting against anything greater than your average Minion, but the fact that it is a pulse wave rather than a projectile means it can hit everything in that radius at once. Essentially, this can be considered a self-defense weapon to protect against the enemy Wyrms mid-flight, but projectiles vulnerable to being shot-down can be readily dispersed by it as well.

They aren't perfect though of course. In terms of durability, they're more comparable to our normal Minions than our Defenders or even our Janes, and being a flying unit they are... not exactly the most effective in underground areas or other similar tight places.

Viri Design: Hunts-Jane.exe
An attempt at specializing an extra mobile viri. The Hunts-Jane units wield a compound bow with a string that appears made of energy. No arrows need to be nocked into this bow, instead when the string is pulled a deadly energy arrow manifests. This arrow reads the target of the Hunts-Jane and, when fired, tracks that target down. The bodies of these Janes meanwhile, are designed to be swift, nimble, and lithe. They are faster and more agile than other Janes, able to cross greater distances and rougher terrain with far more ease.

This does all come at a cost of course. For their bow the arrows have a limited range, only being able to lock on to targets out to medium range, and seeking out the nearest enemy in range to wherever the Hunts-Jane is looking if their intended target is too far away. Meanwhile their nimbler, faster bodies have a moderately reduced durability, closer to our Minions that to other Janes. The Hunts-Janes will be focused on avoiding getting hit in the first place over surviving the hits they take.

In terms of aesthetic, the design team has decided on a sort of futuristic hunter look. The bulky standard armor parts(aside from the helmet and chestpiece) are replaced with a tight full-body suit. And a large, scope-like eyepiece has been added to the right side of the helmets faceplate. This eyepiece is purely aesthetic of course, as is the Scarf wrapped around their necks and flowing over their shoulder, the trailing part of which possesses functional cloth physics but no collision so as to remove the possibility of any mishaps caused by the scarf getting caught on things.

Viri Design: Highway Jane.exe
A project to make a sort of 'elite soldier'. We do of course have Templars and Officers, which do kind of qualify, but they're both rather different things. The Highway Janes carry an elongated pulse gun, one that carries a sci-fi look but doesn't quite give away whether it is a shotgun or a rifle. This is because it is technically both.

Under normal circumstances the weapon is a shotgun, firing a fixed spread of five potent pulse shots in a five-point star pattern. However, the weapon can be 'charged'. Charging the weapon gradually tightens the spread further and further until, at max charge, they become a single shot firing perfectly straight for great distances. In this way, they are able to switch between rifle fire and shotgun fire.

The costs to this come in a decreased fire rate for the shotgun mode(and an even worse one for the rifle mode considering charge time) and that the rifle mode doesn't possess the full power of all five shots. Trading damage for far greater precision and distance.

In terms of aesthetic, the Highway Jane has a sort of cowboy(or possibly Bandit) style outfit. A vest, a long brown jacket open at the front, fingerless leather gloves over their gauntlet hands, simple blue pants, and cowboy boots. And to top it all off, atop their head rests a 10 gallon hat.

Viri Design: Hive.bat
The idea of a Viri that can create other lesser Viri is one that has been bounced around among Stagehand coders for quite some time. So, it felt only natural to actually attempt work on a prototype. The Hive.bat is a sort of angular pod, about as tall as a minion and a bit over half that in width, supported on six crab-like legs. In place of claws, it possesses a pair of Mega-Pulsers.

Its core functionality however, is that every few seconds it spawns what we call a "Hivedrone.exe" These drones are small, incredibly fragile Viri, they could be compared, in essence, to flying Pulse Pistols. Each Hive is capable of supporting a total of 20 of these Hivedrones, and while weak individually, we imagine their numbers will help make up for it.

Viri Design: Mother.brood
The idea of a Viri that can create other lesser Viri is one that has been bounced around among Stagehand coders for quite some time. So, it felt only natural to actually attempt work on a prototype. Mother.brood is a large, insectoid Viri, crawling on six legs, with a pair of simple Mega-Pulsers within its mouth. Within its abdomen, it is capable of slowly producing what we call Minion.brood.

Minion.brood is little different from the default Minion.exe program. Indeed, the only true difference is aesthetic. Possessing a slimier, more insectoid, and over-all grosser look than the default Minion.exe program. Mother.brood can produce these lesser viri once every 10 seconds, and is capable of maintaining about 6 of them at a time, ceasing to produce new Minions until one of the existing six have died.

