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Author Topic: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME  (Read 3445 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gonna one-up FoU - with an FG in my personal text!
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Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« on: May 22, 2017, 11:43:50 pm »

 Hey guys! I've been working on a videogame version of the Storm game I'd run on this forum some time ago. It's almost ready to play, which is pretty good, because this thing is due at midnight of Wednesday-Thursday PST! I need playtesting done for the game, and I was wondering if you guys could give me a hand. Once I put the code here, all you'll need to do is put it into yhe Processing program (which you can get here) and press the play button. The game is controlled with a simple UI and most of the feedback/output is in the console window (it was the easiest way to make it a text-based game, even though it means I can't export it). Here's how to play the game:

 On the screen that pops up, there are two halves - one is the map, and one is the UI.

 The map shows your location in the world as a red dot. Usually, each square on the map will only have one location, but sometimes it will have more.

 The UI has directional buttons for NORTH, EAST, SOUTH and WEST. In the center is the "wait" button. In the upper right corner will be buttons that lead to the separate parts of a multi-location square (if you are in such a square). Below that will be the buttons to talk to PEOPLE or pick up ITEMS (if those exist in your location).

 Below that is a black bar. This black bar will contain the name of the poem that your location is based on, but only if you've discovered the name. If you haven't, it will read "? ? ?" and you will be able to click it to type in the name of the poem (then press enter). Success leads to the poem being written in the console area and a brief exposition by your character. This is sometimes needed to continue the game.

 Below the black bar are the items you've collected. You use them by clicking on them. Usually, they will only work in certain locations, but sometimes they might have a default effect that activates instead of the "You can't do this" message.

That's about it. If you want to see what the game plays like (albeit in the forum version) you can go here. If you have any questions,  just ask.

(Note: the reason I'm making this before I put in the code is so that more people will playtest it when I do put it in - I expect to have the code done less than 24 hours before the deadline)
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gonna one-up FoU - with an FG in my personal text!
    • View Profile
Re: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2017, 08:29:52 pm »

Code: [Select]
boolean begin;
boolean morning; //used to prevent multiple sunrises/sunsets

int[] place = new int[2];
int[] exit = new int[4];

int time;
int location;
int currentScreen; //none,village,<mountain>,desert

int actionCourier; //north,east,south,west,wait,move1,move2,action1,action2,textbox,goblet,hourglass,horn,sword,book,wand,eye,staff,lyre
boolean typing;
String[] poemNameSeen = new String [45];
String[] poemNameTrue = new String [45];
String[] poemSolved = new String [45];

//Variables to be expanded upon:   (maybe not all of these, as I ended up clumping them together)
int sandType; //none, time, past, future, ghost  WHILE YOU HAVE BRIDGET YOU CANNOT DUMP GHOST SAND!
int sandLength;

String[] villagePuzzleSeen = new String[7];
String[] villagePuzzleTrue = new String[7];
int villagePuzzleBox;

String[] desertPuzzleTrue = new String[8];
IntList desertPuzzleOrder = new IntList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
int[] desertPuzzleCheck = new int[8];
boolean[] desertPuzzleUsed = new boolean[8];
int desertPuzzleLine;

int bridgetNell; //before, during, after, revealed path, FOUND NELL BEFOREHAND!
int maxwellSaved; //before, during, after
int ziraProgress; //before 1st meet, after, found proof, FOUND PROOF BEFOREHAND!
int hourglassQuest; //before, during, after hourglass is found, FOUND HOURGLASS BEFOREHAND!
boolean hornBlown;
boolean tavernRuined;
boolean crewSaved;
//boolean bellRung; !void!
boolean villageSolved;
boolean tigerKilled;
boolean songHeard;
boolean jabberwockyKilled;
boolean desertSolved;
boolean highwaymanRevealed;

int conversation; //(irrelevent at the moment, but just to remember)
int ghostTalked; //hasn't met, met, talked
boolean mentionedDeath;
boolean grandfatherTalked; //keeps track of whether you turned in goblet / revealed path
boolean womanTalked; //keeps track of whether you finished dialogue
boolean farmerTalked; //keeps track of whether you finished dialogue
boolean barmaidTalked; //keeps track of whether barmaid talked today

int itemType; //none, bell(void), lyre, PASTsand, sword&GHOSTsand, GHOSTsand, TIMEsand, staff, book, goblet, FUTUREsand
int personType; //none, fishermen&figures, maxwell, ghost, ghost&nell, ghosts(void), zira, grandfather, woman, nell, farmer, barmaid
boolean stars;
boolean moss;
boolean fire;
boolean water;

boolean eye;
boolean lyre;
boolean staff;
boolean wand;

boolean hourglass;
boolean horn;
boolean sword;
boolean book;
//No "king's past" as that is part of the hourglassQuest. Takes up hourglass slot.

int churchLocation; //graveyard, chamber, belfry (void)
int towerLocation; //outside, inside
int cliffLocation; //cabin, gravestone, beach
int monasteryLocation; //outside, Zira, book

void setup()
  size(620, 500);

  begin = false;
  morning = false;

  place[0] = 2;
  place[1] = 6;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  time = 0;
  location = 26;
  currentScreen = 0;

