A thread about potential megabeast interactions, in a scale of cusping the ear of intelligent megabeasts and bending them to your will in fortress mode without having to tame them. The fundamentals are calling the beast from long distances with
'Summoning' in a single instance at a time, and
'Guardianship' to bind them into a contract with your fortress.
SummoningThe structuring of cults dedicated to worshipping powerful beasts works like appeasement in a remote sense as a mechanic, for as long as the cult prays and dances regularly the appeasement of the beast will rise and avert the likelyhood of attacks by the named entity and members of its related family.
- When a religious society is founded by acceptance of their petitions & building sufficiently lavish complexes, the ability to summon the megabeast to your location becomes availible as a trump-card through a ornate ritual of dance and simulated/real instruments that requires a great many dwarves.
- 'Invited Guests' are not exactly neutral, but they wont be liable to attack if appeasement is already high.
If this at all sounds like King Kong, that's deliberate, the exact details and materials for the summoning ritual may even be brought up by a preference of the sphere and personal ethics/deliberations of the founder of the cult or respective megabeast. A Giant for instance might want a large tribute of food, dragons being creatures of wealth wanting gemstones etc. Anything going up and beyond sentient being & artifact sacrifices.
GuardianshipGuardianship is the offical status for a megabeast that resides on site pernamently as a defender, this is met with the highest level of devotion and development of your monster-temple religion, and to finally seal and transact the deal through the use of a priest creating another summoning-meeting, domesticating them on the spot, or for the more intelligent monster allumini, giving them the high wants & demands role of 'Guardian' similar to a baron or count & a military position to be controllable and equippable in the fortress, especially the artifact they're bound to.