This, in essence, means that the Mother.brood can act somewhat like an autonomous version of the basic summoning battle chips, bolstering our forces continuously for attack or defense, even if only by small amounts comparatively.

Bonus Designs
Viri Design: Bitbold.Mon
It didn't take long for us to single out the biggest problems we were going to have trying to go into the Bitmines. The first, of course, is that our primary method of transporting units simply doesn't work here. There's no room for our stages to fly. The second, is that we are fully restricted by the terrain around us while our enemy is not

Firmament Tunnelers allow them to carve new tunnels as needed rather than being restrained to the already existing paths. So, taking inspiration from them, we need something to allow us to do the same. It is quite the feat, then, that we were able to find such a thing. Through a series of small tunnels, we located a village of native Viri. Possibly from before the mass exploitation of this region began, these "kobold" type Viri dwelled in a single small village tucked away in an open, untouched cavern pocket. Small and (as our designers professed loudly almost immediately upon sight) adorable humanoids with an appearance somewhere between rat and reptile.

We have brought these Bitbolds to our cause, and equipped them for combat. They have been armored to match with our defenders durability, and equipped with a weapon. Specifically a large drill, which must be wielded with two hands. This drill serves two purposes. First is that it allows them to tunnel through the digital terrain. Secondly is that, in close ranges, it will utterly shred through enemies with its whirling drill-head doing constant damage.

Over all, these Bitbolds are rather lacking in exceptional weaknesses, but this is made up by the fact that they also do not have much in the way of strengths compared to our existing Templars aside from their ability to dig. In essence, this is us doing what we believe to be exercising caution with the scope of our work.

Idoloid MDL 03 - Zenobia.ISQ
Seeing the enemy Wako.mon in action has revealed to us a critical failing in our armory. All of our actual damage comes from things that we cannot rely on in all battlefields or at all times. Missiles? Limited both in number and by the Hackers current attention, not to mention awkward to use in tight or cluttered spaces. Stages? Big and aerial, impossible to use underground and hard to fit in tight spaces. ADIs? One of a kind. We need firepower that can be readily available within our forces. So we looked at the Wako, and took some inspiration.

Zenobia is our third and newest Idoloid model and presents something of a departure from the previous two. While no less capable an officer than the Sakura(and perhaps more capable of one considering she is not devoting her resources to any exotic healing effect) the Zenobia Idoloid is a heavily combat focused unit. With great physical strength beyond any unit we've fielded to date and durability exceeding a Defender or Templar, they are mighty warriors first and foremost.

Zenobia Idoloids appearance and capabilities would, at first glance, lead one to assume they are melee units. While certainly they can hold their own in a close up fight due to their excellent overall combat AI 'borrowed' from bosses of the notoriously difficult Black Spirits game franchise, they actually are at their best at a distance. Zenobias wield a proportionally massive bow for their large size, and equally enormous arrows. With their incredible strength they can draw and fire arrows with the force to leave holes in a Mobile Assault Stage. Of course, the scale of these weapons does make them hard to use in close combat, meaning that when foes close the gap in battle, they instead forgo their bows and wield one of their arrows as a spear.

Standing more than twice the height of a Jane and built like a brick house, Zenobia possesses an amazonian physique and an intimidating garb that blends more common "Crush my head between your thighs" "tribal" Amazoness depictions and more practical heavy armor, leading to a look both Wild and Disciplined in equal measure. A set of proceduraly generated scars mark their bodies and wild brown hair cascades over their back and shoulders, as their war-torn and fur-lined armor shines.

The main drawback of the Zenobia Idoloid is that, simply put, all that power and skill takes a lot of code, rendering them Complex out of necessity. While Sakuras could be fielded in enough numbers to form significant squads, We cannot field many more Zenobias than we could Colettes. In addition, their trend for seeking out 'Worthy Opponents' means they have a tendency to forgo orders to pick off more key units such as commanders or transports in favor of dueling with similarly powerful units to themselves or attempting to 'hunt' enemy ADIs as though they were great beasts.