  actionCourier = 0; //which is north, technically, but that doesn't matter
  typing = false;
  for (int i=0; i <= 44; i++)
    poemNameSeen[i] = "? ? ?";
  poemNameTrue[0] = "The Swimmers";
  poemNameTrue[1] = "To Marguerite";
  poemNameTrue[2] = "In a Disused Graveyard";
  poemNameTrue[3] = "Little Nell";
  poemNameTrue[4] = "Abandoned Church? (but I can't find it again)";
  poemNameTrue[5] = "The Messenger";
  //poemNameTrue[6] doesn't exist
  poemNameTrue[7] = "Let This Darkness Be a Bell Tower";
  poemNameTrue[8] = "White Magic";
  poemNameTrue[9] = "Father Time";
  poemNameTrue[10] = "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came";
  poemNameTrue[11] = "Lament";
  poemNameTrue[12] = "The Lake Isle of Innisfree";
  poemNameTrue[13] = "A Gravestone";
  poemNameTrue[14] = "The Fairies";
  poemNameTrue[15] = "The Stolen Child";
  poemNameTrue[16] = "Morte d'Arthur";
  poemNameTrue[17] = "Lady of the Lake";
  poemNameTrue[18] = "Jabberwocky";
  poemNameTrue[19] = "The Solitary Reaper";
  poemNameTrue[20] = "Poppies on the Wheat";
  poemNameTrue[21] = "The Cries of London";
  poemNameTrue[22] = "Valery as Dictator";
  poemNameTrue[23] = "The Desolate City";
  poemNameTrue[24] = "Chance Meetings";
  poemNameTrue[25] = "Identity";
  poemNameTrue[26] = "The Murdered Traveller";
  poemNameTrue[27] = "The Tyger";
  poemNameTrue[28] = "The Road Not Taken";
  poemNameTrue[29] = "Rain";
  poemNameTrue[30] = "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight";
  poemNameTrue[31] = "The Fool's Prayer";
  poemNameTrue[32] = "Epitaph on a Tyrant";
  poemNameTrue[33] = "The Tavern";
  poemNameTrue[34] = "The Inn of the Five Chimneys";
  poemNameTrue[35] = "The Highwayman";
  poemNameTrue[36] = "The Listeners";
  poemNameTrue[37] = "Bolton Abbey";
  poemNameTrue[38] = "Zira: in Captivity";
  poemNameTrue[39] = "Interior";
  poemNameTrue[40] = "In the King's Garden";
  poemNameTrue[41] = "In the Former Royal Garden";
  poemNameTrue[42] = "Ozymandias";
  poemNameTrue[43] = "The City";
  poemNameTrue[44] = "Autumn";
  poemSolved[0] = " THE SWIMMERS, by George Sterling\n\nWe were eight fishers of the western sea,\nWho sailed our craft beside a barren land,\nWhere harsh with pines the herdless mountains stand\nAnd lonely beaches be.\n\nOne strand we know, remote from all the rest,\nFar north and south the cliffs are high and steep,\nWhose naked leagues of rock repel the deep,\nInsurgent from the west.\n\nThat year a sombre autumn held the earth.\nAt dawn we sailed from out our village bay;\nWe sang; a taut wind leapt along the day;\nThe sea-birds mocked our mirth.\n\nBut when we would have cast our hooks, the main\nGrew wroth a-sudden, and our captains said:\n\"Seek we a shelter.\" And the west was red;\nGod gave his winds the rein\n\n.And eastward lay the sands of which I told;\nThither we fled, and on the narrow beach\nDrew up our keels beyond the lessening reach\nOf waters green and cold.\n\nThen set the wounded sun. The wind blew clean\nThe skies. A wincing star came forth at last.\nWe heard like mighty tollings on the blast\nThe shock of waves unseen.\n\nThen from the maelstroms of the surf arose\nWild laughter, mystical, and up the sands\nCame Two that walked with intertwining hands\nAmid those ocean snows.\n\nThen spoke the god (goddess and god they seemed),\nIn harplike accents of a tongue unknown--\nAbout his brows the dripping locks were blown;\nLike wannest gold he gleamed.\n\nYet sat we mute, for then a human word\nSeemed folly\'s worst. And scorn began to trace\nIts presence on the wild, imperious face;\nAgain the red lips stirred,\n\nBut spoke not. In an instant we were free\nFrom that enchantment: fleet as deer they turned\nAnd sudden amber leapt the sands they spurned.\nWe saw them meet the sea.\n\nWe heard the seven-chorded surf, unquelled,\nCall in one thunder to the granite walls;\nBut over all, like broken clarion-calls,\nDisdainful laughter welled.\n\nThen silence, save for cloven wave and wind.\nOur fire had faltered on its little dune.\nFar out a fog-wall reared, and hid the moon.\nThe night lay vast and blind.\n\n You recognize that woman in the surf. Though she has changed much, it is impossible to deny who that is. \"Zira!\" you call out to her. She stops laughing and looks at you, then her eyes flash an icy glare. \"I told you not to follow me!\" Before you can say another word, the other figure turns arond and leads her into the surf. His backwards glance is one of contempt. As you stand in stunned silence, one of the fishermen walks over to you. \"Thank you so much,\" he breathes, his body sagging in relief, \"you do not know how long we were frozen by the power of that strange being. His words...\" He catches his breath. \"If there is anyway we can repay you, we will! There is a small beach, not far south from here, where we shall dock instead. There is a small cabin there, by a cliff - do you know it? If you ever need the help of a ship, we shall be waiting.\" With that, the fisherman and his crew depart to their boat, and set off from the beach.";
  poemSolved[1] = " TO MARGUERITE, by Matthew Arnold\n\nYes! in the sea of life enisled, \nWith echoing straits between us thrown, \nDotting the shoreless watery wild, \nWe mortal millions live alone. \nThe islands feel the enclasping flow, \nAnd then their endless bounds they know. \n\nBut when the moon their hollows lights, \nAnd they are swept by balms of spring, \nAnd in their glens, on starry nights, \nThe nightingales divinely sing; \nAnd lovely notes, from shore to shore, \nAcross the sounds and channels pour— \n\nOh! then a longing like despair \nIs to their farthest caverns sent; \nFor surely once, they feel, we were \nParts of a single continent! \nNow round us spreads the watery plain—\nOh might our marges meet again! \n\nWho order'd, that their longing's fire \nShould be, as soon as kindled, cool\'d? \nWho renders vain their deep desire?— \nA God, a God their severance ruled! \nAnd bade betwixt their shores to be \nThe unplumb\'d, salt, estranging sea.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[2] = " IN A DISUSED GRAVEYARD, by Robert Frost\n\nThe living come with grassy tread\nTo read the gravestones on the hill;\nThe graveyard draws the living still,\nBut never anymore the dead.\nThe verses in it say and say:\n\"The ones who living come today\nTo read the stones and go away\nTomorrow dead will come to stay.\"\nSo sure of death the marbles rhyme,\nYet can\'t help marking all the time\nHow no one dead will seem to come.\nWhat is it men are shrinking from?\nIt would be easy to be clever\nAnd tell the stones: Men hate to die\nAnd have stopped dying now forever.\nI think they would believe the lie.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[3] = " LITTLE NELL, by Louisa May Alcott\n\nGleaming through the silent church-yard,\nWinter sunlight seemed to shed\nGolden shadows like soft blessings\nO\'er a quiet little bed,\n\nStrong in her fearless, faithful love,\nDevoted to the last,\nUnfaltering through gloom and gleam\nThe little wanderer passed.\n\nHand in hand they journeyed on\nThrough pathways strange and wild,\nThe gray-haired, feeble, sin-bowed man\nLed by the noble child.\n\nSo through the world\'s dark ways she passed,\nTill o\'er the church-yard sod,\nTo the quiet spot where they found rest,\nThose little feet had trod.\n\nTo that last resting-place on earth\nKind voices bid her come,\nThere her long wanderings found an end,\nAnd weary Nell a home.\n\nWhere a pale face lay unheeding\nTender tears that o\'er it fell;\nNo sorrow now could touch the heart\nOf gentle little Nell.\n\nAh, with what silent patient strength\nThe frail form lying there\nHad borne its heavy load of grief,\nOf loneliness and care.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[4] = " ABANDONED CHURCH, by William Stridger?/n/nI couldn't find the poem again :(";
  poemSolved[5] = " THE MESSENGER, by H.P. Lovecraft\n\nThe thing, he said, would come in the night at three\nFrom the old churchyard on the hill below;\nBut crouching by an oak fire\'s wholesome glow,\nI tried to tell myself it could not be.\n\nSurely, I mused, it was pleasantry\nDevised by one who did not truly know\nThe Elder Sign, bequeathed from long ago,\nThat sets the fumbling forms of darkness free.\n\nHe had not meant it - no - but still I lit\nAnother lamp as starry Leo climbed\nOut of the Seekonk, and a steeple chimed\nThree - and the firelight faded, bit by bit.\n\nThen at the door that cautious rattling came -\nAnd the mad truth devoured me like a flame!\n\n <poem solved message>";
  //doesn't exist
  poemSolved[7] = " LET THIS DARKNESS BE A BELL TOWER, from Sonnets to Orpheus II, 29\n\nQuiet friend who has come so far,\nfeel how your breathing makes more space around you.\nLet this darkness be a bell tower\nand you the bell. As you ring,\n\nwhat batters you becomes your strength.\nMove back and forth into the change.\nWhat is it like, such intensity of pain?\nIf the drink is bitter, turn yourself to wine.\n\nIn this uncontainable night,\nbe the mystery at the crossroads of your senses,\nthe meaning discovered there.\n\nAnd if the world has ceased to hear you,\nsay to the silent earth: I flow.\nTo the rushing water, speak: I am.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[8] = " WHITE MAGIC, by George Sterling\n\nKeep ye her brow with starshine crost\nAnd bind with ghostly light her hair,\nO powers benign, lest I accost\nSong's peaceless angel unaware!\n\nOne eve her whisper came to earth,\nAs eastward woke a thorny star,\nTo tell me of her kingdom\'s worth\nAnd what her liberations are:\n\nShe hath the Edens in her gift\nAnd songs of sovereignties unborn;\nIn realms agone her turrets lift,\nWrought from the purples of the morn.\n\nWhere swings to foam the dusky sea,\nShe waits with sapphires in her hand\nWhose light shall make thy spirit be\nLost in a still, enchanted land.\n\nMusing, she hears the subtle tunes\nFrom chords where faery fingers stray--\nA rain of pearl from crumbling moons\nLess clear and delicate than they.\n\nThe strain we lost and could not find\nThink we her haunted heart forgets?\nShe weaves it with a troubled wind\nAnd twilight music that regrets.\n\nOften she stands, unseen, aloof,\nTo watch beside an ocean\'s brink\nThe gorgeous, evanescent woof\nCast from the loom of suns that sink.\n\nOften, in eyries of the West,\nShe waits a lover from afar--\nFrailties of blossom on her breast\nAnd o\'er her brow the evening star.\n\nShe stands to greet him unaware,\nWho cannot find her if he seek:\nA sigh, a scent of heavenly hair--\nAnd oh, her breath is on his cheek!\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[9] = " FATHER TIME, by Harvey Scott\n\nI saw the old thief, Father Time,\nCame hirpling down the road,\nHe had a sack upon his back;\nLost minutes were his load,\nHe opened it and showed to me,\nNot minutes, but a host,\nOf years, decades a century\nOr more of minutes lost,\n\"I want to buy a year,\" I said,\n\"And I shall pay you well.\"\n\"If this Earth\'s mould were finest gold,\nto you I would not sell,\nFor I have minutes stolen from Kings,\nFrom Milton, Shakespeare and Bach,\nHow could you buy such precious things,\nYour common gold is trash?\"\nHe tied his sack and said,\n\"Farewell, young man, I have got my fee.\"\nFor while I tried to make him sell,\nHe stole an hour from me.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[10] = " CHILDE ROLAND TO THE DARK TOWER CAME, by Robert Browning\n\nMy first thought was, he lied in every word,\nThat hoary cripple, with malicious eye  \nAskance to watch the working of his lie  \nOn mine, and mouth scarce able to afford  \nSuppression of the glee, that purs’d and scor’d\nIts edge, at one more victim gain’d thereby.  \n\nWhat else should he be set for, with his staff?  \nWhat, save to waylay with his lies, ensnare  \nAll travellers who might find him posted there,  \nAnd ask the road? I guess’d what skull-like laugh\nWould break, what crutch ’gin write my epitaph  \nFor pastime in the dusty thoroughfare,  \n\nIf at his counsel I should turn aside  \nInto that ominous tract which, all agree,  \nHides the Dark Tower. Yet acquiescingly\nI did turn as he pointed: neither pride  \nNor hope rekindling at the end descried,  \nSo much as gladness that some end might be.  \n\nFor, what with my whole world-wide wandering,  \nWhat with my search drawn out thro’ years, my hope\nDwindled into a ghost not fit to cope  \nWith that obstreperous joy success would bring,—  \nI hardly tried now to rebuke the spring  \nMy heart made, finding failure in its scope.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[11] = " LAMENT, by Isabella Holt\n\nHe is gone with his blue eyes,\nWhom I love most,--\nGone among the cliffs and fog\nOn a far coast,--\n\nHe who scatters wit and pride\nFrom his keen tongue,\nHe who finds himself so deep\nAnd is so young;--\n\nHe whose joy is in sweet words\nAnd kindliness,--\nWhom old men love, and little boys\nNo whit the less. . . .\n\nRooms are silent that were glad\nSeven days ago.\nI can feel across my heart\nThe great tides flow.\n\nLove, the blind importunate,\nCraves touch and sight;\nBriefly parting, feels and fears\nEternal night.\n\nFear is sweeping on the wind\nLike acrid foam.\nI have said farewell to peace\nTill he comes home.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[12] = " LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE, by William Yeats\n\nI will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,\nAnd a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;\nNine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,\nAnd live alone in the bee-loud glade.\n\nAnd I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,\nDropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;\nThere midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,\nAnd evening full of the linnet’s wings.\n\nI will arise and go now, for always night and day\nI hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;\nWhile I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,\nI hear it in the deep heart’s core.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[13] = " A GRAVESTONE, by William Allingham\n\nFar from the churchyard dig his grave,\nOn some green mound beside the wave;\nTo westward, sea and sky alone,\nAnd sunsets. Put a mossy stone,\nWith mortal name and date, a harp\nAnd bunch of wild flowers, carven sharp;\nThen leave it free to winds that blow,\nAnd patient mosses creeping; slow,\nAnd wandering wings, and footsteps rare\nOf human creature pausing there.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[14] = " THE FAIRIES, by William Allingham\n\nUp the airy mountain,\nDown the rushy glen,\nWe daren\'t go a-hunting\nFor fear of little men;\nWee folk, good folk,\nTrooping all together;\nGreen jacket, red cap,\nAnd white owl\'s feather!\n\nDown along the rocky shore\nSome make their home,\nThey live on crispy pancakes\nOf yellow tide-foam;\nSome in the reeds\nOf the black mountain lake,\nWith frogs for their watch-dogs,\nAll night awake.\n\nHigh on the hill-top\nThe old King sits;\nHe is now so old and gray\nHe's nigh lost his wits.\nWith a bridge of white mist\nColumbkill he crosses,\nOn his stately journeys\nFrom Slieveleague to Rosses;\nOr going up with music\nOn cold starry nights\nTo sup with the Queen\nOf the gay Northern Lights.\n\nThey stole little Bridget\nFor seven years long;\nWhen she came down again\nHer friends were all gone.\nThey took her lightly back,\nBetween the night and morrow,\nThey thought that she was fast asleep,\nBut she was dead with sorrow.\nThey have kept her ever since\nDeep within the lake,\nOn a bed of flag-leaves,\nWatching till she wake.\n\nBy the craggy hill-side,\nThrough the mosses bare,\nThey have planted thorn-trees\nFor pleasure here and there.\nIf any man so daring\nAs dig them up in spite,\nHe shall find their sharpest thorns\nIn his bed at night.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[15] = " THE STOLEN CHILD, by William Yeats\n\nWhere dips the rocky highland\nOf Sleuth Wood in the lake,\nThere lies a leafy island\nWhere flapping herons wake\nThe drowsy water rats;\nThere we’ve hid our faery vats,\nFull of berrys\nAnd of reddest stolen cherries.\nCome away, O human child!\nTo the waters and the wild\nWith a faery, hand in hand,\nFor the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.\n\nWhere the wave of moonlight glosses\nThe dim gray sands with light,\nFar off by furthest Rosses\nWe foot it all the night,\nWeaving olden dances\nMingling hands and mingling glances\nTill the moon has taken flight;\nTo and fro we leap\nAnd chase the frothy bubbles,\nWhile the world is full of troubles\nAnd anxious in its sleep.\nCome away, O human child!\nTo the waters and the wild\nWith a faery, hand in hand,\nFor the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.\n\nWhere the wandering water gushes\nFrom the hills above Glen-Car,\nIn pools among the rushes\nThat scarce could bathe a star,\nWe seek for slumbering trout\nAnd whispering in their ears\nGive them unquiet dreams;\nLeaning softly out\nFrom ferns that drop their tears\nOver the young streams.\nCome away, O human child!\nTo the waters and the wild\nWith a faery, hand in hand,\nFor the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[16] = " MORTE D'ARTHUR, by Alfred Tennyson\n\nSo all day long the noise of battle roll'd \nAmong the mountains by the winter sea; \nUntil King Arthur\'s table, man by man, \nHad fallen in Lyonnesse about their Lord, \nKing Arthur: then, because his wound was deep, \nThe bold Sir Bedivere uplifted him, \nSir Bedivere, the last of all his knights, \nAnd bore him to a chapel nigh the field, \nA broken chancel with a broken cross, \nThat stood on a dark strait of barren land. \nOn one side lay the ocean, and on one \nLay a great water, and the moon was full. \n\nThen spake King Arthur to Sir Bedivere: \n\"The sequel of to-day unsolders all \nThe goodliest fellowship of famous knights \nWhereof this world holds record. Such a sleep \nThey sleep—the men I loved. I think that we \nShall never more, at any future time, \nDelight our souls with talk of knightly deeds, \nWalking about the gardens and the halls \nOf Camelot, as in the days that were. \nI perish by this people which I made,— \nTho\' Merlin sware that I should come again \nTo rule once more—but let what will be, be, \nI am so deeply smitten thro\' the helm \nThat without help I cannot last till morn. \nThou therefore take my brand Excalibur, \nWhich was my pride: for thou rememberest how \nIn those old days, one summer noon, an arm \nRose up from out the bosom of the lake, \nClothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful, \nHolding the sword—and how I row\'d across \nAnd took it, and have worn it, like a king: \nAnd, wheresoever I am sung or told \nIn aftertime, this also shall be known: \nBut now delay not: take Excalibur, \nAnd fling him far into the middle mere: \nWatch what thou seëst, and lightly bring me word.\"\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[17] = " LADY OF THE LAKE, by Walter Scott\n\n  XVII.\nBut scarce again his horn he wound,\nWhen lo! forth starting at the sound,\nFrom underneath an aged oak\nThat slanted from the islet rock,\nA damsel guider of its way,\nA little skiff shot to the bay,\nThat round the promontory steep\nLed its deep line in graceful sweep,\nEddying, in almost viewless wave,\nThe weeping willow twig to rave,\nAnd kiss, with whispering sound and slow,\nThe beach of pebbles bright as snow.\nThe boat had touched this silver strand\nJust as the Hunter left his stand,\nAnd stood concealed amid the brake,\nTo view this Lady of the Lake.\nThe maiden paused, as if again\nShe thought to catch the distant strain.\nWith head upraised, and look intent,\nAnd eye and ear attentive bent,\nAnd locks flung back, and lips apart,\nLike monument of Grecian art,\nIn listening mood, she seemed to stand,\nThe guardian Naiad of the strand.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[18] = " JABBERWOCKY, by Lewis Carroll\n\n’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves \nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe: \nAll mimsy were the borogoves, \nAnd the mome raths outgrabe. \n\n\"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! \nThe jaws that bite, the claws that catch! \nBeware the Jubjub bird, and shun \nThe frumious Bandersnatch!\" \n\nHe took his vorpal sword in hand; \nLong time the manxome foe he sought— \nSo rested he by the Tumtum tree \nAnd stood awhile in thought. \n\nAnd, as in uffish thought he stood, \nThe Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, \nCame whiffling through the tulgey wood, \nAnd burbled as it came! \n\nOne, two! One, two! And through and through \nThe vorpal blade went snicker-snack! \nHe left it dead, and with its head \nHe went galumphing back. \n\n\"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock? \nCome to my arms, my beamish boy! \nO frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!\" \nHe chortled in his joy. \n\n’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves \nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe: \nAll mimsy were the borogoves, \nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[19] = " THE SOLITARY REAPER, by William Wordsworth\n\nBehold her, single in the field, \nYon solitary Highland Lass! \nReaping and singing by herself; \nStop here, or gently pass! \nAlone she cuts and binds the grain, \nAnd sings a melancholy strain; \nO listen! for the Vale profound \nIs overflowing with the sound. \n\nNo Nightingale did ever chaunt \nMore welcome notes to weary bands \nOf travellers in some shady haunt, \nAmong Arabian sands: \nA voice so thrilling ne'er was heard \nIn spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird, \nBreaking the silence of the seas \nAmong the farthest Hebrides. \n\nWill no one tell me what she sings?— \nPerhaps the plaintive numbers flow \nFor old, unhappy, far-off things, \nAnd battles long ago: \nOr is it some more humble lay, \nFamiliar matter of to-day? \nSome natural sorrow, loss, or pain, \nThat has been, and may be again? \n\nWhate'er the theme, the Maiden sang \nAs if her song could have no ending; \nI saw her singing at her work, \nAnd o\'er the sickle bending;— \nI listened, motionless and still; \nAnd, as I mounted up the hill, \nThe music in my heart I bore, \nLong after it was heard no more.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[20] = " POPPIES ON THE WHEAT, by Helen Hunt\n\nAlong Ancona’s hills the shimmering heat,\nA tropic tide of air with ebb and flow\nBathes all the fields of wheat until they glow\nLike flashing seas of green, which toss and beat\nAround the vines. The poppies lithe and fleet\nSeem running, fiery torchmen, to and fro\nTo mark the shore.\n\nThe farmer does not know\nThat they are there. He walks with heavy feet,\nCounting the bread and wine by autumn’s gain,\nBut I,—I smile to think that days remain\nPerhaps to me in which, though bread be sweet\nNo more, and red wine warm my blood in vain,\nI shall be glad remembering how the fleet,\nLithe poppies ran like torchmen with the wheat.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[21] = " THE CRIES OF LONDON, by Anon\n\nHere`s fine rosemary, sage and thyme.\nCome buy my ground ivy.\nHere`s fetherfew, gilliflowers and rue.\nCome buy my knotted majorum, ho!\nCome buy my mint, my fine greenmint.\nHere`s fine lavender for your cloaths.\nHere`s parsley and winter=savory,\nAnd hearts-ease, which all do choose.\nHere`s balm and hissop, and cinquefoil,\nAll fine herbs, it is well known.\nLet none despise the merry, merry cries\nOf famous London-town!\n\nHere`s fine herrings, eight a groat.\nHot codlins, pies and tarts.\nNew mackerel! have to sell.\nCome buy my Wellfleet oysters, ho!\nCome buy my whitings fine and new.\nWives, shall I mend your husbands horns?\nI`ll grind your knives to please your wives,\nAnd very nicely cut your corns.\nMaids, have you any hair to sell,\nEither flaxen, black or brown?\nLet none despise the merry, merry cries\nOf famous London-town!\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[22] = " VALERY AS DICTATOR, by Amiri Baraka\n\nSad. And it comes\ntomorrow. Again, gray, the streaks\nof work\nshredding the stone\nof the pavement, dissolving \nwith the idea\nof singular endeavor. Herds, the\nherds\nof suffering intelligences\nbunched,\nand out of \nhearing. Though the day\ncome to us\nin waves,\nsun, air, the beat\nof the clock.\nThough I stare at the radical \nworld,\nwishing it would stand still.\nTell me,\nand I gain at the telling.\nOf the lie, and the waking\nagainst the heavy breathing\nof new light, dawn, shattering\nthe naive cluck\nof feeling.\nWhat is tomorrow \nthat it cannot come \ntoday?\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[23] = " THE DESOLATE CITY, by Wilfrid Blunt\n\nDark to me is the earth. Dark to me are the heavens.\nWhere is she that I loved, the woman with eyes like stars?\nDesolate are the streets. Desolate is the city.\nA city taken by storm, where none are left but the slain.\n\nSpeak, O desolate city! Speak, O silence in sadness!\nWhere is she that I loved in my strength, that spoke to my soul?\nWhere are those passionate eyes that appeal'd to my eyes in passion?\nWhere is the mouth that kiss'd me, the breast I laid to my own?\n\nSpeak, thou soul of my soul, for rage in my heart is kindled.\nTell me, where didst thou flee in the day of destruction and fear?\nSee, my arms still enfold thee, enfolding thus all heaven,\nSee, my desire is fulfill'd in thee, for it fills the earth.\n\nThus in my grief I lamented. Then turn'd I from the window,\nTurn'd to the stair, and the open door, and the empty street,\nCrying aloud in my grief, for there was none to chide me,\nNone to mock my weakness, none to behold my tears.\n\nLove, thy eyes were like torches. They changed as I beheld them.\nLove, thy lips were like gems, the seal thou settest on my life.\nLove, if I loved not then, behold this hour thy vengeance;\nThis is the fruit of thy love and thee, the unwise grown wise.\n\nWeeping strangled my voice. I call'd out, but none answer'd;\nBlindly the windows gazed back at me, dumbly the door;\nShe whom I love, who loved me, look'd not on my yearning,\nGave me no more her hands to kiss, show'd me no more her soul.\n\nTherefore the earth is dark to me, the sunlight blackness,\nTherefore I go in tears and alone, by night and day;\nTherefore I find no love in heaven, no light, no beauty,\nA heaven taken by storm where none are left but the slain!\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[24] = " CHANCE MEETINGS, by Conrad Aiken\n\nIn the mazes of loitering people, the watchful and furtive,\nThe shadows of tree-trunks and shadows of leaves,\nIn the drowse of the sunlight, among the low voices,\nI suddenly face you,\n\nYour dark eyes return for a space from her who is with you,\nThey shine into mine with a sunlit desire,\nThey say an \'I love you, what star do you live on?\'\nThey smile and then darken,\n\nAnd silent, I answer \'You too--I have known you,--I love you!--\'\nAnd the shadows of tree-trunks and shadows of leaves\nInterlace with low voices and footsteps and sunlight\nTo divide us forever.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[25] = " IDENTITY, by Thomas Aldrich\n\nSomewhere--in desolate wind-swept space--\nIn Twilight-land--in No-man\'s land--\nTwo hurrying Shapes met face to face,\nAnd bade each other stand.\n\n\"And who are you?\" cried one a-gape,\nShuddering in the gloaming light.\n\"I know not,\" said the second Shape,\n\"I only died last night!\"\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[26] = " THE MURDERED TRAVELLER, by William Bryant\n\nWhen spring, to woods and wastes around,\nBrought bloom and joy again,\nThe murdered traveller\'s bones were found,\nFar down a narrow glen.\n\nThe fragrant birch, above him, hung\nHer tassels in the sky;\nAnd many a vernal blossom sprung,\nAnd nodded careless by. \n\nThe red-bird warbled, as he wrought\nHis hanging nest o'erhead,\nAnd fearless, near the fatal spot,\nHer young the partridge led. \n\nBut there was weeping far away,\nAnd gentle eyes, for him,\nWith watching many an anxious day,\nWere sorrowful and dim.\n\nThey little knew, who loved him so,\nThe fearful death he met,\nWhen shouting o\'er the desert snow,\nUnarmed, and hard beset;--\n\nNor how, when round the frosty pole\nThe northern dawn was red,\nThe mountain wolf and wild-cat stole\nTo banquet on the dead;\n\nNor how, when strangers found his bones,\nThey dressed the hasty bier,\nAnd marked his grave with nameless stones,\nUnmoistened by a tear.\n\nBut long they looked, and feared, and wept,\nWithin his distant home;\nAnd dreamed, and started as they slept,\nFor joy that he was come.\n\nSo long they looked--but never spied\nHis welcome step again,\nNor knew the fearful death he died\nFar down that narrow glen.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[27] = " THE TYGER, by William Blake\n\nTyger Tyger, burning bright, \nIn the forests of the night; \nWhat immortal hand or eye, \nCould frame thy fearful symmetry? \n\nIn what distant deeps or skies. \nBurnt the fire of thine eyes? \nOn what wings dare he aspire? \nWhat the hand, dare seize the fire? \n\nAnd what shoulder, & what art, \nCould twist the sinews of thy heart? \nAnd when thy heart began to beat, \nWhat dread hand? & what dread feet? \n\nWhat the hammer? what the chain, \nIn what furnace was thy brain? \nWhat the anvil? what dread grasp, \nDare its deadly terrors clasp! \n\nWhen the stars threw down their spears \nAnd water\'d heaven with their tears: \nDid he smile his work to see? \nDid he who made the Lamb make thee? \n\nTyger Tyger burning bright, \nIn the forests of the night: \nWhat immortal hand or eye, \nDare frame thy fearful symmetry?\n\n As you realize the name of the beast, it shrivels away wit ha savage cry. Soon, nothing of it is left but embers.";
  poemSolved[28] = " THE ROAD NOT TAKEN, by Robert Frost\n\nTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood,\nAnd sorry I could not travel both\nAnd be one traveler, long I stood\nAnd looked down one as far as I could\nTo where it bent in the undergrowth;\n\nThen took the other, as just as fair,\nAnd having perhaps the better claim,\nBecause it was grassy and wanted wear;\nThough as for that the passing there\nHad worn them really about the same,\n\nAnd both that morning equally lay\nIn leaves no step had trodden black.\nOh, I kept the first for another day!\nYet knowing how way leads on to way,\nI doubted if I should ever come back.\n\nI shall be telling this with a sigh\nSomewhere ages and ages hence:\nTwo roads diverged in a wood, and I—\nI took the one less traveled by,\nAnd that has made all the difference.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[29] = " RAIN, by Edward Thomas\n\nRain, midnight rain, nothing but the wild rain \nOn this bleak hut, and solitude, and me \nRemembering again that I shall die \nAnd neither hear the rain nor give it thanks \nFor washing me cleaner than I have been \nSince I was born into solitude. \nBlessed are the dead that the rain rains upon: \nBut here I pray that none whom once I loved \nIs dying tonight or lying still awake \nSolitary, listening to the rain, \nEither in pain or thus in sympathy \nHelpless among the living and the dead, \nLike a cold water among broken reeds, \nMyriads of broken reeds all still and stiff, \nLike me who have no love which this wild rain \nHas not dissolved except the love of death, \nIf love it be towards what is perfect and \nCannot, the tempest tells me, disappoint.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[30] = " SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT, by Alfred Tennyson\n\nBut Arthur would not eat till all were served,\nhe was so joyous a youth, and somewhat boyish:\nhe liked his life lively, he loved the less\neither to long lie idle or to long sit,\nso busied him his young blood and his brain wild.\nAnd also another matter moved him so,\nthat he had nobly named he would never eat\non such dear days, before he had been advised,\nof some adventurous thing, an unknown tale,\nof some mighty marvel, that he might believe,\nof ancestors, arms, or other adventures;\nor else till someone beseeched for some sure knight\nto join with him in jousting, in jeopardy to lay,\nlay down life for life, allow each to the other,\nas fortune might favour them, a fair advantage.\nThis was the king’s custom when he in court was,\nat each fine feast among his many friends\nin hall.\n\nTherefore with fearless face\nhe stands straight and tall;\nfull lively at that New Year\nmuch mirth he makes with all.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[31] = " THE FOOL'S PRAYER, by Edward Sill\n\nThe royal feast was done; the King\nSought some new sport to banish care,\nAnd to his jester cried: \"Sir Fool,\nKneel now, and make for us a prayer!\" \n\nThe jester doffed his cap and bells,\nAnd stood the mocking court before;\nThey could not see the bitter smile\nBehind the painted grin he wore.\n\nHe bowed his head, and bent his knee\nUpon the Monarch's silken stool;\nHis pleading voice arose: \"O Lord,\nBe merciful to me, a fool!\n\n\"No pity, Lord, could change the heart\nFrom red with wrong to white as wool;\nThe rod must heal the sin: but Lord,\nBe merciful to me, a fool!\n\n\"\'T is not by guilt the onward sweep\nOf truth and right, O Lord, we stay;\n\'T is by our follies that so long\nWe hold the earth from heaven away.\n\n\"Our faults no tenderness should ask.\nThe chastening stripes must cleanse them all;\nBut for our blunders -- oh, in shame\nBefore the eyes of heaven we fall.\n\n\"Earth bears no balsam for mistakes;\nMen crown the knave, and scourge the tool\nThat did his will; but Thou, O Lord,\nBe merciful to me, a fool!\"\n\nThe room was hushed; in silence rose\nThe King, and sought his gardens cool,\nAnd walked apart, and murmured low,\n\"Be merciful to me, a fool!\"\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[32] = " EPITAPH ON A TYRANT, by Wysten Auden\n\nPerfection, of a kind, was what he was after,\nAnd the poetry he invented was easy to understand;\nHe knew human folly like the back of his hand,\nAnd was greatly interested in armies and fleets;\nWhen he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,\nAnd when he cried the little children died in the streets.\n\n <poem solved message>";
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2017, 08:30:14 pm »