Quote from: bytebox
Bonus Applicable Designs
Bitbold.Mon: (1) Failbird
Idoloid MDL 03 - Zenobia.ISQ: (1) Failbird

Not Bonus Applicable Designs
Air Raid Siren.Exe: ()
Hunts-Jane.exe: ()
Highway Jane.exe: ()
Hive.bat: ()
Mother.brood: ()
« Last Edit: April 29, 2022, 06:53:13 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #197 on: April 29, 2022, 07:01:18 pm »

Quote from: bytebox
Bonus Applicable Designs
Bitbold.Mon: (2) Failbird, m1895
Idoloid MDL 03 - Zenobia.ISQ: (2) Failbird, m1895

Not Bonus Applicable Designs
Air Raid Siren.Exe: ()
Hunts-Jane.exe: ()
Highway Jane.exe: ()
Hive.bat: ()
Mother.brood: ()


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #198 on: April 30, 2022, 06:52:25 pm »

Quote from: bytebox
Bonus Applicable Designs
Bitbold.Mon: (3) Failbird, m1895 , Doomblade
Idoloid MDL 03 - Zenobia.ISQ: (3) Failbird, m1895, Doomblade

Not Bonus Applicable Designs
Air Raid Siren.Exe: ()
Hunts-Jane.exe: ()
Highway Jane.exe: ()
Hive.bat: ()
Mother.brood: ()

A proxy vote was requested on Discord


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #199 on: May 13, 2022, 07:45:52 pm »

Turn 8 : Design Phase
Viri Design: Bitbold.Mon
It didn't take long for us to single out the biggest problems we were going to have trying to go into the Bitmines. The first, of course, is that our primary method of transporting units simply doesn't work here. There's no room for our stages to fly. The second, is that we are fully restricted by the terrain around us while our enemy is not

Firmament Tunnelers allow them to carve new tunnels as needed rather than being restrained to the already existing paths. So, taking inspiration from them, we need something to allow us to do the same. It is quite the feat, then, that we were able to find such a thing. Through a series of small tunnels, we located a village of native Viri. Possibly from before the mass exploitation of this region began, these "kobold" type Viri dwelled in a single small village tucked away in an open, untouched cavern pocket. Small and (as our designers professed loudly almost immediately upon sight) adorable humanoids with an appearance somewhere between rat and reptile.

We have brought these Bitbolds to our cause, and equipped them for combat. They have been armored to match with our defenders durability, and equipped with a weapon. Specifically a large drill, which must be wielded with two hands. This drill serves two purposes. First is that it allows them to tunnel through the digital terrain. Secondly is that, in close ranges, it will utterly shred through enemies with its whirling drill-head doing constant damage.

Over all, these Bitbolds are rather lacking in exceptional weaknesses, but this is made up by the fact that they also do not have much in the way of strengths compared to our existing Templars aside from their ability to dig. In essence, this is us doing what we believe to be exercising caution with the scope of our work.
2 + 2 - 0 = 4 : Below average (Normal)

Inspired mainly by parallel use instead of parallel function, the new Bitbold.Mon is, unlike the Firmament's Tunneler.exe MKII, not a three wheeled vehicle though it is equipped with a similar (looking) drill. Using this drill they are capable of tunneling through even hard to tunnel through substances, though speed at tunneling through bedrock code or other similar substances may suffer. Being adapted from monsters whom themselves were adapted to tunneling they also have sufficient integrated senses to allow the Bitbold.Mon programs to (mostly) accurately navigate underground, at least through short to mid-short ranged distances, without getting lost. However despite these successes certain design issues have arisen with the Bitbold's design goals. First off, while they have been given a certain level of light armor the necessity of carrying a two handed mining drill prevents them from carrying a tower shield, the item from which a large amount of the Defender's durability comes from. As such while they won't die instantly when exposed to combat, their defensive stat levels are much closer to that of the original Minion.exe program then they are to the Defender's good level of not-dying levels. Secondly, while their mining drill is a relatively potent melee weapon the combination of the Bitbold's small stature along with the mining drill's two handed nature has made it a somewhat unwieldy weapon when they attempt to use it on enemies. Combined with the Bitbold's relative lack of defensive power and it must be recommend that they stay out of direct combat. The other issue of note is that there can sometimes be a certain level of difficulty in properly planning dig patterns on the hacker's side of things, and it is suggested that a custom UI or specialized command form might be looked into to make coordination of larger scale or more complicated tunneling efforts a simpler affair.

Lastly, and less importantly, when not being supervised they have a tendency to dig into the surrounding landscape and construct a nest of twisting tunnels, all alike, sized appropriately for their own use but too small for use by most other programs in use by the Stagehands within which they while reside in. While not an enormous issue, this habit can complicate base and infrastructure construction.