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  poemSolved[33] = " THE TAVERN, by Willa Cather\n\nIn the tavern of my heart \nMany a one has sat before, \nDrunk red wine and sung a stave, \nAnd, departing, come no more. \nWhen the night was cold without, \nAnd the ravens croaked of storm, \nThey have sat them at my hearth, \nTelling me my house was warm. \n\nAs the lute and cup went round, \nThey have rhymed me well in lay;-- \nWhen the hunt was on at morn, \nEach, departing, went his way. \nOn the walls, in compliment, \nSome would scrawl a verse or two, \nSome have hung a willow branch, \nOr a wreath of corn-flowers blue. \n\nAh! my friend, when thou dost go, \nLeave no wreath of flowers for me; \nNot pale daffodils nor rue, \nViolets nor rosemary. \nSpill the wine upon the lamps, \nTread the fire, and bar the door; \nSo despoil the wretched place, \nNone will come forevermore.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[34] = " THE INN OF THE FIVE CHIMNEYS, by Clinton Scollard\n\nIt had five chimneys, had that Inn,\n(As every man has senses five,\nThe while upon earth he bides alive)\nAnd rumor said it was soiled with sin!\n\nThe clapboards, warped and gray, showed stains\nOf more than an hundred autumn rains;\nNo birds sang about the eaves,\nOnly the leaves, only the leaves,\nMurmured in a minor weird\nAs though they shrank, as though they feared,--\nFeared some blind, inscrutable thing,\nAnd ever they kept on murmuring.\nUpon the window-panes the dust\nWas caked and cracked like a wizened crust,--\nA grimy crust that none would touch\nUnless he felt gaunt famine\'s clutch.\nMould made dank and dark each door,\nAnd every lintel and every floor\nWith the drifting silt of the years was deep;\nAnd shapes that crawl and writhe and creep\nTraced strange arabesques over all.\n\nAnd every chamber, wide and bare,\nBreathed on the dim and moated air\nSpectral echoings,--doubts and fears,\nHates and loves of the parted years;\nAnd every hallway and every stair\nCreaked and groaned with the gruesome tread\nOf those long silent, of those long dead,--\nYouth, in its radiant rainbow guise;\nWrinkled Age, with its shrunken eyes;\nHonor, garbed in the mail of Trust;\nPoverty, Riches and slinking Lust;\nOh, what a motley!--vanished quite\nInto the vastnesses of night!\n\nAnd so I left it standing still\nAnd stark by the crossroads under the hill,\nWith its sagging roof and its rotting beams,\nAnd all of its tangled maze of dreams.\nBut it holds me, aye, it haunts me yet,\nLike a hooded vision of Regret,\nThough I fain would say to it, \"Be gone!\"\nAs to the night mists saith the dawn.\nAnd yet I needs must let it dwell\nIn memory till some happy spell\nShall bid it be invisible!\nCome, healing spirit, and touch my soul,\nAnd make it sweet and sane and whole!\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[35] = " THE HIGHWAYMAN, by Alfred Noyes\n\nThe wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,\nThe moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,\nThe road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,\nAnd the highwayman came riding—\nRiding—riding—\nThe highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.\n\nHe’d a French cocked-hat on his forehead, a bunch of lace at his chin,\nA coat of the claret velvet, and breeches of brown doe-skin; \nThey fitted with never a wrinkle: his boots were up to the thigh! \nAnd he rode with a jewelled twinkle,\nHis pistol butts a-twinkle,\nHis rapier hilt a-twinkle, under the jewelled sky.\n\nOver the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard, \nHe tapped with his whip on the shutters, but all was locked and barred;\nHe whistled a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there\nBut the landlord’s black-eyed daughter,\nBess, the landlord’s daughter,\nPlaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.\n\nAnd dark in the dark old inn-yard a stable-wicket creaked\nWhere Tim the ostler listened; his face was white and peaked;\nHis eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like mouldy hay,\nBut he loved the landlord’s daughter, \nThe landlord’s red-lipped daughter,\nDumb as a dog he listened, and he heard the robber say—\n\n\"One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I’m after a prize to-night,\nBut I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light;\nYet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day, \nThen look for me by moonlight,\nWatch for me by moonlight,\nI’ll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way.\"\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[36] = " THE LISTENERS, by Walter de la Mare\n\n\"Is there anybody there?\" said the Traveller,\nKnocking on the moonlit door;\nAnd his horse in the silence champed the grass\nOf the forest\'s ferny floor;\nAnd a bird flew up out of the turret,\nAbove the Traveller\'s head:\nAnd he smote upon the door again a second time;\n\"Is there anybody there?\" he said.\nBut no one descended to the Traveller;\nNo head from the leaf-fringed sill\nLeaned over and looked into his grey eyes,\nWhere he stood perplexed and still.\nBut only a host of phantom listeners\nThat dwelt in the lone house then\nStood listening in the quiet of the moonlight\nTo that voice from the world of men:\nStood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair,\nThat goes down to the empty hall,\nHearkening in an air stirred and shaken\nBy the lonely Traveller\'s call.\nAnd he felt in his heart their strangeness,\nTheir stillness answering his cry,\nWhile his horse moved, cropping the dark turf,\n\'Neath the starred and leafy sky;\nFor he suddenly smote on the door, even\nLouder, and lifted his head:—\n\"Tell them I came, and no one answered,\nThat I kept my word,\" he said.\nNever the least stir made the listeners,\nThough every word he spake\nFell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house\nFrom the one man left awake:\nAy, they heard his foot upon the stirrup,\nAnd the sound of iron on stone,\nAnd how the silence surged softly backward,\nWhen the plunging hoofs were gone.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[37] = " BOLTON ABBEY, by William Wordsworth\n\nFrom Bolton’s old monastic tower  \nThe bells ring loud with gladsome power;  \nThe sun shines bright; the fields are gay  \nWith people in their best array  \nOf stole and doublet, hood and scarf,\nAlong the banks of crystal Wharf,  \nThrough the vale retired and lowly,  \nTrooping to that summons holy.  \nAnd, up among the moorlands, see  \nWhat sprinklings of blithe company!\nOf lasses and of shepherd grooms,  \nThat down the steep hills force their way  \nLike cattle through the budding brooms;  \nPath, or no path, what care they?  \nAnd thus in joyous mood they hie\nTo Bolton’s mouldering Priory.  \n\nWhat would they there?—full fifty years  \nThat sumptuous pile, with all its peers,  \nToo harshly hath been doomed to taste  \nThe bitterness of wrong and waste:\nIts courts are ravaged; but the tower  \nIs standing with a voice of power,—  \nThat ancient voice which wont to call \nTo mass or some high festival;  \nAnd in the shattered fabric’s heart\nRemaineth one protected part,—  \nA chapel, like a wild-bird’s nest,  \nClosely embowered and trimly drest;  \nAnd thither young and old repair,  \nThis Sabbath-day, for praise and prayer.\n\nFast the churchyard fills; anon,  \nLook again, and they all are gone,—  \nThe cluster round the porch, and the folk  \nWho sat in the shade of the Prior’s Oak!  \nAnd scarcely have they disappeared\nEre the prelusive hymn is heard:  \nWith one consent the people rejoice,  \nFilling the church with a lofty voice!  \nThey sing a service which they feel:  \nFor ’t is the sunrise now of zeal,—\nOf a pure faith the vernal prime,—  \nIn great Eliza’s golden time.\n\n <poem named message>";
  poemSolved[38] = " ZIRA: IN CAPTIVITY, by Laurence Hope\n\nLove me a little, Lord, or let me go,\nI am so weary walking to and fro\nThrough all your lonely halls that were so sweet\nDid they but echo to your coming feet.\n\nWhen by the flowered scrolls of lace-like stone\nOur women\'s windows -- I am left alone,\nAcross the yellow Desert, looking forth,\nI see the purple hills towards the north.\n\nBehind those jagged Mountains\' lilac crest\nOnce lay the captive bird's small rifled nest.\nThere was my brother slain, my sister bound;\nHis blood, her tears, drunk by the thirsty ground.\n\nThen, while the burning village smoked on high,\nAnd desecrated all the peaceful sky,\nThey took us captive, us, born frank and free,\nOn fleet, strong camels through the sandy sea.\n\nYet, when we rested, night-times, on the sand\nBy the rare waters of this weary land,\nOur captors, ere the camp was wrapped in sleep,\nTalked, and I listened, and forgot to weep.\n\n\"Truly no bitter fate,\" they said, and smiled,\n\"Awaits the beauty of this captured child!\"\nThen something in my heart began to sing,\nAnd secretly I longed to see the King.\n\nTill, when the weary endless sands were passed,\nWhen, far to south, the city rose at last,\nAll speech forsook me and my eyelids fell,\nSince I already loved my Lord so well.\n\nEvery morning I would wake and say\n\"Ah, sisters, shall I see our Lord to-day?\"\nThe women robed me, perfumed me, and smiled;\n\"When were his feet unfleet to pleasure, child?\"\n\nAnd tales they told me of his deeds in war,\nOf how his name was reverenced afar;\nAnd, crouching closer in the lamp\'s faint glow,\nThey told me of his beauty, speaking low.\n\nWhat need, what need? the women wasted art;\nI loved you with every fibre of my heart\nAlready. My God! when did I not love you,\nIn life, in death, when shall I not love you?\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[39] = " INTERIOR, by Mariano Brull\n\nHere in her little room all still and lone\nThe things that made her life are greeting me.\nIt seems as though her body as it went\nHad left a spirit footprint, mindfully. \n\n\'Twould seem as in the mirror-moon were shown\nThe shadowy glimpse of what she used to be;--\nAnd sing more sad her bird its caged lament,--\nAnd through the room her absence whisper free--\n\nHer gilt-edged book of prayers is lying there\nUpon the table; and it says: \"The care\nIs small of worldlings, -- Upon God, thine eye!\"\nI raise my glance, and in my grief I moan:--\nOh, had I but, that final hour, known\nThe anguished sweetness of her last goodbye!\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[40] = " IN THE KING'S GARDEN, by James Bensel\n\nA King of the old time, whose name and race\nAre clean forgotten as his human face,\nBeneath the shade of ilex-trees one day,\nWandering alone, came where the shadows lay\nSo deep and dark they made a twilight gloom,\nSuch as abides within a shrouded room.\nSo the king paused awhile, and smiled to feel\nThe musky odors through his senses steal,\nAnd the cool dampness of the tree-leaves lie\nThick on his hair. He turned, he knew not why,\nTo go, but caught the gleam of some bright thing\nIn a far corner. \"Lo, it is a ring!\"\nAnd so it was, but a white finger too;\nA hand, wrist, arm, shoulder into view\nAt the king\'s touch came quickly; then a face\nWistful and wan, but with a pallid grace.\nAnd from the leafy cavern to the light\nOf the fierce sun, the king with cheeks grown white -\nMost strangely white - the shrinking figure drew,\nAnd murmured with unwilling lips, \"I knew\nA face like this in years so long gone by\nThey might have never been, but for the high\nAnd noble heart that fixed them there for me.\nFirm-planted in the heaven of memory.\nWho art thou?\" And the boy looked sadly up,\nThen smiled, and took a massive silver cup.\nUpon the polished curve, the monarch saw -\nWonder submerged by a swift wave of awe -\nHis own passed baby-face, and then the eyes\nOf his dead mother, who with mild surprise\nLooked back at him. And then the mouth\nOf his fair wife - pomegranates from the south,\nFresh cleft, were never sweeter - and the strife\nOf nations, the fierce trumoils of his life.\nAll of his life he saw there, mirrored plain,\nAnd gazed, and gazed with mingled joy and pain.\nA sea-breeze stirred the brilliant blossoms hung,\nOn slender stems. The birds, with nests among\nThe ilex boughs, began their evening hymn;\nAnd lo! The royal sight was growing dim\nFrom olden memories, that set to tears\nThe music silenced in those vanished years.\nSo, stretching forth his hand, the monarch said,\nHis palm laid lightly on the golden head\nOf the strange lad, \"What art thou?\" Who at last\nSpake, fading with the answer, \"The King\'s Past.\"\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[41] = " IN THE FORMER ROYAL GARDEN, by Jan Slauerhoff\n\nIn the former royal garden  \nSad and listless we walk round:\nCrumbling statues time won’t pardon,\nRoses all dug from the ground.\n\nAnd the pond, so still and grey,\nSeems slowly iced over with frost,\nThe palace has crumbled away,\nThe keys that gave access are lost.\n\nThe pavilion where lovers once fled\nTo hide from the light’s fierce glare,\nHas gates locked and blinds drawn instead,\nLike a morgue. We wander there\n\nDown paths whose course is obscure,\nResting on a seat’s stone shelves,\nFeeling ourselves betrayed\nBy the past where we once felt secure,\nSeeking peace in each other’s shade,\nCaressing in spite of ourselves.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[42] = " OZYMANDIAS, by Percy Shelley\n\nI met a traveller from an antique land, \nWho said—\"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone \nStand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, \nHalf sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, \nAnd wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, \nTell that its sculptor well those passions read \nWhich yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, \nThe hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; \nAnd on the pedestal, these words appear: \nMy name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; \nLook on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! \nNothing beside remains. Round the decay \nOf that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare \nThe lone and level sands stretch far away.\"\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[43] = " THE CITY, by Howard Lovecraft\n\nIt was golden and splendid,\nThat City of light;\nA vision suspended\nIn deeps of the night;\nA region of wonder and glory, whose temples were marble and white.\n\nIts mansions were stately\nWith carvings made fair,\nEach rising sedately\nOn terraces rare,\nAnd the gardens were fragrant and bright with strange miracles blossoming there.\n\nThe avenues lur’d me\nWith vistas sublime;\nTall arches assur’d me\nThat once on a time\nI had wander’d in rapture beneath them, and bask’d in the Halcyon clime.\n\nOn the plazas were standing\nA sculptur’d array;\nLong-bearded, commanding,\nGrave men in their day—\nBut one stood dismantled and broken, its bearded face batter’d away.\n\nIn that city effulgent\nNo mortal I saw;\nBut my fancy, indulgent\nTo memory’s law,\nLinger’d long on the forms in the plazas, and eyed their stone features with awe.\n\nI fann’d the faint ember\nThat glow’d in my mind,\nAnd strove to remember\nThe aeons behind;\nTo rove thro’ infinity freely, and visit the past unconfin’d.\n\nThen the horrible warning\nUpon my soul sped\nLike the ominous morning\nThat rises in red,\nAnd in panic I flew from the knowledge of terrors forgotten and dead.\n\n <poem solved message>";
  poemSolved[44] = " AUTUMN, by George Sterling\n\nNow droops the troubled year\nAnd now her tiny sunset stains the leaf.\nA holy fear,\nA rapt, elusive grief,\nMake imminent the swift, exalting tear.\n\nThe long wind\'s weary sigh--\nKnowest, O listener! for what it wakes?\nAdown the sky\nWhat star of Time forsakes\nHer pinnacle? What dream and dreamer die?\n\nA presence half-divine\nStands at the threshold, ready to depart\nWithout a sign.\nNow seems the world\'s deep heart\nAbout to break. What sorrow stirs in mine?\n\nA mist of twilight rain\nHides now the orange edges of the day.\nIn vain, in vain\nWe labor that thou stay,\nBeauty who wast, and shalt not be again!\n\n <poem solved message>";

  sandType = 0;
  sandLength = 0;
 villagePuzzleSeen[0] = "----";
 villagePuzzleSeen[1] = "----";
 villagePuzzleSeen[2] = "----";
 villagePuzzleSeen[3] = "----";
 villagePuzzleSeen[4] = "----";
 villagePuzzleSeen[5] = "-----";
 villagePuzzleSeen[6] = "---";
 villagePuzzleTrue[0] = "lage";
 villagePuzzleTrue[1] = "avel";
 villagePuzzleTrue[2] = "year";
 villagePuzzleTrue[3] = "fall";
 villagePuzzleTrue[4] = "used";
 villagePuzzleTrue[5] = "vived";
 villagePuzzleTrue[6] = "arr";
 villagePuzzleBox = 0;

  desertPuzzleTrue[0] = "So, in desert's vast collage,";
  desertPuzzleTrue[1] = "he saw visions wrought";
  desertPuzzleTrue[2] = "- in his muddled thought -";
  desertPuzzleTrue[3] = "of his town; A kind mirage.";
  desertPuzzleTrue[4] = "He, a traveler who when,";
  desertPuzzleTrue[5] = "after desert crossed";
  desertPuzzleTrue[6] = "- seeking those he lost -";
  desertPuzzleTrue[7] = "empty-handed crossed again.";
  desertPuzzleCheck[0] = 0;
  desertPuzzleCheck[1] = 0;
  desertPuzzleCheck[2] = 0;
  desertPuzzleCheck[3] = 0;
  desertPuzzleCheck[4] = 0;
  desertPuzzleCheck[5] = 0;
  desertPuzzleCheck[6] = 0;
  desertPuzzleCheck[7] = 0;
  desertPuzzleUsed[0] = false;
  desertPuzzleUsed[1] = false;
  desertPuzzleUsed[2] = false;
  desertPuzzleUsed[3] = false;
  desertPuzzleUsed[4] = false;
  desertPuzzleUsed[5] = false;
  desertPuzzleUsed[6] = false;
  desertPuzzleUsed[7] = false;
  desertPuzzleLine = 0;

  bridgetNell = 0;
  maxwellSaved = 0;
  ziraProgress = 0;
  hourglassQuest = 0;
  hornBlown = false;
  tavernRuined = false;
  crewSaved = false;
  //bellRung = false; void
  villageSolved = false;
  tigerKilled = false;
  songHeard = false;
  jabberwockyKilled = false;
  desertSolved = false;
  highwaymanRevealed = false;

  conversation = 111;
  ghostTalked = 0;
  grandfatherTalked = false;
  womanTalked = false;
  farmerTalked = false;
  barmaidTalked = false;