Turn 8 : Design Phase
Idoloid MDL 03 - Zenobia.ISQ
Seeing the enemy Wako.mon in action has revealed to us a critical failing in our armory. All of our actual damage comes from things that we cannot rely on in all battlefields or at all times. Missiles? Limited both in number and by the Hackers current attention, not to mention awkward to use in tight or cluttered spaces. Stages? Big and aerial, impossible to use underground and hard to fit in tight spaces. ADIs? One of a kind. We need firepower that can be readily available within our forces. So we looked at the Wako, and took some inspiration.

Zenobia is our third and newest Idoloid model and presents something of a departure from the previous two. While no less capable an officer than the Sakura(and perhaps more capable of one considering she is not devoting her resources to any exotic healing effect) the Zenobia Idoloid is a heavily combat focused unit. With great physical strength beyond any unit we've fielded to date and durability exceeding a Defender or Templar, they are mighty warriors first and foremost.

Zenobia Idoloids appearance and capabilities would, at first glance, lead one to assume they are melee units. While certainly they can hold their own in a close up fight due to their excellent overall combat AI 'borrowed' from bosses of the notoriously difficult Black Spirits game franchise, they actually are at their best at a distance. Zenobias wield a proportionally massive bow for their large size, and equally enormous arrows. With their incredible strength they can draw and fire arrows with the force to leave holes in a Mobile Assault Stage. Of course, the scale of these weapons does make them hard to use in close combat, meaning that when foes close the gap in battle, they instead forgo their bows and wield one of their arrows as a spear.

Standing more than twice the height of a Jane and built like a brick house, Zenobia possesses an amazonian physique and an intimidating garb that blends more common "Crush my head between your thighs" "tribal" Amazoness depictions and more practical heavy armor, leading to a look both Wild and Disciplined in equal measure. A set of proceduraly generated scars mark their bodies and wild brown hair cascades over their back and shoulders, as their war-torn and fur-lined armor shines.

The main drawback of the Zenobia Idoloid is that, simply put, all that power and skill takes a lot of code, rendering them Complex out of necessity. While Sakuras could be fielded in enough numbers to form significant squads, We cannot field many more Zenobias than we could Colettes. In addition, their trend for seeking out 'Worthy Opponents' means they have a tendency to forgo orders to pick off more key units such as commanders or transports in favor of dueling with similarly powerful units to themselves or attempting to 'hunt' enemy ADIs as though they were great beasts.
4 + 3 - 1 = 6 : Above average (Hard)

Even with forsaking the advanced elemental conversion coding and the rudimentary integrated healing routines of the Sakura, it's a matter of relief for the coding team that they are allowed to use high-complexity level production and stabilization methods in the Zenobia Idoloid program. Most of the team's coding effort for this project goes to programming in the dense muscle coding that gives the Zenobia Idoloids their great physical strength, though this is by no means the only task they undertake. Other tasks they find themselves completing during this project is taking the combat AI for the (in)famous Black Spirits game and stripping out useful information from it to form a tactical library that the Zenobia model is equipped with, rendering it surprisingly lethal in melee combat, as well as programming in the grandbow and arrows that the Zenobia Idoloids use as weapons. It is noted that the sheer size of these weapons, and the fact that the Black Spirits game doesn't have to worry about the players weapons bouncing off the landscape, means that the Zenobia is a bit less useful then desired in tight quarters... or in battlefields that lack wide open areas for them to shoot people from afar, but that goes without saying for a ranged unit design. Or it should at least, but someone had to say it anyway.

While the Zenobia Idoloids still have all of the Sakura model's officer coding, the large personal combat tactics library tends to take up enough of their mental processing power, combined with their common position behind the front line of battle to properly use their bows, makes them only act as officers infrequently. This isn't helped by their tendency to target fixate on 'worthy targets', a tendency apparently caused by the integration of the Black Spirits data and encouraged by a few programmers who found it in theme. Still, they're lethal and powerful and functional, and able to shoot a flying stage from a fair distance away. That's probably good enough, at least in the coding team's opinion.

It is Turn 8, in the Revision Phase. During this phase you must vote on what revision to do to your current assets. During this Revision Phase you get two revisions, but one must be in theme for an area you fought in during the last combat phase.

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2022, 09:12:17 pm by Happerry »
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #200 on: May 14, 2022, 07:58:42 pm »

Viri Revision: Bitbold Foremen
The Bitbolds aren't truly fit to fight. This is fine frankly, we do not need them to engage in battle when they can simply act on their more supportive role as diggers. The problem lies in the fact that there are issues in that area as well. Not only are tunnels much harder to plan out than simple land or air paths, but the Bitbolds have a tendency to get distracted and occupy themselves when not being busied. Fortunately however, we've found a way to minimize the first issue, and quite possibly make use of the second.