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;
  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  eye = false;
  lyre = false;
  staff = false;
  wand = false;

  hourglass = false;
  horn = false;
  sword = false;
  book = false;

  churchLocation = 0;
  towerLocation = 0;
  cliffLocation = 0;
  monasteryLocation = 0;

void draw()
  if (begin == false)
    begin = true;

void mouseClicked()
  if (currentScreen == 0)
    if (mouseX >= 395 && mouseX <= 435 && mouseY >= 10 && mouseY <= 80 && exit[0] == 1 && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 0; //north
    if (mouseX >= 440 && mouseX <= 510 && mouseY >= 85 && mouseY <= 125 && exit[1] == 1 && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 1; //east
    if (mouseX >= 395 && mouseX <= 435 && mouseY >= 130 && mouseY <= 200 && exit[2] == 1 && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 2; //south
    if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 390 && mouseY >= 85 && mouseY <= 125 && exit[3] == 1 && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 3; //west
    if ((mouseX-415)*(mouseX-415)+(mouseY-105)*(mouseY-105) <= 400 && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 4; //wait
    if (mouseX >= 445 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 10 && mouseY <= 40 && (location == 2 || location == 3 || location == 4 || location == 5 || location == 7 || location == 8 || location == 11 || location == 12 || location == 13 || location == 14 || location == 15 || location == 28 || location == 36 || location == 37 || location == 38 || location == 39) && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 5; //move1
    if (mouseX >= 445 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 45 && mouseY <= 75 && (location == 11 || location == 13 || location == 14 || location == 28 || location == 38) && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 6; //move2
    if (mouseX >= 445 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 135 && mouseY <= 165 && personType != 0 && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 7; //action1
    if (mouseX >= 445 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 170 && mouseY <= 200 && (itemType != 0 || personType == 1 || personType == 4) && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 8; //action2
    if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 210 && mouseY <= 230 && location != 222 && (location == 111 || location == 333 || poemNameSeen[location] == "? ? ?") && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 9; //textbox
    if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 460 && mouseY >= 239 && mouseY <= 283 && hourglass == true && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 11; //hourglass (switched to prevent hourglass use right after goblet)
    if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 460 && mouseY >= 239 && mouseY <= 283 && hourglassQuest >= 2 && hourglass == false && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 10; //goblet (switched to prevent hourglass use right after goblet)
    if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 460 && mouseY >= 288 && mouseY <= 332 && horn == true && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 12; //horn
    if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 460 && mouseY >= 337 && mouseY <= 381 && sword == true && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 13; //sword
    if (mouseX >= 320 && mouseX <= 460 && mouseY >= 386 && mouseY <= 430 && book == true && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 14; //book
    if (mouseX >= 470 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 239 && mouseY <= 283 && wand == true && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 15; //wand
    if (mouseX >= 470 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 288 && mouseY <= 332 && eye == true && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 16; //eye
    if (mouseX >= 470 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 337 && mouseY <= 381 && staff == true && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 17; //staff
    if (mouseX >= 470 && mouseX <= 610 && mouseY >= 386 && mouseY <= 430 && lyre == true && typing == false)
      actionCourier = 18; //lyre
  if(currentScreen == 1 && actionCourier != 9)
     if(mouseX >= 358 && mouseX <= 388 && mouseY >= 106 && mouseY <= 124 && villagePuzzleSeen[0] != villagePuzzleTrue[0] && typing == false)
  villagePuzzleBox = 0;
  villagePuzzleSeen[0] = "";
  typing = true;
 if(mouseX >= 401 && mouseX <= 431 && mouseY >= 186 && mouseY <= 204 && villagePuzzleSeen[1] != villagePuzzleTrue[1] && typing == false)
  villagePuzzleBox = 1;
  villagePuzzleSeen[1] = "";
  typing = true;
 if(mouseX >= 518 && mouseX <= 548 && mouseY >= 206 && mouseY <= 224 && villagePuzzleSeen[2] != villagePuzzleTrue[2] && typing == false)
  villagePuzzleBox = 2;
  villagePuzzleSeen[2] = "";
  typing = true;
 if(mouseX >= 515 && mouseX <= 545 && mouseY >= 226 && mouseY <= 244 && villagePuzzleSeen[3] != villagePuzzleTrue[3] && typing == false)
  villagePuzzleBox = 3;
  villagePuzzleSeen[3] = "";
  typing = true;
 if(mouseX >= 449 && mouseX <= 479 && mouseY >= 306 && mouseY <= 324 && villagePuzzleSeen[4] != villagePuzzleTrue[4] && typing == false)
  villagePuzzleBox = 4;
  villagePuzzleSeen[4] = "";
  typing = true;
 if(mouseX >= 519 && mouseX <= 557 && mouseY >= 326 && mouseY <= 344 && villagePuzzleSeen[5] != villagePuzzleTrue[5] && typing == false)
  villagePuzzleBox = 5;
  villagePuzzleSeen[5] = "";
  typing = true;
 if(mouseX >= 500 && mouseX <= 523 && mouseY >= 346 && mouseY <= 364 && villagePuzzleSeen[6] != villagePuzzleTrue[6] && typing == false)
  villagePuzzleBox = 6;
  villagePuzzleSeen[6] = "";
  typing = true;
 if(mouseX >= 470 && mouseX <= 595 && mouseY >= 440 && mouseY <= 475 && typing == false)
  currentScreen = 0;
  if (currentScreen == 3 && actionCourier != 9)
    if (mouseX >= 325 && mouseX <= 605 && mouseY >= 205 && mouseY <= 225 && desertPuzzleUsed[0] == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[desertPuzzleLine] = desertPuzzleOrder.get(0);
      desertPuzzleUsed[0] = true;
      desertPuzzleLine = desertPuzzleLine+1;
    if (mouseX >= 325 && mouseX <= 605 && mouseY >= 230 && mouseY <= 250 && desertPuzzleUsed[1] == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[desertPuzzleLine] = desertPuzzleOrder.get(1);
      desertPuzzleUsed[1] = true;
      desertPuzzleLine = desertPuzzleLine+1;
    if (mouseX >= 325 && mouseX <= 605 && mouseY >= 255 && mouseY <= 275 && desertPuzzleUsed[2] == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[desertPuzzleLine] = desertPuzzleOrder.get(2);
      desertPuzzleUsed[2] = true;
      desertPuzzleLine = desertPuzzleLine+1;
    if (mouseX >= 325 && mouseX <= 605 && mouseY >= 280 && mouseY <= 300 && desertPuzzleUsed[3] == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[desertPuzzleLine] = desertPuzzleOrder.get(3);
      desertPuzzleUsed[3] = true;
      desertPuzzleLine = desertPuzzleLine+1;
    if (mouseX >= 325 && mouseX <= 605 && mouseY >= 330 && mouseY <= 350 && desertPuzzleUsed[4] == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[desertPuzzleLine] = desertPuzzleOrder.get(4);
      desertPuzzleUsed[4] = true;
      desertPuzzleLine = desertPuzzleLine+1;
    if (mouseX >= 325 && mouseX <= 605 && mouseY >= 355 && mouseY <= 375 && desertPuzzleUsed[5] == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[desertPuzzleLine] = desertPuzzleOrder.get(5);
      desertPuzzleUsed[5] = true;
      desertPuzzleLine = desertPuzzleLine+1;
    if (mouseX >= 325 && mouseX <= 605 && mouseY >= 380 && mouseY <= 400 && desertPuzzleUsed[6] == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[desertPuzzleLine] = desertPuzzleOrder.get(6);
      desertPuzzleUsed[6] = true;
      desertPuzzleLine = desertPuzzleLine+1;
    if (mouseX >= 325 && mouseX <= 605 && mouseY >= 405 && mouseY <= 425 && desertPuzzleUsed[7] == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[desertPuzzleLine] = desertPuzzleOrder.get(7);
      desertPuzzleUsed[7] = true;
      desertPuzzleLine = desertPuzzleLine+1;

    if (mouseX >= 335 && mouseX <= 460 && mouseY >= 440 && mouseY <= 475 && desertSolved == false)
      desertPuzzleCheck[0] = 0;
      desertPuzzleCheck[1] = 0;
      desertPuzzleCheck[2] = 0;
      desertPuzzleCheck[3] = 0;
      desertPuzzleCheck[4] = 0;
      desertPuzzleCheck[5] = 0;
      desertPuzzleCheck[6] = 0;
      desertPuzzleCheck[7] = 0;
      //desertPuzzleCheck[8] = 0;
      //desertPuzzleCheck[9] = 0;

      desertPuzzleUsed[0] = false;
      desertPuzzleUsed[1] = false;
      desertPuzzleUsed[2] = false;
      desertPuzzleUsed[3] = false;
      desertPuzzleUsed[4] = false;
      desertPuzzleUsed[5] = false;
      desertPuzzleUsed[6] = false;
      desertPuzzleUsed[7] = false;
      //desertPuzzleUsed[8] = false;
      //desertPuzzleUsed[9] = false;

      desertPuzzleLine = 0;

    if (mouseX >= 470 && mouseX <= 595 && mouseY >= 440 && mouseY <= 475)
      if (desertSolved == false)

        desertPuzzleCheck[0] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[1] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[2] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[3] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[4] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[5] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[6] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[7] = 0;
        //desertPuzzleCheck[8] = 0;
        //desertPuzzleCheck[9] = 0;

        desertPuzzleUsed[0] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[1] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[2] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[3] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[4] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[5] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[6] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[7] = false;
        //desertPuzzleUsed[8] = false;
        //desertPuzzleUsed[9] = false;

        desertPuzzleLine = 0;

      currentScreen = 0;

    if (desertPuzzleLine > 7)
      if (desertPuzzleCheck[0] == 0 && desertPuzzleCheck[1] == 1 && desertPuzzleCheck[2] == 2 && desertPuzzleCheck[3] == 3 && desertPuzzleCheck[4] == 4 && desertPuzzleCheck[5] == 5 && desertPuzzleCheck[6] == 6 && desertPuzzleCheck[7] == 7)
        desertPuzzleOrder.set(0, 0);
        desertPuzzleOrder.set(1, 1);
        desertPuzzleOrder.set(2, 2);
        desertPuzzleOrder.set(3, 3);
        desertPuzzleOrder.set(4, 4);
        desertPuzzleOrder.set(5, 5);
        desertPuzzleOrder.set(6, 6);
        desertPuzzleOrder.set(7, 7);

        desertSolved = true;
      } else
        desertPuzzleCheck[0] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[1] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[2] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[3] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[4] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[5] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[6] = 0;
        desertPuzzleCheck[7] = 0;
        //desertPuzzleCheck[8] = 0;
        //desertPuzzleCheck[9] = 0;

        desertPuzzleUsed[0] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[1] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[2] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[3] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[4] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[5] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[6] = false;
        desertPuzzleUsed[7] = false;
        //desertPuzzleUsed[8] = false;
        //desertPuzzleUsed[9] = false;

        desertPuzzleLine = 0;

  if (actionCourier == 9)
    actionCourier = 0;

void timeChange()
  if (sandType != 2 && sandType != 3)
    time ++;
  if (sandType == 2 || sandType == 3)
    sandLength --;
    if (sandLength <= 0)
      sandType = 0;
      if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
        println("As the sand drains from the hourglass, you are brought back to your own time. It is day.");
      if (time >= 12 && time <= 24)//should be 23, but just in case...
        println("As the sand drains from the hourglass, you are brought back to your own time. It is night.");
  if (time >= 24)
    time = 0;
    barmaidTalked = false;

void actionFunction()
  if (location == 27 && actionCourier != 9 && actionCourier != 15 && tigerKilled == false)
    println("The tiger is too fast, and it lunges. Everything goes dark. You awake to the sound of water dripping from the trees.");
    time = 0;
  } else
    if (actionCourier == 0) //north
      place[1] --;

    if (actionCourier == 1) //east
      place[0] ++;

    if (actionCourier == 2) //south
      place[1] ++;

    if (actionCourier == 3) //west
      place[0] --;

    if (actionCourier == 4) //wait

    if (actionCourier == 5) //move1
      if (location == 2 || location == 3)
        churchLocation = 1;
      if (location == 4 || location == 5)
        churchLocation = 0;
      if (location == 7)
        towerLocation = 1;
      if (location == 8)
        towerLocation = 0;
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 08:33:08 pm by Tomasque »
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gonna one-up FoU - with an FG in my personal text!
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Re: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2017, 08:33:42 pm »

Code: [Select]
      if (location == 11 || location == 12)
        cliffLocation = 2;
      if (location == 13 || location == 14 || location == 15)
        cliffLocation = 0;
      if (location == 28)
        place[1] --;
      if (location == 36)
        println("The door is locked.");
      if (location == 37 || location == 39)
        monasteryLocation = 1;
      if (location == 38)
        monasteryLocation = 2;

    if (actionCourier == 6) //move2
      if (location == 11 || location == 14)
        cliffLocation = 1;
      if (location == 13)
        cliffLocation = 2;
      if (location == 28)
        place[0] ++;
      if (location == 38)
        monasteryLocation = 0;

    if (actionCourier == 7) //action1
      if (personType == 1)
        println("The fisherman seems to entranced to respond.");
      if (personType == 2)
        println("You call to the man. He runs over to you, \"Th-tha-\" he stumbles. \"Get in,\" you tell him, and without a word he runs into the boat."); //"OMG!" "Come on, get on!" "O-okay!"
        maxwellSaved = 1;
      if (personType == 3)
       if(ghostTalked == 2)
        println("\"Where did yo usay Nell was?\" you ask. \"Her spirit lies sleeping in the waters by a cabin on a cliff. Something should be able to wake her. Bring her here when you find her!\"");
       if(ghostTalked != 2)
        println("\"Hello?\" you say to the ghost. It turns to you, an a smile lights up its face. \"Welcome back!\" It stops, and looks around. \"There's nothing much left to come back, though...\" it adds in a somber tone. \"Did you you find the girls?\" it asks, hopefully. \"No. I don't think I ever will.\" The ghost looks shocked. \"Don't give up! As far as I know, you and Zira are the only one's left!\" Now it's your turn to be surprised. \"What about Nelly?\" The ghost averts its eyes. \"I felt Bridget pass away a couple of days ago. Her spirit lies sleeping in the waters by a cabin on a cliff.\" You cannot speak. It looks at you, with a worried glace. \"She's not lost forever! You can still find her - all you need to do is wake here up!\" You entertain this hope, and ask, \"How?\" It sighs, \"You'll need something powerful. Something loud. You'll find it I believe in you!\" You nod, \"Alright.\" Before you can turn away, the ghost adds, \"If you find her, bring her here. I want to see her again with my own eyes.\" You try to smile, \"We all do.\"");
        ghostTalked = 2;
      if (personType == 4)
        println("\"Who should I find,\" you ask. \"Father Time. He can bring us back to life!\""); //telling you about how father time could ressurrect ghosts (such as Nell, and you (if you told them you're dead)), something that was first said when you brought nell here
      if (personType == 6)
       if(ziraProgress == 1)
        println("\"Zira.\" She turns towards you. \"So, you've come back with nothing to show, haven't you?\" You don't reply.");
       if(ziraProgress == 0)
        println("\"Zira, I need your help.\" She scowls. \"You can find it elsewhere, I am happy with how things are.\" She turns away, but you continue, \"Bridget is dead! What do you mean you're happy with how things are?\" She doesn't turn to face you. \"My lord told me I will be needing my power soon, to build him an empire. An empire greater than any other!\" she speaks with furvor. When she turns to you, she looks at you like someone she doesn't even recognize. \"Not like you'd understand,\" she scoffs. \"Your lord?\" you ask, \"The same one who terrorizes sailors for fun and who ordered my daughters to be stolen? Let me tell you, he is not the man you believe he is!\" Her eyes narrow, \"Don't you speak of him like that!\" You continue, \"I will find out what he is really planning, and I will prove it to you!\" She smirks. \"I want to see you try,\" she laughs. You will.");
        ziraProgress = 1;
       if(ziraProgress == 3)
        println("\"Zira.\" She turns towards you. \"So, you've come back with nothing to show, haven't you?\" This is it. \"No, I've come back with the truth.\" She looks at you with attention. \"I have seen it. This empire he will create. It shall benefit only him, and it shall be done on the backs of everybody else. He will rule all with an iron fist.\" She stares into your eyes. She stammers, \"Yo- you're telling the truth. I can see it!\" You take hold of her hand and lead her out of the tower. \"Come on, Zira. There is much work to be done.\"\n\n    THE END");         
       if(ziraProgress == 4)
        println("\"Zira, I need your help.\" She scowls. \"You can find it elsewhere, I am happy with how things are.\" She turns away, but you continue, \"Bridget is dead! What do you mean you're happy with how things are?\" She doesn't turn to face you. \"My lord told me I will be needing my power soon, to build him an empire. An empire greater than any other!\" she speaks with furvor. When she turns to you, she looks at you like someone she doesn't even recognize. \"Not like you'd understand,\" she scoffs. \"Your lord?\" you ask, \"The same one who terrorizes sailors for fun and who ordered my daughters to be stolen? Let me tell you, he is not the man you believe he is!\" Her eyes narrow, \"Don't you speak of him like that!\" You continue, \"I know what this empire will be, Zira, I've seen it!\" This gets her attention. \"This empire he will create - it shall benefit only him, and it shall be done on the backs of everybody else. He will rule all with an iron fist.\" She stares into your eyes. She stammers, \"Yo- you're telling the truth. I can see it!\" You take hold of her hand and lead her out of the tower. \"Come on, Zira. There is much work to be done.\"\n\n    THE END");         
      if (personType == 7)
        if (location == 9)
          if (grandfatherTalked == false)
            if (hourglassQuest == 0)
             println("He looks up as you approach him. \"Could you help and old man?\" he asks. \"With what?\" He smiles at you. \"Oh, I just need something small and insignificant, really, but I was wondering if you could get it for me.\" You nod, and ask, \"And what is it?\" He chuckles. \"Oh, it's nothing much, just the king's past.\" You are taken aback, but he continues. \"It should be in some form or another. I expect it will look very shiny and beautiful. He is a king after all, if only mortal.\" You manage to stammer, \"W-What?\" He looks at you reassuringly. \"Don't worry,\" he says, \"I'll repay you.\" He pulls an hourglass from his sack. \"Here's a small thing I don't need anymore. It's your's once you give it to me.\" He turns to leave, and adds, \"I'll be back once you'e found it.\" He takes a small step and disappears. You are all alone on this road now.");
             grandfatherTalked = true;
             hourglassQuest = 1;
            if (hourglassQuest == 2)
              println("He smiles warmly. \"May I have it?\" he asks. You hand the goblet to him. \"Thank you,\" he says, \"and, of course, you may have this.\" He ruffles aroud his sack and pulls out the hourglass. \"What do I do with it?\" you ask. \"It's an hourglass! Put sand in it,\" he chuckles."); //"May I have the king's past? Thank you. In exchange, of course, have this." "What do I do with it?" What do you think? You fill it up with sand!"
              hourglass = true;
            if (hourglassQuest == 3)
              println("He looks up as you approach him. \"Could you help an ol-\" he pauses, \"the goblet! You found it! Could I have it?\" Warily, you hand it over. \"Thank you,\" he says, \"and, of course, you may have this.\" He ruffles aroud his sack and pulls out the hourglass. \"What do I do with it?\" you ask. \"It's an hourglass! Put sand in it,\" he chuckles."); //"Could you do a fav- hold on... that goblet, that is what I want! In exchange for it, take this." "What do I do with it?" What do you think? You fill it up with sand!"
              hourglassQuest = 2;
              hourglass = true;
          if (grandfatherTalked == true & hourglassQuest != 1)
            println("\"Just put sand in it, that's all there is to it!\"");
        if (location == 10)
          if (grandfatherTalked == false)
            println("\"Is it true,\" you ask, \"can you ressurect the dead?\" He gives a toothy grin. \"No, I only take time, I do not give it back.\" Desperate, you ask, \"Isn't there something you can do?\" He smiles and shakes his head back and forth. \"No,\" chuckles, \"but there is one who can...\". He turns, and - with a crooked finger - points toward the mountains to the north. \"...but I don't think you'll like what you find,\" he chuckles."); //"Is it true? Can you ressurect the dead?" "Haha... No, I only take time, I do not give it back." "There must be something you can do!" "There is..." *points* "That is where you want to go, but I don't think you'll like what you find. Haha!"
            bridgetNell = 3;
          if (grandfatherTalked == true)
            println("You try to ask him something, but he only chuckles.");
      if (personType == 8)
        if (womanTalked == false)
          println("Worried, you approach the woman. \"Are you alright?\" you ask. She wipes tears from her eyes. \"I-I'm fine.\" You look for a way to fill the silence. \"What happened?\" you blurt out. You are about to apologize when she answers the question. \"My husband. He's a sailor. W-was a sailor. The storm, it... he was cover the flowers, and... the ground beneath him...\" She bursts into tears. You step away.\"");
          womanTalked = true;
        if (womanTalked == true)
          println("You try to talk, but she doesn't respond.");
      if (personType == 9)
        if (ghostTalked == 0)
          println("You can't believe your eyes. \"Nell?\" She gasps. \"Dad!\" She runs over to you and you embrace. \"What happened,\" she stammers,\"Am I...dead?\" You sigh. \"It doesn't matter, I've found you now.\" She takes a step back. \"But... where is everybody else?\" There's a long silence before you speak. \"I don't know... but we'll find someone, don't worry. Come on, follow me.\""); //"Dad?" "Nell!" *embrace* "Am I.. dead?" "It doesn't matter, I'm so glad I've found you." "What about everyone else?" "I don't know. We'll find someone, don't worry."
          bridgetNell = 4;
        if (ghostTalked == 1)
          println("You can't believe your eyes. \"Nell?\" She gasps. \"Dad!\" She runs over to you and you embrace. \"What happened,\" she stammers,\"Am I...dead?\" You sigh. \"It doesn't matter, I've found you now.\" She takes a step back. \"But... where is everybody else?\" You smile. \"Don't worry, there's a ghost in the village you can stay with, and I bet they'll be more! Come on, follow me!\""); //"Dad?" "Nell!" *embrace* "Am I.. dead?" "It doesn't matter, I'm so glad I've found you." "What about everyone else?" "There's a ghost in the village. I want you to stay there while I look for Zira. "
          bridgetNell = 4;
        if (ghostTalked == 2)
          println("You can't believe your eyes. \"Nell?\" She gasps. \"Dad!\" She runs over to you and you embrace. \"What happened,\" she stammers,\"Am I...dead?\" You sigh. \"It doesn't matter, I've found you now.\" She takes a step back. \"But... where is everybody else?\" You smile. \"Don't worry, there's a ghost in the village you can stay with, and I bet they'll be more! Come on, follow me!\""); //"Dad?" "Nell!" *embrace* "Am I.. dead?" "It doesn't matter, I'm so glad I've found you." "What about everyone else?" "There's a ghost in the village. I want you to stay there while I look for Zira. "
          bridgetNell = 1;
      if (personType == 10)
        if (farmerTalked == false)
          println("\"Hello, there! What song is that?\" She looks up from the grain \"Just something I heard as a child,\" she answers. \"I've heard it it before,\" you remark. \"I hum it often,\" she says, returning to her work, \"It helps pass the time as I wait for his return.\"");
        if (farmerTalked == true)
          println("You try to get her attention, but either she doesn't walk to talk, or she isn't paying attention.");
      if (personType == 11) //barmaid
        if (barmaidTalked == true)
          println("She smiles. \"I'll see him... tonight.\""); //"I'll see him... tonight."
        if (barmaidTalked == false)
          println("\"Who are you?\" you ask the woman. She stares for a moment before answering. \"Who?\" she states, \"I know not\" You don't know what to say to that. Her eyes light up with realization. \"It'll happen... tonight!\""); //"Who are you?" "Who?... I know not." *you can't think of what to say* "It shall be... tonight"
          barmaidTalked = true;

    if (actionCourier == 8) //action2
      if (itemType == 2)
        if (maxwellSaved != 2)
          println("You reach for the lyre, but feel the woman's eyes watching you.");
        if (maxwellSaved == 2)
          println("You take the lyre. You feel in it a strange power. If you play this lyre where there is water, you will be able to understand that place's true nature.");
          lyre = true;
      if (itemType == 4)
        println("You take the sword. It glitters with a razor-sharp edge, capable of slaying any mortal creature.");
        sword = true;
      if (itemType == 7)
        println("You take the staff. Within it you feel a primal magic. If you use it where there is moss nearby, you will understand the secrets of that place.");
        staff = true;
      if (itemType == 8)
        println("You take the book. It is full of various writing that you might want to read.");
        book = true;
      if (itemType == 9)
        println("You take the goblet. In it, you can see the reflection of a young prince and a beautiful kingdom.");
        if (hourglassQuest == 0)
          hourglassQuest = 3;
        if (hourglassQuest == 1)
          hourglassQuest = 2;
          grandfatherTalked = false;
      if (personType == 1)
        println("The figures ignore you.");
      if (personType == 4)
        if (mentionedDeath == false)
          println("I know you have to go find Zira, now, but stay safe, dad!");
        if (mentionedDeath == true)
          println("I know you have to go find Zira, now, but stay safe... I guess?");

    if (actionCourier == 9) //textbox
      if (location <= 44)
        typing = true;
        poemNameSeen[location] = "";
      if(location == 111)
       currentScreen = 1;
      if (location == 333)
        currentScreen = 3;

    if (actionCourier == 10) //goblet
      if (location != 9)
        println("That doesn't work here.");
      if (location == 9)
        if (hourglassQuest == 2)
          println("\"Thank you,\" he says, \"and, of course, you may have this.\" He ruffles aroud his sack and pulls out the hourglass. \"What do I do with it?\" you ask. \"It's an hourglass! Put sand in it,\" he chuckles."); //"Thank you for that. In exchange, of course, have this." "What do I do with it?" What do you think? You fill it up with sand!"
        if (hourglassQuest == 3)
          println("\"Thank you,\" he chuckles, \"You've done this before haven't you? Well, here's the hourglass\" He pulls the hourglass out of his sack and gives it to you."); //"Thank you for that. You've... done this before haven't you? Well, here's the hourglass."
          hourglassQuest = 2;
        hourglass = true;

    if (actionCourier == 11) //hourglass
      if (sandType != 0 && bridgetNell != 1 && bridgetNell != 4)
        if (itemType ==  3)
          println("You pour the sand out of your hourglass and replace it with this sand. Suddenly, the world seem to change around, and the sun moves backwards across the sky, as the days fly by. When it stops, it is night. The sand begins to trickle down through the hourglass.");
          sandType = 2;
          sandLength = 5;
        if (itemType == 4 || itemType == 5)
          println("You pour the sand out of the hourglass and replace it with this sand. The world takes on a ghostly presence as the boundries between this world and the next are lifted before your eyes.");
          sandType = 4;
        if (itemType == 6)
          println("You pour the sand out of the hourglass and replace it with this sand. You feel the hourglass grow warm and then cool again. Holding it, you can almost feel ebb and flow of time.");
          sandType = 1;
        if (itemType ==  10)
          println("You pour the sand out of the hourglass and replace it with this sand. Then, the world around speeds ahead at an alraming pace. Years go by in seconds, and when it is done, the world around has changed into a day-lit city! The sand begins to trickle down through the hourglass.");
          sandType = 3;
          sandLength = 5;
      if (sandType == 0)
        if (itemType ==  3)
          println("You take the sand and pour it into your hourglass. Suddenly, the world seem to change around, and the sun moves backwards across the sky, as the days fly by. When it stops, it is night. The sand begins to trickle down through the hourglass.");
          sandType = 2;
          sandLength = 5;
        if (itemType == 4 || itemType == 5)
          println("You take the sand and pour it into your hourglass. The world takes on a ghostly presence as the boundries between this world and the next are lifted before your eyes.");
          sandType = 4;
        if (itemType == 6)
          println("You take the sand an pour it into your hourglass. You feel the hourglass grow warm and then cool again. Holding it, you can almost feel ebb and flow of time.");
          sandType = 1;
        if (itemType ==  10)
          println("You take the sand and pour it into your hourglass. Then, the world around speeds ahead at an alraming pace. Years go by in seconds, and when it is done, the world around has changed into a day-lit city! The sand begins to trickle down through the hourglass.");
          sandType = 3;
          sandLength = 5;
        if (itemType != 3 && itemType != 4 && itemType != 5 && itemType != 6 && itemType != 10)
          println("There is no sand here to take.");
      if (sandType != 0 && bridgetNell != 1 && bridgetNell != 4 && itemType != 3 && itemType != 4 && itemType != 5 && itemType != 6 && itemType != 10)
        println("You dump the sand onto the ground.");     
        sandType = 0;
      if (bridgetNell == 1 || bridgetNell == 4)
        println("You cannot dump the sand while you have Nell with you! You cannot risk losing her!");

    if (actionCourier == 12) //horn
      if ((location != 14 && location != 16) || hornBlown == true)
        println("That won't work here.");
      if ((location == 14 || location == 16) && hornBlown == false)
        println("You blow through the horn, and the sound booms through the water. This is it!");
        hornBlown = true;

    if (actionCourier == 13) //sword
      if (location != 18 || jabberwockyKilled == true)
        println("Swinging that aroundt won't be any use here.");
      if (location == 18 && jabberwockyKilled == false)
        println("With one fell swoop, you cut the beast in half. It cries once more, then is still.");
        jabberwockyKilled = true;

    if (actionCourier == 14) //book
      if (location != 33 || tavernRuined == true)
        println("Paging through this book, you read many things. A section mjention freeing demons with a chant, and killing them by knowing their name. Another speaks of a great storm that will bring power to some lord. Finally, a bit mentions a child that will be needed to bring this lord to absolute power.");
      if (location == 33 && tavernRuined == false)
        println("You speak out the words and knock the bottles from the shelf. You're halfway through tearing the mementos off the wall when you hear a voice behind you. \"May I help you?\" You turn and see a burning figure in a gentelman's coat looking at you mirthfully. Before you can speak, it adds, \"You know what? I have places to go. But as a token of my gratitude, have this.\" It takes out a slender wand from its pocket and hands it to you. \"If you are near a fire, use it, and you will understand the true nature of that place. Handy, no?\" And with that, it jumps up the the chimney, cackling with glee, and leaving a lit fireplace in its wake.");
        tavernRuined = true;

    if (actionCourier == 15) //wand
      if (fire != true || poemNameSeen[location] == poemNameTrue[location])
        println("There is no need to use the wand here.");
      if (fire == true && poemNameSeen[location] != poemNameTrue[location])
        if (location <= 44)
          poemNameSeen[location] = poemNameTrue[location];
        if (location == 27)
          tigerKilled = true;
        if (location == 0)
          crewSaved = true;
        if (location == 111)
          println("The memories of this place... it was once a beautiful town, you remember.  Now all tha tis left is the church to the NORTH.");
          villageSolved = true;

    if (actionCourier == 16) //eye
      if (stars != true || poemNameSeen[location] == poemNameTrue[location])
        println("There is no need to look here with the eye,");
      if (stars == true && poemNameSeen[location] != poemNameTrue[location])
        if (location <= 44)
          poemNameSeen[location] = poemNameTrue[location];
        if (location == 0)
          crewSaved = true;

    if (actionCourier == 17) //staff
      if (moss != true || poemNameSeen[location] == poemNameTrue[location])
        println("There is no need to use the staff here.");
      if (moss == true && poemNameSeen[location] != poemNameTrue[location])
        if (location <= 44)
          poemNameSeen[location] = poemNameTrue[location];

    if (actionCourier == 18) //lyre
      if(location <= 44)
        if (water != true || poemNameSeen[location] == poemNameTrue[location])
          println("There is no need to play the lyre here.");
        if (water == true && poemNameSeen[location] != poemNameTrue[location])
          poemNameSeen[location] = poemNameTrue[location];
      if (location == 222)
        println("The king hands you the horn, and says,\n \"It raises dreamers from their bed.\n It's loud enough to wake the dead!\"\nWith that, he rises into the sky and disappears.");
        horn = true;
      if(location == 111 || location == 333)
        println("There is no need to play the lyre here.");

void locationFunction()
  if ((time >= 0 && time <= 11 && sandType != 2) || (sandType == 3))
  if ((time >= 12 && time <= 23 && sandType != 3) || (sandType == 2))
  fill(100, 50, 0);
  rect(10, 10, 180, 180);

  if (typing == false && currentScreen == 0)

    if (place[0] == 0)
      if (place[1] == 3) // 0 Swimmers

      if (place[1] == 6) // 1 Maxwell's Island

    if (place[0] == 1)
      if (place[1] == 0) //[Church]
        if (churchLocation == 0)
          if (bridgetNell == 0 || sandType != 4) // 2 Disused Graveyard
          if (bridgetNell != 0 && sandType == 4) // 3 Nell Graveyard
      if (churchLocation == 1)
        if (time >= 0 && time <= 11) // 4 Abandoned Church
        if (time >= 12 && time <= 23) // 5 Eldritch Messenger
      //   if(churchLocation == 2) // 6 Belfry
      //   {
      //    belfry();
      //   }

    if (place[1] == 1) // X Burned Village

    if (place[1] == 2) //[Tower]
      if (towerLocation == 0) // 7 Tower Outside
    if (towerLocation == 1) // 8 Tower Inside

  if (place[1] == 3)
    if (bridgetNell == 0 || bridgetNell == 1 || bridgetNell == 4) // 9 Father Time
    if (bridgetNell == 2 || bridgetNell == 3) // 10 Pointing Man

  if (place[1] == 5) // Y Black Mountain

  if (place[1] == 6) //[Cliff]
    if (cliffLocation == 0)
      if (sandType != 2) // 11 Present Cabin
      if (sandType == 2) // 12 Past Cabin
  if (cliffLocation == 1) // 13 Mossy Grave
  if (cliffLocation == 2)
    if (sandType != 2) // 14 Present Shore
    if (sandType == 2) // 15 Past Shore

if (place[1] == 7)
  if (hornBlown == false || sandType != 4) // 16 Excalibur
  if (hornBlown == true && sandType == 4) // 17 Bridget/Nell Ghost

if (place[0] == 2)
  if (place[1] == 1) // 18 Jabberwocky

  if (place[1] == 2)
    if (time >= 0 && time <= 11) // 19 Farmer Wife
    if (time >= 12 && time <= 23) // 20 Empty Field

  if (place[1] == 3)
    if (sandType != 3) // 21 Festive City
    if (sandType == 3) // 22 Valery Dictator

  if (place[1] == 4) // Z Great Desert

  if (place[1] == 5)
    if (sandType != 2 && sandType != 4) // 23 Desolate City
    if (sandType == 2) // 24 Chance Meeting
    if (sandType == 4) // 25 Ghost Barmaid

  if (place[1] == 6)
    if (time >= 0 && time <= 11 && sandType != 2) // 26 Starting Location
    if (time >= 12 && time <= 23 && sandType != 2) // 27 Stormy Forest
    if (sandType == 2) // 28 Past Forest

if (place[0] == 3)

  if (place[1] == 2) // 29 Wife's Cabin

  if (place[1] == 3)
    if (time >= 0 && time <= 11 && sandType != 3) // 30 Feasting Palace
    if (time >= 12 && time <= 23 && sandType != 3) // 31 Fool's Palace
    if (sandType == 3) // 32 Future Palace

  if (place[1] == 5)
    if (tavernRuined == false && (sandType != 4 || (time >= 0 && time <= 11))) // 33 Tavern
    if (tavernRuined == true && (sandType != 4 || (time >= 0 && time <= 11))) // 34 Sinful Inn
    if (sandType == 4 && time >= 12 && time <= 23) // 35 Highwayman

  if (place[1] == 6) //[Monastery]
    if (monasteryLocation == 0)
      if (sandType != 2) // 36 Present Monastery
      if (sandType == 2) // 37 Past Monastery
  if (monasteryLocation == 1) // 38 Zira's Note
  if (monasteryLocation == 2) // 39 Holy Book

if (place[0] == 4)
  if (place[1] == 3)
    if (sandType != 3) // 40 Present Garden
    if (sandType == 3) // 41 Future Garden

  if (place[1] == 4)
    if (sandType != 3) // 42 Present Desert
    if (sandType == 3) // 43 Future Desert

  if (place[1] == 5) // 44 Present Autumn

if (sandType == 1 && (location ==  4 || location == 5 || location == 19 || location == 20 || location == 26 || location == 27 || location == 30 || location == 31 || location == 11 || location == 13 || location == 14 || location == 40))
  println("The hourglass glows and you feel it grow hot. Something will change with the passing of time here - you are certain.");

if (morning == false & time == 0)
  println("You see the sun rising to the EAST. It is day.");
  morning = true;
if (morning == true & time == 12)
  println("You see the sun setting to the WEST. It is night.");
  morning = false;


fill(34, 139, 34); //forest
rect(10, 10, 60, 120); //upper left
rect(130, 10, 180, 120); //upper right
rect(190, 130, 120, 60); //upper right
rect(130, 370, 60, 120); //lower right
rect(190, 430, 60, 60); //lower right
rect(250, 310, 60, 180); //lower right

fill(90, 90, 90);
rect(70, 10, 60, 60); //church
rect(190, 370, 60, 60); //monastery

fill(85, 107, 47);
rect(70, 70, 60, 60); //burned village

fill(128, 0, 128);
rect(10, 130, 120, 60); //mountains

fill(245, 179, 39);
rect(130, 130, 60, 60); //field

fill(244, 164, 96); //shore
rect(10, 190, 60, 60); //swimmers
rect(70, 370, 60, 60); //cliff cabin

fill(205, 133, 63);
rect(70, 190, 60, 60); //old road

fill(140, 140, 140); //city
rect(130, 190, 60, 60); //festive
rect(130, 310, 60, 60); //desolate

fill(70, 130, 180);
rect(190, 190, 60, 60); //palace

fill(50, 205, 50);
rect(250, 190, 60, 60); //garden

fill(64, 164, 223); //water
rect(10, 250, 60, 240);
rect(70, 310, 60, 60);
rect(70, 430, 60, 60);

fill(255, 215, 0);
rect(70, 250, 240, 60); //desert

fill(139, 69, 19);
rect(190, 310, 60, 60); //tavern

fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(40+(60*place[0]), 40+(60*place[1]), 30, 30);
if (currentScreen == 0)
  if (exit[0] == 1)
    fill(80, 40, 20);
    rect(395, 10, 40, 70); //north
    text("N", 407, 51);
  if (exit[1] == 1)
    fill(80, 40, 20);
    rect(440, 85, 70, 40); //east
    text("E", 469, 112);
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gonna one-up FoU - with an FG in my personal text!
    • View Profile
Re: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2017, 08:34:41 pm »

Code: [Select]
  if (exit[2] == 1)
    fill(80, 40, 20);
    rect(395, 130, 40, 70); //south
    text("S", 407, 171);
  if (exit[3] == 1)
    fill(80, 40, 20);
    rect(320, 85, 70, 40); //west
    text("W", 346, 112);
  fill(240, 240, 20);
  ellipse(415, 105, 40, 40); //wait

  if (location == 2 || location == 3)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Enter Church", 480, 31);
  if (location == 4 || location == 5)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Go to Graveyard", 468, 31);
  if (location == 7)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Enter Tower", 483, 31);
  if (location == 8)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Go Outside", 487, 31);
  if (location == 11 || location == 12)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Follow Trail", 485, 31);
  if (location == 13 || location == 14 || location == 15)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Go to Cabin", 485, 31);
  if (location == 28)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Follow Road", 485, 31);
  if (location == 36 || location == 37)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Enter Monastery", 469, 31);
  if (location == 38)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Go to Table", 485, 31);
  if (location == 39)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 10, 165, 30); //extra move 1
    text("Go to Window", 487, 31);

  if (location == 11 || location == 14)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 45, 165, 30); //extra move 2
    text("Go to Grave", 484, 66);
  if (location == 13)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 45, 165, 30); //extra move 2
    text("Go to Beach", 484, 66);
  if (location == 28)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 45, 165, 30); //extra move 2
    text("Follow Path", 485, 66);
  if (location == 38)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(445, 45, 165, 30); //extra move 2
    text("Go Outside", 487, 66);

  if (personType == 1)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 135, 165, 30); //action (talk)
    text("Talk to Fishermen", 462, 156);
  if (personType == 2)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 135, 165, 30); //action (talk)
    text("Talk to Man", 483, 156);
  if (personType == 3 && personType == 5)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 135, 165, 30); //action (talk)
    text("Talk to Ghost", 477, 156);
  if (personType == 6)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 135, 165, 30); //action (talk)
    text("Talk to Zira", 484, 156);
  if (personType == 7)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 135, 165, 30); //action (talk)
    text("Talk to Grandfather", 456, 156);
  if (personType == 8)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 135, 165, 30); //action (talk)
    text("Talk to Woman", 472, 156);
  if (personType == 9)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 135, 165, 30); //action (talk)
    text("Talk to Nell", 483, 156);
  if (personType == 10)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 135, 165, 30); //action (talk)
    text("Talk to Farmer", 474, 156);

  if (itemType == 2)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 170, 165, 30); //action (take)
    text("Take Lyre", 492, 191);
  if (itemType == 4)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 170, 165, 30); //action (take)
    text("Take Sword", 485, 191);
  if (itemType == 7)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 170, 165, 30); //action (take)
    text("Take Staff", 490, 191);
  if (itemType == 8)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 170, 165, 30); //action (take)
    text("Take Book", 488, 191);
  if (itemType == 9)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 170, 165, 30); //action (take)
    text("Take Goblet", 483, 191);
  if (personType == 1)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 170, 165, 30); //action (talk+)
    text("Talk to Figures", 473, 191);
  if (personType == 4)
    fill(100, 100, 255);
    rect(445, 170, 165, 30); //action (talk+)
    text("Talk to Nell", 483, 191);