You see, while parsing through the code of these wild viri, we found (currently) unused code for a sort of "alpha" variant. This variant, which we've titled the Foreman, doesn't have much going for it compared to normal Bitbolds, other than naturally drawing the base variants deference. That's where we come in. We have essentially spliced the tactical and command libraries of our Officers into these Bitbold Foremen, making a sort of natural leader for our digging crews.

The Foremen have all the natural tunneling and underground pathing skills of the Bitbolds, but with the intelligence and tactical skill to be able to manage pathing tunnels safely and quickly to a destination on their own with only some metaphorical 'checkpoints' needing to be provided by the Hacker for the Foreman to guide their path to. And along with they've been given a fairly simple instruction to just guide their fellow Bitbolds to make their den tunnels moderately larger. While the Zenobias and Lasards could never hope to fit through these new tunnels, our Janes can use them as secret paths across a base with only moderate awkwardness, and they are even more navigable for the remaining Minion variants.

It should be noted, however, that the Foremen are rather rare. Rarer than the Bitbolds themselves to be specific. Though while some extra complexity was needed to fit in the recycled coding, most of this rarity comes from necessity. Too many Foremen compared to the amount of regular Bitbolds leads to confusion and arguments between crews.

Viri Revision: War God's Outrage
While the Zenobia model of Idoloid functions amazingly both at a distance and in a melee, they suffer in tight spaces such as the tunnels where we need them most. While their arrows are large enough to function as spears, spears are not particularly effective without the room to use them properly. As such when left to fight in such a tight space or backed into a corner, they can discard their spears and bows and return to a more primal form of combat.

With newly added claw-blades upon their gauntlets, the Zenobia idoloids will fight viciously, more like beast than warrior. This reckless fighting style is terrifying and can carve swathes through an enemy line, but leaves the Zenobia and surrounding allied units at great risk as well. Codes for things such as self-preservation and separating non-Zenobia allies from enemies disabled as a sort of blood-rage takes hold. They assail their foes with crushing grabs, rending swipes, and destructive kicks, a few have even been witnessed biting into the Minions left arrayed against them in the test runs. Still, while a drastic solution, and perhaps even one that introduces its own problems, it is sure to be a sight to behold.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2022, 10:35:16 am by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #201 on: May 18, 2022, 12:07:24 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Bitbold Foremen:(1) DGR
War God's Outrage: (1) DGR
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #202 on: May 18, 2022, 03:10:53 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Bitbold Foremen:(2) DGR, m1895
War God's Outrage: (2) DGR, m1895


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #203 on: May 18, 2022, 07:45:44 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Bitbold Foremen:(3) DGR, m1895, Failbird
War God's Outrage: (3) DGR, m1895, Failbird


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #204 on: June 08, 2022, 07:09:58 pm »

Turn 8 : Revision Phase
Viri Revision: Bitbold Foremen
The Bitbolds aren't truly fit to fight. This is fine frankly, we do not need them to engage in battle when they can simply act on their more supportive role as diggers. The problem lies in the fact that there are issues in that area as well. Not only are tunnels much harder to plan out than simple land or air paths, but the Bitbolds have a tendency to get distracted and occupy themselves when not being busied. Fortunately however, we've found a way to minimize the first issue, and quite possibly make use of the second.

You see, while parsing through the code of these wild viri, we found (currently) unused code for a sort of "alpha" variant. This variant, which we've titled the Foreman, doesn't have much going for it compared to normal Bitbolds, other than naturally drawing the base variants deference. That's where we come in. We have essentially spliced the tactical and command libraries of our Officers into these Bitbold Foremen, making a sort of natural leader for our digging crews.

The Foremen have all the natural tunneling and underground pathing skills of the Bitbolds, but with the intelligence and tactical skill to be able to manage pathing tunnels safely and quickly to a destination on their own with only some metaphorical 'checkpoints' needing to be provided by the Hacker for the Foreman to guide their path to. And along with they've been given a fairly simple instruction to just guide their fellow Bitbolds to make their den tunnels moderately larger. While the Zenobias and Lasards could never hope to fit through these new tunnels, our Janes can use them as secret paths across a base with only moderate awkwardness, and they are even more navigable for the remaining Minion variants.