  rect(320, 210, 290, 20); //textbox
  if (location <= 44)
    text(poemNameSeen[location], 325, 225);
  if (location == 111 || location == 333)
    text("PUZZLE", 325, 225);
  if (location == 222 && horn == false)
    text("<cypher title>", 325, 225);
  if (location == 222 && horn == true)
    text("<uncypher title>", 325, 225);

  if (hourglassQuest >= 2 && hourglass == false)
    rect(320, 239, 140, 44); //item 1
    text("Goblet", 365, 266);
  if (hourglass == true)
    rect(320, 239, 140, 44); //item 1
    text("Hourglass", 354, 266);
  if (horn == true)
    rect(320, 288, 140, 44); //item 2
    text("Horn", 372, 315);
  if (sword == true)
    rect(320, 337, 140, 44); //item 3
    text("Sword", 367, 364);
  if (book == true)
    rect(320, 386, 140, 44); //item 4
    text("Book", 372, 413);

  if (wand == true)
    fill(230, 0, 0);
    rect(470, 239, 140, 44); //wand
    text("Wand", 520, 266);
  if (eye == true)
    fill(230, 230, 0);
    rect(470, 288, 140, 44); //eye
    text("Eye", 528, 315);
  if (staff == true)
    fill(0, 230, 0);
    rect(470, 337, 140, 44); //staff
    text("Staff", 523, 364);
  if (lyre == true)
    fill(0, 0, 230);
    rect(470, 386, 140, 44); //lyre
    text("Lyre", 520, 413);
if(currentScreen == 1)

 text("FILL IN THE MISSING",393,40);
 text("PIECES OF THE POEM",390,65);
 text("The farthest northern reaches hide", 330, 100);
 text("A vil         by the mountainside,", 330, 120);
 text("And never in the time I’ve roamed,", 330, 140);
 text("Have I found places so alone.", 330, 160);
 text("For not a tr       er’s come near", 330, 200);
 text("This curs’d place in twice the        ,", 330, 220);
 text("And none have seen its down       , save", 330, 240);
 text("The spirits of a hasty grave.", 330, 260);
 text("While walking through here I can see", 330, 300);
 text("The ashes of what         to be,", 330, 320);
 text("But there is one thing that sur lll-lll :", 330, 340);
 text("The church - at last I have  l-l ived.", 330, 360);
 text("For I have come to read the stones -", 330, 400);
 text("The marks of friends of town called home.", 330, 420);

if (currentScreen == 3)
  fill(139, 69, 19);
  rect(320, 10, 290, 480);

  text("SELECT THE LINES OF THE", 371, 40);
  text("POEM IN THE CORRECT ORDER", 355, 65);

  text("Pondered he, his village land.", 330, 95);
  text("Could it hear his call?", 330, 120);
  text("Was it there at all,", 330, 145);
  text("past the seizing, sinking sand?", 330, 170);

  rect(325, 205, 280, 20);
  text(desertPuzzleTrue[desertPuzzleOrder.get(0)], 330, 220);
  if (desertPuzzleUsed[0] == true)
    fill(140, 100);
    rect(325, 205, 280, 20);
  rect(325, 230, 280, 20);
  text(desertPuzzleTrue[desertPuzzleOrder.get(1)], 330, 245);
  if (desertPuzzleUsed[1] == true)
    fill(140, 100);
    rect(325, 230, 280, 20);
  rect(325, 255, 280, 20);
  text(desertPuzzleTrue[desertPuzzleOrder.get(2)], 330, 270);
  if (desertPuzzleUsed[2] == true)
    fill(140, 100);
    rect(325, 255, 280, 20);
  rect(325, 280, 280, 20);
  text(desertPuzzleTrue[desertPuzzleOrder.get(3)], 330, 295);
  if (desertPuzzleUsed[3] == true)
    fill(140, 100);
    rect(325, 280, 280, 20);

  rect(325, 330, 280, 20);
  text(desertPuzzleTrue[desertPuzzleOrder.get(4)], 330, 345);
  if (desertPuzzleUsed[4] == true)
    fill(140, 100);
    rect(325, 330, 280, 20);
  rect(325, 355, 280, 20);
  text(desertPuzzleTrue[desertPuzzleOrder.get(5)], 330, 370);
  if (desertPuzzleUsed[5] == true)
    fill(140, 100);
    rect(325, 355, 280, 20);
  rect(325, 380, 280, 20);
  text(desertPuzzleTrue[desertPuzzleOrder.get(6)], 330, 395);
  if (desertPuzzleUsed[6] == true)
    fill(140, 100);
    rect(325, 380, 280, 20);
  rect(325, 405, 280, 20);
  text(desertPuzzleTrue[desertPuzzleOrder.get(7)], 330, 420);
  if (desertPuzzleUsed[7] == true)
    fill(140, 100);
    rect(325, 405, 280, 20);

  if (desertSolved == false)
    fill(255, 100, 100);
    rect(335, 440, 125, 35);
    text("Reset", 377, 463);

  fill(100, 100, 255);
  rect(470, 440, 125, 35);
  text("Done", 513, 463);

void keyPressed()
  if (typing == true)
   if(currentScreen == 0)
    if (key != CODED && key != DELETE && key != BACKSPACE && key != RETURN && key != ENTER && key!= TAB)
      poemNameSeen[location] = poemNameSeen[location]+key;
    if (key == BACKSPACE && poemNameSeen[location].length() > 0)
      poemNameSeen[location] = poemNameSeen[location].substring(0, poemNameSeen[location].length()-1);
    if (key == ENTER || key == RETURN)
      if ((poemNameSeen[location].toLowerCase()).equals(poemNameTrue[location].toLowerCase()) == true)
        poemNameSeen[location] = poemNameTrue[location];
        typing = false;
        if (location == 27)
          tigerKilled = true;
        if (location == 0)
          crewSaved = true;
      } else
        poemNameSeen[location] = "? ? ?";
        typing = false;
  if(currentScreen == 1)
    if(key != CODED && key != DELETE && key != BACKSPACE && key != RETURN && key != ENTER && key!= TAB)
   villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox] = villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox]+key;
  if(key == BACKSPACE && villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].length() > 0)
   villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox] = villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].substring(0,villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].length()-1);
  if(villagePuzzleBox <= 4 && villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].length() >= 4)
   if((villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].toLowerCase()).equals(villagePuzzleTrue[villagePuzzleBox].toLowerCase()) == true)
    villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox] = villagePuzzleTrue[villagePuzzleBox];
    typing = false;
    villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox] = "----";
    typing = false;
  if(villagePuzzleBox == 5 && villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].length() >= 5)
   if((villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].toLowerCase()).equals(villagePuzzleTrue[villagePuzzleBox].toLowerCase()) == true)
    villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox] = villagePuzzleTrue[villagePuzzleBox];
    typing = false;
    villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox] = "-----";
    typing = false;
  if(villagePuzzleBox == 6 && villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].length() >= 3)
   if((villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox].toLowerCase()).equals(villagePuzzleTrue[villagePuzzleBox].toLowerCase()) == true)
    villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox] = villagePuzzleTrue[villagePuzzleBox];
    typing = false;
    villagePuzzleSeen[villagePuzzleBox] = "---";
    typing = false;
  if(villagePuzzleSeen[0] == villagePuzzleTrue[0] && villagePuzzleSeen[1] == villagePuzzleTrue[1] && villagePuzzleSeen[2] == villagePuzzleTrue[2] && villagePuzzleSeen[3] == villagePuzzleTrue[3] && villagePuzzleSeen[4] == villagePuzzleTrue[4] && villagePuzzleSeen[5] == villagePuzzleTrue[5] && villagePuzzleSeen[6] == villagePuzzleTrue[6])
   villageSolved = true;



void swimmers()
  location = 0;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = true;
  water = true; // By time lyre is acquired, poem is revealed

  if (crewSaved == false && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" SOLEMN SEASIDE\n\n You are on craggy, rocky coastline. There is a ship tethered in the water. On the shore, you see a group of FISHERMEN next to a sputtering fire, almost invisible in the harsh sunlight. Before them, a pair of strange figures rising out of the surf. One looks familiar, but you can't quite remember who they are. They look so strange - ebony white with crimson hair. This place makes you feel uneasy, and you wonder if it would be better to go back the road to the EAST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 1;
  if (crewSaved == false && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" SOLEMN SEASIDE\n\n You are on craggy, rocky coastline. The ocean here reflects the stars like a thousand swirling embers, unbroken but for a single tethered ship. On the shore, you see a group of FISHERMEN next to a sputtering fire. Before them, a pair of strange figures rising out of the surf. One looks familiar, but you can't quite remember who they are. They look so strange - ebony white with crimson hair. This place makes you feel uneasy, and you wonder if it would be better to go back the road to the EAST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 1;
  if (crewSaved == true && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" SOLEMN SEASIDE\n\n You are on craggy, rocky coastline. On the shore, you see a sputtering fire, almost invisible in the harsh sunlight. Here, you truly feel alone. You wonder if it would be better to go back the road to the EAST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (crewSaved == true && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" SOLEMN SEASIDE\n\n You are on craggy, rocky coastline. The water reflects the stars with crystal perfection. On the shore, you see a sputtering fire. Here, you truly feel alone. You wonder if it would be better to go back the road to the EAST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void maxwellsIsland()
  location = 1;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (maxwellSaved == 0 && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println("You are standing on a small island, a dozen feet across. The surface is covered with flowers of all kinds, reaching with their petals towards the sun. In the center stands a man, his eyes are brimming with excitement and tears. Behind you, your ship rocks in the petal-strewn water - the way back shore to the EAST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 2;
  if (maxwellSaved == 0 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println("You are standing on a small island, a dozen feet across. The surface is covered with flowers of all kinds, closed in the light of the moon. In the center stands a man, his eyes are brimming with excitement and tears, and the nightgales sit beside him, singing their saviour song across the waves. Behind you, your ship rocks in the starry, petal-strewn water - the way back shore to the EAST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 2;
  if (maxwellSaved != 0 && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println("You are standing on a small island, a dozen feet across. The surface is covered with flowers of all kinds, reaching with their petals towards the sun. Behind you, your ship rocks in the petal-strewn water - the way back shore to the EAST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (maxwellSaved != 0 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println("You are standing on a small island, a dozen feet across. The surface is covered with flowers of all kinds, closed in the light of the moon. In the center, the nightgales sing a song across the waves. Behind you, your ship rocks in the starry, petal-strewn water - the way back shore to the EAST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void disusedGraveyard()
  location = 2;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false; //smoke hangs overhead
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (sandType != 4 && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" DESOLATE GRAVEYARD\n\n Here, where the gravestones lie in turmoil, there is a peace. Through the graveyard is woven a garden of mosses and vines, growing quickly in the warm light of the sun. Will it, you wonder, ever be able to cover the past completely? Before you, the CHURCH rises like a monument this ruined past, but the path SOUTH leads only to ashes.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (sandType != 4 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" DESOLATE GRAVEYARD\n\n Here, where the gravestones lie in turmoil, there is a peace. Through the graveyard is woven a garden of mosses and vines, blending against the charred masonry in this black night. The stars cannot peirce through the haze of moke that still lingers above. There is a single light here, a glowing strangeness within the CHURCH, and you wonder whether it would be better to just turn around and go back SOUTH.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (sandType == 4 && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" DESOLATE GRAVEYARD\n\n Here, where the gravestones lie in turmoil, there is a peace. Through the graveyard is woven a garden of mosses and vines, growing quickly in the warm light of the sun. For a moment, you cannot see him, but suddenly you notice a GHOST floating in the graveyard. They seem lost in thought. Next to them, the CHURCH stands in ruined majesty, the only lasting building from the village to the SOUTH.");
    if (ghostTalked == 0)
      ghostTalked = 1;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 2;
  if (sandType == 4 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" DESOLATE GRAVEYARD\n\n Here, where the gravestones lie in turmoil, there is a peace. Through the graveyard is woven a garden of mosses and vines, blending against the charred masonry in this black night. For a moment, you cannot see him, but suddenly you notice a GHOST floating in the graveyard. They seem lost in thought. Next to them, the CHURCH stands in ruined majesty, the only lasting building from the village to the SOUTH."); //only one ghost is awake!
    if (ghostTalked == 0)
      ghostTalked = 1;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 2;

  //bellRung = false;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void nellGraveyard()
  location = 3;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  println("Serene Graveyard\n"); //note: most others have titles included in descriptive text. This is an exception.
  if (bridgetNell == 1 && mentionedDeath == false)
    println("As you enter the graveyard, you hear a shout. \"Bridget!\" The GHOST floats over to you and thanks you profusely. After a moment, he asks, \"How'd you do it?\" You shrug and say, \"There was this strange king on an mountain in a lake and he gave me this horn when I played a lyre for this queen. Then I blew the horn and used the sand in this hourglass to get Nell.\" The ghost gives you a weird loo. Sheepishly, yo uadd, \"A lot of strange stuff has happened to me lately, that's all.\" The ghost just shrugs, but just as it looks lie he's going to say somethng, he gasps. \"If you could find all that, could you find a person who could bring Bridget and I back to life?\" You wonder why this didn't occur to you before. \"I might. Let me see what I can do!\""); //tells you that nell could be ressurected
    bridgetNell = 2;
  if (bridgetNell == 4 && mentionedDeath == false)
    println("As you enter the graveyard, you hear a shout. \"Bridget!\" The GHOST floats over to you and thanks you profusely. After a moment, he asks, \"You too? How'd you get here?\" You shrug and say, \"There was this strange king on an mountain in a lake and he gave me this horn when I played a lyre for this queen. Then I blew the horn and used the sand in this hourglass to get Nell. And there was a sword...\" The ghost gives you a weird look. Sheepishly, you add, \"A lot of strange stuff has happened to me lately, that's all.\" The ghost just shrugs, but just as it looks lie he's going to say something, he gasps. \"If you could find all that, could you find a person who could bring Bridget and I back to life?\" You wonder why this didn't occur to you before. \"I might. Let me see what I can do!\""); ////tells you that nell could be ressurected; Note: ghost hasn't tasked you to get nell yet
    bridgetNell = 2;
  if (bridgetNell == 1 && mentionedDeath == true)
    println("<not implemented in final product>"); //tells you that nell and you could be ressurected
    bridgetNell = 2;
  if (bridgetNell == 4 && mentionedDeath == true)
    println("<not implemented in final product>"); ////tells you that nell and you could be ressurected; Note: ghost hasn't tasked you to get nell yet
    bridgetNell = 2;
  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" The sun shines down on this peaceful garden of mosses and vines. You can see NELL and the GHOST here, floating among the gravestones. Past them lies the CHURCH, or what's left of it, and behind you runs the path to the ashen remains of the village.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 3;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" The moon shines hazily upon the clumps of mosses and vines. You can see NELL and the GHOST here, floating among the gravestones. Past them lies the CHURCH, or what's left of it, and behind you runs the path to the ashen remains of the village.");

    itemType = 0;
    personType = 3;

  //bellRung = false;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void abandonedChurch()
  location = 4;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  //if(bellRung == false)
  println( "ABANDONED CHURCH\n\n You are in the ruins of the village church. The pews are covered with dust. Nothing remains but memories. The door nehind you leads to the GRAVEYARD.");
  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;
  //if(bellRung == true)
  //println("Abandoned Church. GHOSTS. BELFRY GRAVEYARD");
  //itemType = 0;
  //personType = 4;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void eldritchMessenger()
  location = 5;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = true; //weird eldritch star shines
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (eye == false)
    println(" ELDRITCH CHURCH\n\n A strange light illuminates this ruined place. The glow comes from a strange star hanging in the air, and in it you think you can see another world. Looking away, you realize a bizarre creature stands before you. It holds out its long appendage and drops a trinket at your feet. It looks like an amulet, but in the shape of an eye. It looks like it's made of a yellow metal, but like nothing you have seen before. When you look up, the ceature is gone. Hesitantly, you take the eye. When you do, you feel a strange power within it. If you use this eye in a place with stars, you will be able to see what hidden truths lie there. Perhaps it would be best to return to the GRAVEYARD.");
  if (eye == true)
    println(" ELDRITCH CHURCH\n\n A strange light illuminates this ruined place. The glow comes from a strange star hanging in the air, and in it you think you can see another world. Perhaps it would be best to return to the GRAVEYARD.");

  eye = true;

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

//void belfry()
//location = 6;

//exit[0] = 0;
//exit[1] = 0;
//exit[2] = 0;
//exit[3] = 0;

//if(time >= 0 && time <= 11)
//stars = false;
//if(time >= 12 && time <= 23)
//stars = true; //belfry is above the smoke
//moss = false;
//fire = false;
//water = false;

//println("Belfry.  CHURCH");

//itemType = 1;
//personType = 0;


void burnedVillage()
  location = 111;

  if (villageSolved == false)
    exit[0] = 0;
  if (villageSolved == true)
    exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  if (villageSolved == false)
    fire = false;
  if (villageSolved == true)
    fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (villageSolved == false)
    println(" BURNED VILLAGE\n\n You are in the remenants of a burned village. A thick haze still lingers in the sky. There must be something left here, if you can only remember what. If you cannot, the road to the EAST will start you on your way back to the city.");
  if (villageSolved == true)
    println(" BURNED HOMETOWN\n\n You remember this place. This is the burned husk of your hometown. There is nothing here, but there is the church to the NORTH of here that still remains. The road to the EAST will lead you out of hee as well.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void towerOutside()
  location = 7;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" DARK TOWER\n\n The light cannot illuminate this tower of black stone. Like the nest of some bird, it is hidden in the crevace between two large stones. There is a door to enter the TOWER, and a path to leave to the SOUTH."); //make connection to birds nest (from "White Magic" and "Zira")
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" DARK TOWER\n\n The stars shine like tears above this tower of black stone. Like the nest of some bird, it is hidden in the crevace between two large stones. There is a door to enter the TOWER, and a path to leave to the SOUTH."); //make connection to birds nest (from "White Magic" and "Zira")

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void towerInside()
  location = 8;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  println(" GODDESS' CHAMBER\n\n  This room is blindingly bright, illuminated as if by the light of a thousand stars. In the center stands ZIRA. Your eyes do not decieve you. A single door leads OUTSIDE, though it is hard to find in this light."); //make connection to birds nest (from "White Magic" and "Zira")