It should be noted, however, that the Foremen are rather rare. Rarer than the Bitbolds themselves to be specific. Though while some extra complexity was needed to fit in the recycled coding, most of this rarity comes from necessity. Too many Foremen compared to the amount of regular Bitbolds leads to confusion and arguments between crews.
4 + 3 - 0 = 7 : Superior craftsmanship (Normal)

Larger, smarter, and more capable then their lesser kin, the new Bitbold Foremen have been given specialized officer based coding to allow for coordination of excessively large Bitbold tunneling teams, allowing for quite large scale tunneling efforts to be carried out at a surprisingly high speed due to the large amount of well managed workers. They also make sure that the 'natural' tunnels that the Bitbolds tunnel out large enough to fit normal sized units, though this does of course mean that normal sized enemy units can now enter the tunnels without issue as well. They have also resolved (most) of the issue in the difficulty the hackers have in actually planning out how tunnels are to be tunneled, in that their specialized brains are smart enough to make mostly sensible choices when told 'tunnel between these two points' or 'make a dig in redoubt here' instead of some of the more... unfortunate choices seen in simulations. Of course a specialized user interface for easy tunnel planning would still be beneficial, but the Bitbold Foremen will make tunneling a more viable option in combat.

As a specialized sub-variant of the normal Bitbolds, Bitbold Foremen are considered one complexity level above the normal Bitbolds.

Viri Revision: War God's Outrage
While the Zenobia model of Idoloid functions amazingly both at a distance and in a melee, they suffer in tight spaces such as the tunnels where we need them most. While their arrows are large enough to function as spears, spears are not particularly effective without the room to use them properly. As such when left to fight in such a tight space or backed into a corner, they can discard their spears and bows and return to a more primal form of combat.

With newly added claw-blades upon their gauntlets, the Zenobia idoloids will fight viciously, more like beast than warrior. This reckless fighting style is terrifying and can carve swathes through an enemy line, but leaves the Zenobia and surrounding allied units at great risk as well. Codes for things such as self-preservation and separating non-Zenobia allies from enemies disabled as a sort of blood-rage takes hold. They assail their foes with crushing grabs, rending swipes, and destructive kicks, a few have even been witnessed biting into the Minions left arrayed against them in the test runs. Still, while a drastic solution, and perhaps even one that introduces its own problems, it is sure to be a sight to behold.
4 + 1 - 0 = 4 : Average (Normal)

The 'War God's Outrage' revision task force has two main goals. The first is an upgrade slash expansion of the Zenobia's personal combat library to include hand to hand melee combat. The second is the addition of weapon grade 'claw-blades' to their gauntlets for use in said melee combat. The first goal is more difficult then the second, which is quickly resolved by re-purposing code used for the SwordyMinion's... well, swords. Expanding the already fairly high volume melee combat library with additional combat routines fit for the new weapon is more difficult, and the resulting melee combat cycles are not as high quality as the spear based routines stolen from an infamously hard melee combat video game. Nor is any true 'berserker rage' coding achieved in the revision effort, with any apparent 'feral fury' moments merely resulting from vastly decreased prioritization of a Zenobia's personal survival when things come down to close range melee combat. However despite the non-outstanding level of results, the revision project has still succeeded in giving the Zenobia an acceptable point blank backup engagement option.

It is now the Deployment Phase of Turn 8. During this phase you must decide which of your hackers will be leading your attacks (you currently have two attacks), and decide what they will use their memory space to bring with them in terms of chips and champions (You currently have 12 memory).

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Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #205 on: June 09, 2022, 05:39:18 pm »

Deployment Plan: Forge Ahead and Push Back

Jorg 'Bass Line' Jorgenson
Deployment Zone: BitMines
Chip Folder,
- Stunbolt [1]
- Stunbolt [1]
- Stunbolt [1]
- Recovery 10 [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- BlueFiend.mon [4]
- DramaticSpotlight [ 0 ]
- InvokeSoundtrack [ 0 ]

Deployment Zone: Viral Jungle
Chip Folder,
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Dutchman.mon [4]
- MinionCall A [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- DramaticSpotlight [ 0 ]
- InvokeSoundtrack [ 0 ]

Quote from: BattleBox
Forge Ahead and Push Back (1): Failbird


  • Bay Watcher
  • Requires music to get through the working day.
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #206 on: June 11, 2022, 05:21:12 pm »

Quote from: BattleBox
Forge Ahead and Push Back: (2) Doomblade, Failbird
« Last Edit: June 11, 2022, 07:14:54 pm by Doomblade187 »
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #207 on: June 11, 2022, 08:56:18 pm »

Quote from: BattleBox
Forge Ahead and Push Back: (3) Doomblade, Failbird, m1895
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