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 6;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void fatherTime()
  location = 9;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (hourglassQuest == 0 && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. In the shade of one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road to the EAST and WEST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (hourglassQuest == 0 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. Under one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road and up at the stars to the EAST and WEST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (hourglassQuest == 1 && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. There is no one here, and so you decide to take shade under a tree before you continue on this road, going EAST or WEST."); //says he needs to take care of business and dissapears, telling you he should be back when you're done
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (hourglassQuest == 1 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. There is no one here, and so you decide to stop and look up at the stars before you continue on this road, going EAST or WEST."); //says he needs to take care of business and dissapears, telling you he should be back when you're done
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (hourglassQuest == 2 && time >= 0 && time <= 11 && hourglass == false)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. In the shade of one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road to the EAST and WEST."); //change description somehow
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (hourglassQuest == 2 && time >= 12 && time <= 23 && hourglass == false)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. Under one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road and up at the stars to the EAST and WEST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (hourglassQuest == 2 && time >= 0 && time <= 11 && hourglass == true)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. In the shade of one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road to the EAST and WEST."); //Note: Old man is there but won't talk. change description somehow
    grandfatherTalked = true;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (hourglassQuest == 2 && time >= 12 && time <= 23 && hourglass == true)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. Under one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road and up at the stars to the EAST and WEST."); //Note: Old man is there but won't talk. change decription somehow
    grandfatherTalked = true;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (hourglassQuest == 3 && time >= 0 && time <= 11) //hourglass quest = 2 after turning it in
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. In the shade of one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road to the EAST and WEST."); //NOTE: Keep in mind that he hasn't talked to you yet
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (hourglassQuest == 3 && time >= 12 && time <= 23) //hourglass quest = 2 after turning it in
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. Under one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road and up at the stars to the EAST and WEST."); //NOTE: Keep in mind that he hasn't talked to you yet
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void pointingMan()
  location = 10;

  if (bridgetNell == 2)
    exit[0] = 0;
  if (bridgetNell == 3)
    exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (bridgetNell == 2 && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. In the shade of one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road to the EAST and WEST.");
    grandfatherTalked = false;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (bridgetNell == 2 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. Under one such tree, you see an old GRANDFATHER with a sack on his back. He takes listtle notcie of you, but occasionally looks down the road and up at the stars to the EAST and WEST.");
    grandfatherTalked = false;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (bridgetNell == 3 && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. In the shade of one such tree, an old GRANDFATHER is grinning and pointing at a black tower in the mountains to the NORTH. There is no path leading there, but the road you're on leads EAST to WEST."); //change description somehow  NOTE: Old Man is there, but won't talk
    grandfatherTalked = true;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;
  if (bridgetNell == 3 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" OLD ROAD\n\n You are on a long dirt road, unremarkable except for the occasional tree by the side. Under one such tree, an old GRANDFATHER is grinning and pointing at a black tower in the mountains to the NORTH. You'll have to make your way there by starlight, for there is no path leading there. The road you're on only leads EAST to WEST."); //change description somehow  NOTE: Old Man is there, but won't talk
    grandfatherTalked = true;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 7;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void blackMountain()
  location = 222;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (horn == false)
    println(" YQMAD PFIWGMEW\n\nMiles he traveled in vain, for their sake,\nthen the black mountain he found on the lake.\nKnowing not why, he now climbs to the peak,\nfeeling this brings him to what he does seek.\n\nBut as he scales the stygian stone,\nfeelings familiar turn to unknown.\nWandering, wondering; waking, asleep;\n onward he stumbles. The mountain grows steep.\n\nFinally reaching the peak, it must seem,\nto his perceptions, that this is a dream\nFor, now before him a king here does stand,\nand in a riddle lays down his command:\n\n\"E wvvx m giwv jfc gov livvw fj gov qenog,\nuf E amw xewv ew ovc kmqmav gfwenog,\nuov uafcwvx ph ofcw uf E'qq qvmtv eg yvoewx\n- ej hfi reqq ovqk pv - gf mex ew hfic jewx.\"");
  if (horn == true)
    println(" BLACK MOUNTAIN\n\n You are are on the black montain. The ground seems to waver under your feet, and the sky is like none you've ever seen. Are you delirious, or has the world come to madness while you have remained sane. You cannot tell, but you don't plan on staying here and finding out. The way back to your ship lies to the SOUTH."); //NOTE: When lyre is played, the player is told what the horn should be used for  (or will the village ghosts say that?)

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void presentCabin()
  location = 11;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2017, 08:36:46 pm »

Code: [Select]
  water = false;

  println(" CABIN BY THE CLIFF\n"); //note: most others have titles included in descriptive text. This is an exception.
  if (maxwellSaved == 0 && time >= 0 && time <= 11) //day doesn't depend on tiger being dead or alive
    println("You see a cabin ahead of you, and you can hear the sound of the ocean, but you cannot see it from here. In the shadow of the cabin is a WOMAN, crying and wandering aimlessly. Behind her is a GRAVE overlooking the cliff, and a small TRAIL leading down below. To the EAST is the forest.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 8;
  if (tigerKilled == false && maxwellSaved == 0 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println("You see a cabin ahead of you, and you can hear the sound of a violent storm, and rain is pouring everywhere. Under the cabin's overhang is a WOMAN, crying and wandering aimlessly. Behind her is a GRAVE overlooking the cliff, and a small TRAIL leading down below. To the EAST is the forest. You think you can hear a melody, but the storm is too loud to tell where it's coming from.");
    water = true;
    stars = false;
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 8;
  if (tigerKilled == true && maxwellSaved == 0 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println("You see a cabin ahead of you, illuminated by the stars and moon alone, and you can hear the sound of the ocean, but you cannot see it from here. Beside the cabin is a WOMAN, crying and wandering aimlessly. Behind her is a GRAVE overlooking the cliff, and a small TRAIL leading down below, from where you can hear a beautiful birdsong. To the EAST is the forest.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 8;
    songHeard = true;
  if (maxwellSaved == 1) //assumes tiger is dead
    println("The woman looks up and sees the man. \"Maxwell!\" she shouts, and he runs over to her. After they embrace, the woman looks to you. \"Thank you so much, I thought he was gone forever. Please, you may have my lyre.\" With that, they go into the cabin.");
    maxwellSaved = 2;
  if (maxwellSaved == 2 && time >= 0 && time <= 11) //assumes tiger is dead
    println("You see a cabin ahead of you, and you can hear the sound of the ocean, but you cannot see it from here. Past the cabin is a GRAVE overlooking the cliff, and a small TRAIL leading down below. To the EAST is the forest.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (maxwellSaved == 2 && time >= 12 && time <= 23) //assumes tiger is dead
    println("You see a cabin ahead of you, illuminated by the stars and moon alone, and you can hear the sound of the ocean, but you cannot see it from here. Past the cabin is a GRAVE overlooking the cliff, and a small TRAIL leading down below, from where you can hear a beautiful birdsong. To the EAST is the forest.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time >= 11)
    println("\ncAs the day reaches its end, dark clouds gather over the forest to the EAST.");

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void pastCabin()
  location = 12;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  println(" CABIN ON THE CLIFF\n\n You see a cabin ahead of you, illuminated by the stars and moon alone, and you can hear the sound of the ocean, but you cannot see it from here. Behind he cabin is a garden, and a small TRAIL leading down below. To the EAST is the forest.");
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println("\nOnly a few grains of sand remain in the hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void mossyGrave()
  location = 13;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (maxwellSaved != 2 && time >= 0 && time <= 11) //day doesn't depend on tiger being dead or alive
    println(" MOSSY GRAVESTONE\n\n You stand before a gravestone. A couple of flowers lie next to it, and a blue LYRE is leaning against the side. Upon the stone's mossy face is written an epitaph:\n\nMAXWELL\nNow forever he will lay,\nwhere he often went away.\nHe returned to sea,\naccidentally;\nthis time, he has gone to stay.\n\n Looking over the cliff this grave perches on, you can see the crashing waves below. Nearby, there is a small BEACH, and behind you, the CABIN.");
    stars = false;
    itemType = 2;
    personType = 0;
  if (tigerKilled == false && maxwellSaved != 2 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" MOSSY GRAVESTONE\n\n You stand before a gravestone, while a storm rages all around you. A couple of flowers tremble next to the grave, and a blue LYRE is leaning against the side. Upon the stone's mossy face is written an epitaph:\n\nMAXWELL\nNow forever he will lay,\nwhere he often went away.\nHe returned to sea,\naccidentally;\nthis time, he has gone to stay.\n\n Looking over the cliff this grave perches on, you can just barely make out the roaring and swirling waves below. Nearby, there is a small BEACH, and behind you, the CABIN. You think you can hear a melody, but you cannot tell where it is coming from over the sound of the storm.");
    itemType = 2;
    personType = 0;
  if (tigerKilled == true && maxwellSaved != 2 && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" MOSSY GRAVESTONE\n\n You stand before a gravestone. A couple of flowers lie next to it, and a blue LYRE is leaning against the side. Upon the stone's mossy face is written an epitaph:\n\nMAXWELL\nNow forever he will lay,\nwhere he often went away.\nHe returned to sea,\naccidentally;\nthis time, he has gone to stay.\n\n Looking over the cliff this grave perches on, you can see the waves below. Nearby, there is a small BEACH, and behind you, the CABIN. You can hear birdsong coming from across clear waters - reflecting the stars like a mirror - WEST of the beach.");
    itemType = 2;
    personType = 0;
    songHeard = true;
  if (maxwellSaved == 2 && lyre == false && time >= 0 && time <= 11) //assumes tiger is dead
    println(" MOSSY GRAVESTONE\n\n You stand before a gravestone. A couple of flowers lie next to it, and a blue LYRE is leaning against the side. Upon the stone's mossy face is written an epitaph:\n\nMAXWELL\nNow forever he will lay,\nwhere he often went away.\nHe returned to sea,\naccidentally;\nthis time, he has gone to stay.\n\n Looking over the cliff this grave perches on, you can see the crashing waves below. Nearby, there is a small BEACH, and behind you, the CABIN."); //woman is inside
    itemType = 2;
    personType = 0;
  if (maxwellSaved == 2 && lyre == false && time >= 12 && time <= 23) //assumes tiger is dead
    println(" MOSSY GRAVESTONE\n\n You stand before a gravestone. A couple of flowers lie next to it, and a blue LYRE is leaning against the side. Upon the stone's mossy face is written an epitaph:\n\nMAXWELL\nNow forever he will lay,\nwhere he often went away.\nHe returned to sea,\naccidentally;\nthis time, he has gone to stay.\n\n Looking over the cliff this grave perches on, you can see the waves below. Nearby, there is a small BEACH, and behind you, the CABIN. You can hear birdsong coming from across clear waters - reflecting the stars like a mirror - WEST of the beach."); //woman is inside
    itemType = 2;
    personType = 0;
  if (maxwellSaved == 2 && lyre == true && time >= 0 && time <= 11) //assumes tiger is dead
    println(" MOSSY GRAVESTONE\n\n You stand before a gravestone. A couple of flowers lie next to it, withered by time and the ocean air. Upon the stone's mossy face is written an epitaph:\n\nMAXWELL\nNow forever he will lay,\nwhere he often went away.\nHe returned to sea,\naccidentally;\nthis time, he has gone to stay.\n\n Looking over the cliff this grave perches on, you can see the crashing waves below. Nearby, there is a small BEACH, and behind you, the CABIN."); //woman is inside
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (maxwellSaved == 2 && lyre == true && time >= 12 && time <= 23) //assumes tiger is dead
    println(" MOSSY GRAVESTONE\n\n You stand before a gravestone. A couple of flowers lie next to it, withered by time and the ocean air. Upon the stone's mossy face is written an epitaph:\n\nMAXWELL\nNow forever he will lay,\nwhere he often went away.\nHe returned to sea,\naccidentally;\nthis time, he has gone to stay.\n\n Looking over the cliff this grave perches on, you can see the waves below. Nearby, there is a small BEACH, and behind you, the CABIN. You can hear birdsong coming from across clear waters - reflecting the stars like a mirror - WEST of the beach."); //woman is inside
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time <= 11)
    println("\nAs the day reaches its end, dark clouds gather over the forest to the EAST.");

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void presentShore()
  location = 14;

  if (crewSaved == false)
    exit[0] = 0;
  if (crewSaved == true)
    exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  if (crewSaved == false || songHeard == false)
    exit[3] = 0;
  if (crewSaved == true && songHeard == true)
    exit[3] = 1;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (crewSaved == false && songHeard == false && time >= 0 && time <= 11) //tigerKilled irrelevent at day
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. The waters are unusually calm to the SOUTH. To the NORTH, too far to swim, is a black mountain rising from out of the water. You can see the GRAVE from here, and you know the CABIN is just up the trail.");
  if (crewSaved == false && tigerKilled == false && time >= 12 && time <= 23) //songHeard irrelevent at night
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. The waves are crashing against the shore in this violent storm, but the waters are unusually calm to the SOUTH. To the NORTH, too far to swim, is a black mountain rising from out of the water. You can see the GRAVE from here, and you know the CABIN is just up the trail. You think you can hear a strange melody, but you don't know where it's coming from on account of the storm.");
    stars = false;
  if (crewSaved == true && songHeard == false && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. A ship rocks on the calm waves, but the waters are even calmer to the SOUTH. To the NORTH, reachable by boat, is a black mountain rising from out of the water. You can see the GRAVE from here, and you know the CABIN is just up the trail.");
  if (crewSaved == true && tigerKilled == false && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. The waves are crashing against the ship in this violent storm, but the waters are unusually calm to the SOUTH. To the NORTH, reachable by boat, is a black mountain rising from out of the water. You can see the GRAVE from here, and you know the CABIN is just up the trail. You think you can hear a strange melody, but you don't know where it's coming from on account of the storm.");
    stars = false;
  if (crewSaved == false && songHeard == true && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. The waters are unusually calm to the SOUTH. To the NORTH, too far to swim, is a black mountain rising from out of the water. You can see the GRAVE from here, and you know the CABIN is just up the trail. You know that something lies to the WEST, but you cannot risk swimming there."); //knows something lies west
  if (crewSaved == false && tigerKilled == true && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println("NIGHT Fairy Shore (song). SOUTH CABIN GRAVE");
    songHeard = true;
  if (crewSaved == true && songHeard == true && time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. The waters are unusually calm to the SOUTH, and you can see the stars reflected with crystal perfection. To the NORTH, too far to swim, is a black mountain rising from out of the water. You can see the GRAVE from here, and you know the CABIN is just up the trail. From across the waters to the WEST, you hear a birdsong.");
  if (crewSaved == true && tigerKilled == true && time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. A ship rocks on the calm waves, but the waters are unusually calm to the SOUTH, where you can see the stars reflected with crystal perfection. To the NORTH, too far to swim, is a black mountain rising from out of the water. You can see the GRAVE from here, and you know the CABIN is just up the trail. From across the waters to the WEST, you hear a birdsong.");
    songHeard = true;
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time <= 11)
    println("\nAs the day reaches its end, dark clouds gather over the forest to the EAST.");

  itemType = 3;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void pastShore()
  location = 15;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = true;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (sandLength > 1)
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. The stars twinkle all around, but you know you don't have much time. The CABIN should be just up the trail.");
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println(" ROCKY SHORE\n\n You are on a seashore dotted by many large boulders and covered with a rich, pinkish sand. The stars twinkle all around, but your attention is caused by some movement by the water. Something is moving - a group of little figures. They are carrying something into the water, but you can't see what it is.");
    println("\nOnly a few grains of sand remain in the hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void excalibur()
  location = 16;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (sword == false)
    println(" OCEAN FLOOR\n\n Down here, the silvery sand seems to stretch on for miles. Before you, however, lies something unexpected. A large stone with a SWORD in it. Other than that, there is nothing here. You dare not go anywhere but back NORTH."); //No DAY or NIGHT because there is no distinguishment
    itemType = 4;
    personType = 0;
  if (sword == true)
    println(" OCEAN FLOOR\n\n Down here, the silvery sand seems to stretch on for miles. You dare not go anywhere but back NORTH."); //No DAY or NIGHT because there is no distinguishment
    itemType = 5;
    personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void bridgetNellGhost()
  location = 17;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (sword == false && bridgetNell == 0)
    println(" OCEAN FLOOR\n\n Upon the silvery sand, a ghost floats next to a SWORD in the stone. It is a ghost you recognize. It is NELL."); //No DAY or NIGHT because there is no distinguishment
    itemType = 4;
    personType = 9;
  if (sword == true && bridgetNell == 0)
    println(" OCEAN FLOOR\n\n Upon the silvery sand, a ghost floats next to a SWORD in the stone. It is a ghost you recognize. It is NELL."); //No DAY or NIGHT because there is no distinguishment
    itemType = 5;
    personType = 9;
  if (sword == false && bridgetNell != 0)
    println(" OCEAN FLOOR\n\n Down here, the silvery sand seems to stretch on for miles. Before you, however, lies something unexpected. A large stone with a SWORD in it. Other than that, there is nothing here. You dare not go anywhere but back NORTH."); //No DAY or NIGHT because there is no distinguishment
    itemType = 4;
    personType = 0;
  if (sword == true && bridgetNell != 0)
    println(" OCEAN FLOOR\n\n Down here, the silvery sand seems to stretch on for miles. You dare not go anywhere but back NORTH."); //No DAY or NIGHT because there is no distinguishment
    itemType = 5;
    personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void jabberwocky()
  location = 18;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  if (jabberwockyKilled == false)
    exit[3] = 0;
  if (jabberwockyKilled == true)
    exit[3] = 1;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11 && jabberwockyKilled == false)
    println(" FORGOTTEN SWAMP\n\n You stand in the muck and filth of a swamp. However, this is not the end of your troubles - before you, a strange beast growls and watches you with contempt. It looks frumulous, and champs its teeth with a primal hatred. You dare not cross its path, so the only way from here is SOUTH.");
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23 && jabberwockyKilled == false)
    println(" FORGOTTEN SWAMP\n\n You stand in the muck and filth of a swamp. However, this is not the end of your troubles - before you, a strange beast growls and watches you with contempt. It looks frumulous, and its eyes glow brighter than the stars,. You dare not cross its path, so the only way from here is SOUTH.");
  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11 && jabberwockyKilled == true)
    println(" FORGOTTEN SWAMP\n\n You stand in the muck and filth of a swamp. Before you lies the carcass of a beast, now dead. Past it lies a path to the WEST, while another path runs SOUTH.");
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23 && jabberwockyKilled == true)
    println(" FORGOTTEN SWAMP\n\n You stand in the muck and filth of a swamp. Before you lies the carcass of a beast, now dead. By the light of the stars, you see that past it is a path to the WEST, while another path runs SOUTH.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void farmerWife()
  location = 19;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time == 0)
    println("You are on a road beside a wheat field. A FARMER walks up to the edge of the field and starts reapeing the grain. As she does so, she hums a song that you remember from your childhood. Looking about you, it seems that the only way to go from here is NORTH and SOUTH."); //description must include words "solitary" and "reaper"
  if (time >= 1 && time <= 10)
    println("You are on a road beside a wheat field. A solitary FARMER reaps the grain. As she does so, she hums a song that you remember from your childhood. Looking about you, it seems that the only way to go from here is NORTH and SOUTH."); //description must include words "solitary" and "reaper"
  if (time == 11)
    println("You are on a road beside a wheat field. A FARMER reaps the grain, but then stops. She gathers up what she has reaped and gets ready to leave. You, too, look about and wonder wther you should go NORTH or SOUTH."); //description must include words "solitary" and "reaper"

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 10;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void emptyField()
  location = 20;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time == 12)
    println("You are on a road beside a wheat field. A figure walks EAST through the wheatfield, but you cannot tell who they are by starlight. You wonder if you should continue along the path NORTH or SOUTH, or if you should follow.");
  if (time != 12)
    println("You are on a road beside a wheat field. The stars have come out, and as you look around, you see a small trail through the wheatfield to the EAST. You wonder if you should continue along the path NORTH or SOUTH, or if you should follow it.");
  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void festiveCity()
  location = 21;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 1;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" BUSTLING MARKET\n\n There are the shouts and cries of vendors all around you. You gather your thoughts and think - where should you go now. To the NORTH is a place you feel like you should return to. To the EAST is the king's palace, no doubt in more festivities. To the WEST lies a sea shore you have gone to before. To the SOUTH lies the great desert.");
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" BUSTLING MARKET\n\n There are the shouts and cries of vendors all around you, while fireworks and stars sparkle in the sky. You gather your thoughts and think - where should you go now. To the NORTH is a place you feel like you should return to. To the EAST is the king's palace, no doubt in more festivities. To the WEST lies a sea shore you have gone to before. To the SOUTH lies the great desert.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void valeryDictator()
  location = 22;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = true; //fuel fires? unnatural light?
  water = false;

  println(" BUSTLING SLAVEWORKS\n\n You see slaves in lines carrying materials through the ruins of a city. They go in all directions, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST.");
  if (ziraProgress == 0)
    println("\n This is terrible. There must be some way to stop this!");
    ziraProgress = 3;
  if (ziraProgress == 1)
    println("\n This all the proof you uneed.");
    ziraProgress = 2;
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println("\nThere are only a couple of grains of sand left in the hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void greatDesert()
  location = 333;

  if (desertSolved == false)
    exit[0] = 0;
  if (desertSolved == true)
    exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (desertSolved == false)
    println(" GREAT DESERT\n\n The sand blows from all directions here. The golden dunes work and rework themselves every moment. If you are to make your way back across, you must remember the path you took here. Otherwise, you can only go back SOUTH.");
  if (desertSolved == true)
    println(" GREAT DESERT\n\n The sand blows from all directions here. The golden dunes work and rework themselves every moment, but you know how to cross the desert now. As long as you don't stray away from the NORTH and SOUTH, you can walk across without any danger.");

  itemType = 6;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void desolateCity()
  location = 23;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  println(" RUINED CITY\n\n You wonder what could cause such destruction. The shattered buildings lie everywhere around you, and the sky is a dark cloud of impenetrable blackness. You look and see a single building still standing to the EAST. Other than that, the only way to go from here are the through the city gates to the NORTH and SOUTH.");
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time >= 11)
    println("\nAs night approaches, the clouds gather above the desert to the SOUTH.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void chanceMeeting()
  location = 24;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  println(" STARRY CITY\n\n You are in a city and through the crowds you can see a man on horseback. He is walking away from a woman by a tavern to the EAST, ans she waves at him as he leaves. For a moment, their eyes meet, and then he is off to the SOUTH. Most people however, go to the NORTH with trading caravans into the great desert.");
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println("\n Only few grains are left in your hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void ghostBarmaid()
  location = 25;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time >= 1 && time <= 10)
  println(" GHOSTLY CITY\n\n You wonder what could cause such destruction. The shattered buildings lie everywhere around you, and the sky is a dark cloud of impenetrable blackness. A ghost seems to be the only person left here. Dressed as a BARMAID, she looks very out of place here. You look and see a single building still standing to the EAST. Other than that, the only way to go from here are the through the city gates to the NORTH and SOUTH."); //includes "identity" or conversation in poem
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 11;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" RUINED CITY\n\n You wonder what could cause such destruction. The shattered buildings lie everywhere around you, and the sky is a dark cloud of impenetrable blackness. You look and see a single building still standing to the EAST. Other than that, the only way to go from here are the through the city gates to the NORTH and SOUTH.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (time == 0)
    println("Ghostly City (barmaid coming back). BARMAID. NORTH EAST SOUTH"); //includes "identity" or conversation in poem
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 11;
  if (time == 11)
  println(" GHOSTLY CITY\n\n You wonder what could cause such destruction. The shattered buildings lie everywhere around you, and the sky is a dark cloud of impenetrable blackness. A ghost floats towards you from the EAST. Dressed as a BARMAID, she looks very out of place here. You look and see a single building still standing to the EAST. Other than that, the only way to go from here are the through the city gates to the NORTH and SOUTH.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time >= 11)
    println("\nAs night approaches, the clouds gather above the desert to the SOUTH.");

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void startingLocation()
  location = 26;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  println(" DEWDROP FOREST\n\n You are at a crossroads in a forest. The water drips down from the leaves, and the ground underfoot is muddy. The paths from here lead NORTH, EAST, and WEST.");
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time >= 11)
    println("\nAs the night approaches, the clouds begin to to grow darker above you.");
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2017, 08:37:20 pm »

Code: [Select]

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void stormyForest()
  location = 27;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = true; //NOTE: Naming the Tiger kills it - manually or with wand
  water = true; //lyre not gotten yet

  if (tigerKilled == false)
    println(" TWISTED WOODS\n\n This is a cursed place. The trees twist in terrible ways, and you look for a place to leave. Suddenly, a lightning strike lights up the world around you. In the place of the strike, a fiery beast crouches. As you watch it, you realize it is getting ready to pounce!");
  if (tigerKilled == true)
    println(" MIDNIGHT SANCTUARY\n\n There is nothing here but the rain and the trees. The paths here lead NORTH, EAST, and WEST.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void pastForest()
  location = 28;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false; //leaves in the way
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (sandLength != 1)
  println(" AUTUMN CROSSROADS\n\n You are at a crossroads. There is a ROAD that looks like it has been walked much. The other way is a PATH that has seen little wear. Behind you - to the WEST - is the way you got here.");
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println(" AUTUMN CROSSROADS\n\n You are at a crossroads. There is a ROAD that looks like it has been walked much. The other way is a PATH that has seen little wear. Behind you - to the WEST - is the way you got here. You see a figure on horseback ride down the ROAD towards you. You hear them shout, \"Hand over your goods!\"\n\nThere are only a couple of grains left in your hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void wifesCabin()
  location = 29;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (staff == false)
    println("You stand in front of a small hut, while a heavy rain falls all around. Some moss clings to a stone, and while broken reeds flal in the wind. Againt the side of the hut leans a heavy STAFF. Behind you is a trail to the WEST.");
    itemType = 7;
    personType = 0;
  if (staff == true)
    println("You stand in front of a small hut, while a heavy rain falls all around. Some moss clings to a stone, and while broken reeds flal in the wind. Behind you is a trail to the WEST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (time <= 11)
    println("\n You see the door of the hut open. Realizing that you might be tresspassing, you run to the WEST.");
    time = time + 1;
    place[0] = 2;
    place[1] = 2;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void feastingPalace()
  location = 30;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = true; //fireplace
  water = false;

  if (time == 0)
    println(" ROYAL FEAST\n\n You are in a long dining room, but all the guests are whispering amonst each other. The light of the fireplace casts shadows around the room. Suddenly, the king enters from the EAST and room goes back to feasting and conversation. While looking around, you overhear some snippets of what they're saying:");
  if (time != 0)
    println(" ROYAL FEAST\n\n You are in a long dining room, while a feast happens all around you. Meat is roasted over a fire, and wine is drunk i excess. While looking around, you overhear some snippets of conversation:");
  if (time == 0 || time == 3 || time == 6 || time == 9)
    println("\n\"...who knows the things he thinks about..\"\n\"...blew over, through the desert heat...\"\n\"...and now, that we’re not in a drought...\"\n\"...oh, finally! Now, take a seat...\"");
  if (time == 1 || time == 4 || time == 7 || time == 10)
    println("\n\"...not only were they levelled, but...\"\n\"...should have invested in the crop...\"\n\"...and he’s not giving me his cut...\"\n\" ruins - we’ve come out on top...\"");
  if (time == 2 || time == 5 || time == 8 || time == 11)
    println("\n\" think it’s wrong to feast, when they...\"\n\" I’ll be off. I loved the pies...\"\n\"...but how long will it be that way...\"\n\"...with all the rain, they’re twice the size...\"");
  println("\n Across the hall, you can see a king get onto his throne. Behind him is a door leading EAST. Across from him are the palace gates, leading WEST.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void foolsPalace()
  location = 31;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = true; //fireplace
  water = false;

  if (time == 0)
    println(" ROYAL FEAST\n\n You are in a long dining room, while a feast happens all around you. Meat is roasted over a fire, and wine is drunk i excess. As the festivities wind down, however, the king calls for his jester to be brought before him. The king tells him something, and in response, the jester gets on one knee and starts to speak. The room is too loud to hear what they are saying, but when he finishes, you can see the king has grown pale. He gets off the throne, and stumbles into the room to the EAST. The guests stop talking, and begin to gossip in whispers. The jester has managed to slip away, perhaps out the palace gates to the WEST.");
  if (time != 0)
    println(" ROYAL FEAST\n\n You are in a long dining room, but all the guests are whispering amonst each other. The light of the fireplace casts shadows around the room. Every once in a while, a guest looks over to a door behind he throne to the EAST. No one enters the door however, or gets up to leave through the gates to the WEST.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void futurePalace()
  location = 32;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = true; //crown thing? like the zira effect
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  println("You are in a long hall, bare except for a single throne. Upon sits a man, and around him stand well-dressed noblemen. The man is pale, with crimson hair, redder than even the glow of the unattended fireplace. He is speaking, and with every thing he says, he laughs, and the noblemen laugh as well. Other than that, only the palace gates to the WEST and the door to the EAST are here.");
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println("\nOnly a few grains remain in your hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void tavern()
  location = 33;

  exit[0] = 0;
  if (time <= 11)
    exit[1] = 0;
  if (time >= 12 || highwaymanRevealed == true)
    exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (highwaymanRevealed == false)
   println(" SHIFTY SCHOLAR\n\n This place looks like it hasn't been used for a long time, but it's still remained in good repair. On one wall of the tavern are hung a bunch of mementos. Between the flowers, trinkets, and bundles of moss that have been left as souvenirs, someone has written something:\n\nIn this place of many midnight revel,\nHas within a trapped, unwilling devil.\nSo, although he’s yearning to be free,\nIt’s his power that keeps us so merry.\n\n You disiss it as the ramblings of a drunkard, but you still give a hasty glance towards the door to the WEST.");
  if (highwaymanRevealed == true)
   println(" SHIFTY SCHOLAR\n\n This place looks like it hasn't been used for a long time, but it's still remained in good repair. On one wall of the tavern are hung a bunch of mementos. Between the flowers, trinkets, and bundles of moss that have been left as souvenirs, someone has written something:\n\nIn this place of many midnight revel,\nHas within a trapped, unwilling devil.\nSo, although he’s yearning to be free,\nIt’s his power that keeps us so merry.\n\n You disiss it as the ramblings of a drunkard, but you still give a hasty glance towards the door to the WEST and the window to the EAST.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void sinfulInn()
  location = 34;

  exit[0] = 0;
  if (time <= 11)
    exit[1] = 0;
  if (time >= 12 || highwaymanRevealed == true)
    exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = true;
  water = false;

  if (highwaymanRevealed == false)
    println(" SINFUL INN\n\n This place has been ripped apart. Liquor bottles are strewn on the floor, and shelves are in disarray. The fireplace has a smoldering flame, and the smoke stains the ceiling. The door stands open to the WEST.");
  if (highwaymanRevealed == true)
    println(" SINFUL INN\n\n This place has been ripped apart. Liquor bottles are strewn on the floor, and shelves are in disarray. The fireplace has a smoldering flame, and the smoke stains the ceiling. The door stands open to the WEST, but the window to the EAST holds an exit as well.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void highwayman()
  location = 35;

  exit[0] = 0;
  if (time <= 11)
    exit[1] = 0;
  if (time >= 12 || highwaymanRevealed == true)
    exit[1] = 1;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time == 12)
    println(" FORGOTTEN INN\n\n This place looks as if it once was a bustling inn. Now, it stands empty and alone. Suddenly, you hear a clattering of hoofbeats, outside the window. The door opens, and a ghostly BARMAID enters, just as the window is flung open wide by a specter of a HIGHWAYMAN. Outside, you can see a trail to the EAST, hidden in the undergrowth, and baerly visible by the starlight. The two of them stare at each other with affection, but don't say a word. The door to the WEST is still open.");
    highwaymanRevealed = true;
  if (time >= 13 && time <= 22)
    println(" FORGOTTEN INN\n\n This place looks as if it once was a bustling inn. Now, only you and the ghosts of the BARMAID and HIGHWAYMAN are here. The two of them stare at each other with affection, but don't say a word. Outside, you can see a trail to the EAST, hidden in the undergrowth, and barely visible by the starlight. The door to the WEST is still open.");
    highwaymanRevealed = true;
  if (time == 23)
    println(" FORGOTTEN INN\n\n This place looks as if it once was a bustling inn. Now, only you and the ghosts of the BARMAID and HIGHWAYMAN are here. Then, very slowly, the HIGHWAY MAN turns and rides back to the EAST. After a moment, the BARMAID closes the window and leaves. Past the window is still the path to the east EAST, and the door to the WEST is still open.");
    highwaymanRevealed = true;

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void presentMonastery()
  location = 36;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" ABANDONED MONASTERY\n\n The path here is covered with heavy moss and underbrush. Ahead, it leads to a large, stone MONASTERY. A single tower rises out of the building, and the path from the WEST leads up to a door in the bottom.");
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" ABANDONED MONASTERY\n\n The path here is covered with heavy moss and underbrush. Ahead, it leads to a large, stone MONASTERY. A single tower rises out of the building, and by the starlight, you see the path from the WEST leads up to a door in the bottom.");
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time >= 11)
    println("As night approaches, dark clouds gather above the forest to the WEST.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void pastMonastery()
  location = 37;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = true;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  println("You are on a small trail eading up to a stone MONASTERY. By starlight, you see a group of monks enters up the monastery and starts climbing the steps to the tower. You hear a shout from the WEST.");
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println("There are only a couple of grains left in your hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void zirasNote()
  location = 38;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" THE FINAL WORD\n\n There is a latticework window in the wall here, and from here, you can see over the desert and even the mountains beyond. Beaneath the window is a note scratched into the wall:\n\nFather, do not look for me.\n    -Zira\n\n Looking around the room, you see a TABLE nearby, and the staircase leading OUTSIDE."); //mention why you couldn't go to other areas of the monastery during description of OUTSIDE
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" THE FINAL WORD\n\n There is a latticework window in the wall here, and from here, you can see the stars, over the desert and even the mountains beyond. Beaneath the window is a note scratched into the wall:\n\nFather, do not look for me.\n    -Zira\n\n Looking around the room, you see a TABLE nearby, and the staircase leading OUTSIDE."); //mention why you couldn't go to other areas of the monastery during description of OUTSIDE
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time >= 11)
    println("As night approaches, you can see dark clouds gather above the forest to the WEST.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void holyBook()
  location = 39;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = true; //holy water bowl

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11 && book == false)
    println(" DUSTY TABLE\n\n There is a table here, pushed up against the wall. A BOOK lies upon the table, next to a jug of water. Dusty swirls in the air from a draft coming from the WINDOW nearby.");
    itemType = 8;
    personType = 0;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23 && book == false)
    println(" DUSTY TABLE\n\n There is a table here, pushed up against the wall. A BOOK lies upon the table, next to a jug of water. You feel a cold draft coming from the WINDOW nearby."); //seperate description because of window in adjacent location
    itemType = 8;
    personType = 0;
  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11 && book == true)
    println(" DUSTY TABLE\n\n There is a table here, pushed up against the wall. A jug of water has been placed on the table. Dusty swirls in the air from a draft coming from the WINDOW nearby.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23 && book == true)
    println(" DUSTY TABLE\n\n There is a table here, pushed up against the wall. A jug of water has been placed on the table. You feel a cold draft coming from the WINDOW nearby."); //seperate description because of window in adjacent location
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (tigerKilled == false && time >= 9 && time >= 11)
    println("\n Through the window, you can see dark clouds gathering above the forest to the WEST.");

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void presentGarden()
  location = 40;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = true;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  if (time == 0 && hourglassQuest < 2)
    println(" ROYAL GARDEN\n\n You are in a beautiful garden. In the center is a lake, and on the other side is a marble gazebo in which a king sits, while a jeweled silver GOBLET lies beside him. There are all kinds of plants here, from delicate roses to simple mosses. The king gets up from the gazebo and leaves through the WEST exit, and the GOBLET evaporates.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (time == 0 && hourglassQuest >= 2)
    println(" ROYAL GARDEN\n\n You are in a beautiful garden. In the center is a lake, and on the other side is a marble gazebo in which a king sits. There are all kinds of plants here, from delicate roses to simple mosses. The king gets up from the gazebo and leaves through the WEST exit.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (time >= 1 && time <= 11)
    println(" ROYAL GARDEN\n\n You are in a beautiful garden. In the center is a lake, and on the other side is a marble gazebo. There are all kinds of plants here, from delicate roses to simple mosses. The path you stand on loops around the lake, and eventually leads back to the WEST exit.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (time == 12 && hourglassQuest < 2)
    println(" ROYAL GARDEN\n\n You are in a beautiful garden. In the center is a lake, and on the other side is a marble gazebo. There are all kinds of plants here, from delicate roses to simple mosses. A king enters the room, and as he walks by the lake, a small child comes out of the underbrush. The child talks to him and shows him a jewelled silver GOBLET, and then vanishes. Dreamlike, the king walks over to the gazebo, and sits down to think. Absentmindedly, the GOBLET slips out of his hands. You hear people start whispering fervrently from the doorway to the WEST.");
    itemType = 9;
    personType = 0;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23 && hourglassQuest < 2)
    println(" ROYAL GARDEN\n\n You are in a beautiful garden. In the center is a lake, and on the other side is a marble gazebo in which a king sits, while a jeweled silver GOBLET lies beside him. There are all kinds of plants here, from delicate roses to simple mosses. The path you are on leads to him, then loops around the lake to the WEST exit.");
    itemType = 9;
    personType = 0;
  if (time == 12 && hourglassQuest >= 2)
    println(" ROYAL GARDEN\n\n You are in a beautiful garden. In the center is a lake, and on the other side is a marble gazebo. There are all kinds of plants here, from delicate roses to simple mosses. A king enters the room, and as he walks by the lake, a small child comes out of the underbrush. The child talks to and then vanishes. Dreamlike, the king walks over to the gazebo, and sits down to think. You hear people start whispering fervrently from the doorway to the WEST.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23 && hourglassQuest >= 2)
    println(" ROYAL GARDEN\n\n You are in a beautiful garden. In the center is a lake, and on the other side is a marble gazebo in which a king sits. There are all kinds of plants here, from delicate roses to simple mosses. The path you are on leads to him, then loops around the lake to the WEST exit.");
    itemType = 0;
    personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void futureGarden()
  location = 41;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = true;

  println(" FORMER GARDEN\n\n You are in the ruins of the royal garden. The lake is frozen, and the plants have all withered. The gazebo has crumbled. There is a hole in the SOUTH wall, and a doorway to the WEST.");
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println("\nOnly a couple of grains remain in your hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void presentDesert()
  location = 42;

  exit[0] = 0;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 1;
  exit[3] = 0;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    stars = false;
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    stars = true;
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  if (time >= 0 && time <= 11)
    println(" DESERT MONUMENT\n\n A broken statue lies in the red sands of the desert. There is a faded plaque here, too old to read. The hot sun bleaches the statue and burns the sand. You dare not venture anywhere but back SOUTH.");
  if (time >= 12 && time <= 23)
    println(" DESERT MONUMENT\n\n A broken statue lies in the red sands of the desert. There is a faded plaque here, too old to read. The frigid air blows the sand around the vast desert. You dare not venture anywhere but back SOUTH.");

  itemType = 10;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void futureDesert()
  location = 43;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 0;

  stars = false;
  moss = true; //broken statue
  fire = false;
  water = false;

  println(" ALIEN CITY\n\n You are in a strange city. Tall buildings rise, and impresive cathedrals lie empty alll around you. There is a row of statues here, and one statue is still broken, left as a mockery to an ancient time, now covered with moss. There is a road here, leading NORTH. ");
  if (sandLength == 1)
    println("There are only a couple of grains of sand left in your hourglass.");

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);

void presentAutumn()
  location = 44;

  exit[0] = 1;
  exit[1] = 0;
  exit[2] = 0;
  exit[3] = 1;

  stars = false; //convinientleavesandshit
  moss = false;
  fire = false;
  water = false;
  println("You are in a heavy autumn wood. The branches blot out almost all the sky. A road turn here, going NORTH and WEST."); //special text?

  itemType = 0;
  personType = 0;

  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(70, 70, 60, 60);
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gonna one-up FoU - with an FG in my personal text!
    • View Profile
Re: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2017, 08:37:55 pm »

 That's all the code. Paste it in the order I posted it.
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Storm: A Poetry-based Text Adventure VIDEOGAME
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2022, 10:18:45 am »

Hi Tomasque, what language is it in?